God and Demon Breeding Farm

Chapter 82 Mechanism Trap

Trap, there is a trap here, everyone be careful! At this time, no longer caring about whether it would alarm York, Zhou Birong shouted loudly, rolled to the ground, and her right hand mutated and evolved in an instant into an eagle covered with steel feathers. The claw-like three-hook claws grabbed a branch extending horizontally from one side, pulled it up and down, and used the force to flip it over.

After several swishes, several sharpened wooden stakes popped out of the soil and almost stabbed Zhou Birong.

Su Yu and the others who were lurking and approaching the cave quietly never expected that there was a trap in the weeds. Although it was simple, they were caught off guard and suffered a big loss. Zhao Shichang was the worst, and was killed. A sharpened wooden thorn pierced the sole of one foot, causing him to sit on the ground in pain and howl continuously.

Su Yu had just been hit by a tree pole flying towards him and fell out of control. He quickly rolled to the side and tried to stand up again. Zhou Birong on the other side saw this and said loudly: Su Yu No, it’s dangerous—”

Before his words came to fruition, Su Yu heard a bang and the ground beneath him suddenly collapsed.

Su Yu was shocked when something happened suddenly. He groaned, and scales appeared on his left arm. He thrust it to the side, and his left hand easily flew into the soil. He used this to stabilize his falling body and looked down. But I saw that a large pit about two meters in diameter and three meters deep had been dug here. The bottom of the pit was filled with sharp wooden stakes. Now that I fell in, I was afraid that even Su Yu would be hit by these sharp wooden stakes. The piles formed a hornet's nest.

No one expected that there would be a large number of traps here, but the most terrifying thing was that at the same time that everyone was attacked, a rock was removed in front of the cave not far away, and the sturdy York appeared.

As a third-level black iron warrior, his recovery ability is naturally amazing. After one night, the original injuries on his body were almost healed. When he saw everyone, he rushed forward without saying a word and soundlessly.

Su Yu, that York has appeared - Zhang Zhongmou yelled from behind. Among the people, only Su Yu could deal with York.

Su Yu, who was hanging himself on the wall of the pit with one arm, heard Zhang Zhongmou's wild screams above him. His heart sank. He gritted his teeth, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the wall tightly. Fortunately, although his right hand could not He mutated and evolved, but due to the effect of the strange force, his strength was about three or four times greater than before. At this moment, he ignored the pain and grabbed his right hand tightly, and his nails scraped against the earth wall. It was extremely painful, but he used this grasp to , the left arm inserted into the earth wall activated the Tearing Storm, and then stroked down hard.

There was a loud crash sound, and the earth wall immediately collapsed. Su Yu had already raised his foot and stepped up, using his strength to rush towards the top of the pit.

York appeared without saying a word. His right arm and chest all entered a mutated state. The right arm and chest swelled and mutated, and the muscles on it swelled and sprouted steel thorns, like a porcupine.

He set up simple but practical traps everywhere outside the cave where he lived temporarily. They were mainly used to guard against other beasts and monsters on weekdays. Today, they were equally useful against Su Yu and others. Looking at Su Yu and others The man was in a panic, but York rushed forward instead of running away.

Zhou Birong had been a police officer for several years and was finally quite experienced. She used the force of a branch to pull back and escaped from the trap area. Her right hand mutated into a giant eagle claw. She watched York rushing out of the cave in the distance and hurriedly His right hand returned to normal, he took out a pistol from his waist and shot York continuously.

Fortunately, the pistol was not lost and was loaded with bullets.

Although Zhou Birong doesn't have many bullets on her body, she still has a few left because she has never been willing to use them.

Bang, bang, bang gunshots rang out repeatedly, but York did not dodge the bullets. He just protected his head and face with his right hand and rushed towards Zhou Birong and others.

The bullet hit York's arm and chest, making a porphy sound and piercing his swollen skin, but the small wounds quickly disappeared. Pistol bullets obviously cannot target him. What harm does he cause.

When Zhou Birong realized that something was wrong, she wanted to shoot York's legs instead. She pulled the trigger continuously, but no bullets were fired. The six bullets in the pistol were finished. When she wanted to change the magazine, York had already rushed to her. It's too late.

Although he knew he was outmatched, the situation was critical now. Zhou Birong could only grit his teeth, throw away the empty pistol, and enter a mutated state with his right hand to fight York.

York didn't say a word, but suddenly his whole body was shaken, and he waved his right arm in vain, Squirt, snort, snort... There were a series of small and crisp sounds. Zhou Birong only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and suddenly screamed, and the sky was full of steel thorns and needles, and she took the order. Receive them all.

York's body was tilted, almost half a second slower than the steel spike in the sky, and he hit Zhou Birong hard.

York was extremely strong, and he hit him while running. The force was so terrifying. Zhou Birong screamed, her internal organs were shaken, blood spurted out from her mouth, and her body rolled far away like a kite with its string cut off.

Drink-- Ma Ziye scolded on the other side. She had just kicked away a sharpened tree pole that was flying towards her, and then launched her flying shovel and kicked York's head quickly, causing He couldn't kill Zhou Birong, who had been severely injured.

Damn - Behind him, Zhang Zhongmou also rushed forward. Everyone planned well. According to their estimates, they could easily defeat York. However, no one expected that York would be so powerful and would create so many enemies. Various traps in the wild immediately disrupted their plans.

Zhao Shichang's right foot was pierced by a sharp wooden stake, and he fell to the ground howling in pain. Zhou Birong was also severely injured and flew backwards as soon as he faced him. His life and death were unknown. Qin Jiagui was unable to do anything because of his injuries last night, while Li Dong, Zhou Huakang, Ning Yan and others , but it's not even the first level, so it's of no use at all in this situation.

In the blink of an eye, only Su Yu, Ma Ziye and Zhang Zhongmou were still able to take action.

Ma Ziye flew across the air and kicked York on the head. York remained silent, but stared at everyone with malicious eyes. He retracted his right arm, and a sharp cone that was more than a foot long emerged from his right palm. With a swipe, it hit the right leg that Ma Ziye kicked over.

There was a bang sound like the collision of two rocks. On Ma Ziye's right leg, steel ropes entangled with each other came out, protecting the right leg from being poked into a hole by York's cone. But in terms of power, speed, and reaction...how could the first-level Ma Ziye compare to the third-level York?

York's first cone stab was ineffective, so he took a step forward and thrust his right cone down again.

Ma Ziye screamed. This time, she was pierced through the chest by a sharp awl. York pulled out the sharp awl, and blood marked it. The third awl stabbed Ma Ziye again, this time it was Ma Ziye's head.

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