Aldi and I are friends now, but I have one concern.

"Hey, Aldi. I just want to ask you, is it uncommon to make a pact with spirits?

Yes, I unintentionally made a contract, but if that was the usual special magic ~ or something like that, Aldi's presence had to be hidden.

I wish I could be a little stronger, but at this stage, I can't necessarily keep an eye on weird people like my mother feared.

"Um, I don't think that's unusual, either, do you? We are rare to contract with the Spirit of the earth, but there are people who are relatively contracted with the Spirit of Fire or the Spirit of Ice. Even so, it's limited to people who don't rely on acquired attributes but only congenital attributes. We spirits don't really like people with mixed attributes."

I see. You mean the same conditions as no chant?

So you're saying that everything is more profitable in a magical world.

Well, I hope I'm not willing to use it except dirt either way. In the meantime, I found out that Aldi was fine with being seen, so I decided to make Aldi's body next.

The current Aldi is the body of a puppet of elementary quality that I made appropriately.

I don't think Aldi himself cares, but I want to make something a little more "apparent” because I care.

I've been there before, though, but I don't have the talent to make the original. Even if we make something, we need some model.

And so I come up with one idea and I ask Aldi.

"Hey, Aldi. For once, I ask, can you freely reshape the clay when it's inside it?

I honestly rely on others when I can't. We should work together because we are not alone.

and try to delude the other force main application in beautiful words.

"Um, maybe I can... why?

"No, I thought it might look like that forever on a boulder. I thought it would be better for Aldi to look like he liked it than for me to do it."

It is an excuse for a meeting.

"I think this is fine... well, if Aruba says so... mmm!"

"Oh, wait a minute! If you want to transform, please use this clay."

I hurriedly stopped Aldi from putting himself through and handed him the stone powder clay. Ordinary clay makes me sticky, so while I'm moving, I do garbage. I pull on something and get dirty.

In that regard, stone powder clay is less dirty than regular clay because it does not stick.

"Yeah? Okay."

Aldi jumps out of his current body and into the sphere of light into the stone powder clay where he hasn't messed with anything.

Aldi enters the stone powder clay, and after a little, the clay moves out with gnetism.

I can hear Aldi working hard inside, from time to time.

"Yikes…… Yikes…"

Over time, it gradually became a human form, and when it was completed, it became a small human form about 20 cm long.

Her hair was short haired with a slightly limp hips on her smooth legs and a cute face on her slightly swollen chest. And for some reason she was completely naked but somehow she didn't feel particularly nasty with her puppet body.

"Uh, hey, how's it going? When I shared my knowledge with Aruba, I tried to recreate Aruba's preferred type of girl."

Saying so, Aldi circles with a circle.

"Yeah, I honestly think she's cute... was she a woman named Aldi?

"Hmm, we spirits don't have a gender...... I tried to be a girl because Aruba would be better pleased anyway. If Aruba says boys are better off, it's that way."

"No, please stay put."

I'm usually happier with girls because I'm not gay.

I'm glad, but I can't have it naked.

Because someone might suspect my sexuality when they see me.

In the meantime, since I didn't have any doll clothes, I'll tie an affordable cloth cut and make it look like a piece and put it on Aldi.

"Thank you, Alba!

Aldi happily runs around with a pat but suddenly stops moving and falls.

"Duh, what's wrong?

"Alber... Something suddenly stopped moving -..."

The clay had hardened when I lifted Aldi, who fell and couldn't get up.

He thought it would remain soft with a magical array because there was a spirit inside, but it didn't go either.

"Uh-oh, no!

Aldi moves his body desperately if he doesn't like being unable to move anymore.

"Ah, here! He said you can't move... hey, ahhh!

Aldi, who tries to make a big man of the rumbling Aldi but doesn't listen to him, breaks his arm with the sound of baki when he is forced to move his arm.

"Hey! Aldi! Doesn't it hurt!?

I panicked and sat Aldi on my desk, and I joined my arms with other stone powder clay.

"It's okay because this body is only a thing to put in. More than that, why doesn't your body move?

"The clay hardens when it touches the air. Can't Aldi's magic just soften the joints?

"That might be a little difficult…… I can't do just a part of it anyway…………"

Then... it'll take a little work, but we'll have to make it spherical and articulate like an antique doll.

The spherical joint literally has a spherical joint.

It's very troublesome because it takes a lot of fine-tuning to make it, but if it's for Aldi, I'm not going to waste time.

In the meantime, I decide to have Aldi put up with the doll just now for a while.

For the new body, the prototype is made thanks to Aldi, so just adjust it for the spherical joint.

Aldi said that even the joints can be moved enough to connect each part together, so the goal is to be able to move only instead of making it formal.

I proceeded with the work and worried about my hair, so I asked my father if I could build a wig with the same material as an antique doll.

I don't know the official name, but someone resembled an antique doll, so it's possible.

She asks me why, but by giving me a response when I am in trouble that it is for training, my father does not doubt it, but accepts it in two replies.

I told my father the details and decided to proceed with the work on the main unit because there were no more problems with my hair.

It wasn't until a week later that I finished eating time in class and playing with Aldi. Just now, I finished the wig I was asking my father for, so I received the wig from my father and attached it to the doll.

The wig is the same red color as me and my dads. When I asked Aldi what color was good, she said it was as good as mine, so I turned it red.

When the wig was fitted and clothed, some colors were painted and there were no modern figures or faint colors.

"Bye, Aldi. Come in."

Aldi nods at my words and goes inside his new body, trying to move his body gently.

"I can move! I can move! Plus, Alba's warm magic feels amazing all over her body!

Aldi cuddles happily as she vomits a line that is likely to be misunderstood if she only hears the words.

It reminds me of a porn gel that used to be popular in some smiling video when a figure moves or something, but I think that's rude to my Aldi opponent, and I immediately erase it from my head.

"Seems like you're happy. Above all."

Seeing Aldi honestly delighted, I smile naturally and stroke my head with my index finger.

If you look at it at the mental age, it's not a strange year to have a child, so it kind of makes me feel like I have a daughter.

"Speaking of which... do you know how old I am that you shared your knowledge with me?

I didn't notice because there was no mention of it until now, but I was curious, so I will ask.

"Uh, you mean Aruba looks small, but she's an adult? Yeah, you know what? Alba's memories came in when we signed the contract. Chiku? I'm not sure, but Aruba is Aruba, so I didn't really care."

Aldi smiles and cheeks on my hand when I say so.

I wondered whether the expression could be changed even though some of it could not be softened, but I decided not to think deeply even when the clay body was in front of me.

I don't know what I don't know. I can't help but think about it when I don't have the information.

If it's not particularly inconvenient, that's fine, yeah.

"Well, I hope you know, but don't tell anyone else?

"Why is that?"

"I have trouble explaining why, but it would be helpful if you kept it to yourself anyway."

"If Aruba says so, I get it! Because I won't tell you if my mouth is torn!

Aldi punches his chest in the chest more and more, telling him to leave it to him.

I laughed inside out at the human smell and played with Aldi that day.

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