Glory of tactics

One hundred and twelve wind last night

"No problem." Qiu Fei said again.

The executor of the box-1 tactic that entangles the opponent's core is Qiu Fei's most frequent role in team competitions.

Excluding him from regular tactics and letting him play freely was the tactic that Lin Jingyan and Fang Rui came up with to best utilize Qiu Fei's abilities.

Born in the Excellent Era training camp, Qiu Fei received the most formal training from techniques to tactics, and his own tactical awareness was not bad among rookies.

It has been two or three months since I arrived at Wuxiao, but I have always been outside the overall tactics and unable to integrate into the team to achieve 4+1\u003e5. This is not just Qiu Fei's problem.

The main reason is that Wuxiao's traditional wretched tactics are too special and require too much proficiency and tacit understanding.

In fact, not only Qiu Fei, but also Zhao Yuzhe, who was trained by Wuxiao himself, was a little better than Qiu Fei in terms of integrating into team tactics. There is also the factor that elemental mages are long-range and are more flexible in getting out of combat.

Whistling's wretched flow is not complicated to say the least. It is a guerrilla warfare tactic of running away when you can take advantage, and going around in circles if you can't take advantage.

However, it is easier said than done.

Everyone will memorize the sixteen-character policy, but it is not easy to apply it in the game.

Where will the opponent come from? The first is a big problem.

As both professional-level players, the game maps are not completely unfamiliar to each other. What the two sides have mastered are only differences in details.

No one would take the initiative to go to truly dangerous places and desperate places.

Therefore, we need to do everything we can to lure opponents over, deceive them, and force them to pass.

Or just choose another type of terrain as the place for the decisive battle, not trying to completely restrict the opponent, but just trying to maximize your own advantages.

The latter method cannot maximize the geographical advantages, but it is often used by Wuxiao.

In Whistling's main lineup, there are two very crucial professions, namely Lin Zhenhe's knight and Fang Rui's thief.

The knight has provocation and roar; the thief has traps and invisibility. Of these two professional controls, one can lure the opponent over, and the other can keep the opponent behind.

Among them, the method of attracting people does not necessarily rely on skills. It is a clever method to make the opponent obediently fall into the trap without realizing the trap. Relatively speaking, thieves who can retain their opponents are an indispensable part.

Therefore, the famous combination of Wuxiao is a criminal combination of gangsters and thieves, not the double Lin combination of Lin Jingyan and Lin Zhenhe.

If there is a law, it will be broken.

When your opponent sees a roaring person on the field, he doesn't have to chase after him. He can just stay far away and allow him to be bombarded from a distance. In order to avoid the dilemma of being beaten and unable to change hands, it is essential to equip the gunner or elemental mage with long-range countermeasures.

To this day, treatment is almost a must-have member for every team in team competitions. As long as the healing mana is not exhausted, pure long-range bombardment cannot kill anyone.

Therefore, Wuxiao needs a reason for his opponents to chase him, and Lin Jingyan's gangster exists precisely for this purpose.

Among the four categories of fighting, the boxer represents tradition and balance, the judo represents short-range and violence, the qigong master represents mid-range and control, and the gangster represents comprehensiveness.

This profession is easy to learn and has skills to deal with any situation. Although there are no top professional players like the Five Saints, it is still a popular profession in online games.

However, it is easy to get started, but at the professional level, this may not be the case. On the contrary, it has become the most detail-oriented.

Lin Jingyan used to have a set of three combos named after his characters. Tang's three combos were Blocking Tiger, Double Crescent Moon, and Scar Pain. This set of combos helped Lin Jingyan win the title of the number one gangster that year and made great achievements in battle.

However, in recent years, in the professional arena, it is rare to see Lin Jingyan perform this combo again.

There are two reasons.

First, this combo is a defensive counterattack routine, requiring the opponent to attack first, using the Blocker to create a weakness, followed by the damage of Double Crescent Moon and Scar Pain. This routine has been played so many times that everyone knows it and is prepared. When the time comes, it can be broken by interrupting the attack easily. It can also be counterattacked when Double Crescent and Scar Pain are empty.

Second, these three skills are all intermediate skills, and the skill effects can create enough stiffness in the year for subsequent skills to connect. But nowadays, the equipment of each character has been greatly improved, and the resistance to stiffness is different from that of the past. If your hand speed is slightly slower, your opponent will get away.

Glory has been developing for ten years, and even any passerby in the God Realm knows how to parry and defend during PK instead of just throwing away big moves. In the professional circle, this mistake is even less likely to be made.

Use mid- to low-level skills first to lay the groundwork, control the opponent steadily, and then use larger moves. This is efficient and less likely to leave flaws. All it takes is a few more operations.

Lin Jingyan also keeps pace with the times.

When he first debuted, his Tang San fighting style was actually not the obscene style it is now, but was very similar to today's Tang Hao. Charge bravely and vigorously, even if you die, you will fall on the front, in the line of fire. The style of passionate fight to the death is very popular, and Wuxiao attracted its initial fans with its brave and fearless temperament.

However, pure fierceness could not bring victory. At that time, Howl was a relegation team.

Out of the yearning for victory and the desire for honor, Wuxiao gradually changed his style, and Lin Jingyan revised his style of play, step by step, until the wretched style was formed.

During this period, some people were unwilling to make changes and transferred out; some people were unable to adapt to the changes and moved to the edge; and even more people opposed the changes and broke up to retire... Of course, there are also those who are suitable for this tactic. People, stay, bring them in...

During this process, Lin Jingyan's tactical status and role were gradually strengthened and gradually became crucial.

Tang San took on more and more missions, turning from a pure attacker into an all-round warrior.

The essence of the wretched style is to strike from behind, but to strike from behind, you usually have to strike first, trying to break up the opponent's formation, triggering the opponent's counterattack and pursuit, and giving the opponent a reason to move. It would be difficult to handle if the opponent is allowed to maintain a good formation, step into the ambush circle step by step, and turn a sneak attack into a strong attack.

Wuxiao is no longer the team that was good at attacking tough situations head-on.

So this requires Tang San to attack, cut off, harass and lure even more.

Lin Jingyan decided when to feint and when to attack, when to retreat and when to persist. He guides the Whistling tactics, so he is the core of the Whistling tactics.

The rogue's comprehensiveness allows Wuxiao to flexibly form a tactical system at any time, take advantage, and accumulate small victories into big victories.

When there are no knights, the rogue can rely on throwing skills to move the target; when there are no thieves, the choke, brick attack and snare can all control the target; not to mention the output, the steel and iron bones plus the Overlord's punches can beat him hard when he is caught. , no one can stop it!

Lin Jingyan at his peak was simply omnipotent! It is only one step away from attaining trance and becoming holy. However, the last step, the championship, was something he could never take.

Zhang Jiale is lucky, he at least saw hope.

Zhang Jiale is unlucky again. He has been in despair three times.

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