Glory of tactics

One hundred and seventeen Fengshasha

Lin Jingyan pushed the door open and went out, and met Fang Rui who was coming back. The two exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then Fang Rui came in carrying his spare parts bag. He seemed a little tired. Instead of bragging about winning a game as usual, he said to Sun Leshi: "Give me a towel and I'll wipe my face."

Sun Leshi took out a towel with the Howling logo and handed it to Fang Rui, but Fang Rui didn't take it. Instead, he looked at the screen, frowned and said, "Why isn't it Li Hua?"

Then he turned around and said to Qiu Fei: "You guys in the ring should be careful."

In Qiu Fei's preparations, Li Hua and his Lin Ancao Jing were not the focus. In the past five rounds, only the one when Xu Ru took a break did he play in the group competition, and the rest of the time he appeared in individual competitions.

Qiu Fei closed his eyes and recalled Li Hua's technical characteristics, and then Fang Rui said: "Let's watch this first."

Lin Jingyan's opponent this time was not simple either. He was Yanyu's regular sixth man Lu Yining, a sharpshooter.

Lu Yining debuted in the sixth season, one year later than Samsara Zhou Zekai. His style of play is not like that of the later sharpshooter players, who followed the path of the gun king's gun and physical skills. Although he has certain melee capabilities, he still focuses on medium and long-range suppression.

The style of play determines the picture selection.

The map chosen by Lu Yining is called Vacation Beach. The terrain is open and flat, with only a few sparse coconut trees and scattered sun umbrellas, beach chairs and other leisure facilities.

There are only three shelters on the entire map: the stilt buildings and motorboats at the spawn points at both ends, and the small vending machine in the center of the map.

Seeing this competition map, the faces of everyone in Wuxiao were a little ugly.

Lin Zhenhe murmured: "This fight is not easy either."

Fang Rui took the towel from Sun Leshi's hand, wiped his face carelessly, and said word for word: "Old Lin will definitely win."

Zhao Yuzhe snorted coldly, his face ashen.

Qiu Fei's expression was quite natural, but there was still a little worry between his brows.

They all could see clearly that this map was too restrictive for Lin Jingyan. In fact, not only Lin Jingyan, but also Zhao Yuzhe, as well as Guo Haoran and Fang Rui who had just played, none of them who played in the individual competition of Wuxiao were suitable for this map.

The lack of bunkers actually doesn't matter. The beach covering the entire map is the most deadly element on this map.

As long as the character is running on the ground, his mobility and jumping ability will be reduced on this kind of terrain. Looking at the twenty-four professions of Glory, only the magician and the four gun types can move flexibly on the beach.

In other words, Lu Yining dared to use this map, which means he was sure that Qiu Fei would not play in the individual competition. As for veteran Zheng Yong, he hasn't taken it seriously yet.

At the beginning of the game, Yu Gai Mi Zhang used a series of flying guns to occupy the small vending cart in the center of the map.

Tang Sanda's birth position was on the yacht, and the distance from the hawker cart was equal to that of Yu cover. However, the difference in mobility between the two characters on this map made it difficult for Tang San to open fire when Yu cover opened fire on the roof of the hawker. Just ran half the distance.

Braving gunfire and charging towards the gun type has become a common occurrence for fighting type professions. Lin Jingyan has long been used to it after fighting for so many years. Tang San moved slower than usual, so he just thought he had been hit by a handful of demonic dispelling powder.

The bullets from the Gatling gun hit Tang San like a downpour. Tang San only dodged most of the bullets by jumping forward and rolling sideways. Although he was still hit by two bullets, blood spurted out from his body, but the impact was not enough to affect his movement.

Three anti-tank guns chased Tang San's footsteps, each one hitting closer than the last. Seeing that he couldn't dodge the last shot, Tang San punched and kicked him. He first knocked over a sun umbrella, like a shield, detonated the shell, and then kicked up the beach chair.

He also covered Tang San's figure, blocking all the shock waves of the explosion.

Lin Jingyan's smart response caused scattered applause in the hostile Yanyu home court.

The continuous explosion of artillery shells inevitably stirred up yellow sand all over the sky, but even if the opponent could not be seen, the flames trying to hide the muzzle of the gun never stopped for a moment.

The weapon Lu Yining chose to conceal his identity was an automatic pistol, Silver Martial Storm Domain. The biggest feature of this weapon is its extremely high attack speed. Counting the additional attributes, it reaches a full 12 points.

The attack speed of firearm weapons is reflected in the form of magazine capacity. The common model of automatic pistols has an attack speed of 10 points, which is 8 bullets, while the 12-point attack speed of the Storm Realm is 10 bullets per magazine.

Even without using any skills, Yu Gai Mi Zhao still fired a barrage, shooting twelve consecutive rays of silver light into the flying sand.

Floating bombs, stiff bombs.

Lu Yining played very cunningly. There were two shots with special effects mixed in the rain of bullets. No matter which shot hit, it would be used by his ultimate move Barrett to snipe, creating an opportunity to severely damage the opponent.

However, Lu Yining's little cunningness was not enough in the eyes of an old man like Lin Jingyan.

After the anti-tank shell exploded, sand and soil flew up. It was obviously a good time to make a sudden advance, but Tang Sanda lay on the spot, stunned and motionless.

Lu Yining's box of bullets and two skills were all hit in the empty space.

When most of the sand blown up by the explosion was falling down, another cloud of yellow sand flew up, and this time, Tangshan Da's figure was vaguely visible.

To cum or not to cum? Barrett was loaded, but because his vision was not completely clear, Lu Yining was not sure he could hit the head. He gritted his teeth and made a decision, continuing to aim.

The sand kicked out by normal attacks will not fly very high. Only the sand kicked out by flying kicks with high skills can cover the whole person.

Although Goofy Kick is a level 1 skill with a short cooldown, it cannot be fired continuously.

It was impossible for Tang San to hide himself in the sand curtain forever.

Lin Jingyan's response was wonderful, but flaws will eventually appear!

Exposed! Tang San hit him on the head!

Lu Yining waited for the moment he wanted, moved the mouse slightly, and fired out a shot.

However, just as the gun fired, Tang Sanda suddenly became shorter out of thin air!

The bullet made a striking gap in the sparse sand curtain, grazed Tang San's scalp, sank into the beach behind him, and exploded a small crater.

"Thousand-jin Plunge! I didn't expect this skill to be created on the Blood Sacrifice Juehun today! It's not a loss if it replaces a Barrett sniper shot." The anchor shouted in surprise again.

But this time, it may not be clear to onlookers. What Lin Jingyan actually did was just a knee attack that he had prepared long ago. The sand was kicked out by Tang San. Lin Jingyan knew when his head would be exposed.

Taking advantage of the time to reload, Tang San rolled over after being trapped in the sand pit, then rolled out again, and then continued to sprint towards the concession cart.

One step, two steps.

Gunshots fired.

Bullets and bricks flew by.

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