It's over, it's over!

Yang Zhen and Yang Qi looked at each other, and they sat on the ground directly!

"Yang Qi! I just made this call because of the benefits you gave me! If you know me, you'd better run away as soon as possible!"

Tao Yuan's voice came from the phone, and immediately afterwards, the phone hung up!


At this moment, Yang Qi only felt that his mind was muddled!

Isn't that third presiding judge a tenth-level master?

There is also the chief judge. Listening to the name, you will know that he is definitely a super expert!

Why, why did you die like this?

Moreover, the Holy Light ruling, actually counted this account to the Yang family!

That's it! Completely finished!

Unexpectedly, not only failed to kill Jiang Fan, but the Yang family ushered in the biggest crisis!


At the beginning, I just wanted to teach Jiang Fan how to become like this!

"Father, what should I do?"

Yang Qi looked at Yang Zhen panicked!

However, at first glance, he was directly cold!

I saw that Yang Zhen's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with a little red blood!

"Father! What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

"Patriarch! Patriarch!"

Butler Yang Fu, also panicked!

"Please, beg for peace!"

Yang Zhen gritted his teeth! These words were almost spit out from between the teeth!

"He Jiang Fan, beg for peace!"


Yang Qi was stunned!

"The person who was judged by the Holy Light died in Los Angeles unexplainably. It must be related to Jiang Fan!"

"We underestimated him before! I should have thought that there were so many assassins from the Holy Light's ruling, but he has lived well to this day! This is enough to prove that the strength of this kid is far superior to ours. Imagine!"

After all, Yang Zhen is an old world. Once the prejudice against Jiang Fan disappears, he will immediately see the essence of the matter!

"That kid Jiang Fan is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface!"

"Please make peace! Give him whatever he wants! Just ask, he can keep my Yang family!"

For a moment, Yang Zhen seemed to be tens of years old!


Yang Qi was stunned!

Looked at Yang Zhen blankly!

Make peace with Jiang Fan?

In an instant, countless pictures flashed through his mind!

From the very beginning, in front of Qiu Mingyue, being reprimanded by Jiang Fan was faceless, to being violently beaten by Jiang Fan, and then broken by Niu Xinghe... everything, extremely clear, reappeared before his eyes!

At the end of the picture, it was the picture of Jiang Fan taking off his mask and piercing the needle on his forehead!


At this moment, Yang Qi only felt a splitting headache!

There seemed to be something in his mind, suddenly breaking free!

Everything in front of me seems to be different!

Yang Qi trembled and clenched his fists desperately!

for a long time!

"Do not!"

Yang Qi suddenly looked ruthless!

"I, Yang Qi, even if I die! I will never make peace with him!"

"You, what did you say?"

Yang Zhen's complexion changed!

"That **** Jiang Fan! The woman who robbed me! Interrupted my hands and feet! Made me foolish again and again!"

"This kind of hatred, this kind of resentment, how could I, Yang Qi, swallow it down!"

"I, Yang Qi, will never make peace with him!"

Yang Qi's eyes are full of deep hatred!

"Asshole! What if you have grudges and grudges? Now, it's the life and death of my Yang family!"

"So what? The Holy Light Ruling is just the third killer organization in Europe! Moreover, their current leaders are dead! As long as they find an organization stronger than them, they are afraid that they will not be able to resist their revenge?"

"Besides, who can prove that the person who ruled by the Holy Light died in Jiang Fan's hands? Lost City Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, what if it is those idiots who provoke others?"

Yang Qi sneered!

"You, what did you say?"

Yang Zhen was stunned!

"Patriarch, what the young master said is not unreasonable!"

Yang Fu looked happy!


Yang Zhen was furious!

"Idiot! You are simply drinking poison to quench your thirst! Even if you find a stronger organization, but if you can prevent it for a while, can you still prevent it for a lifetime?"

"Xiaoqi! Listening to his father, Jiang Fan, this person is by no means easy! The Holy Light has been ruling for so long, and he has not been able to do anything with him. It is enough to show his ability!"

"As long as he is willing to help us, the revenge of the Holy Light's ruling must be..."


Yang Qi interrupted Yang Zhen directly! Then, slowly standing up from the ground, he gave Yang Zhen a cold look!

"You are too old!"

"what did you say?"

"I said, you are too old! Already, it's useless! A mere Jiang Fan actually scared you like this! It seems that it is time for me to take over the Yang family!"

"You, you rebellious son!"

Yang Zhen trembled all over, directly, spouting a mouthful of blood!

"Patriarch! Patriarch!"

Yang Fu was taken aback and hurried to help Yang Zhen!

"Nizi! Yang Family, sooner or later, it will be ruined in your hands!"

Yang Zhen shook off Yang Fu and looked at Yang Qi in despair!


Yang Qi sneered!

"You are wrong! With the Yang family in my hands, it will only be more prosperous!"

"Housekeeper Yang! Help my father back to the bedroom and let him rest well!"


Yang Fu hesitated!

"What are you doing? Don't hurry up!"


Seeing the two of them leave, a strange black light flashed in Yang Qi's eyes!

At this moment, he unconsciously moved his finger at the tea cup not far away!

The teacup shook vaguely!

Yang Qi was startled slightly, and was about to continue trying, just now!


A loud noise suddenly came!

The door of the Yang family suddenly bounced off!

It was unexpectedly outside the door, waiting impatiently Jiang Fan, made a move!

At this moment, in the yard of the Yang family, a group of subordinates, as if they were facing an enemy, were all trembling, looking at Jiang Fan who came in slowly!

"Stop! Don't stop, we, we're welcome!"

The Yang family's thugs looked at Jiang Fan in an awkward manner!

"You're welcome?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Do you have that ability?"


A group of thugs were speechless!

Indeed, they are not even worthy of letting Jiang Fan make a move!

"You, what do you want?"

"What do I want? You should ask your master about this! Call out that idiot Yang Qi!"

"If he doesn't show up within half a minute, Lao Tzu will destroy the Yang Family Mansion!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

A group of thugs trembled in shock, and backed three steps together!

At this moment!

"Jiang Fan!"

A voice full of boundless hatred suddenly sounded!

Yang Qi, finally appeared!

"Jiang Fan! How dare you..."

Before Yang Qi finished speaking, Jiang Fan's figure suddenly moved!

Almost instantly, he arrived in front of Yang Qi!


A crisp sound!

At the moment when everyone did not react, Jiang Fan had already rounded his arms and slapped Yang Qi's face with a slap in the face!


Yang Qi screamed!

He was directly hit by Jiang Fan's head and hit the rockery behind him!

For a time, he broke his blood!


Jiang Fan stepped on Yang Qi's chest! In the eyes, the fierce light flashes!

"Boy, your tone, I don't like it very much!"

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