As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was stunned!

I don't know how long it has been!

"You, you say it again!"

Qiu Yuanshan's voice changed its shape directly!

"I said, the Yang family seems to be destroyed!"

"This is impossible!"

Qiuyuan Mountain suddenly roared!

Take out your phone directly!

"Qiulu! Go to Yang's house immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yuanshan's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"It's you! You did it! Isn't it!"

"Uncle Qiu, what are you talking about?"

Jiang Fan looked astonished!

"How can I have that ability?"

"Don't pretend to be with me!"

Qiu Yuanshan's face is grim!

"Boy! Do you think I don't know what you did in Los Angeles?"

"There is such a deep hatred with the Yang family, and the ability to destroy the Yang family, who else besides you?!"

"I thought Qiu Mingyue's phone call could stop you, but I didn't expect that you would dare to make a move!"

"You bastard! I—"

Qiu Yuanshan is so angry that he has gone mad!

If the Yang family is dead, that secret will be of no use to it!

"Well, if you really think, I did this thing..."

Jiang Fan finally spoke slowly!

It's just that, at this moment, the smile on his face used as a cover has completely disappeared!

Instead, it is trembling gloomy and cruel!

"If you feel that I really did this thing! Then you should understand that since I can destroy the Yang family, I can also destroy the Qiu family!"


Qiuyuanshan's heart trembled heavily!

This look is too domineering!

At this moment, in front of him, it seemed that he was not a person at all, but a brutal and fierce beast with his disguise torn open and blood still on his teeth!

"you you……"

Qiuyuanshan unexpectedly felt a panic of fear!

"Jiang Fan!"

Qiu Mingyue's dark color is tight!

She knows Jiang Fan too much!

As long as Qiu Yuanshan dares to say half a word, Jiang Fan will definitely do it without hesitation!

Although he didn't have any feelings with Qiu Yuanshan, he wanted to kill him, but! At this time, if Jiang Fan really does it, there will be endless troubles!

At least, you have to wait until you have the ability to control the Qiu family!

Together with Qiu Mingyue's voice, Jiang Fan's little finger trembled undetectably!

"Hehe, Uncle Qiu, I'm joking with you! I didn't do the Yang family's destruction of the door!"

Jiang Fan suddenly reduced his momentum, revealing a harmless smile!

This kid!

Qiuyuanshan's pupils shrank!

for a long time!

He also laughed suddenly!

"Xiaofan, you are finally grown up! That's right! You are a helpless child, how can you have this kind of ability?"

"Uncle just now, just so shocked!"

"I have to thank you for telling me the news!"

"Uncle Qiu is polite, this is what I should do!"

"Haha, good, good!"

Qiu Yuanshan nodded!

"Xiaofan, the Yang family has met me after all. I should go and see it anyway. Let's talk another day?"

"Okay! Uncle go slowly!"

"Good, good!"

After saying this, Qiu Yuanshan smiled, turned and left!

All the way up the Rolls Royce downstairs, Qiu Yuanshan's complexion suddenly changed!

"Jiang Fan! You wicked obstacle! I knew that, at that time, I should have killed you!"

Qiu Yuanshan trembled, his eyes were bloodshot, and his fists were tightly clenched!

"Patriarch, do you need me to take action?"

In the co-pilot, a petite female secretary suddenly turned her head and looked towards Qiuyuan Mountain with a smile!

"Do not!"

Qiu Yuanshan took a deep breath, then shook his head heavily!

"This kid is hiding too deep! You may not be his opponent!"

"Furthermore, people from the Ma family will never pass him! The top priority is the Yang family! Let's go!"



"Jiang Fan, just now, just now..."

Seeing Qiu Yuanshan leave, Qiu Mingyue immediately looked nervous and looked at Jiang Fan!

"I know!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Qiu Mingyue was startled!

It turned out that he knew everything!

Then, the reason why he was like that just now, is it because of himself?

"I'll take you home!"


Qiu Mingyue smiled sweetly!


At this moment, Qiu Yuanshan and his entourage also arrived at Yang's house!

Unfortunately, it was a raging flame that greeted Qiuyuan Mountain!

At this moment, the entire Yang family was full of flames. Although there were more than a dozen fire trucks desperately spraying water, it was of no avail!

And the surrounding is full of crowds watching the excitement!

"Why did the Yang family suddenly catch fire?"

"I don't know, but it's weird. The fire is so big that I haven't seen anyone coming out!"

"Isn't it annihilated?"

"Don't talk nonsense! The Yang family is the seventh family in Los Angeles, who has the ability to kill them?"

Although the crowd's comments were extremely noisy, Qiu Yuanshan turned a deaf ear!

"Why, how could..."

Seeing the Yang family blazing into the sky, Qiu Yuanshan seemed to be lost!


A middle-aged man greeted him with strides!

This person is the confidant of Qiu Yuanshan, Qiu Lu!

"Qiulu! When did the fire start? Is there any rescue?"

"At least an hour! This fire, Patriarch..."

"God's will! God's will!"

Qiu Yuanshan suddenly gave a wry smile!

"That thing, even if it really exists, I'm afraid it will be completely burned out!"

"I have spent so much thought in vain! I had known this before, so I might as well dominate some of the Jiang family's properties at that time!"

"Patriarch, what are you talking about?"

Qiu Lu looked curious!

Qiu Yuanshan didn't answer, instead, he gave Qiu Lu a faint look!

Qiu Lu's heart is tight!

"Sorry Patriarch!"

"Let's go!"

Qiu Yuanshan waved his hand, led a group of subordinates, and left the scene soon!

The next day, at the same time Jiang Fan got up, a private jet also slowly landed at the Los Angeles Airport!

The cabin door opened, and two expressionless men slowly walked down the gangway!

These two people are only in their early twenties, and they are almost exactly the same. Besides, the energy fluctuations emitted from them are even stronger than the Beastmaster!

The two men stopped when they reached the gangway, and then came down an old woman with a rickety figure and gray hair!

Although this old woman is showing her oldness, her aura is actually stronger than those two young people!

It was not until the old woman slowly walked down the gangway and the hatch of the engine that a graceful and luxurious woman finally appeared!

This woman is in her thirties and has a beautiful face, but her eyes are thin and long, full of a mean taste!

Sniffing the air slightly, the woman directly took out a handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose, and then walked down the gangway with a look of disgust!

"Auntie San!"

Ma Chenglei, who had been waiting here a long time ago, hurriedly greeted him until then, and bowed respectfully to the woman!

This woman is impressively the Patriarch of the Ma family, Ma Donglai's younger sister, Ma Dongmei!

"Trash! Surprisingly, there are still faces appearing!"

Ma Dongmei snorted coldly! Eyes full of contempt!

"Yes, what the third aunt taught me!"

Ma Chenglei did not dare to look up at all!

"That takeaway star, very strong?"

"Yes! Look at his strength, at least, level five!"

"Huh! Level five, nothing more! Lead the way, now, go find him!"

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