Tsk-, a terrible whistling sound sounded, and Su Yu suddenly found that his left arm flew out almost uncontrollably, dragging his body and pounced across the air.

There was a loud explosion, and the Golden Goblin King let out a sharp and miserable howl. The Tearing Storm, which absorbed the energy of the world and infinitely increased its power, struck across the sky and hit its arm hard, instantly causing blood and bones to break. Rotten meat flew everywhere.

That day, Su Yu's attack even blew up the pile of big rocks. Although the Golden Goblin King's body was strong, it was not as powerful as the rocks. An outstretched left arm was instantly shattered, and its body flew upside down. Colliding with the bull demon that rushed up from behind, the two huge bodies flew upside down and fell out together.

One blow shattered the left arm of the Golden Goblin King, and blew it away together with the Bull Demon behind him. Su Yu pounced in the air, and suddenly he was the only one left next to the Golden Earth Mother.

At this moment, the golden earth mother's body was in pieces, and the fiery red flames in her body were constantly dimming. She was not far from death.

Outside, various monsters are rushing towards this direction crazily, while Qin Jiagui, Ma Ziye and others can only watch from a distance. Although the monsters in the field are an excellent opportunity for them to advance to mutation, they are by no means best choice.

With their strength, once they are involved, they will only end up dying tragically in an instant.

Su Yu blasted away the Golden Goblin King, and was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses. He realized that at this moment, even the closest Golden Goblin was still three meters away. Then he stretched out his right hand, and it was very light. Caught this golden juice that seemed to be boiling endlessly.

Howl—— The Golden Golem's face was twisted, and you could see the anxiety and anger in its heart. It rushed up like crazy, but it was still too late, and it could only watch Su Yu, a human being, use the golden blood He caught it in his palm, while the Golden Goblin King on the other side just shook his head and got up from the ground with a howl.

All the monsters were a step too late and could only watch helplessly as Su Yu stretched out his right hand to catch the golden blood.

This golden blood that seemed to be boiling like a little golden dragon, as soon as it came into contact with Su Yu's palm, immediately turned into thin streams of gold, wrapping around the fingers of his palm like a flexible cold snake. .

Su Yufang was startled and looked towards his right hand, only to see that the golden juice had seeped into the skin of his right hand and quickly disappeared. Immediately afterwards, his right hand suddenly twisted and bulged.

Ah - Su Yu let out a scream. At this moment, his right hand seemed to be burned by fire. Every inch of skin, muscle, and nerves in his arm seemed to be pulled and twisted. This kind of pain was beyond compare. imagine.

But after the golden juice in the body of the dying Golden Earth Mother was taken away, a large amount of white mist suddenly gushes out like a blowout. In the white mist, there are thousands of small jellyfish-like The seeds spurted out crazily and spread in all directions.

Roar—— The monsters in all directions all woke up from the sluggishness just now, and suddenly saw the small jellyfish-like seeds in the sky, and they were enveloped in the blink of an eye.

Qin Jiagui and others were far away, and they were screaming in horror and running away.

This golden earth mother's seed has magical power, and the winner will be killed immediately.

Su Yu—— Su Yu screamed and suddenly rushed forward.

What happened - Zhang Zhongmou screamed and wanted to hold Su Yu, but he had already taken a step forward and watched helplessly as Su Yu was dropped by small jellyfish one after another.

In the white mist, the roar of the Golden Goblin King came, and the most terrifying sound was Su Yu's scream, followed by the astonishing loud noise of boom and boom, followed closely by a wild bull The demon's shrill scream.

Others such as Qin Jiagui, Ma Ziye, Zhao Shichang and others were all frightened, their faces changed color, and then they saw Su Yu's body covered with small jellyfish, but she still screamed Su Yu's name and did not fall down immediately.

With the power of such small jellyfish, Su Yu should have died immediately if there were so many on her body. Qin Jiagui's thoughts were racing and he quickly noticed that the small jellyfish flying in the sky withered immediately after landing on the ground, and he suddenly felt a little awakened. Coming over, these little jellyfish that filled the sky seemed to have lost their previous magical power.

At this moment, Zhang Zhongmou had already rushed forward, grabbed Su Yu, and said sternly: What are you doing? Su Yu will be fine. He pulled Su Yu back with all his strength.

Everyone saw that the small jellyfish that fell on Su Yu's body had indeed withered and fallen, and they no longer had the ability to pierce her clothes and enter her body.

The white fog that filled the sky quickly dissipated, but the scene became chaotic again, with corpses all over the ground, as if they had been run over by a giant tank.

Among the corpses on the ground, the only one left standing was Su Yu, who turned from screaming to howling.

Su Yu... In the distance, Su Yu, Ma Ziye and others finally saw Su Yu's appearance, but they all covered their mouths with horror on their faces.

Su Yu was covered in blood, and he didn't know if it was his own blood or the blood of other monsters. He bent down on the ground, and his right arm became huge and boundless, hanging down on the ground. This right arm seemed to melt. It was a pile of rotten meat, with muscles constantly squirming on it, which looked shocking.

Howl - Suddenly, among the corpses on the ground, a bull demon climbed up, holding its own horns in both hands, and shot a Spin Slash at the same time.

Amidst the roaring sound, two horns flew out like two black lights, instantly slashing at Su Yu who was bending over and howling softly.

Papa - Suddenly, before the Spiral Slash got close to Su Yu, a series of tentacle-like things exploded from his pile of rotten flesh-like right arm. With a loud papa, he shot The Spinning Slash that came over exploded, and Su Yu rushed out with a howl.

Flesh-shaped tentacles exploded from his right arm, instantly entangling the bull demon and crushing it to pieces. By the time Su Yu rushed over its body, there was no trace of the powerful bull demon. A complete piece of flesh.

Su Yu seemed to be going crazy. He kept pressing his right arm with his left hand, as if he wanted to stop the right arm that was in a berserk state, but his right arm flew automatically, and tentacles sprouted from it, destroying everywhere. , flesh and blood flying everywhere, the whole scene was extremely terrifying.

Retreat... let's retreat first... Qin Jiagui watched from a distance, his face changing color. Others also vaguely saw that Su Yu seemed to have suddenly gained some kind of terrifying power, but he could not suppress it and entered a state of rage. In this case, everyone's choice is to retreat far away to avoid suffering the disaster.

(The number of chapters is about to exceed 100, haha~~ After a small burst today, at least three chapters will be updated. If I code quickly, I will update four chapters. Let’s give a final shout. If you have the votes, please come.)

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