Global Warring State

Global Warring States Section 305

"Very good, more than 30%, but it is a day away. Let's take here, get the replenishment and talk about the general?"

"Oh, I can't do it. I spent three months to walk through the Himalaya. I don't know how the East Line Cao Yu is progressing."

"The generals, what is the way? All the ways above the way are very hard, but this terrain, this level, what can we do?"

"Oh." After a happy smile, Man Guidao: "Don't want so much, we first solve the problem. Since it has entered the , all everything here is the enemy. Direction, except Outside the warning forces and exploration road conditions, the whole army took a break. Tomorrow, this will take the list! "


"In addition, the master of all levels today must once again emphasize discipline, the soldiers of the enemy, the killing will kill. For the ordinary people, try not to hurt."

"I will comply with the general order."

The next day, Mingjun has a very easy to win the list: this border town has almost no preparation power, only a few bearded, rushing out of the fire rope gun, sweeping into a honeycomb, the whole town quickly Yeading.

However, Mani wants to get sufficiently replenished here, and I have found it throughout the town, and I only got a thousand stone food: this is a team of more than 20,000 people. The amount of days.

"The generals are a bit trouble." The trial has been overjoyed, and the hand put it in the map in front of the Mansu and Sun Zuxiu: "According to the local statement, we have two roads now First, go to the northwest, along the Indian river. The transportation is convenient, there is a city town along the way. The second road, go southwest, over the tender mountain, go to Srinaa, then break Niharkou can enter the Ganges Plain. "

One said that the muscles on the face of the mountains, the Manchu and Sun Zushou are unconscious. After reading each other, the two of them saw each other, Sun Zushou Road: "How high is that mountain?"

According to the locals, very high, the ordinary caravans have to turn over, probably take five or six days. Author Note: The highest peak is 7135 meters "

"It is really troublesome, the physical strength of our army is not allowed to do this."

"Yeah, general. At the end, I will listen to the locals say that Srinagar is indeed the largest city of Kashmir, but his southern Bernhar hills, the terrain is extremely steep, and the Mughal Empire is stationed here."

"Well" got up, after repeated step, the sigh of Man Guiyi said: "The idea of ​​this will, the soldiers are divided into two ways, the main force, walk along the Indian river, and then get puff, then enter their Indian river plain. Another way, don't be more people, mainly, ten people are enough, we sent four or five people mixed. The task of this team is to find ways to pass the Bernhar, enter the Ganges Plain. My military news. "

"General, so that I have no heavy weapons, the machine gun is ammunition, but it is unable to add. Once the East Road Army does not take the main force of Moha, we are in the Indian river plain, destined The army is not. "

"This will believe that Cao Yu and Liu Zhun, this time, they must attract the main force of Mo to go east. Again." The Man Gui smiled and turned to: "When we accept the command of the pivot, take this way. At the time, I thought about it? "

Chapter 62 This is Red Dawn

Just in the Manrai forcential pressure, it is not necessary to turn into the Indian river plain, thus getting farther and farther away from the Stleet River Plain. In March 1633, the 16th division of the Mingjun East Road Army main Corps has been carried out along the east of Campl City.

In this sixteen division, there are eleven teachers to be Daming, and five are from Java, Malay, Lu Song and other places.

According to the suggestion of Liu Zhun, Cao Shi ordered the staff to formulate the number of war numbers of the teachers: Damu 5 teachers, the war is 10. The new ten divisions of the back, the war is 8. Two teachers of Japan and Guizhou, the power of 7. Tang Guo, Zhou Guo's seal is in the original Siam, here is the governance of Luo Yuntu, especially the construction of the new army, so its military source is also better, so its force is 6. Korean teachers from Fukuo, a group from Annan, and the war is set to be 5. As for the rest of the Javanese, Cao Yu has been too lazy to count.

After this combat, Cao Yu stipulates that the power of 5 and more than 5 or more, can be launched with Daming's regular division, just cut in the subtraction gun and heavy guns. As for 5 undergasting troops, um, you will use your big knife spears.

So arranged, you can think about it, natural will make more princes such as Qin, Jin, , end and many other princes. But Cao Yu doesn't care about: Laozi hasn't worry about the soldiers you send! I really want to say, what kind of species are you sent, and I have sent them into numbers. Do you have a court, put the emperor in your eyes?

In short, don't look at the Cao Yu cluster has six six divisions, but five of them are responsible for handling the shells, picking up the wounded.

In the eleven divisions of Daming, Cao Yu put eight teachers in the first batch, leaving three teachers to make a preparatory team. Of course, even eight teachers, it is also a whole. After all expand, the battlefield width has reached 40 kilometers.

The reason why to kick out such a large width, mainly because of artillery.

As a starting point, there are so many pseudo-military enthusiasts raised by the military network. Zhu Bifu believes that there is no shortprint in the internal combustion engine, and the armor is completely seen. The most important thing for the Army's construction is one: How to pour the most steel in the unit time.

Therefore, the infantry must use the twenty teachers of the submachine gun, especially the main force, and we must try to do it. And the artillery, then you have to make the weapon of guns.

Daming complete land military division, each has a separate artillery. The artillery is full of two thousand people, with 50 cannons. Among them, there are 40 grenades in the 75 grenades, and the remaining eight cannons and two 150 guns.

As a medical crossover, the most hated is the same thing, there are too many specifications. Therefore, when I set the artillery, Zhu Bifu has severely criticized the idiots who want to put the cannons of various calibers to the cannons: Cannon more models, the workload of the logistics increased? The factory opens a production line, who is the cost of money?

Therefore, Daming's artillery currently has only these three models: ordinary war, 75, this is fast, and the weight is less than two tons. It is difficult to play the bunker, and 105 cannons. As for the two 150 guns, the total weight reached eight tons, no ordinary animals can be pulled: gun tube, base, rear shelves to be subsequently transported, to the battlefield and use simple pulley to assemble so efficiency low, the key is 10,000 An enemy also has heavy guns, and the two guns have exposed their position and can't escape. Therefore, it is not enough to have already, and the artillery of the Ming army does not want to get these two heavy guns.

"Reporting the two generals, the first line of our army, the infantry of the first line of our army, and the eleven artillery, have been fully launched along the Hengheian Muna River. On the three rivers crossing the front of the battlefield, there is a pontoon. It can accommodate no more than two tons of material transportation. Advantages of advice, the artillery has all entered the battle position, and you can initiate an attack. "

After the operation of the warfare, the logistics staff got up: "Two generals, guns, the bullets, we have organized a friendly army to send ten ammunition bases to the front line position, and the subsequent ammunition can also guarantee enough manpower and animal strength. The construction of three field hospitals has been completed, and the wounded can be accepted at any time. The stretcher team has also been compiled "

"Very good." After watching Cao Yu, Liu Zun Sun got up: "Huangdong, Du Hong Domain, Li Chunzhong."

"At the end,"

"According to the plan in advance, there are two rivers here into three pieces, so we have compiled three attack clusters. On the left, the Yamunani River Duanshi, Huangdian intentions, the force is three teachers. On the right, the north bank of the Ganges, the Du Hong area cluster is also three divisions. Two rivers, Li Chunzhong clusters, two teachers, these eight teachers, will start at 6 am on March 15th, while March 15th at the same time. The predetermined attack step is to first set the artillery enemy position for two hours, 8 o'clock, cannon stop, infantry assault. Overall, the staff means that the two wings are copied, the middle road breakthrough is clear? "

"The end will wait for it."

"Very good, now is 6:77 in the afternoon of March 13."

After the end of the table, I sat in the master of Cao Yu waved: "I know that you are tight, I will go back to my troops. I will not pay a meal."

He said that Li Chunzhong and Du Hong Domain are very simply arched, and they will be turned. There is only yellow and lick your face, and you want to say.

"Huang Yuzi, do you want to say?"

"Amount, the general, the end will ask you, trouble you personally come to manage your nephew."

"What happened? But violates the military discipline? This is not to tell me, according to the rules, how much military stick is."

"It is not a violation of the military discipline, but the kid is not to be the first line of charge, for this, even the slender general is unable."

"Hahaha, what I am doing. It doesn't matter, let him go. Oops, Huang Yuzi, we are all followed by the emperor all the way, the life and death do not know how much. This will naturally know, on the battlefield It is possible to die. So, let him go, I don't blame you. "

"This one"

I looked at the tangled yellow work, next to Liu Zun Sun got up: "Huang Yuzi, we have followed the emperor for more than 20 years. For more than a year, our son will have been from the army for more than a year. If it is Cao today On the army, the ordinary children are not on the front line, then the force of this army will be asked? "

It is said that there is no doubt that Huangduang has no doubt and has left it.

Looking at the back of Huangduong, Cao Yu deeply took a breath: "Liu Xiong, I remember that your eldest son will graduate from the military school next year?"

"Haha, Lao Cao, you and I have a woman in the same year, the same year, the same year, your son is not the graduation?"

"Don't mention the billing, his Laozi is the army, he actually went to the Navy College, and said that our army is all suffering .TD, the Navy's group of water, that is, teach the child" Shake, Cao Zi Zheng : "You have just been very good, we are doing these generals, our son is not in the army, if it is from the army, you must have to put it in front. Otherwise, our army is not lasting."

"Of course, I want to come to the emperor to watch you, if we don't do this, it is estimated that it will be transferred from the front line commander."

"Well, this is true."

After two nights.

On March 15, 1633, at 6 am, the sky in the East Vco area had just revealed the fish belly, and the dark background was rapidly faded. Campl City is in East 78 miles, and there are 40 kilometers wide in the north and south. At the same time, it also rises countless red-red signal bombs.

"Time is here, fire!"



Eleven cannons, four hundred and forty-dozen 75 guns, eighty-eight door 105 guns, and twenty-two guns 150 guns, while emitting a roar.

The huge roar, accompanied by the scorpion, hundreds of shells, dragged out long balls in the sky, and they fell in the air, and they did not fall in the sixty-seven. In addition to the position of the Yin army.

The huge explosion sounded, accompanied by this explosion, there are countless flying dust, flashing shine, pungent smoke

After the first round of shelling, the print soldiers who were smashed and rose, have not reacted, and hundreds of shells of the new round will fall from the sky.

After that, with the shooting frequency of the three types of cannons in the Ming army, the Ming army's shells are no longer unified. But this has caused the stungeon where the Indian army position has fallen, and finally makes the ear of the Yin Army no longer rest, but feels the whole ear is a sustained huge roar and thus the dizziness.


Continuous shelling, hundreds of, thousands, tens of thousands of shells came one after another, and the land of the print army position was completely trembled. Countless slit-lapse slit, countless residual bikes, countless torn screams, and finally, countless bouncing points finally hooked into huge fire!

The army of the Moham Empire, on this day, earlier, but earlier, he ushered in Dawn. However, this is a tragic red dress!

The sixth chapter of the first chapter of Cao


Over time, Mingjun's gunner is more exciting, the more proficient, the more proficient, the speed of the shell is getting faster, so that the printed army is on this side, it has completely heard the specific frying point.

The commander of the Mohed Empire Crown, the Imperial Prince of the Imperial Prince, Shiko, at this time, standing in the town of Campl, looking at the fire of the peripheral defense line, the heart is a dramatic trembling.

He is the eldest son of Shajakhan, this year is twenty-three years old. Over the years, Sha Jiaqi has cultivated it carefully, and he is also very competitive. Under the murder of Moha, it has been widely recognized.

On the historical site, an elephant has been mad, and it will rush to the Royal in Sajah. At that time, only the fourteen-year-old Oran is not to say it. And he is first to escort his father's evacuation, then put the horse, the sword, the bow and arrows all match, talented the horse to come to save his own III: From this point, it can be seen that this is a person who is scheduled to move.

This time, the empire has concentrated on 300,000 troops in Campl, including 100,000 new Army equipped with modern weapons. Then Mohader began from the end of last year, directly transferred hundreds of thousands of people who built Taj Mahal and transferred to the Campau defense line here, so that the entire defense line is extremely luxurious: Taj Mahal site, Up to marble!

In Shuko, this firm stone defense line can also take the enemy's three five months of attack. During this period, South Asia's outdoor temperature will reach 50 ° in the summer, these from the northeast, will definitely appear soil.

Even in summer, the heat did not kill these hampes, and the rainy season was coming again? At that time, your replenishment has to be interrupted. At that time, it was an imperial counterattack.

but! Look at this look today, this fried thousands of zhemism is able to resist a summer?

It's a horror. It turns out that the real shell is like this. It can be played like this!

"His Royal Highness, the city is still a little dangerous, and there are two artillery to fall into the city. I suggest you withdraw a distance."

"No, Singer, at this time, you must let the soldiers will see their commanders, otherwise we will crash quickly. If I guess, after the shell is stopped, the other's infantry will rush."

"I want to be like this."

"My General, I said to ask, I want to ask, starting with the enemy shell, at least for an hour and a half, where is our artillery?"

"Hey, the His Royal Highness, I will report this matter to you. After the enemy's shell, I went to the artillery position to see a circle. Most of our artillery positions were directly destroyed, and a small amount of survived artillery. I have let them withdraw and concentrate, and when the enemy's infantry begins to take a charge. "

"Well, ok, this arrangement is reasonable."

When Shuke Junchen dialogue, the time came to eight o'clock in the morning, the sun has been completed, and the line of sight is very good.

"Hey, Hey." Ming army position, while rising orange-yellow signal bombs. Then the printed soldiers who were fried and brain bloated, pushed a huge sound of the huge sound that was thrown out of the opposite position.

There are countless men's soldiers who don't worry, in the tick sound of the tick, high, high-spirited, high-spirited voice, from the trenches of this party, began to move towards the enemy position charge!

This place, although in a plurality of rivers, it is not developed by the British in the historical site. So this is just a small town. Therefore, the town is most as the headquarters of the Division, the real defense measures are three defense lines in this town as centered, and the first two afterwards. The 300,000 troops of the print army, at least 200,000, all in these three defense lines.

In the infantry of the Huangdian Power Collection Group on the left side of the Ming army, they were in the ordinary ink green military uniforms. They only had two bars on the shoulders, so they would like to distinguish between the other officers and men. Body, with more than 100 brothers, rushing in the forefront of the whole left wing.

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