[Mission Name]: Collect incandescent grass.

[Mission difficulty]: Normal level.

【Task content】: It is necessary to collect no less than ten pounds of incandescent grass, the only requirement is fresh, and the picking time should not exceed ten days.


Incandescent grass is a common plant in the Qingyuan Forest, which can be used as a staple food for some contract spirits, and long-term use can slightly improve the wood and fire attributes in the body.

But fresh incandescent grass is needed, otherwise the internal fire attribute will be lost in large quantities, and it will not have much effect on the contract spirit.

Chen Shu then looked at the rest of the tasks.

[Mission Name]: Hunting Ironback Bears.

[Mission difficulty]: Dangerous.

[Mission content]: If the employer wants to go to the Qingyuan Forest to hunt the black iron-level mutant ironback bear, he needs to find the Royal Beast Master to go with him.

[Mission requirements]: Black Iron Level Royal Beast Master, experience in different spaces is preferred!


[Mission Name]: Capture the blue-eyed snake.

[Mission Name]: Recover the lost underwear.

[Mission Name]: Hunt the Ice Hare Lord.

Chen Shu couldn’t help but complain for a while, this Nima can even lose underwear, how does it feel so outrageous.

Besides, who would specifically release such a task, could it be underwear made of pure gold?

Well, now the whole world knows that you lost your underwear in the Qingyuan Forest.

Just as he was complaining, an option appeared inexplicably in front of him.

Sure enough, there was a surprise! It is not in vain that he spends most of the night as a street sneaker.

[Option 1: Accept any normal-level task. Completion reward: Medium Imperial Beast Power

] [Option 2: Accept the task of hunting the Ice Hare Lord, complete the reward: the skill ‘Gigantic’ plus one, if completed, get an additional reward: title ‘Lord Killer’, wearing effect: contract spirit damage to the lord’s fierce beast plus 5%]

Chen Shu was slightly stunned, play me, let me hunt the ice hare lord?

The bloodline of the ice hare is not strong, the highest of this race are lords, there is no king, it can be seen that it is mediocre.

But no matter how garbage it is, it is not something that Chen Shu, a small fifth-level imperial beast master, can touch porcelain.

However, the reward of gigantic plus one is too tempting, as the core skill of slime, the improvement of gigantic means that the damage of other skills will also increase, and size is the main attribute of slime.

His eyes turned, in fact, it was not without room for maneuver.

Chen Shu looked at the staff in the mission hall and said, “I want to ask, if the task is not completed, will there be any punishment?”

“Hello sir, you need to pay a deposit to accept the task, and if you fail, the deposit will be deducted.”

“How much deposit does the Ice Hare Lord’s mission require?”

Chen Shu now has about a hundred thousand Huaxia coins, and the deposit for ordinary tasks must be affordable, I am afraid that this task will be special.

The staff looked strange and said, “This task? The

corner of Chen Shu’s mouth twitched, looking at the other party’s strange gaze, he kept silently chanting in his heart: “This is not contempt, not contempt…”

“This task is issued by the army, no deposit is required, as long as you can hunt successfully, you can get rewards.”

“Huh?” Chen Shu spoke: “That means free?

“Yes, sir!”

Chen Shu waved his hand and said, “Are there any free tasks on your side, I want them all!” ”

Free quests? Take it, you!

The staff looked speechless, what about you casting this wide net and touching a silly fish?

“Sorry, the free mission is just this one for the time being.”

Chen Shu shook his head with regret and took over the task of hunting the Ice Hare Lord.

The staff handed him all the detailed information of the mission, and Chen Shumeizhi left the Royal Beast Master Association with the mission information.

At the same time, the Golden Slime’s gigantic skill was successfully increased by one.

Gigantic: Temporarily increase your body size by six times, and your speed will be reduced by a medium range.

Although the increase in body size is increasing, the side effects are also greater.

The speed of slime is already slow, and after turning on giganticism, the speed is even slower like a snail.

However, there are three levels of ‘charge’ at the top, and there is not much problem for the time being.

Chen Shu took the mission information and continued to study it.

[Mission Name]: Hunt the Ice Hare Lord.

[Mission difficulty]: Extremely dangerous

[Mission content]: Recently, an ice hare lord appeared in Qingyuan Forest, and often ordered the ice hare group to harass the Zhenling Army base, and specially issued this hunting mission. There is no threshold for this task!

[Mission Reward]: Fifty Huaxia Points

[Mission Difficulty]: One: The trace of the Ice Hare Lord is difficult to find, and there is no exact clue for the time being. Two: The Ice Hare Lord is powerful, and at least the Black Iron Royal Beast Master is needed to resist. Three: You can order the ice hare population, if it is surrounded and suppressed, there will be the possibility of total annihilation, I hope the beast masters do what they can!

【Mission Tip】: Ice hare is a severe hygienic patient, and its habitat is most likely in a clean and comfortable environment.

Chen Shu glanced at the mission information, turned his head and threw it to the back of his mind.

Not to mention that it takes great luck to find it, and even if you find it, you can’t deal with it yourself.

The Ice Hare Lord alone needs a Black Iron Level Royal Beast Master to deal with it, and the other party, as a lord, how can he act alone, isn’t this nonsense?

Once surrounded by the ice hare herd, it is a real GG.

Chen Shu no longer had the idea of finishing, and wandered around Qingyun Town.

In the middle of the night, he yawned, fell sleepy, and returned to the hotel.

“Hey, you’re still watching the show?”

Chen Shu saw that the front desk clerk was still chasing the play with interest.

“Hmm.” The waiter nodded.

“No need to look, the murderer is this man.”

As soon as Chen Shu finished speaking, he immediately rushed upstairs, and the speed was ridiculously fast.

“???” The waiter looked confused, and only reacted after a while, “Nima! Spoilers!

Listening to the angry shouts below, Chen Shu returned to the room comfortably.

There is another unknown mystery in the world: how did Chen Shu grow so big?


The snoring in the room was still extremely strong, as if there was a thunder beast working inside.

“See I don’t stink you.”

Chen Shu turned his head and put Old Deng’s smelly socks on his nose.

“Hmm… Hmm…”

Old Deng’s brows furrowed, and his snoring fell.

“This sock even has a suppressive effect?” Chen Shu didn’t expect it, “I can finally get a good night’s sleep.”

He lay comfortably on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.


Early the next morning.

“I lean! Who put socks on my nose.

Old Deng shouted and woke up.

“Brother Deng, what’s wrong?” Chen Shu rubbed his eyes, although he didn’t sleep for long, it was enough for him.

Thinking of going to the Qingyuan Forest for adventure, Chen Shu was extremely excited in his heart.

“Did you kid put it?” Old Deng glared, “I had a nightmare one night, dreaming that I was sealed into a jar of kimchi and stinky tofu, that sour smell…”

Chen Shu lowered his head and snickered, he didn’t expect the other party to have such a dream.

“I don’t know, I heard you talking in your dreams last night, what are you so hungry, you want to eat stinky tofu, and then it seems that you took something.”

Old Deng was speechless, could it be that he really put it himself?

When did I become so perverted?

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