Global Warring State

Global Warring States Section 386

And if Spain has won the sea power of the Bay Bay, as long as Zhu Bing does not mad, it may not be truly started with the Indian battle. In this way, the EU has saved India. Daming has already encountered serious internal injuries in high-speed, and it is relieved within a few years.

Of course, for Spain, the most ideal state is: First, a part of the army landing in Daming. Then come to the Bay of Bay, defeated the Daming Navy to defeat the Naval Navy. The Army that Daming has landed will become the , in addition to being annihilated is surrender.

However, this idea is beautiful, but Philip does not dare to take this risk: he is in Daming, there is no Leisi, Louis thirteen this advanced spy. Although it is seen from the release of Daming, the other part is a new water for nine battles, and the Americas have repeatedly confirmed that the other party has two battleships to be in the Americas. If the other party is obedient?

That is to say, the sea battle is not necessarily to win. If this makes the enemy easy to log in, if the war is lost again?

The wins of the sea battle is on the one hand. Let Philip is an urgent thing to be the North Line: The other party is called Sun Chuan Qibei's commander. In the early years, Karewell and Razmondo have taken the hardship, and he also allowed him to suffer from the pain of the heart. This time, in Central Asia, according to Hussein's telegraph, Osman is completely between Sun Chicang to make an applause, this North Line is in danger - he Philip is "broken" Talents, I personally came to India, and IPlaxi, who is far from Constantinople, has repeatedly calling, urge Philip to send a strong force to support the North Line. Otherwise, he ordered to block the Boris Cluster of the Ganges Delta to add to Horsse. In Yipula, don't say that you sent 300,000, even the three million Indian soldiers? It is not a strong support.

But how can 300,000 people in Boris? Daming's Cao Wenzhao has appeared in the cave pigeons.

So, on the one hand, I don't know the true strength of the other Navy, I want to explore. On the one hand, it is the northern line: This real Indian battle has not started, the North Line is dangerous. If the North Line really defeats, um, with the complex traffic conditions of Central Asia, it is estimated that the other party cannot send too many military south, as long as the opening of the Belghan mouth is not affected. But in any case, from the terrain, Daming of Central Asia will not be said that India will not be said. Persia, Afghanistan's power range will be all over - so, Ottoman will not withdraw from war?

Therefore, in any case, we must first fight with Daming's Navy.


"Garcia, is still the enemy's main fleet?"

"Sorry, Your Majesty." Has not found out. "

"Top, I was ready to put this kill to the back, but now the North Line is very dangerous. In order to get time, I approve you to investigate."

"Ah? Thank you. Please rest assured, have airship, we must find each other in advance."


The next day, September 16 early morning.

Last night's storms have passed, after the baptism of lightning, the whole sea is full of fresh air, and the line of sight is extremely good.

"Call ~" I have eaten breakfast, I took a smoke on the deck. Dong Zhining is very comfortable to stretch: "Oh, if you can live this battle, wait until you will be retired, Laozi will buy a small yacht. In such weather, pull the family fishing in the sea, it is really enjoying. "

"Haha, the captain, can you bring a next one?"

"Belt, bring, people are too busy."


"what is the matter?"

"The direction of the 11 point, look up."

"Looking up?" Dong Zhi Ning saw the sea level in the direction of the observant, and did not see anything. Then when he lifted his head, he saw a small black spot in the air.

This small black point is slowly close to his warship, this speed is not like a bird.

He brushed the telescope, quickly adjusted the focal length, after watching a few seconds in the telescope, and then quickly returned it to his eyes: "What is this? child?"

There is no way, the airship is the highest confidentiality by Philip and Yipula. Louis thirteen does not know, Li Si is not known - Daming is not known before the soldier.

In the high altitude of the Qiongzhou, it is a high altitude of 20,000 meters away, and the Spain Navy 'Aviation Soldiers on the' Pioneer 'Airship, which is about one kilometer high degree from Sea Level, and found it before the Qiongzhou. Diren Ning.

"Captain, the Chinese light patrol began to accelerate towards us."

"This should be just a single ship in the peripheral investigation. Whether he continues to move towards five o'clock, we must find the main fleet of the Chinese."


In this way, as both parties forward, very fast, the distance between each other is shortened to five kilometers.

"Hundreds of big air balls, there is a pool of tens of ten square meters. There is a vague figure above the cell. This is not good!"

After a while, Dong Zhining finally returned to God. He looked almost stupid and lifted his head. He looked at the tongue, and he shouted: "What do you do? Hurdered the notice what!"

"Oh yes!"

The researchers who were responsible for the reported Square Academy of Fangshan Academy was busy and the ran. The big one of the Qiongzhou is walked to Dong Zhining: "The Captain, the thief has invented the weapon."

"It is true, there is this, the observation ability of the thief in the battlefield is too much. But ..." He quickly smiled confident: "But what? The other side has a new thing, Don't you fight this? "

After this reason, he started to yell again: "TM is never seen by the world of soil! A balloon makes you god? Don't say that our emperor is also Canglong, from heaven. Millennium Millennium, we can make people the agency. This thing is nothing more than a large Kong Ming light. What about the machine gunner? Look at the elevation angle to the biggest, see if he can give him Down! "

"Captain, the Chinese below adjust their actions of the gun."

"Hey, these ignorant yellow monkeys." Although the face is very a pair of expressions, the captain is still very cautious to rise with the height of the height.

Then there is no then: Daming at this time the 20mm mechanism is to deal with possible personal homes: such as the pirate boat, the slow-skinned white-headed mine is prepared, it is not as high as a high-fire gun. Therefore, its maximum elevation is only 40 °. After this airship rose height to 1500 meters, all weapons on the Qiongzhou number will have no power.

"Mother Hay!" As a Ningbo, Dong Zhi Ning will be in a hurry. However, after it's, he started to ordered: "Give it a rear, the other party's speed is at least more than 1,500 meters. Although the machine of our army is 3,000 meters, it is limited to elevation angle. Over small, it is impossible to form a threat. "


Because Daming this radio technology is not mature, the report distance is extremely limited. Therefore, at the place where the Qiongzhou is approximately 20 kilometers, Wei Zhongxian is all right. After Wei Zhongxian's number, it is Wang Hao's battleship ... Only the pass of such a layer of passed, at 9 o'clock in the morning, the Zhu Fusong in Yangon, I got this report.

"The Dog Day Philip, or Yapula Xin, you are really a bit amazing, actually giving the airship. And there is so good!"

After the heart quietly spitted this, he turned to the Dean of the Academy of Academy accompanied by himself to Yangon: "Our battleship organizers can quickly enlarge the elevation angle?"

"Yes, the emperor, but it is a problem of several screws. Just in this way, the operation of the machine guns will have less mechanical fixation and help, when it is really playing, the soldiers have purely manipulated. This efficiency and accurate degree……"

"Don't tighten, really play, the ship's words, the machine can not have much effect. Again, the other's airship speed is so slow, and each of our ships can have a two-door machine gun constitutes a threat. "

"The minister immediately told that the Shuishan graduate students on each ship quickly transformed a two-door machine gun."

On this side, I just agreed to this matter, and the square Zhenghua has rushed in: "The emperor, the front Fang Qiongzhou call, a large number of thief navy ships are followed by the guidelines of the other flying balls, toward the main direction of our fleet Come."

"..." Silent a meeting, induced Tianshu, Tianzhu, and Wen, and the army were all close to himself. Zhu Bing Dong's God is firmly looked up: "Mailing, fight!"


"Let's make the dog to support the two, you have to follow the sea, watch the battle!"

Chapter 76, Bangladra Bay

Big Tomorrow, 19th year (1647), 9:50 am, Daming Emperor Zhu Bifu, Daming, Daming, Daming, Daming, Daming, Zhu Bifu, Damedian, under the command of the naval main fleet. Then the entire Yangon Port, suddenly the soup, the soup is general, boiling.

At 9:00, the ships in Hong Kong have been traveled in Hong Kong. Each ship that sprinkled out investigated in advance returned. At 10:25, Yu Dawei, Deng Zilong, Cao Sanxi, Lian Po, Li Mu, Bai Six Six battleships, and twenty-four heavy patrols, sixty-four light patrol, destroyer, total nine The sixteen battle ships are all over the collection. Start formation at sea.

"The commander of the main fleet is the director of the dog!"

Daming Navy's main fleet flagship is quite a command tower, and the officers wearing blue and white flowers are squatting, and there are two dogs in the shoulders that wear two dogs in the shoulders.

"Are all battleships?"

"Turning back to the generals, in addition to the Qiongzhou number touched by the enemy team, and the Wei Zhongxian number of the Qiongzhou telegraph, Wang Hao, only the Fengyang destroyer is in the end. Other ninety four warships Enter. "

"Hey ~ The emperor is really, just in Yangon Port waiting for our new newspaper? Do you have to follow us. This time, everyone will go out, who is, don't think about this, This battle, my army will win. The emperor is in the back, naturally there is no danger. "The irritability , The ship, with me, waiting for the sea. All navalists, be sure to fight the enemy, take the emperor! "


As the telegrams are issued, and for insurance, the flagship still sent a message in the watch tower. In an instant, the telegraph number on Lian Po found that the machine in front of him was cramping in the crazy.

More than 90 warships have sent a clear power. There are countless thousands of words to make a sentence: "Yunhuang long live! Daming will win!"

Because Zhu Bifu's out of the sea, how many stressful dog farmers did not pay attention to these telegrams, but the latest telegraph to the Qiongzhou number sent from a large pile of telegraphs from a large pile of telegraphs: Proud, enemy The fleet continues to advance, and my ship has returned. The scale of the guanle fleet is extremely huge, the battleship, the heavy patrol is more than 30 or more, and the light patrol is not countless. My ship was forced by the enemy's high-speed destroyer and was retreating after rapid. This ship is less than two hundred kilometers from Yangon Port at this time.

"Sure enough, it is coming." After smilling, the dog supported the two pairs of teachers: "According to the information we have received in advance, the Western Piece will participate in the war, if it is the whole teacher That is the nine battleships (two of Osman), thirty-three heavy patrols (three of Osman), more than one hundred light patrol and destroyers. There is no doubt, in the amount of ship, especially the quantity of the battone, I The army is in a disadvantage.

But this is not big. This situation has been thought of in the various combat programs of the Department of Staff and Fleet of Fetament, so I have implemented the Action Plan. "


"The command of the king, Wei Zhongxian, Qiongzhou number retreat to the main fleet direction," will be entered as soon as possible. "


As the Lian Po issued an order, more than 90 Daming War have begun to gradually completing the formation. Overall, it is the pre-patrol team before, and the war shipment formation is behind. The lighter patrol and the destroyer formation are slightly rely on both sides. Among them, the front-rear distance from the heavy patrol and the battleship formation is only about 1500 meters. The two sides of the light patrol and the destroyer formulated, and the first two formations opened at least ten kilometers.

As for the seat of Zhu Bing, it is a distance from about 30 kilometers from the battleship formation: so the distance, even if the telescope is added, the two sides are also can't see each other. However, Zhu Yingdong is not concerned: as long as the addition of Kaiyang is effective.

After this formation is completed, under the order of the dog 2, at 10:45, Daming Navy began to travel to the west of the 10th year.

11:50, Wang Hao is entered. After an hour and a half, Wei Zhongxian was entered. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Qiongzhou is entered. At this time, the heavy hometown of the West Olympic fleet also appeared in the sight of the big patrols of the head array.

"The commander, the airship sent a telegram, and the enemy wars were divided into four formations ..."

"Hey, it seems that the other party's commander is similar to us. Also, even if it is fairness between the knight."

After Barruz has been old, Afguo suicide, the new Spanish Navy Fleet commander Garcia, this will also face the flagship of the face of the United Joint fleet, Fernando, which is more than 180,000 tons, full of drainage. The command tower of the Five-Year Battleship. After the arrangement of the team, I also asked the following: "How far is the raster of His Majesty, Philip?"

"About 30 kilometers."

"That is good. Give me the captain of my secret Rayon, let him keep this distance, don't be too close. The current situation is very clear, and I will be the patrol battle of the two parties. Battle, in this process, both sides will seize the constant transformation orientation of T, if the raster distance is too close, it is quite dangerous. "


"Okay, get ready to fight. Well? What else?"

"The commander of the Commander. The pioneer of our top 1 sent the telegram, saying that the electric motor battery that pushed the airship was fast. Request to retreat."

"This is only half a day, when is the next airship?"

"After about three hours."

"This will be two o'clock in the afternoon. After three hours, the sky is black, what is the use?"

"Sorry, you, you know, the airship has a big role, but this speed ..."

"Forget it, call back, allow them to retreat. The next thing, let us solve it with a traditional naval method."


With Garcia no longer reached a new order, the nine battleships of the West Olympic fleet and thirty-three heavy patrols were also compiled as the two teams before and after, and began to focus on Daming.


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