Glory of tactics

Fifty-four people remain the same

The soaring level of Falling Stars Like Rain seemed very sudden on the list, which naturally attracted the attention of some people who were still active in the game.

On New Year's Eve, Qiu Fei went online at 9 o'clock in the morning. Before he did anything, he saw the communication icon flashing at first sight. When I clicked on it, I saw a message from the guild president.

Lord Grim: When will it be online? Brush up together.

The message was sent last night. Qiu Fei took a look and saw that Lord Grim was not online right now, so he left a message.

Falling stars like rain: all day today.

Someone had made an appointment to clear the dungeon, so Qiu Fei naturally wouldn't do it alone. However, it was no problem to fight the wild monsters, so he went back and forth near the entrance to the dungeon.

There are really few people who still play games on the New Year's Eve. Qiu Fei practiced the level for two hours, but he didn't see a single living person. Of course, this is also related to the fact that the level of the map he is on is too high. When he returns to the main city, he can still see many players.

The monsters fell down one after another, and came to the door one after another. Clearing the map by yourself, with adequate attack and defense, and the feeling of mowing the grass is quite satisfying.

Luoxing Ruyu's body flashed with white light, and his character level rose to 46, which was considered to be at the forefront of the level list. Once you reach this level again and run to the Bright Forest, you will probably not be able to find anyone to form a team.

The weapon in Luoxing Ruyu's hand now is a level 40 silver weapon, the favorite of master alchemist. It is still upgraded bit by bit from the starting point of the Sage. The formula and upgrade ideas continue to focus on basic attacks, and can be used up to level 55. However, Qiu Fei was unable to continue using this series of weapons after he was promoted to this point.

When the capped level was initially at level 50, the production of silver weapons was just an Easter egg-style gameplay. Very few of the finished products could be used. Therefore, the value of high-end materials was not highlighted and was not monopolized by the big guilds. Most of them exploded. After it comes out, it circulates in the market.

It wasn't until Ye Qiu led Excellent Era to achieve three consecutive championships, and the role of the evil spirits in his hands was taken seriously, that all teams in the alliance began to research silver weapons, and high-end materials were truly extinct from the hands of ordinary players.

In the past two years, the highest level has not been released. If the masters who have already reached the highest level do not give up on the game, they will definitely find some tricks to maintain their interest in the game. Therefore, there are various forums on the forum. An open research post.

When the professional league was established and experience and strategies in various aspects of the game were monetized, many people kept it to themselves and chose to sell any new discoveries or new gameplay methods to clubs instead of making them public.

For example, three years ago, when Qiu Fei first started to learn Battle Mage, the strategy he studied was written by Ye Xiu before the Alliance appeared. If he hadn't shown his talent, joined the Excellent Era training camp, and received formal follow-up training, then his current level would have only allowed him to dominate the online gaming circle. Even if he was lucky enough to play against professional players, he would probably not be as good as all the other players. Tang Rou in the star game.

The answer to whether the master alchemist's favorite can continue to be upgraded is of course yes, but this is no longer something that an individual can study.

But even if he reaches level 50, Qiu Fei doesn't need to worry about weapons.

From level 50 upwards, as the version is updated, the capped level of Glory has been suspended for every five levels, ranging from half a year to one year.

In the leveling process, the five levels do not take much time at all, and can be completed in a week at most. Then for the remaining year and a half, I had to rely on brushing up on dungeons and jungle bosses.

This has resulted in a large number of equipment and weapons of these levels circulating in the market.

Low-level, inferior-quality ones, even orange ones, can be purchased with a small amount of game currency. Among the equipment currently on the market, only level 65 top-quality orange weapons and most level 70 equipment weapons need to be purchased with money.

Guessing that the time was almost up, Qiu Fei was going to log off and make lunch to worship at the Five Zang Temple.

Qiu Fei naturally doesn't know how to cook.

But if you just heat the packed lunch in the microwave, it won't be difficult for Qiu Fei.

"Xiao Qiu, is that you?" A familiar voice and a familiar title came from the headset, and someone asked from behind.

In online games, Qiu Fei usually only communicates through text, but the voice channel is always open.

The perspective of Luoxing Ruyu was pulled back, and what came into view was a character covered in colorful colors, equipped with all five types of equipment: heavy boards, light leather and cloth. Even without putting the mouse on a person, Qiu Fei knew that only Lord Grim, who played as a Sanren in the 10th District, had this equipment style.

Falling Stars Like Rain: I am the captain.

Qiu Fei was not surprised why Ye Xiu recognized him.

At their level, personal characteristics are very obvious if they are not deliberately hidden. Those who are familiar with it will recognize it at a glance.

"I didn't expect you to be the one falling like rain." Ye Xiu sighed. "If I had known, I would have called you to fight against the Guardian Demon God a few days ago. When will the group go up to clear the dungeon?"

Luoxing Ruyu: I'm going to prepare lunch first, and I'll be back in about half an hour.

Ye Xiu was surprised: "Why do you still cook by yourself?"

Luoxing Ruyu: There is no one in the club, so I will heat up a lunch box and eat it by myself.

Ye Xiu was silent for a while and switched to typing.

Lord Grim: You won’t go home during the Spring Festival?

Falling Stars Like Rain: I don’t want to go back, and I don’t have anywhere else to go.

Ye Xiu was silent again for a while, and after a while, he said in his voice: "If nothing happens, come to my place later."

Qiu Fei replied immediately.

Falling stars like rain: Xingxin Internet Club? good.

The straight-line distance from Jinling to Hangzhou is more than 200 kilometers, and it can be reached in less than two hours by taking the fastest train.

On the last day before the Spring Festival, the peak of Spring Festival travel has basically passed, and the station suddenly became deserted. Qiu Fei bought the ticket easily.

When the sun was still high in the western sky, Qiu Fei had already stepped out of Hangcheng Railway Station.

He has lived in this city for more than two years and dare not mention other places. Qiu Fei is still very familiar with the bus route from the train station to Excellent Era Club.

Looking up at the flaming maple leaf pattern on the top of the tall building, Qiu Fei felt quite uncomfortable. Once upon a time, all he could think about was to improve his skills, compete for Excellent Era, and rebuild a new dynasty for this once powerful family.

However, things are unpredictable. Now that he has this ability, Excellent Era has abandoned him.

Without looking any further, Qiu Fei crossed the Excellent Era Building and walked to the door of the Internet cafe diagonally across the road. He looked at the sign that said the business was temporarily closed and knocked twice on the door.

"Who is it? We're closed today." A cheerful female voice said inside.

Qiu Fei continued to knock twice, and the sound of footsteps came. The door opened and it was Chen Guo.

The two had met each other during the All-Star Weekend. It had only been a few days, so they naturally recognized each other.

"I just said you were coming, and here you are. So fast!" Chen Guo exclaimed in surprise, and then dragged Qiu Fei in.

"Hey, you're just in time." Ye Xiu stood up from his seat, raised his hand and shouted to Qiu Fei, "Hurry up and come here to refresh your account, so many people are waiting for you."

Hearing these unceremonious words, Qiu Fei's heart warmed up, and he felt as if he was back in Excellent Era. He responded: "Okay, I'll be there soon."

Qiu Fei walked inside, turned around a row of computers, and saw Su Mucheng. He immediately greeted: "Hello, Sister Cheng."

Su Mucheng looked away from the screen, turned to look at him, smiled and said, "Long time no see."

But Ye Xiu patted the mouse and shouted dissatisfied: "Time is tight, hurry up! After finishing the dungeon, I still have to do the New Year mission!"

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