Global Warring State

Global Warring States Section 226

"This father, in fact, this ship's skeleton is still wood, just covered a layer of iron."

"Oh, it turns out. But, this is not there! Although the family is not good for the Water, but also knows that after this pack, the shells of the thief can do not wear our warships."

"Haha, the father-in-law is very!"

I heard the excitement from the shore, Li Guo, who took the town ship, and Yan Siqi smiled. Then Li Guo helped the copper tube near the command: "Is it now?"

After a while, the copper tube came out of a voice: "Today, Six!"

"The brothers on the deck, the drums are full of sails, the boiler is the biggest!" Ran in full speed! "


Soon, the three huge sails of the warship rose. The speed of the whole warship has risen to the 10th section. The ship has taken a huge spray, and the people on the shore are cheering.

"Hahaha" sits in the command room, let the door open, listen to the cheers and swaying the shore. After Li Guo helped a lot of laugh, Li Guo smiled and said to another copper tube: "Observatory, the target boat saw?"

"I saw it, I was in the direction of six o'clock, and I was currently two kilometers."

"Well, turn to, starting to shoot by nearly 1,000 meters, the brothers gave the selling power! If the three rounds of life, this will entertain the brothers to go to the wind!"

This sentence is a row of copper tubes, and then very fast, many sounds have been passed from all copper tubes: "Admire the mighty"!

The first quarter is quickly turning, and then close to the target boat starts shelling. It should be said that the ship's soldiers have made serious training and meticulous preparations for today's appearance. Therefore, very fast, 150 guns of guns have a huge water column in the four weeks of the target boat. When I arrived in the second round of shelling, the huge card was standing.

The cheers on the shore are more powerful, but Zhu Bentong's brow is more tight.

This, what boat is this T? Long wreath is only five to one! In addition to the aircraft carrier, other vessels will not be so much better.

Such a flat boat is also, the key is to use the power, or the use of Mei Wheel. So, this boat is now running to ten elements. This is still because there is sail boast.

Of course, no matter how this ship is designed. As an emperor, it must protect the enthusiasm of researchers in this era. Even if they are in the limitations of history, they have to pull them back, and they must take them back and pay attention to the way.

Just in the contemplation of Zhu Bing, the continuously hit target ship finally quarter five: because the cause of no fireworks, the artillery on the ship now is also behind the gun. The shells of the shells have a lot of power. In addition, it is close to shooting. So, this ship has been an old target boat, soon solving.

In the crowd in the shore, the crowd of the crowd, Li Guo help, Yan Siqi came out from the command room, boarded the ship, and waved the people on the shore, and the heart was full.

When the temperature of the viewing platform decreased slightly, a slender warship drove into people's sight.

Chapter IV Event into the Age of Iron A (2)

After the first quarter, enter the crowd in the shore, it is a brush of the black paint, the whole body is extremely slender, no clay wheels, no sail, its appearance is completely subverted, except for Zhu Bing, " The daily cognition of the ship, the new armored ship.

The outer sketch of the ship is Zhu Bifu, but it is Zhu School. At this moment, the total designer of this second ship is sitting on the board.

"Is there a ship in my ship?"


"The powerhouse has found an abnormal?"

"Not yet!"

"Good, pressurized, raise speed to ten sections."


Zhu School designed to supervise the second ship from Zhu Bifu. 115 meters long, 11 meters wide, standard drainage is 1850 tons, with a full load of 2300 tons.

This is a big man at least at this time, real, pure armored ship: and one ship are wrapped in the woods outside the wood, this warship will go to the shell from the keel to the deck, all of which are steel.

Due to the lag of electromagnetic research, the Daming distance of Daming is still a long way to go. Therefore, at this moment, the cannons above the second, don't want to do any electric rotating turret. However, as a traveler, Zhu Fusheng, certainly knowing that the rotating turret is the right way, so he puts forward: Can you hand rotation?

This is of course ok, but it is really necessary to use the gear, lever, its bite accuracy, and abrasion resistance of the material, and instantly have a very high demand.

However, Daming is that they have a talented engineer, and this genius engineer is also unsatisfactory from Zhu Bifuyang's neuropathy because of "secondary".

For Zhu Bifu, many of the requirements and ideas, Zhu School does not have a big deal, saying that the emperor is hard to say like other designers. It is old and old to organize people's hand. Although Zhu Bifu is still there is a considerable amount of requirements. However, at least in the rotating turret, Zhu Ying is still making him

Because the development of the rotary turret is successful, the 150 main guns on the 2nd ship will not be configured simultaneously on both sides. According to the standard of the rear huge ship cannon, a total of the first two two double-fitting rotator towers on the deck of the second ship, a total of six main guns.

As for the 105 deputy gun, then the old man has allocated four doors on both sides of the hull.

In addition to this fourteen gun, the deck is still in the hull of more than one hundred meters, sequentially put down the command tower, two huge chimneys, watch masts, etc. As for the deck, there are no "holes" that plays the cannons like those traditional sailing ships.

Such a warship that completely subverts ordinary people's common sense makes the second ship, and did not get the excuse of everyone. On the contrary, between the midst of Daming elites on the shore, there is a little bit of god, but it is quietly united.

On the tower of up to three meters, I saw the reactions of everyone on the shore through the glass. Zhu Zhu pledges, and then hooks to the copper pipe: "Is it now?"


"Is the boiler pressure to top?"

"Back to the temple, the pressure gauge is only 70%!"

"Continue to pressurize, add to nine yards!"


Order, the craftsmen in the boiler room are more likely to go to the combustion chamber below the boiler. As two huge boilers are more hunger, the two steam turbines turn faster, and through more and more complex linkage, the stern is located in the sea. The two propelles are also The more you turn, the faster!

In the end, the Calculus ran out the speed of the 12th Festival. Its pointed ship is headed up with a larger spray.

After receiving the report of "The Bad Park has a 12th section", Zhu School did not request to continue to accelerate: Although the trial in the evening, the ship ran out of 135 rows, but that's Doing a lot of risks - this occasion, you can't take risks.

"Maintain existing speed, is the target vessel discover?"

"I have found the target boat, located in the direction of the southwest of the ship, two kilometers away."

"Well, adjust the direction, shoot nearly 1,000 meters."


With the rapid approach of the Calculation, under the command of the long command of the ship, the three double-mounted main guns in the ship began slowly rotation.

At this time, everyone on the Guantai on the shore has only put down the telescope in his hand and started to praise.

"This, can this cannon actually turn it in place?"

"This is not there! The old man is still wondering, such a large six cannon, can only shoot the enemy in front of the front and the front, it is too wasteful, it still has a organ!"

"Hey, I have to be unable. So, in the future, the number of guns can be reduced by at least three to 40%, this more tonnage, packing the coalwater, which can be too convenient!"

At this time, everyone started to praise this warship. And Zhu Bifu has frowned again.

According to the physical basic theory, the length of the warship is smaller, the speed of the ship is naturally (the double body ship, the three-body ship is another one). Therefore, even the steam turbine as a high-class model of the steam engine, the existing technical maturity is not as directed as the steam mill directly into the steam mill of the lever. The speed of the No. 2 ship runs more than one ship is also in the intention of Zhu.

However, it is only better than this, and this will make Zhu Bent Building are not very satisfied.

You know, the length is smaller, the speed is raised. But the stability of the warship has also become bad! Such a warship will be to drive to the ocean, this stability is not enough?

In his thoughts, a bigger cheering sounded in his ear: After the second ship was passed through the three-wheeled shell, the target ship was successfully hit.

At this time, the trial of the two armored ships was successfully completed.

After the Zhu Ying School, he and the first time to go to the boat, Li Guo, Yan Siqi and others, quickly got the common meeting of Zhu Bifu and the old, and all the books.

"Hahaha, today's trial, the overall is successful, everyone has worked hard! Dadu, Maxima, the reward, the household and the Ministry of the Ministry can not be embarrassed." Everyone is relaxed. Rear. Zhu Biandong said: "National Assistance, Zhenquan, you are people who drive the armored ship in the future, talk about it, do you prefer the ship?"

"Hey" is facing this problem in the emperor, and the two Navy will fall into two difficulties.

Talking to the ship? However, the second-oriented ship will run faster, but it is not necessary to use sails, and it drives the power unit that the vessel is traveling, and it is estimated that it is placed underwater. As such, it is possible to effectively reduce the probability of being hired in the battle in the battle. Not to mention that the two ships are also rotating the gun, and it is the whole boat steel frame - this is an attack or defense, it is far away!

But, although the first quarter is the total design, he also spends a lot of effort in it. This seems to have a child who has tested countless hearts, just ran in a circle, will it give up?

The two are tangled there, they can't open it. Instead, the Tianjin Weibin Sea Shipyard's General Office of Babo Kang didn't look at: "The emperor, the official. After today's trial, there is no doubt, the design concept of the second, the design concept of the second, is the future of the armored ship."

After saying this sentence, he turned around to speak to Zhu Biao: "The Temple of Temple of the Lai is excellent, and the minister is convinced."

"Hahaha ~" The total design takes the initiative, and Zhu Bifu is relieved.

"That, Jiali Office."


"What is the production capacity of the traditional sailing warship in my coastal factory?"

"According to the emperor will, the Binhai Factory is now able to completed a 1,500-ton northern partial and three 600-ton golden layers."

"What about the Changsha shipyard?"

"Hey, the minister is not responsible for the business there. But I want to come to Changsha, only the high is not low. Of course, the high is not much higher, with a maximum of a golden layer."

"Well" After Shen Yun, Zhu Bentong said: "Today's trial, the opinion is as follows."

"Chen, etc., please ask the emperor."

"First, in the future, the development direction of the big Ming Truncai ship, standard for 2nd ships.

The second, second ship, gave the name of Fengyang. In the next day, the Navy, Shipyard, and Fangshan must send a person to board the ship. Test hull durability, corrosion resistance, deep sea air conditioning, maintenance and maintenance after long-term use of the engine. This, time is temporarily set, and the side is modified while watching. Two years later, Fengyang is probably constantly constitutive. Prior to this, the two shipyards should use existing materials to continue assembled traditional sail wars and no longer buy new materials. "

"Chen et al."

"Zhong Qing, steam machine is widely promoted, the era of the armored ship will come quickly. I hope that Zhong Qing can accelerate the learning and understanding of the new things. With better adapt to this magnificent era."

"The minister, such as the empress of the Emperor, willing to be in the world!"

What should I help you in the fourth sixth chapter?

After the development direction of the armored ship, Zhu Bifu has used dinner, and after some things, the time is around ten o'clock.

"Fang Zhenghua"

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