God and Demon Breeding Farm

Chapter 57 Lin Shi broke his arm

There were goblin monsters everywhere, and the school was in chaos. Some of them were hiding everywhere, and many people escaped from the school and fled to the forest. There were also brave ones who stayed to fight, but the goblins were slightly stronger than the little Goblin monsters. For ordinary people, it is more difficult to deal with. It can be said that there are heavy casualties.

Su Yu wanted to help them deal with the goblins, but he was worried about Su Yu and didn't dare to meddle in other people's business. He was not afraid, but he was afraid that he would implicate Su Yu. At the moment, he could only send Su Yu out of school to meet Zhao Shichang and others, and then he would do it himself. Go back and kill these goblin monsters.

Although he is not a saint, he will not sacrifice himself for others, nor will he sacrifice himself to help others, but if he can help others within his ability, he will still do it.

Rushing downstairs, another group of goblins gathered around him. Su Yu held Su Yu with his right hand and protected her behind him. He raised his left hand, revealing fangs one after another. He shook his arm and said, 咻咻咻咻 There were continuous sounds, and several Fang Bombs flew out quickly, and then activated the Tearing Claws, almost one claw at a time. The goblins facing him were vulnerable and fell in front of him one after another.

Su Yu opened his mouth slightly, with a face full of surprise. When they met again, Su Yu became even more powerful. The left arm wrapped in black scales was like the claws of the devil stretching out from hell, even though it was powerful Goblins are just like paper stuck in mud.

With Su Yu's protection, Su Yu suddenly felt extremely at ease.

Drink- Suddenly, a familiar shouting sound came from the other side, followed by a bang, and a goblin flipped out on its back. In the middle of its chest, there was a transparent blood hole about the thickness of a finger.

Su Yu looked over and saw Lin Shi. He was surrounded by a group of goblins. Although he shot three air bullets in succession and killed three goblins, each time he shot an air bullet, there was still a few seconds. interval, which forced him to turn around and run away after firing an air bullet, wait a few seconds, and then shoot again.

At this moment, he was surrounded by goblins and had no way to escape. The situation was critical. When Su Yu saw it, he saw a goblin shovel swung and shoveled hard on Lin Shi's left arm.

Ah - Lin Shi let out a horrifying scream, and blood spattered on one of his left arms. With a click sound, the shovel was shoveled out of the goblin's hand. It was terrifying in terms of sharpness and strength. Lin Shi's left arm was almost shoulder-length. After being tackled, the severed arm fell to the ground spattered with blood.

Lin Shi screamed in pain, and at the same time he raised his right hand, and with a bang sound, the face of the goblin who had cut off his arm blossomed, blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground.

Damn it, why is he here! Su Yu immediately raised his hand, pulled Su Yu towards him and rushed towards him, and at the same time let out a teeth bomb explosion.

There were several bang bang bang sounds, and immediately there was a commotion among the goblins surrounding Lin Shi, and several goblins were hit by teeth bomb blasts.

Su Yu's Fang Bomb is the same as Lin Shi's. There is a time lag in between, but his Fang Bomb can shoot several bullets at once, unlike Lin Shi's Air Bullet which can only shoot one. , but in terms of penetrating power, Lin Shi's air bullet is far stronger than the tooth bomb blast.

These two moves can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Originally, Lin Shi's left arm was cut off by Qi Gen, and he was surrounded by a group of goblins. He almost knew that he was going to die, but he just barely struggled for the last time. Suddenly, he heard an explosion, and then saw Su Yu rushing over.

Lin Shi's pale face showed a smile. Su Yu was here, he could be saved.

Over the past few days, a group of them had already developed a blind confidence in Su Yu. It seemed that as long as Su Yu appeared, any problem would be solved.

Su Yu shot the Fang Bomb Explosion first, causing the group of goblins to commotion and looked back. Then he let go of Su Yu and shot out like a fast arrow, extending his Tearing Claw.

Porphy porphy sounded continuously, Su Yu flashed past the three goblins, and carried his tearing claw horizontally, digging out half of the flesh and blood from each of their waists.

When these goblins woke up, they noticed severe pain in their waists and blood splattering. Then they checked the injuries. When they bent down slightly, there was a crisp sound, and the waist bones supporting the body were broken, and the body folded in half.

Su Yu, who was following closely behind, was almost dumbfounded. Su Yu's move to kill these three goblins was nothing short of magic.

Su Yu turned back with another big spin, and the black-scaled claws drew a half-arc, dragging the Tearing Claw in all directions. No matter it was the goblin's body, or the shovel or wooden shield in his hand, as soon as it touched the Tearing Claw, Cracked immediately.

This is the power of the Second Level Black Iron Warrior.

What are you still doing? Pick it up and cut it off... Before Su Yu could say the word arm below, he suddenly felt a pain in his back and was hit by a claw.

Suddenly, Su Yu reacted quickly, roared, kicked off his feet, and jumped out like an arrow. The claws on his back had just scratched a little of his flesh, but he had already jumped several meters away, and his tearing claws were moving towards him at the same time. With a last wave, he blocks the enemy's attack.

After falling to the ground, Su Yu turned over almost without stopping. He stood up and turned around. What he saw was a goblin knight, biting a bloody severed arm. His face seemed ferocious and proud. look.

Just now, this goblin knight suddenly appeared. Taking advantage of Su Yu's carelessness when talking to Lin Shi, it suddenly attacked Su Yu. Unexpectedly, Su Yu reacted quickly and was only scratched a little by it.

The severed arm that the Goblin Knight was eating belonged to Lin Shi.

Originally, although Lin Shi's arm was broken, Su Yu could still pick it up for him with his skills. He just asked Lin Shi to pick up the broken arm, but he didn't want to be bitten to pieces by this goblin knight now. No matter how powerful Su Yu was, it would be impossible for him to restore Lin Shi's arm.

Lin Shi gritted his teeth and looked at the half of his severed arm that was still in the goblin knight's mouth. He suddenly turned around with a groan and rushed towards the other side.

Su Yu was stunned, never expecting that Lin Shi would escape in such a situation, but he didn't have time to think about it because the goblin knight in front of him was already charging towards him.

Su Yu was standing on the other side. At this moment, several goblins were rushing towards her. Su Yu saw this and roared angrily. He waved his Tearing Claw and ignored the goblin knight, but rushed towards Su Yu.

He has seen that this kind of goblin knight is very cunning, but in terms of strength, although it is stronger than the big Goblin beast, it is not a threat to him. However, its jumping ability is too outstanding. If it wants to escape, it is a bit difficult to use it by yourself. Nothing can be done.

The goblin was vulnerable, and Su Yu instantly eliminated the three goblins that rushed towards Su Yu. The goblin knight never expected that Su Yu would ignore him. He was slightly startled, as if he was a little irritated, and said in his mouth He let out a low whistle, lowered his body slightly, and suddenly rushed towards Su Yu.

Su Yu turned around and stood in front of Su Yu, then lowered his arms, showing no resistance.

It would be too difficult to kill a cunning goblin knight without the ability to use Ground Thorn Assault, so Su Yu was ready to take advantage of its cunning.

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