"Good morning, Flam"

On my way to school, Fram was walking in front of me, so I pounded my shoulder gently and greeted him.

"Fluffy!? Ah, Master Aruba. Good morning. I was suddenly surprised to hear from you."

Flam smiles back and says hello when he looks at Bikun and his body and wonders what it is and finds out it's me.

"I'm sorry, I saw Fram. I'll be careful next time."

"That would help. What, oh? Some of you are unfamiliar with it."

When Flam realizes what Carnage looks like, I gently introduce him.

"He's Mr. Carnage. I've been my roommate and I since yesterday."

Looking at Carnage while introducing him, Carnage is in a hurry.

"F...... Fram"

"Oh? Did I see you somewhere?

"Yes, no! I've never seen you! Yeah, this is my first time!

As Flam approaches Carnage and asks, he desperately denies shaking his head beside the boom.

This bastard says it's the first time we've met by effortlessly keeping people's childhood friendly. What am I upset about?

"Really? Hmm, I feel like a familiar voice for that..."

"It's just an imagination. It's an imagination! There are as many similar voices as there are!

Flam still asks as he explores his memory, but Carnage simply denies what he is in such a hurry.

Besides, he's subtly changing his voice color.

"What are the attributes, by the way?

"Dark belongs." He says he's good at healing with light attributes. "What are you tearing apart? You!

Carnage's about to answer, and I'm going to put a line on it and be honest with you.

I gave you an answer instead of a corner, and Carnage, for some reason, grabs my uniform screaming at me in an angry way and rocks me nuts.

"Here, Sick 2! I'm gonna jerk off Aruba!

My shaking means that Aldi in the bag is shaking too. When Aldi figured out what the situation was, he pounded Carnage's head.

Mr. Aldi, please don't call me that. It will damage me too. [M]

"Ha... ha... I'm sorry, what I did to you has upset me. But in the future, don't introduce yourself without my permission, okay?

Carnage, when he manages to calm down, points his finger at me and gives me the nail.

"Okay, I'll be careful."

Carnage nods satisfactorily to my answer.

"You just have to know, if you know what I mean."

When me and Carnage are having such an exchange, Flam puts his hand on his chin and puts some kind of un-un in his head.

"What's wrong -? Do you have a headache?

"No, I was just wondering...... I thought you said you were good at recovering from light attributes."

That's what Fram says when Stardy talks worryingly to the troubled Fram.

"If it's a light attribute, isn't it that rare for someone who's good at recovery?

Yatsufusa asks, as a kyoton.

Sure, I think so.

There are currently two attributes that Recovery Magic can use: the Ice (Water) attribute and the Light attribute.

In this world, there is a perception that light attributes are sacred attributes, so it's no surprise that you're good at recovery.

"It would be good to talk about this anymore! I'm not who you think I am. All right?"

"Um, well, you're right. In the first place, he shouldn't be here right now."

To Carnage's words, Flam says as he is convinced.

What difference does it make?

Because Carnage is in a hurry to waste, I actually thought he knew Fram, but according to Fram's words, it seems unlikely that he would be here.

Damn, he's confusing.

When we have such a conversation, we hear the bell ringing from afar.

"That's not if we're standing here talking! I'm gonna be late!

I screamed at everyone in a panic, and we all ran out.

"Hey, I managed to make it..."

I can sweat all over my body without strength in my seat.

On the side, Aldi is giving me a slight breeze with his patties and small hands to say.

Honestly, it's water on a burning stone, but I'm happy with Aldi's feelings, so I'll leave it at that.

Carnage broke up along the way because of her different class, but I'm worried that she got there safely because she was more exhausted than me.

I mean, aren't you isolated in your class with such a character?

"You can afford to be late the next day you advance, Alber"

As I breathe and think about Carnage, Bechelle talks to me with a nibble.

"I came out quite sparingly, but there was a bit of a lot going on."

"What kind of things?

"Well…… Anyway, a lot of things."

It's a pain in the ass to explain it all, so I answer appropriately.

"Hmm. Ma, no. Have you decided to choose a course over that?

"Choice course?

"Look, you've been saying this for a long time, haven't you? When I went to higher education, I said I had a choice course tailored to my future profession."

Uh, speaking of which, you had that.

I feel like it's too early for those of us who are still junior high school students to decide on a course to suit the profession we want to be, but that's common sense for the planet, and some kids in this world will be working from an earlier age, and I guess this is normal.

There are several choice courses for this school, and the most popular is still the profession of working in countries such as the Knights and the Mage of the Court.

Other courses are available that can be used in a variety of fields.

I'm an adventurer course, by the way.

When I got home, I talked to my dads and made up my mind.

Because they were reincarnated into different worlds, some say they want to see the world and be around it, but others say that it is inefficient to stay in one place to spread earthly magic.

When I told my fathers that, they agreed in two replies to me to do whatever I wanted.

In the first place, the fathers are a contemporary aristocrat and have a one-generation status, so they don't even have to think about succeeding.

Additionally, even contemporary aristocrats can continue to be aristocrats by buying their rights, but their father thinks it's enough for one generation, so they won't buy it.

I was told that if I wanted to, there would be a way that way, but I myself refused because I wasn't particularly adamant about the nobility itself.

"I'm an adventurer."

I answer as I recall the winter break.

"Huh? Is that true? Didn't Aruba have his eldest son? Are you good with inheritance or something?

Bechelle says to my words in surprise.

"Yeah, we're contemporary aristocrats, so we don't have to worry about inheritance. Your fathers aren't interested in power or status, so they think it's a one-generation thing."

"Hmm, so do you, but your fathers seem like strange people. You're not usually interested in power, are you?

Well, if you ask me, I might.

It is normal to think that everyone wants power, money, status, etc.

but I don't know what my fathers mean, but at least I'm not that interested.

Originally, I'm a small citizen, so if I have too much power or money, I don't feel comfortable the other way around.

Well, I'm interested in the extent to which you want to spread earthly magic when it comes to status......?

I just don't want to be the lord of every castle in every country on a boulder.

"Well, I mean, there are people like that."

"I don't know about that."

"That's what it is."

The teacher comes as he chats with Bechelle with an unconvincing look on his face.

They decided on a course of choice, and we were called one at a time to tell the teacher our hopes.

"Hey, Aruba made the choice course what?

Lunch break.

The customer opens her mouth when she is eating with the usual member + carnage in the learning meal.

By the way, why is Carnage here eating alone and lonely, and it was so sad that I asked her out?

"I'm an adventurer course."

"Huh? Really? I thought you were going to choose the Knights or something."

To my words, Yatsufusa says surprised.

"Sometimes I say I want to look around the world, but I have a purpose in spreading dirt magic."

"... uh, maybe the adventurer would be better off if it did have that. What about everyone?

Yatsufusa asks other faces when he nods as he is convinced.

"I'm on the same adventurer course as Master Aruba. I don't have enough experience, so I want to spread the word while I help Alba."

Flam says so with a face like he deserved.

By the way, when you graduate, it's up to you to accompany me.

Because it was when I had dinner with Fram and Hein that I talked about going for adventurers, and when I heard about it, Hein suggested that Fram come with me.

Plus, my parents pushed me oddly that it was good and Flam was excited about it, so I agreed.

Well, it's better to have a companion who's more inspiring than traveling alone.

"I was a little worried about the adventurer course. I want to make this defense work for more people."

Stardy says that with a smile on his face.

... really, he's a good kid if the fight doesn't even start.

"Naturally, I'm an adventurer too. I want to spread this power of darkness among the foolish people!

"Not darkness, Hiro." Did I say something? "Nandemonaides"

When I tried to correct Carnage's mistake, she stared at me, so I decided not to say anything.

Carnage makes you want to be crazy about something. It's funny.

It hurts!

"Uh, are they all adventurer courses?

Yatsufusa says with a somewhat unfortunate face.

Yeah, I honestly didn't think they were all adventurer courses either.

"Speaking of which, which did Yatsufusa do?

"I'm a Knights course, aren't I? I really wanted to be an adventurer, but I wanted to be in a profession where I had a steady income to repay everyone in my hometown."

Uh, is it like a civil servant you say on Earth?

Or that it is a very fine idea from within the child.

About the year I was in Yatsufusa, I was only happy with my friends and their stories, discovering treasures in Kawahara and becoming a festival, and all I did was be stupid.

Well, is that also the difference between Earth and this world?

You're not the same age to start working in the first place.

"That means you're saying goodbye to Mr. Yatsufusa when he graduates. I miss you a little bit."

"Well, I still have three years to decide on a course right now. Can you even make changes or something along the way?

"That's true -"

Stardy answers my question.

Well, if you decide now and you can't change the course, it's hard when there are circumstances and you give up the path.

Yet Yatsufusa is the Knights.............

Maybe it was sweet of us all to keep thinking about it together.

If we meet, we have goodbyes.

Forgetting the obvious, I ate a little while I was lonely.

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