Global Warring State

Global Warring States Section 389

The bombing of the airship is just a small episode of this war: the future historical class, this bombing will have a high meaning. But it truthfully said that this aerial bombardry impact on this war, but the biggest impact is that it will take out the battlefield in advance of Cao Sanxi, who was scarred.

Time has come to 6.30, the sun began to clearly sink, after four hours of hules, the two sides of the battle are already scarred, panting. Moreover, as the line of sight is deteriorated, the number of metal fatigue is inevitable after the long-term shooting of the barrel, and the number of the two sides begins to decline.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, the lower edge of the sun has been sinked to the sea. The sunset's aftergorgation put the sea on a layer of brilliant golden yellow, and the two sides of the artilling sound, and slowly began to weaken, so that gradually silence.

"Our main ship today's battle is here, it will be almost finished, statistical results and war."

"Yes, the general. After the calculation, when it is calculated, the cumulative hits six heavy patrols, at least twelve. These twelve ships, at least three have completely lost motivation, that is, stop in the sea Waiting for death. The enemy's battleship, the two Osman's battleships have been retired. The worship of the seven battleships, the leading flagship at least is homogeneous, the remaining six ships have smashed five guns.

As for our army, twenty-five heavy patrols, there are nine reincarnations. However, the nine sessions are all available. The slowest Gansu can be maintained in six sections, and the three of the Gansu, Guangdong, and Fujian No. 3 have a heavier patrol, which has been followed by Cao Sanxi in most hours. After removing. In other words, we are currently on the battlefield, and there are six heavy patrols.

In terms of the battleship, Cao Sanxi hit the battlefield. The flagship is quite a large group of twelve, the second oil tower is completely destroyed. In the waterline of Yu Dazhao, I bounced with more than three hundred tons. Other warsers or less seven-eight cannons to 134 cannons, and there must be afflat to fighting, but the overall vessel has not been an income. "

"Well, the command battles and the over-patrol team, twenty minutes after the battlefield." Say that the dog supported here twice, but it was firmly said: "Six injuries have heavy patrols."

"Hey?" After a little later, the communication staff should be determined: "Yes!"

"Give the light patrol and expelled fleet, the next battle, hand it over to them. Strive to fight tonight, at least one of the other battleships!"

Chapter VIII, Laozi wants to eat

At 11:40 on September 16, 1647, the sun has sunaccened below the sea level. However, this evening is not like a storm, the moonlight and the sky of the sky last night, and the sea is plated with a faint silver.

In this quiet silver light, under the dark sky, the outline of dozens of steel castles is exactly the battleship and patrol of the Osman Joint Fleet in Spain, Osman Joint Fleet in the Rocontina Navy base.

In addition to retreat, the Omie, Burkel, and the six heavy patrols of the battle, three were all patrols due to all the loss of power. Now, in this formation, there are seven battles, twenty-four heavy patrols.

The commander of this fleet Gascia has made these thirty warships with a fish fork: twenty-four heavy patrols, a U-style array, seven battleships in a straight line, inserted in the center of this U. The whole fleet, from the northeast to the southwest direction, with six speeds, slow forward to Colomolo.

All battleships have strictly implemented light fire control, except for several battleships to open the searchlights, and the monk of each other is brought by the friendship of the moonlight, and maintains more than 500 meters. The spacing, the sprinkles are not ringing.

On the flagship Fair South of this fleet, the Fleet commander Gascia will also seriously implement the command of the lamp control, and the commander's cabin has not opened any luminaires.

However, as the commander, Garcia has a lot of things to do after the war. So, at this time, he is letting his self-employed officer holding a flashlight, he is written by his own report.

"Respected Philip, this sea battle, our army is the main force, after nearly five hours with the enemy wars, the specific results are as follows, this time, I think there is something to pay attention to.

First of all, on both parties, this combat, our military soldiers should be superior, with their hits compared to previous training, it is approximately more than 10%. However, the radio speed of the Chinese warship is more than seven and six-sixth. So this battle, in the case of my military expenditure, the hit obtained by both parties is not big. Your Majesty, today's hit rate is abnormal, I can't guarantee every battle in the future, our soldiers can be so accurate. But if the next war, our hit rate is restored to normal level, and the Chinese warship is still like today, and we will become more difficult. After all, in the stationary state, there is more than 20 kilometers, and the two sides have more than one hundred kilometers today, the output of firepower is fundamentally. Therefore, I suggest that you should be responsible for the academician of the Asturias Academy, accelerate the development of speed guns.

Secondly, in the speed of the warship, we are obviously behind. Because the speed can't keep up, our army lost its initiative in the exercise of the T-head, forced the enemy to turn. This is also the main reason why our military loss is more than the other party. Therefore, the new generation of warships and speeds of our army are essential.

Third, this fashion is my first time to fight against the Chinese battleship. I can obviously feel that the Chinese battles are not running fast, and the anti-strike capacity is extremely strong, especially the two warships with Osman, it is hard to be extremely strong. Fast speed, weak fire, the fire, the Chinese warship designer, is really a great guy.

In short, in this fashion, the enemy's flagship is at least 10 of our battleship main artillery, but the other party's flagship, the combat capacity is basically unaffected. This is of course related to the harm part of our other party. However, the other party has a volume of about 15,000 tons, and the six main guns are installed, and the speed of 16 knots can be ran out. There is no doubt that this is definitely not a full armored battleship, but only the key partial protection. However, it is just that these key protection, resulting in the effect of we can't get the winning power, I really admire the Chinese battleship designer, he has designed an extremely excellent battleship.

Fourth, the use of the average boat force. In my opinion, the airship used to reconoct, and the calibration ballistic is very large, and the above work is limited to day and weather is fine. However, it is extremely low efficient, even without a loss. The average boat airdrop is too high, and the bomb is difficult to control, the hit rate is similar to nothing. The airdrop height is too low, and its slow speed will be almost a fixed target. In the future, the Army will fight, hundreds of airships are bombed with a cluster strategy of three kilometers, and can consider it.


" !" The thick iron gate of the commander cabin was pushed away by the external force. A middle school staff was very urgent to shout at the door: "The commander, we were discovered by the Chinese descendants!"

At 11:45 at 11:45, Dong Zhining commanded Qiongzhou, the Daming Navy, the third destroyer detachment of Daming Navy, searched for more than three hours on the sea, finally found that it is retreat. The main fleet of the West Olympics.

During this day, the tweezers of the two sides are watching the sea. At 67.5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun began to enter the sea, the main fleet of the two sides slowly stopped the shelling and started to get out of contact, and the light patrol expelling soldiers in the distance will be over.

Of course, the daytime in the day is only for more than four hours, and although the heavy patrols of both sides have sunk, most of them are still there. Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to open the entanglement of the opponent's light patrol soldier. On the one hand, the 150 guns of the other party are not affordable. Therefore, the light patrol exeverse soldiers in both sides shortly after the night, in the face of the other party strictly implemented the main fleet of the light-controlled control, and lost the goal.

But now, after more than three hours of search, Dong Zhining's third detachment finally caught the big fish.

"Hey, I will say, the thief is so heavy, it is heavy, for insurance, definitely not go to Kolkata but to the south of Colombo. The fool is not believed, do not bring the first team to the north. "

"Boss, caught big fish, it can be happy, but this fish is too big. Just now, our searchlight sweeps, at least 20 or more big ships."

"Well, it is really a bit big. Then you still do? Hurry to invented electricity, inform the surrounding friend army to fight fish!"


Communication staff hurriedly opened to the telegram, Dong Zhining lifted a telescope, looking at the valence of the enemy ship of 10,000 meters away, then ignited a smoke, sucked a bite: "Order! Nanxiong, Huizhou, Chaozhou Six ships, followed by the ship, with this ship, around the enemy fleet, wrapped around the enemy fleet. Shunqing, Jiading, Fuling, Zhangzhou, Baoying, Zhangzhou Six ships, led by Zheng Chenggong, clockwise. Keep the spacing with the enemy's surrounding battander, first around a circle, this ship must first figure out the enemy's formation. "


With Dong Zhining's order, the third warship of the third expelled detachment, the rapid action, started with the speed of the West Olympic Army, with the speed of the West an army.

Although it has been discovered by the enemy, Garcia did not cancel the light fire control command. Just let the battleship in the array of arrayed a lighting, then the arrest according to the movement of the enemy ship in the lighting bomb.

Unfortunately, although the destruction of the military destroyer detachment reveals a clear figure under the pale lighting. But Dong Zhi Ning can keep the detachment to at least 10,000 meters of enemy ship. Therefore, although the overwhelming of the coalition is desperate, this distance is already a 150 gun's limit range. In fact, many shells are straight into the sea from 2 or three kilometers from Dong Zhining and other bats. .

"Boss, now only receive the back of the second destroyer detachment. However, they have transferred our news, and the news sent by the other three detachments was also transferred by them. Specifically, the first team leading to Qi Zhenzong led the first team. The distance is nearly 100 kilometers, and now I can't catch up. Fourth, the fifth detachment is fighting with the lighter detachment of the thief. The second detachment is about 40 kilometers from us. It is rushing at full speed. "

"Four, but the fifth team encountered the thief all the light patrol detachment?"

"No!" The communication staff looked down at the electric newspaper: "The thief with his hidden thief is also more than 50 warships."

"Is it more than 50? This is a two-eighth detail? The situation of the fourth team is also very critical. But this seems that the other light patrols, destroyers, the destroyer, is also looking for our main force." In the words, he walked on the smoke in his hand to the outdoor ship bridge, looked at the lighting bomb in the sky, Dong Zhun's figure in the dark and short shining, then his mouth was gently laughing. I laughed, I didn't have morality to bring the cigarette head into the sea, and then stepped back to the command room.

"Dear brothers, I think so. At this moment, the enemy's speed is about 67, it is difficult to ensure that the enemy ship will speed up. Even because the other party has a heavy battleship drag, do not speed up, then The second detachment is at least one and a half hours before it can be reached. 90 minutes, the time is too long, the variable is too much. And the light patrol destroyer detachment that the thief is likely to be nearby. The two teams have arrived first. This is a late arrival than the second detachment. If it is in the 90th minute, the light patrol of the thief has found our main fleet?

So, I mean, I don't wait for the second detachment, let's open it first. In this way, you can forced the eviction of the thief to return to aid, which can reduce the chance of our main fleet to be discovered, and can help our four or five detachments out of the predicament. Of course, I have eaten soon, but the name is not good, and it is also very dangerous. So, everyone is ready to prepare the suicide. "

"Hahaha, boss, what is the suicide, isn't you ready before going?"

"Yeah, the suicide note is enough to write once, and there is a little bit of writing."

"Boss, under the command, our third detachment is eating alone. The second detachment is the idiots, waiting for them to come slowly, let them flow into our results."

"Well, inform our decisions. Airborne, tactical staff, based on enemy's formation,"


After a while, the electricity of each ship came, the captain of the personality is basically "resolutely obey the order", "Decisive to the Emperor". The character is slightly humorous, then "Laozi wants to rush in the first to eat fresh", "Let the thief know the first assassin of Laozi" cloud cloud.

"Boss, all ships express obey orders. In addition, according to our observation, the enemy's array is the patrol of the battleship in the center. Therefore, the plan we have developed is from the north side of the enemy team."

"Why is it north?"

"Because the enemy of the north is patrol, it is more exciting than the mandamin by our military during the day."

"Tell, black lights are buried, we can't continue to illuminate, what can you see?"

"Boss, who said that you can't see it clear? The lighting bomb of the thief is playing out, how much do you want to smoke in the north side? If you say, you can't see it. At this time, the wind is Dongfeng, but we Smell the smell smell in the north side, which is obvious than the South. "

"Ah, yes, watchmake Zhang Lao three days, except for vision, this sense of smell is faint than dog! That is the same." Dong Zhi Ning raised his hand to watch the watch: "Order to restructuring each ship, Qiongzhou , , speed improvement to the biggest 23rd section of this ship. Thirty-five in the morning of the 17th, began to charge! "

The seventh chapter of the seventh chapter of the gun cavalry

After the battle between the day of day, no matter whether it is a dog-based, Garcia, it is actually dissatisfied with the results at the time.

The Daming party needs to kill the main force of the Spanish fleet, at least let the other party can't cause a deadly threat to this transportation fleet when they log in. One of the Spain is the best to make a hopes to create a hunt to Daming, forcing Daming to abandon the large-scale landing in India, even if it does not understand this, but also makes serious weakening the Daming Navy, making it more smooth and safe in the future. some.

But just over four hours of fierce battle, both sides only sink a few heavy patrols: everyone did not reach their own purpose.

Therefore, in the evening, the commanders of the two sides have sprinkled out the light patrolling fleet: In this era of the submarine, breaking or emptying, it requires the main fleet to complete. If you launch a lightning strike in the night, you will have a lot of the combat of the next step.

However, after the commander of the two parties will drive all the fleet, the main fleet of this party has retired, but has made different options.

One party, thirty-three heavy patrols, and sinking six ships, and lost three boats that were forced to give up. So although there are twenty-four heavy patrols on the side of the coalition, in psychological, Garcia cannot withstand the patrol of two or more times. Therefore, his choice is to slowly retreat with the race of the heavy tour.

In Daming, the twenty-five heavy patrol war, sink three, and three of the nine patrols, there are three ships that have been removed in advance. Therefore, the dog farming two dare to drop the remaining six heavy patrols. The remaining main fleet is then returned to Yangon at a fifteenth section.

So after the night, there is a Spanish Navy that hundreds of light patrol destroyers. There are more than 30 light patrol destroyers who have been discovered by Dong Zhining, the six speeds of the Daming, and quickly launched Attack. Although these six heavy trip doctors still fight, although the Spanish Navy is only 8 years in the hand, the maximum voyage is only six hundred meters of white-headed torpedo. However, Daming's six patrols were hit hard, and it was in this dark night. The searchlight was a slow-swallowed torpedo, and the scarred hull itself could not do it. So after more than two hours of fierce battle, five destroyers who have been defeated in Spain, and after the heavy injury was forced to abandon the heavy cost, Daming's six heavy patrols were once shed three.

But this is the same, wait until the blood in the mouth, I want to dry the remaining three ships as soon as possible, in order to continue to pursue the main fleet forward. These Spanish destroyers have encountered the fourth, fifth eviction fleet of the Damu, the fifth expense fleet of the two sides, the 75 guns in both parties, these two of Spain The expelled fleet was once again shattered.

With the extension of the battle duration here, more Spanish destroyer detachments have attracted it. Then, more than 20 Daming's light patrol, the destroyers, surrounded by the three dying patrols of the party, exhausted with the enemy.

In this evening, the three heavy patrols, the twenty-six light patrols, and the fifteen destroyers have been left. The enemy light patrolling surrounded by them, although it is too small. But with the arrival of the Spanish destroyer detachment, there are more and more absolute quantities. Therefore, the Ming army soldiers in the face of the people are almost desperate.

But the strange thing is that the zero point of the 17th has taken advantage of the Spanish expelledrship, actually retreats in the tide?

From the 17th, it is 80 kilometers west of the battlefield, which is overwheedly crowded from the Spanish. The thirteen warships of Daming Third Exhasser Detachment, one by one, began to patrol the collar Qiongzhou, and arranged a neat cone.

Thirteen warships, the largest Qiongzhou number, and only 3,000 tons. As for other destroyers, there are only one hundred and fifty tons. The main fleet of the West Olympic Army in front of them is not only in tonnage. It is simply simply quantity and there are more than one of them.

If at this time, Zhu Fusong, Philip, and Yapula Hin can sit down on the airship, and will watch this battle. Then, when the third detachment completes the array, it is ready to launch a charge. It is estimated that these three trails will come out of the same voice in the same sound: "The Lord of the Rings, Fala in the fathers, led dozens of knights to assault the magic!"

Zero 35 points, a bright whistle sounded, then the Qiongzhou number was in the middle, with the left and right four destroyers, with the high-speed speed of the 23rd, launched the North side of the West Olympics. charge.

At this time, the coalition forces have canceled the lamp control, and dozens of drowsy lights have been hit on the road of these destroyer charges. Then the eight heavy patrols in the north side, the seven battles in the middle, and the reunion of the turret that can also be turned to the north side.


ER! "

With the quickers of the West Olympics, I have an anxious gunman, and quickly pull the gun. Then, dozens of 305 guns, 150 guns, and the shells of the cannons were vacated, and quickly smashed the sea area that the destroyers took place.



Dozens of shares are different from the water columns, some falling columns, splashed, and even more than the bridge of the destroy vessels not far away. After some water columns are broken, even the face is covered with a large number of seawater on these small-headed destroyers, but there is no allegator who has any hesitation, the helmsman steadily in the direction, the water tower of the power cabin is desperately burn Room plus coal, the captain faces the whistling of the sky and the huge water columns, but also the first round of shelling of the West Olympic ship, did not achieve anything, and did not have any obstacles for the Ming Damuraries of the charge.

After more than forty seconds, the 150 guns of the north side of the north side have hit the second round of guns. At the same time, eight patrols on the east side of the coalition fleet were originally taken on the temple, and they wanted to go to the north side, and the eight patrols there, form a more dense line.

Forty-one, the eight of the eight patrols of the north side of the fifth congaine will be more than ten seconds, and the seven battles in the array have also played the third round of shells. This time, Daming's destroyers did not ship so good.

"The captain, the southern flag of the bomb, the hull will enter the water, the ship is already abandoned."

"Know!" Dong Zhi Ning didn't return: "Foshan is nothing wrong with the Wush."

"They are the most edge of the array, almost no shells are near them."

"That's good, continue!"

Before the sea battle in this sea, Dong Zhi Ning only knew that in the four destroyers of the Foshan, Shunqing, there is a special torpedo, the thirty code of the Shengshan Academy of Sciences and the large-scale artisan emergency. Eight. And the maximum speed used in this manner, the biggest range of eight hundred meters of white-headed torpedo. The maximum speed of this thorn can reach 25, the maximum range of ranges exceeds 3 kilometers!

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