Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 1066: crowdfunding investment

Zheng Shan and his daughter were tired and crooked for a while, and then they looked at their son.

"What book are you reading?" Zheng Shan asked.

Niu Niu raised his head and said, "Let us look at extracurricular books honestly."

Zheng Shan didn't ask much, just said: "If there is anything you don't understand, you can bring it over and ask me or your mother."


Originally, Zheng Shan wanted to come over and look at the documents, but he was no longer in the mood to work, so he completely focused on his children, reading and talking with them.

Before I knew it, it was already more than ten o'clock, and Zheng Shan looked at the sleepy night, "I'll see it here today, go back to sleep first."

After sending the two children back to their respective houses, Zheng Shan also went back.

Now both children have their own rooms, and they moved out from their parents in the evening to live by themselves.


"Are you going to stay in the capital? Aren't you going to go back?" Zheng Shan said, looking at Zheng Rencai who was about to go out after dinner.

This guy doesn't have any intention of leaving now, and Zheng Shan's home is just here to stay, and basically no one can be seen all day long.

Zheng Rencai turned around, "It's not that I don't want to go back, I'm talking about business."

"What business?" Zheng Shan asked.

"I found that there are not many entertainment venues in the capital now, and I just have some money in my hand, so I'm going to invest it." Zheng Rencai said.

In fact, he has been investigating the situation in the capital these days, and wants to make some investments here.

Zheng Shan asked, "You invest in the capital? So far away, can you manage it? Do you expect me to manage it for you?"

"Don't dare, this is an industry that I invested in together with Brother Chengjun and Dakui. Just let Brother Chengjun watch it." Zheng Rencai said.

Zheng Shan didn't expect Zheng Kui to be involved, but think about it, this guy wants to be involved in any new things he encounters.

Especially this kind of investment that does not need his management, the key partner is still trustworthy, and he does not need to worry about it.

"Have you all discussed this?" Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Rencai nodded, "We've been discussing this matter these days, it's almost done, and this time we're going to get a bigger one."

"We are going to invest directly in a bar street, or an entertainment street."

Zheng Rencai was a little excited when he said that.

When this idea came up at that time, Zheng Rencai felt a little ridiculous.

This is the capital, not their side.

These things are not a matter of money, at least not entirely a matter of money. Many things need to be connected with people.

Zheng Rencai didn't want to trouble Zheng Shan, mainly because he understood that Zheng Shan didn't particularly like this industry.

So at that time, he just talked about it as a dream, and Quan was to liven up the atmosphere of the wine table.

But I didn't expect Wei Chengjun to take it seriously, he actually started to inquire carefully, and then took him everywhere to investigate.

Zheng Kui has been with them these days, and is very interested in this idea.

In the beginning, Zheng Ren had no hope.

But slowly, as they began to put more energy into these projects.

Zheng Rencai discovered that both Wei Chengjun and Zheng Kui were capable of handling these things.

Needless to say, Zheng Kui, although he basically ignores business matters, he is Zheng Shan's younger brother after all.

Many people know this.

So some small things, everyone will give face very much.

Wei Chengjun's development over the years has not stagnated. He doesn't earn a lot of money, but his connections are really wide.

So this project has gradually become a reality from a delusion at the beginning.

"This requires a lot of money. Do you have that much money? This is not something that can be done with 12 million yuan." Zheng Shan said.

Don't think it's only 1992, but 10 to 20 million yuan is really not enough to make this bar street.

Not to mention the cost of land use, this is definitely a big expense.

It is the transformation, purchase, and initial investment of various facilities, which is a lot of money.

Zheng Rencai said honestly: "It's not enough for now, but we can get a loan."

When Zheng Shan heard this, he understood that these guys were really ready to fight.

"Also, if it doesn't work, we can also pull in investment, like Brother Wei Jun, Brother Li Yuan, and Brother Wen Jie, they can all come up with some money to invest."

Zheng Shandao: "They are also willing to invest?"

"Well, I told them, and once this project is completed, I promise that it will definitely make money." Zheng Rencai said confidently.

After such a long period of investigation, he still has this confidence.

Moreover, Zheng Rencai is not engaged in high-end bars, clubs, etc., that is simply not something he can afford now.

What he wants to take is the civilianization route.

This is what he has been successful in for so many years.

After he finished speaking, Zheng Rencai said: "But if you can help us check, Brother Shan, that would be great~www.readwn.com~ Zheng Shan heard the words and thought about it: "Forget it, you can make your own decisions. Well, I'll just ask casually. "

He thought about it and decided not to get involved, otherwise most of them would choose to obey no matter what opinions he put forward.

That way, it's not something they do on their own.


But what Zheng Shan didn't expect was that this matter slowly started to get bigger and bigger, or the more he thought about it.

That night, Zheng Rencai, Zheng Kui, Zheng Weijun, Wen Jie, Li Yuan, and Wei Chengjun all came.

Not only that, but Zheng Weimin and the others also arrived.

"Are you planning to invest together?" Zheng Shan really didn't expect that Zheng Rencai was actually tempted by these people.

Even Zheng Weimin and the others ran over.

"I heard what Ren Cai said is quite reasonable, and we do not only do these, but also the club that Cheng Jun mentioned. Of course, it is not like your stream club, but a slightly lower-end club. "Zheng Weimin said seriously.

Wei Chengjun added: "Brother Shan, you may not know that many people are rich now, but the threshold of the Stream Club is too high, they can't get in."

"But these people are also rich people. When we build a slightly lower-end club, there will definitely be many people willing to come here."

Zheng Shan didn't speak, but looked at Zheng Weijun, Li Yuan and the others, "What do you think? Do you understand this?"

Li Yuan said with a smile: "We don't understand, but we are just investing and not involved in management."

"And just listening to it, I feel like this project can be done."

Zheng Weijun also means this, he doesn't understand this, but he has some money on hand, and since he is a trustworthy person, the investment is invested.

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