I was lurking in the grass. This is near the entrance to Goblin Meadow.

A little further away, one goblin is hush-hushed while it is stretched.

My height is a little demon about my waist and my skin is green. He was wearing worn out clothes that he thought had been stolen from humans.

The enemy is caught off guard without noticing me. I also asked about the surroundings, but there are no other signs of company.

Kill your breath and go around behind the goblins.

And use the Appraisal skill.

-Goblin Fighter LV3

Health: 30

Muscle Strength: 40

Magic: 10

Spirit: 10

Agility: 30

Skill: Strengthen Muscle (Small)

Goblin Fighter... apparently, there are several kinds of these guys.

Status is worse than mine.

Find out more about the skills you possess.

Strengthen Muscle (Small): Only slightly plus correction when physically attacking.

Status correction skills? As for (small), maybe (medium) or (large).

Useful skills should be taken in more and more.

Goblin finally loses his sleepiness and starts rowing the ship.

This is a great opportunity!

I jump out of the grass and get close to the goblins at once.

I woke up in the footsteps I thought I would, Goblin turns around but it's too late.

Jump your neck as the Black Sword Grid draws an arc of a strip.

Goblin died without being able to resist or cry.

Then, I can still hear an inorganic voice in my head.

Eclipse Ability Activated

"+30 Health, +40 Muscle Strength, +10 Magic, +10 Spirit, +30 Agility are added to the status"

"Small Strengthened Skills are added."

Yikes! I'll try to "appraise" myself to confirm.

-Fate Graphite LV1

Health: 151

Muscle strength: 191

Magic: 111

Spirit: 111

Agility: 161

Skills: bulimia, appraisal, reading minds, cover-up, one-handed sword moves, muscle strengthening (small)

More, more. Yeah, it's getting stronger.

If you're looking at less of a joy, status or skill, the Grid laughs at you with your nose.

'It's about goblins, I'm overjoyed. Every time I defeat you, if you're immersed in that sentiment, the sun will go down.'

"Fine, this is the first time I've defeated a demon."

It could indeed be the case with other samurai. But I'm the one who lived frightened of demons until yesterday. That's the opposite, the openness.

I cut off both green ears as proof that I defeated Goblin. Wang Du is offering a prize to those who crusaded the demons, so if you take this to a prescribed facility, you can get it redeemed.

It should have been ten copper coins for one goblin. Better than the daily salary of the gatekeeper I was doing. The samurai may be dangerous, but you really want to make some money.

Throw a goblin ear into a pre-prepared hemp bag.

Come on, next. On guard, as I proceeded, I found two goblins in the open place.

One can tell from the way he has a sword that he is a goblin fighter. I only have the other one, the big shield.

Appraisal is quicker than thinking if you want to know.

-Goblin Guard LV3

Health: 40

Muscle Strength: 20

Magic: 10

Spirit: 10

Agility: 10

Skill: Strengthen (Small)

I see, is your health just a little more than Goblin Fighter? Has small health enhancement skills as if to go with it.

If you fight with care not to get hit with a shield, you're going to figure it out.

I ask for two, hiding from the grass. Well, which one should we take down from?

Looks better to knock him out of a Goblin Fighter with an attack weapon. But if you fail or get noticed, you'll be framed for fighting while the shield goblin interrupts you.

You can gobble with your powers, but I'm not used to the way you fight yet, so I just want to be sure.

Decided, let's knock him out of the Goblin Guard.

I aimed for the moment when the two of them went away and took a distance.

Now! I popped up when I wasn't pointing this way, but the sharp goblin guard notices me and quickly sets up a shield. As it is, I thought I would be played the black sword I shook down...


Goblin Guard screamed.

There was no resistance, and every shield was cut off. The Black Sword Grid seems to have a far sharper cut than it looks. This can be a one-sided attack.

Eclipse Ability Activated

"+40 Health, +20 Muscle Strength, +10 Magic, +10 Spirit, +10 Agility are added to the status"

Skills will be added with Small Health Strength

I run out to the other one left, listening to my inorganic voice. Of course, the goblin fighter who's on his way has noticed me, wielding my sword and intimidating me.

You can swing as much as you like. I don't mind, I slaughtered every sword Goblin Fighter had.

Goblin Fighter falls in with white eyes peeled.

Eclipse Ability Activated

"+30 Health, +40 Muscle Strength, +10 Magic, +10 Spirit, +30 Agility are added to the status"

Hmm? I didn't get any skills this time. Oh, well. The skills I already have overlap, so can't I add them?

If you want new skills, you're going to have to hunt different demons. The status addition alone is delicious enough.

I then hunted Goblin Fighter x 25 and Goblin Guard x 10.

The hemp bag I have is going to be full by the ears of the goblins.

Check the current situation in the Appraisal.

-Fate Graphite LV1

Health: 1371

Muscle Strength: 1451

Magic Power: 481

Spirit: 481

Agility: 1051

Skills: bulimia, appraisal, reading minds, cover-up, one-handed sword moves, muscle strengthening (small), strength strengthening (small)

Come on, strength, muscle strength, agility are already entering the 4-digit table!

When it comes to magic and spirit, the enemy's status was low, so it hasn't grown much.

Heh heh, so much so that I don't think of him as the guy whose status was all 1 until yesterday.

But there's something that bothers me. Level. If you defeat all those demons, it's not weird to get a good amount of experience (Sphere) and level up. But it's odd you haven't made it slight from level one.

Gried laughs when he's bothering his head.

"It's the effect of bulimia skills. There's no way anyone who breaks God's logic and has skills can benefit from experience (Sphere) '

"What do you mean, breaking God's logic...?

'That's exactly what I would be doing right now. That place that kills and deprives you of your stats and skills denies the concept of God's logic - level. There is no favour from God for such a man. It should have been an all-one status. "

And Gried says for a little while. Does he have anything to think about, too?

'And... no, it's nothing. Isn't it time to go back to the King's Capital?

Don't stop telling me, you care. But I have business to go to Roxy's mansion from noon.

Better cut up the goblin hunt here and head back to Seifert, the king's capital. Status has started a four-digit penetration, and we'll have had enough for today.

The next time I hunt demons, I'll fight the Hobgoblins, who are in the woods further than here.

Hobgoblins are the top demons of goblins, so they should be able to take away more stats and skills.

Let's go home, to Seifert, the king's capital.

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