The money-making ability of Kowloon Comics is so terrifying that even many of Hong Kong’s top wealthy people who look down on the small market of Hong Kong Comics can’t help but be eager to make a move. They secretly underestimate Hong Kong Comics and plan to enter the market and get a piece of the pie.

However, He Zhou knew that this was destined to be just wishful thinking on their part. The success of "Kowloon Comics" could not be replicated. Just those few epoch-making comic works could not be incubated by the existing Hong Kong comics environment in Hong Kong.

Not to mention ordinary Hong Kong comic companies, even Kowloon Comics, the leader of Hong Kong comics, He Zhou does not think they have the ability to create such a product.

Everything was mainly planned and strategized by him behind the scenes.

If you want to be as successful as Kowloon Comics, the Xiangjiang market alone will not be of much use unless it becomes a cultural export phenomenon.

But how much hardship did Kowloon Comics go through in order to open up the closed market of the island country?

Not to mention anything else, just the huge public opinion war that was set off was something that no one else could do.

There are people in Xiangjiang Capital who are richer than him, but when it comes to the issue of the right to speak in the media, no one can match him!

Especially after taking control of the TV station, Oriental Media Group's control over public opinion has reached an appalling level!

Now the island country is plagued by thunder and lightning and is in countless troubles. Isn't it because he is hindering it?

Among other things, with his selfless propaganda, "Island Countries Can Say No" has flourished in European and American markets, arousing strong resentment against island countries in Europe and the United States.

As a defeated country and a country lacking sovereignty, it was okay to get mixed up with most of the victorious countries, but now it still shows an "anti-European and American" and "anti-Western" appearance!

Yes, under the packaging of He Zhou, the most popular book in the island country, "Island Country Can Say No", has become synonymous with anti-Westernism. This is the most conclusive evidence.

This is the charm of the hegemony of public opinion. Confusing right and wrong and distorting facts are completely commonplace.

Now that Aramco is in deep quagmire, Aramco originally had a pretty good impression of the island nation. But now that the industry is being hit one after another, its patience with the island nation is on the verge of exhaustion!

In some circulating gossip, it is rumored that Aramco is preparing to launch an anti-dumping investigation into the island country’s semiconductor industry and aviation supporting companies.

Although the target is not the automobile industry, which is the lifeblood of the island country, once the boots hit the ground, the island country's booming national destiny immediately suffered a setback and began to gradually decline.

Aramco official officials of course clearly oppose these rumors on the surface, and have repeatedly stated that they are nonsense and are hostile forces deliberately trying to alienate the close relationship between Aramco and the island country.

But if He Zhou hadn’t known about A Mei’s urine properties, he would have been deceived by A Mei!

It is Ami's nature to say one thing and do another. Since such rumors are widely circulated, it is enough to prove that it is not groundless, but that Ami has already wanted to do that. At present, it is just to promote the fermentation of public opinion and make preliminary preparations.

Maybe Ami has been secretly planning to launch an investigation into various industries in the island country, and is preparing to give the other party a heavy blow at a critical moment and tell the other party that your father is not your father!

As for this so-called opportunity, He Zhou has already found it for Ami. He is waiting for the island country to drive up domestic housing prices to the sky in a few years and go to European and American countries to seize real estate. Buying a house is like buying a green onion, and he will shout out the shocking news for the island country. One sentence: "Buy Ami`々!"

But at best, this can only deceive ordinary people. He never believes that a country can remain silent. Development has always been about sailing against the current. If it does not advance, it will retreat. It will never go sideways for decades.

"."Boss, are you looking for me?" Liang Zheng stood at the door, knocked twice, and said humbly.

"The key lies in the island nation!"

Don't look at future generations, it seems that after decades of loss, the island country is still trading around 5 trillion GDP, which seems to be pretty good!

What will the world think of Ami?

Perhaps the higher-ups are aware of the island nation’s dependence on Aramco, otherwise they would not have launched the Wild Goose Formation model to try to compete with Aramco.

But for ordinary people in island countries, once nationalist sentiments explode, it is absolutely difficult to stay calm.

"They said, they said that the singers in Hong Kong only plagiarize and plagiarize the music of the island country and stitch it together without any bottom line..."

Under such arrogant slogans, he didn't believe that Ami could still sit still and pretend.

Liang Zheng thought for a while and then said bravely: "In fact, in Xiangjiang, Haohai, Shangdao Island and even Fengnanya, the sales of the records of our singers are very outstanding. "Song is

Liang Zheng boldly said: "We have just entered the island country market, and the island country's music industry launched a crazy movement to resist the invasion of Xiangjiang music!"

That is to say, He Zhou's public opinion power within the island country is still slightly insufficient, otherwise he would really intend to incite the nationalist sentiments of the island country. The more the island country opposes Aramco, the worse the final outcome will be!

Huaxing Records saw a substantial increase in revenue and profit, and everything went as expected by He Zhou (Wang Zhao of Wang Zhao).

Taking a step back, can the five trillion in the 1990s be the same concept as the five trillion in the 1920s?

When it comes to channels, who dares to compare with the Eastern Department now?

"Just what?"

If Ami remains indifferent to that point, what will the people in Ame think?

Liang Zheng thought for a moment and said: "The development is pretty good. We have signed many new talents through "The Voice", and due to the acquisition of Hummingbird Records, we have opened up the copyright library.

He Zhou waved his hand and said: "Come in, doctor's seat. 17

"Did you encounter any difficulties?"

In order to create IP and develop peripherals, Kowloon Comics has put forward many feasible plans.

For example, Kowloon Comics' first IP project was to put "Zhu Xian" on TV in the form of a cartoon.

Although Huaxing Records originally belonged to Wireless, it was not its own son after all. It was not on many channels and the copyright library was insufficient. Although it had a good development momentum, it was still a small effort in the end.

"That's good." He Zhou smiled and then said seriously: "What about the difficulties encountered during the development process?"

He doesn't want the people under him to always report good news but not bad news. This will only bring disadvantages and absolutely no benefits.

It's always better to be enterprising than to rest on your laurels and wait to die.

"Island music?" He Zhou murmured a few words in a low voice. .

He Zhou frowned and said, "Speak confidently without hesitation."

These are all self-evident things.

"Through the copyright library of Oriental Press Group, Huaxing Records' revenue has more than doubled, and it is expected to maintain a high-speed growth trend for a long time in the future!"

After exchanging pleasantries for a few words, he asked, "How's it going at Huaxing Records?"

Of course, He Zhou would not discourage the enterprising spirit of his subsidiaries. Instead, he encouraged them after reminding them that they were taking too big a step.

As for the island nation’s restraint?

In the past, there was no TV station in the Oriental department, so naturally they were not keen on it. However, now that Kowloon Comics has a lot of money and is backed by the entire Oriental department, its ambitions are naturally revealed.

After thinking about it, He Zhou asked someone to call Liang Zheng from Huaxing Records.

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