Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 1096: chatter

Zheng Shan arranged for Robert, and at the same time asked Moore to pay more attention. No matter what, he still needs to observe more in the early stage.

Both sides have this in mind.

When Zheng Shan came home in the evening, he saw Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun came.

"Why are you two here?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Li Yuan said: "We can't come here."

"Say that casually, haven't you been busy recently?" Zheng Shan said.

Li Yuan said: "I'm not very busy here, everything is normal, but Chengjun is very busy. There are many things all day long, and even the Chinese New Year has not been well."

Wei Chengjun is also under a lot of pressure now. As everyone's investment is getting bigger and bigger, he is also afraid that he can't do well, and then everyone will lose money.

At the beginning, even if it is a loss, everyone can accept it.

But the scale of the investment is so large that Wei Chengjun is frightened every night, especially as the official operation time is getting closer and closer.

"Don't talk about me, I'm actually okay here. Although I'm a little busy, the effect is good." Wei Chengjun said.

They came here this time just to find Zheng Shan for a drink, and nothing else. .

"You said that a boss as big as you is still working so hard for one thing." Li Yuan said with a smile during the meal.

Wei Chengjun only learned about Zheng Shan's situation when he and Zheng Kui were discussing things together yesterday.

As soon as Zheng Kui arrived home, Yuan Xiaohua urged him to ask Wei Chengjun about the project.

Zheng Kui is not in a hurry, but that doesn't mean Yuan Xiaohua is not in a hurry.

It is really too much investment, and now Yuan Xiaohua is upset when she sees the savings at home.

If this investment fails, it will also be a big loss for their family.

Zheng Kui doesn't feel anything at all, and if he fails, he will fail. Anyway, he is not short of money.

And after so many years, his investment seems to have not failed.

No matter who you are investing with, after all, there is Zheng Shan watching from behind.

It's hard to lose money.

Zheng Shan takes great care of Zheng Kui, his younger brother who is not enough.

Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun decided to come over today when they heard that Zheng Shan was losing weight because of the company's bad mood.

They also know that they can't help Zheng Shan, after all, the level is too different.

But I also thought about unraveling Zheng Shan myself to make him feel a little better.

Zheng Shan understood what the two of them meant, and said with a wry smile, "If I just lost some money, or something else, I wouldn't be so angry."

Li Yuan heard the words: "I'm really curious, but I know you very well. It's very rare to want you to be so angry because of the company's affairs."

"What's the reason?"

Zheng Shan didn't hide it from them, and told the matter, "Tell me, do these people still have humanity? They dare to earn any money, and they dare to take anything. If it wasn't for the anonymous report this time, I would not Knowing that things have gotten so serious."

Zheng Shan was talking, and his anger rose again. Every time he thought of these scumbags, Zheng Shan couldn't help it.

Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun were also full of anger after hearing this. After all, anyone with a little conscience would be filled with righteous indignation after hearing such a thing.

Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun both scolded those scumbags, and then Li Yuan said: "Since the matter has already happened, let's solve it. You shouldn't be angry with yourself all day long because of this."

Gu Rong

"If you get angry with your own body, that's your own sin."

Listening to Li Yuan's comfort, Zheng Shan sighed and said, "I understand the truth, but every time I think of this, I can't help it."

"If it were me, I couldn't help it." Wei Chengjun said honestly.

Li Yuan glared at him when he heard the words. Are you here to make trouble?

Zheng Shan cleaned up his mood and said, "Okay, I know your kindness, and I'm almost recovered now."

"Come on, stop talking about these bad things, let's drink."

"Drink." Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun toasted.

While they were drinking, Yan Lele rushed over, and soon Zheng Lan, Wen Jie and the others also arrived.

They all knew about Zheng Shan's situation and came to care about him.

But seeing Zheng Shan and Li Yuan drinking and talking and laughing, he was somewhat relieved.

But they also saw what Zheng Shan looked like now.

"It's not because I told you that you can't take good care of yourself?" Zheng Lan said.

Zheng Shan could only nod and say yes, then looked at Wen Jie, "Brother-in-law, have you eaten? Sit down and have a drink together."

Wen Jie didn't sit down after hearing this, but looked at Zheng Lan first.

"If you want to drink, just drink it, don't act like this, I don't know how you thought I'd recruit you." Zheng Lan said angrily.

Wen Jie said flatteringly: "No, don't I want to listen to my wife?"

After talking, he did it, and then poured a glass of wine by himself, and then toasted with Zheng Shan.

After Zheng Shan and Wen Jie finished drinking, they asked, "Look at you two, did you quarrel again?"

"How dare I." Wen Jie smiled bitterly.

"Wen Jie, don't be weird, what? You mean I'm trying to find fault, don't you?" Zheng Lan got angry when she heard it.

Zheng Shan quickly persuaded him, it didn't seem like he was here to comfort him, but instead he came to find trouble for himself.

"Tell me about your brother-in-law, you don't know your surname after drinking a little wine, and you forgot the lessons from the past." Zheng Lan began to talk about the reason for this time.

The reason is very simple, that is, Wen Jie drank a bit too much at his parents' place during the Chinese New Year, and then he was caught in a routine.

"200,000 yuan, they are really embarrassed to open their mouths, and if they think about being able to pay it back, I don't mind, but do you think they paid it back? What does your brother and sister-in-law look like~www.readwn.com ~Don't you know yourself?" Zheng Lan's anger grew more and more.

Wen Jie smiled bitterly and said, "I really drank too much at the time, so I agreed as soon as my head was hot."

"Hehe, who knows." Zheng Lan sneered.

"I tell you, don't forget, there's not much money at home now. You have two daughters studying abroad, and you spend a lot of money every year. Don't think about letting my brother out."

"Also, there is a small one in the house. You can take a look at it later. There are also many places to spend money. Anyway, you can handle these things yourself."

Wen Jie listened to his wife's scolding and smiled bitterly. He really drank a lot at the time, so he didn't think too much.

At the same time, maybe he was getting old, so he agreed to ease the relationship.

Of course, it's impossible to say that he was completely drunk.

Zheng Shan quickly persuaded the two of them, but fortunately they all knew that Zheng Shan was not in a particularly good mood now, and Zheng Lan was just angry, or else he would not have said it at this time.

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