Global Sky Online

Chapter 712: Teleport

The lights in the corridor of the teaching building are on tonight. In addition to the four of Rick, there are other high school seniors walking around the teaching building and going up and down the stairs.

Tonight, before this war, some high school seniors also really decided to go to the copy world to work hard, earn some coins, and donate it to the Undead Castle to summon Qin Shihuang's three war tools.

Some want to challenge themselves and see if they can improve their strength to deal with tomorrow's war. Even if you do n’t upgrade to the gold level, you can upgrade to the silver level, and you have the opportunity to participate in the guarding battle of earth players in the melee battlefield tomorrow.

Rick and his roommate went upstairs to the Egg Classroom.

Rick, the macho, the thin monkey, and the fat man picked four empty egg compartments side by side, but none of them chose near the window, all near the classroom wall.

Rick sat in the egg compartment and pressed the start button of the egg compartment.

With the metal lid of the egg compartment closed, when Rick opened his eyes again, he had come to his main online interface.

Rick looked at the current time, showing that the time of the melee battlefield was 0:10 am. It's still 50 minutes before the scheduled time for the poker team to go out.

I checked my equipment first, I brought it all together, and I was fully charged before the green light ring.

Rake then summoned Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi.

"Here you are, this is the radio manuscript I wrote for you. When you use the small speaker to broadcast, you can use it and add some more content!" Gu Yi handed a large piece of manuscript to Rick.

Rick took it and read it quickly.

Gu Yi deserves to be the Supreme Master of the Supreme Master who has protected the earth for many years. This manuscript has written out several key points.

However, Rick made several changes.

"Okay, I ’ll shorten it a few times. When I play the content with a small speaker, it should be looped within an hour for those who have n’t come from the copy world. It does n’t take too long. Just keep it short! "Rake said, giving Gu a look again.

After finishing the most important speech using the small speaker, Rick gave it back. It was already 0:30. It was 30 minutes before the poker team set out to attack the Blue Star Castle.

After retrieving Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiaobai, Rick chose to teleport to the undead castle in the melee battlefield, and directly used the Dragon Knight's mental communication ability to contact the little queen.

"Is it online, where does our poker team gather?" Rick sent a message.

"Behind the Undead Castle, near the side of the portal, our land tank stopped there. After you exit the Undead Castle, walk a few hundred meters to the portal to see it. You went online very early this time, yes It ’s not that I ca n’t stay in the main world too! The Earth Defense Forces have probed the photos and videos back to the portal near the planet portal of the Blue Starman ’s main world, and I will send it to you. With.

"Okay, I summoned the undead ship and just stopped on the land tank. As the hope of the earth player, staying in the main world now is suffering. Hurry to capture the blue city of the blue star, and be more secure in the main world. "Lake replied with a smile.

After appearing in the Undead Castle, Lake found that there are many gold and silver advanced players in the Undead Castle, and they are forming a team.

Then walked towards the wall of the Undead Castle and went to defend.

There is also a group of high-level mages who are working together to perform magical formations in the Undead Castle.

Lake is estimated to be the Earth Defense Forces. Knowing that at one o'clock in the morning, the poker team will summon the army of the dormant to attack the blue city of the Blue Stars.

In order to avoid the 100,000 Gold Army of the Blue Stars, when receiving their blue city attack, they use long-range teleport skills or props to attack the human city in advance, so the Earth Defense Force mobilized some gold and silver senior players in advance , Come to defend the city.

Rick found that many of the players in the Undead Castle are very tacit, and many teams use the same or similar weapons.

Most of these players should belong to the Earth Defense Forces.

As for the player teams of the major guilds in the world, Lake hasn't seen it yet, it should have not come yet, or go to another city owned by the players, the city of freedom to defend.

The players in the Undead Castle now have dignified expressions, and Lake feels a bit like the peace before the war.

Using the teleport ability of the cursed jump knife, Rake came out of the undead castle and summoned the undead warship.

An 8-meter-wide, 50-meter-long intermediate undead warship appears, with a small undead turret * 15 and an undead main gun * 1 on the ship.

At this time, the intermediate undead warship was suspended directly in the low altitude of the melee battlefield. Lin Huaer and Lina took 1 vampire, 4 ghosts, 10 corpses, 20 recruited by Lake before spending more than 700,000 yuan. A skeleton soldier stood in front of the turrets on the deck.

Rake started the red magic suspension cape, flew to the undead ship, and released Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Gu Yi, and avatars.

The twenty-four hour summon cooldown after the avatar's death has passed.

Lake gave the Trident of the Poseidon to the clone.

Rick was not in a hurry to release the Dangerous Ranger Mech, and was ready to wait for the battle with the Blue Stars to see the strength of the Sleeper Army and the defense of the Blue Stars' Blue City. Use Danger Rover Mech.

After all, this dangerous Drifter mech is the only super powerful nuclear bomb detonation prop that can be used in the melee battlefield. It must be used at a critical time.

Of course, if you do n’t need it this time, you can do the rest. After all, Rick now feels that the melee battlefield is not only a Blue Star planet is a threat to the earth, there are many unknown planets, and unknown areas of the melee battlefield.

In the future, Earth players will definitely encounter large-scale battles with other alien races in the melee battlefield. This dangerous Rover Mech is also useful for future use.

Rick and Gu Yi watched the video and photos sent by the little queen.

However, this photo and video show that the central area of ​​the Blue Star's teleportation gate has a six-pointed star energy defense cover that covers the area around the portal.

Rick and Gu Yi sensed that the magic was banned here, and the magic portal could not be used to teleport.

"The six-pointed star energy defense shield should come from the six castles of the Blue Stars. Only by destroying the six Castles of the Blue Stars can they enter their portal to the main world. This should be a type of Blue Stars Protect the way the portals of their master world pass. "Gu Yi mage judged.

"This Blue Star has sneaked into the main world portals of other planets a lot. The main world portals of his own house are also afraid of being sneaked in. First attack the six castles of the Blue Stars and push the six castles. This center The defensive hood of the zone portal disappeared, and if time was enough, we would enter the blue star's main world again, "said Rake.

The emergence of the Undead Warship has attracted the attention of many earth players in the Undead Castle.

The Earth players saw several types of undead soldiers on the undead ship, and saw the second lord, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and Gu Yi standing on this flying undead warship.

The Earth player shouted "Honor Two!" "Poker Team!" On the castle.

Lake paid his respects to the players on the walls of the Undead Castle, and quickly let Lin Huaer control the Undead Ship and move to the location of the land tank in front.

The undead ship stopped over the land tank. The big queen, the little queen, and the poker team were 13 people, all standing on the top of the car.

Among the old poker players, although there are three female players in addition to the big queen and the little queen, they are all above gold.

The poker team, as the top elite team on the planet, was not captured by the female players under the attack of the predator flying saucer launched by the Blue Stars.

"The undead ship with undead arms, and so many turrets, it looks really imposing! Unfortunately, most of the planet players' earth coins are now donated to the undead castle to summon Qin Shihuang's three war weapons. Can't sell tickets! "The Queen sighed as she looked at the undead ship overhead.

Lake jumped for life from the undead ship.

The time now is 0:35 am in the melee battlefield time, and 25 minutes. It is time for the poker team to make an agreement with the Earth Defense Forces and the Earth Players Association to launch an attack on the Blue City of the Blue Stars.

This time cannot be advanced, otherwise the defense manpower of the four largest castles on the earth is not easy to assemble.

"Honor No. 2!" Twelve veteran poker players, said hello to Rick collectively.

Lake is now the second most prestigious player on the poker team.

The big queen watched the team members greeting greetings to His Holiness No. 2 and smiled bitterly. She hasn't had such treatment for a long time.

"This time we will attack the blue city of the Blue Stars. Not only is my undead warship here, I also have a special item that can summon a large army to assist us in the battle. In this battle, you should pay attention to protect it in the rear. Land tanks will do. The main task of the siege will be given to the army I called! "Lake told members of the poker team.

The old players on the poker team nodded after listening, before they were a little bit uneasy.

After all, when listening to the little queen during the day, she issued an assembly request in the poker team and asked the poker team to gather tonight. After they arrived, they learned that they were going to attack the blue city of the Blue Stars. Only the poker team was involved in the attack.

If it weren't for the sake of defending the earth and rescuing the earth's women, the old poker team members would all find reasons to run away.

Now listening to His Holiness the Second, they are more at ease.

It turned out that the attack on the Blue City of the Blue Stars was to allow them to paddle in the rear to protect the land tanks and support the scene.

The old players of the poker team are all old players and old churros in the melee battlefield. They don't need to explain too much to His Holiness, they already understand His Holiness. Just wait for the siege battle and do n’t have to rush forward, just make a difference. Lord No. 2 has to use a powerful summoning prop, and they do n’t need to desperately.

Now the team members of the poker team are much more relaxed, and it feels great to have the No. 2 lord.

"If the battle goes well, after we destroy the Azure City, will we continue to attack the Blue Stars' other five castles, or will we return to attack the 100,000 Gold Legion of the Blue Stars? Or will we enter the main plane of the Blue Stars to plunder and destroy? The little queen asked Rick out loud, after all, the plan had to be settled before the action could be taken.

"I judge that at the moment when we start attacking the Blue City of the Blue Stars, there are two possibilities for the Blue Stars' 100,000 Gold Legion. One is to teleport back to the city and the other is to attack us in the melee battlefield. Castle. This silver-ranked planet must have large teleport skills or props. They were not used before. It is estimated that there is a limit on the number of uses. If you want to save, you can save it.

"The Blue Stars’ 100,000 gold army is more likely to attack our castles after we attack their castles. When we start to attack the Azure City, the Blue Stars will mistakenly think we have mobilized the Earth ’s main player army to attack them. , We would think that our castle guards have reduced the number of players. "The little queen judged.

"If that's the case, we won't be backing up. If it goes well, we will directly push the six castles of the Blue Star, and it is best to break into the planet of the Blue Star." Rick said after thinking for a few seconds.

After all, guarding the Earth should not be done by the poker team, but also by other players on the planet.

And Rick felt that after summoning the army of the dormant to fight ~ ~ the army of the dormant would be very heavy in killing, and it was not easy to command. If you bring back the Undead Castle or something, it may be more troublesome to fight with the current Earth players.

Let the army of the dormant let go of the killing at the side of the Blue Star Castle, and it will not affect players in the main world of the earth.

"Fight to break into the Blue Star's planetary plane, carry out a pillage and destruction, let these Blue Stars dare to come to our main world to put flying saucers, and let them see the anger of our Earth players!" Both hands said blue and white metal paws.

After thinking about it, the little queen nodded, and this plan was okay. After all, as long as the side of the dormant army, quickly break through the blue city of the blue star, the blue star predator flying saucer group props will be interrupted.

At that time, the captured female Earth players will be able to return. With these female Earth players participating in defending the city, they will also be able to donate some heaven coins to the Undead Castle.

Now the number of heavenly coins summoned by Emperor Qin Shihuang's three major war weapons has accumulated to 800 million, which is a shortfall of 200 million.

The female players on Earth who were just released and released must be extremely angry. The number of heavenly coins donated by these female players will surely exceed 200 million.

At that time, one billion astronomical coins will be enough. There are three great war tools of Qin Shihuang to help defend the city together against the 100,000 gold army of the Blue Stars, so there is not much danger.

At the time of the melee battlefield, at 0:58, Lake returned to the undead battleship, and the big queen and the little queen stood on the land chariot. The poker team has 3 veteran players who entered the land tank and were responsible for driving the land tank and firing missiles to load ammunition, and the rest stood on top of the land tank.

Gu Yi raised his left hand and started drawing circles, using the magic portal skills.

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