Global Sky Online

Chapter 677: Mecha Beta

Rick and the avatars stood in the reserve for these wounded, and found that there were no training programs to do.

After all, even the reserve instructors are now unconscious and unconscious, and no one takes them to train.

Rick looked up not far away. The seven official mech pilots and their instructors found that those were looking at themselves and their avatars.

Rex walked towards the official Mech pilot, and his avatar followed.

The seven official mech pilots watched the wicked brothers, No. 2 and No. 3, walking towards them.

The seven official mech pilots were all scared back immediately.

The instructor in charge of formal driver training also took a few steps back, but the instructor quickly discovered that the drivers under him were behind him.

At this time, the two brothers, No. 2 and No. 3, have come to the instructor.

The instructor could only bite his head and no longer step back.

"Your strength is obvious to all, we don't have to discuss it at all!" The instructor in charge of the official driver said quickly, he didn't want to be beaten into the corner and unconscious like his colleagues.

"Our instructor has suffered a slight injury, or our brothers, to train with your regular team members today, under your training!" Rake asked with a smile.

After listening, the instructor thought that both of your brothers were so powerful and followed me in training. Isn't this a burying one? Who is training who?

The instructor organized the language, "It is not necessary at all, if you want to train, you can practice freely. If you don't want to train, you can do something more meaningful to you. During the training time, you can not come to this training field to report."

"But the doctor said before, I need to pass this training, and wait for the Dangerous Wanderer Mech to be built before our brothers can become formal mech pilots. Will our brothers pass the training?" Lei Ke asked with a smile, and behind him, he touched his left fist with his right hand.

"Pass, you have passed the training! My training course here, your score is excellent." The instructor said quickly.

"That's good! Then we're going to train freely!" Rick said, then turned around, walked outside the training ground, and his detachment followed.

The seven formal mech pilots and the instructor who had just spoken to him were relieved to see His Holiness No. 2 and His Holiness No. 3 leave.

After a while, a large group of emergency personnel arrived and saw the wounded on the driver's training ground. These rescuers began to treat the injured.

Fortunately, most of these injured were fractured.

Rick and the avatar did not kill them, and no deaths appeared.

However, these reserve drivers want to recover, it takes three or four months quickly, and about six months slow.

Reserve mech pilots, along with reserve combat fitness training instructors, were "annihilated" this morning.

Two months later, even if the [Danger Wanderer] and the other mech were made, no one and the No. 2 and No. 3 robbed the driver's identity.

The official driver ’s instructor reported the situation that happened here to the commander of Mechdi through the communicator after the two brothers, His Holiness No. 2 and His Holiness No. 3, left.

Even if the instructor wanted to hide it, he couldn't hide it. After all, the mech reserve pilots had been equated with non-existence in these months.

Two months later, after the Mecha [Eureka Raiders] and Mecha [Danger Rover] were made, the driver with bandages and plaster would not be allowed to go to the mecha control room.

The chief commander of Mechadi was also surprised to hear the report from the official mech pilot training instructor.

Fortunately, there is monitoring equipment in this training room.

The chief commander of the aircraft methyl field asked his men to call out the monitoring of the driver training ground this morning.

After watching this monitoring, the chief commander of the machine methyl land was silent.

The No. 2 and No. 3 fighters' fighting ability and response speed are far faster than everyone else, and they can slaughter all reserve drivers.

In this "discussion" with the reserve driver, the two No. 2 and no. 3 princes still kept their hands and did not die.

The chief commander saw the cause of this "examination" because the reserve mech pilots provoked the advance, and the reserve instructors were also a bit incompetent.

The chief commander thought about it for a while, and finally decided, "Forget it, now it ’s time to hire someone, and you need these two lords and three to drive the" dangerous wanderer "mech to deal with giant monsters. These two brothers, The mental synchronization rate is high, and the fighting technology is also strong. As long as the Dangerous Wanderer is manufactured and driven by the No. 2 and No. 3, it is definitely the most powerful mech now, and it is more advanced. The giant monsters are sure. "

The chief commander then decided to suppress the matter, apparently he didn't know it, and gave a sealing order to the relevant personnel.

Rick and the twins walked around the base for a while, then returned to the room to rest.

The mech used by the two had not been made, and there was really nothing to do at this time.

Lake is waiting for the outcome of the combat training room event.

But Rick waited until the evening, and no one came to him and his avatar.

And when Rick and the spouse went to the cafeteria for dinner, everything was normal, no one discussed the matter, and the reserve driver was beaten, and it was not transmitted at all.

Looking at this result, Lake already knew how much, this machine will not deal with itself and its avatar.

In this machine, I spent two days idle, and Rick and the avatar went to the base every day to see the manufacturing and assembly progress of the "Dangerous Ranger" Mech which was still being manufactured, and then went to the base. The seaside is breathable.

On the third night, Rick couldn't wait any longer. It was too boring to stay in this machine.

In his double bedroom with his avatar, Rake used his soul communication ability to connect his pet Xiaoqing Xiaobai and the special existence of Gu Yi.

"Go to the place where we first entered the ruined city of this copy of the world. We got there and said." Gu Yi quickly fell back and received a message from Leke. Within half a minute, he returned to Leke. Information.

Rick was thinking about the picture of the ruined city by the sea. He raised his left hand and began to circle. The magic portal appeared next second.

The scene inside the portal is the ruined city where Lake had just entered this copy of the world.

Rick shouted the avatar, and quickly walked into the magic portal with the avatar, and then Raike raised his hand and closed the magic portal.

Lake watched Xiaoqing and Xiaobai being with Gu at this moment, waiting for them next to a collapsed building.

"We have found the wormhole below the Pacific Ocean, but this wormhole that leads to the monster world cannot directly enter. The mode of entry allowed by this wormhole is the same as in the original, and it needs to carry alive or just died The monster's corpse can only enter. I just got a little monster and I was temporarily confined under the sea. I am about to try to bring this little monster into it. You will be contacted by His Holiness No. 2. With.

"Brother No. 2, how about smashing into the wormhole?" Xiaoqing suggested.

"Okay, just go and have a look!" Rake said, retracting his clone, holding the Trident of Poseidon, and covering his body with green fish scale armor.

Rick followed Gu Yi into the magic portal.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai also walked into the magic portal.

After coming out of the portal, even somewhere in the deep Pacific Ocean, Lake saw a huge blue magic ball barrier and imprisoned a giant monster.

The imprisoned monster is still using its claws and teeth to bite the blue magic ball barrier where it is imprisoned.

But this huge blue magic ball continuously draws water-based magic energy from the ocean, and it is also a bit like soft rubber.

The bite of the giant monster imprisoned in it could not break the magic ball at all.

Not far from this imprisoned monster, there is a huge deep pit, and the fire and golden eye skills of Rake are released. Looking at it with perspective effect, you can't see low, like a passage to unknown hell.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai has turned the dragon into a dragon and a white dragon.

"Under the test, I'm holding the monster's head. You take its limbs and body and try this into the wormhole." Rake said from his origins.

Gu nodded and raised his hand to cast mana again.

The magic ball that imprisoned this giant monster began to turn into a layer of magic rope similar to the blue waterweed, temporarily entangling the monster's body.

Immediately holding the Trident artifact, Rick rushed towards the monster's head and penetrated the monster's head directly.

This is only a secondary monster, and its strength is still weak.

Then Lake made a big knife with a green light ring.

With this large knife, began to dismember the body of this giant monster.

Rick holds a compound brain in the monster's brain and Gu Yi holds a claw of the monster.

The two dragons, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, grasped the monster's body and began to swim quickly, trying to enter the wormhole ahead.

Holding the monster's brain and approaching the wormhole, although Lake felt some weak rebound force, he didn't have good rebound ability, and he could still enter the wormhole.

The four began to traverse the wormhole and swam down quickly.

After dozens of seconds, Rake and others emerged from the other end of the wormhole.

This is a colorful ocean world. When Rick came out, he immediately looked around with fire-eye and golden-eye skills.

For the time being near this wormhole, only a few third-generation monsters were seen, with the equivalent of platinum.

Near this wormhole, no fourth and fifth generation monsters have appeared.

After putting on the Green Lantern campaign, Lake summoned the avatar, and immediately gave the trident to the avatar.

As the pet owner of Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Lake also has water control ability.

And this Green Lantern suit that Lake is currently wearing can survive in the universe, and there is no problem surviving on this monster planet similar to seawater.

The monsters here are generally huge in size, and are not much different from Xiaoqing Xiaobai in the state of Hualong.

A nearby monster found two dragons that did not belong to their world, watched it for a few seconds, and began to swim quickly towards it.

Rick looked at the giant monsters that came over, and certainly wasn't here to greet their guests from the earth.

"Kill! Quick battle!" Rake said, took out his golden hoop, and rushed towards the monster.

Gu Yi, the avatar and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, also quickly attacked the giant monster.

By the way, Lake also used the Green Lantern Ring to embody ten flying swords. And released the undead warship.

This monster planet resembles a seawater environment and is suitable for battle with undead warships.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai and the avatar controlled the water, and made a few huge vortexes from the seawater to hang the monster. .

The undead ship started firing artillery shells to attack the monster.

Gu Yi used ice-based magic. In this water, he made ice cones and pierced the monster's eyes.

Rick lifted it with a golden hoop and smashed a monster's head, only to find that the remaining monsters had been killed.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai after the dragon, began to eat the monster's body.

Rick then teleported back to the undead ship, and clone and Gu Yi also returned.

A few minutes later, Xiaoqing Xiaobai who ate the bodies of these monsters turned into a human and returned to the ship of the undead.

"Leave here first, this **** smell may attract more monsters!" Rake said, and then let the undead warship speed up.

Undead warships traveling under similar seawater are extremely fast, and coupled with the Poseidon Trident water control assistant, even if the monster finds the undead warship that has already speeded up, it is difficult to catch up.

Rake opened his eyes and fired his eyes and continued to explore the monster planet.

The result of a temporary investigation is that the first, second, and third generation monsters in this planetary water account for the majority, and there are a small number of fourth-generation monsters with a diamond-level strength.

Five generations of monsters also exist, but they are extremely rare.

The undead warship sailed in the sea of ​​this monster planet for more than two hours, before seeing a fifth-generation monster.

These five generations of monsters also sensed that Lake had probed it, trying to catch up with the undead warship, but he was thrown away by the undead warship.

"Let's start hunting. Tonight kill three and below monster groups. As for diamond-level four-generation monsters, unless necessary, we won't touch them tonight. When encountering five-generation monsters, you will immediately open the magic portal. Send us away and go to the safe sea area we passed before. "Lake said the plan.

Several people agreed.

In the following time, with the help of Rake's fire-eye golden eye exploration skills, and the cooperation of this magical portal like cheating, intelligent fourth and fifth generation monsters appeared and could not block the undead warship.

Although the undead artillery shells of the undead warship are also being consumed, it is filled with the soul energy obtained by killing the monsters, and there is still surplus.

On this monster planet, the undead warship hunted for another five hours, and Lake decided to leave and return to the earth of this copy of the world.

I left this time to return to the earth, and the Undead Warship and Gu Yi them also followed.

The strength of the monster in the ocean on this monster planet, Rake judged that if he did not have his fire-eye and golden-eye exploration skills, the undead warship could easily be ambush in the face of a strange environment.

"Let's go back tonight, go back to the copy of the earth, and come back tomorrow night!" Rake said.

Although Xiaoqing Xiaobai didn't play enough, they can only wait for tomorrow.

Xiaoqing and Xiaobai now only eat three generations of monsters. The bodies of one or two generations of monsters are not eaten by any of the two sisters. They have too little energy.

The two sisters, Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, are also picky eaters. They do n’t even eat monsters with poor meat quality. They even eat their heads.

After the two sisters Xiaoqing and Xiaobai swallowed several monster corpses through the first dragon, they discovered that the energy contained in the giant monster's head is much more than that in their big body.

As soon as Gu opened a magic portal, he teleported the undead ship directly under the Pacific Ocean of this copy of the earth.

"I'll leave first, and I'll come to see you tomorrow night!" Rake said, raising his left hand to draw circles, using the magic portal skills, and leaving with his clone.

In the following days, Rake and the avatar slept or roamed in the Mecha during the day. At night, they opened the magic portal, took the avatar to find Gu Yi, and took the undead warship and Xiaoqing Xiaobai to the monster. Planet hunting.

A month later, the Undead Warship was already on Monster Planet and began to try to attack four generations of monsters with diamond-level strength.

One and a half months later, the undead warship successfully killed the first five-generation king-level monster.

Through the undead warship, the trident and the magic portal, Rake and others slowly grind the five-generation king-level giant monster in a similar way to flying a kite.

Two months later, the Dangerous Wanderer Mech was finally completed.

Within two months, Lake's Undead Warship has successfully killed six five-generation King-level monsters on Monster Planet.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai now doesn't even look at the heads of the three generations of monsters, and only eats the heads of the four generations and above.

Today, in the mecha land of the replica world earth, Rake and the avatar entered the cockpit of the newly-built [Danger Rover] Mech.

Dr. Jimochi and the commander, as well as several researchers of Jimochi, are anxious to pay attention to the data of the Dangerous Wanderer.

With Lake and the avatars, the starter mecha coordinated mentally.

The psycho-synchronous coordination index is increasing rapidly, reaching almost 300% almost instantly.

Rick felt that now that he was driving the mech as a single player, the mech would respond to his body movements.

The feel of manipulating this mech is as convenient and flexible as Rick used to control the avatar with his mind.

Lake wanted to try the Dangerous Wanderer Mecha to dance, but it is estimated that the researchers in this machine would not accept it.

"Honor No. 2 and Honor No. 3, please drive Mecha [Danger Wanderer] slowly forward to get out of this machine's methyl land gate. Take your right foot first, pay attention ---" The control room came with strange Dr. Voice.

But Dr. Blair soon stopped talking.

Because everyone saw that the "Dangerous Wanderer" Mech actually walked forward leisurely.

That's right, it seems to be very leisurely. The other pilots are so rigid in driving the mech, and the action of the Dangerous Wanderer is very smooth.

Even when moving around, this [Danger Wanderer] Mech also raised the mech's right arm and gently scratched its head.

Rake activated the fire-eye golden eye skills, and identified his and his avatars' ability to drive this [dangerous wanderer] mech.

"Danger Rover Mech: Strength +300, Dexterity +300, Stamina +300, Wisdom +300.

Weapon: One-handed metal sword

Skills: 1: Heavy Punch-Thunder Strike

2: small missiles (36)

Power system: nuclear power reactor

(Reminder: Mecha is used for 12 hours and needs to be repaired once) "

Rake looked at the data, and then looked at the values ​​of his original body attributes:

Strength: 125

Dexterity: 130

Stamina: 190

Wisdom: 170.

Rake calculates that he adds the intelligence attribute of the red magic levitating cloak +50, the agility attribute +10, plus the full attribute of this [Danger Wanderer] mech layer +300, plus the full attribute of the golden hoop. * 2. Your strength is already the king and senior strong, all are close to a thousand points of attributes, almost reaching the attribute value of the **** strong.

With this powerful strength, Rake feels that there are not many problems in dealing with the five generations of monsters.

This is the 12-hour time limit for this mech, which is troublesome.

Otherwise, Rick now wants to drive the mech directly and teleport the monster planet in the wormhole to hunt the monster.

"Alarm, the exit of the wormhole in the Pacific Ocean, the energy response intensified, many giant monsters began to pass through the wormhole, came to the Pacific Ocean, and gathered under the Pacific wormhole. Alarm ---" In the machine methyl land, a continuous alarm sounded.

The commander of the base immediately called up the picture observed by the underwater probe.

More than a dozen giant monsters have come out of the wormhole exit, and have not stayed away, all around the sea near the exit. And within a minute, a new giant monster exited the wormhole again.

The picture sent back by the underwater probe was also transmitted to the cabin of Mech [Dangerous Wanderer].

Looking at the more than a dozen monsters that had come out, after two months of hunting on the monster planet, Lake knew two of them, five generations of monsters, and had the king's primary strength.

A five-generation monster with a double-headed lizard, a black energy bomb sprayed out of its mouth, and hit the human undersea detector directly.

The picture sent back by the profiler then turned into a black screen.

The undersea detector should have been hit by a black energy bomb and was instantly destroyed.

"There are more than a dozen monsters of five generations. It seems that there are still more monsters of five generations entering. It has not been fourteen years. The wormhole that connects the planet of the monster to the earth has not yet become stable. How come so many monsters have entered." Thinking in doubt.

In the next second of Rick's head, the voice of the online reminder came from the sky.

"Ding Diao, because the player hunted too many advanced monsters on the monster planet. The intelligent planet with monsters on the monster planet decided to join forces, and when the wormhole was still unstable, they risked over 30% to pass through the wormhole. The danger of death from being transmitted to unknown space at any time, came to this copy of the world earth in advance, and retaliated against the invasion and destruction of the earth. "

"He's a ball, have these high-level monsters become refined, and will they team up to find their place to take revenge!" Rick thought with a grin.

"Honor No. 2 and Honor No. 3, you are about to enter the Pacific Ocean and fight against the monsters invading the earth!" The commander of the base sent a message through the communicator.

"No problem!" Lake replied.

"His No. 2 and No. 3 drove Mech [Dangerous Wanderer] and returned to the mech storage site to wait. This time your mech brought a nuclear bomb into the wormhole and blew the wormhole leading to the earth. Passage, the task of saving the world is up to your brothers! "The voice of the commander came from the cabin of Rick's Mech.

This machine had previously stored a large-equivalent nuclear bomb, and plans to drop a nuclear bomb to destroy the wormhole tunnel.

But now Dr. Guai has not analyzed and understood the wormhole. The original command of the local methyl land commander was to wait for the doctor to analyze and understand the structure of the wormhole before trying to blow up the wormhole.

However, now that the monsters are coming in groups under the Pacific Ocean, the commander of the Mechadi knows that he cannot wait any longer. Only by blowing up the wormhole immediately can he save the earth.

As for whether the Dangerous Wanderer can pass through the wormhole and successfully carry a nuclear bomb to detonate, it can only bet.

Otherwise soon, giant monsters will be raging everywhere on the earth, and human civilization will be destroyed by monsters.

Rick and the avatar, controlled the Dangerous Wanderer Mech to turn around and walked back to the position where Mech was parked. .

Rick thought it was time to blow up the wormhole of the monster planet connected to the Pacific Ocean.

Otherwise, the number of monsters gathering near the exit of the wormhole in the Pacific Ocean continues to increase. Even if the [Danger Rover] Mech is strong, it is not insured.

Rake analyzes, if this copy can let the [Danger Rover] body without damage, take the nuclear bomb through the wormhole channel to the monster planet, and use the nuclear bomb to destroy the monster planet The entrance to the hole, that couldn't be better.

In this way, if you clear the copy yourself, you will have a greater chance of receiving the reward of Mech [Dangerous Wanderer].

Lake planned to just wait for the meeting and kill all the monsters of the fifth generation first. He also improved his clearance evaluation and provided Xiaoqing Xiaobai with some food. After he cleared the wormhole passage and cleared it, he obtained [Danger Wanderer should have a higher chance.

After all, Rick checked the player's messages on the Zhutian Online Forum. Although the player's strength on the forum was lower than himself, if he cleared the game according to the original story flow, the player only brought out the energy gun and did not bring out the mech.

[Pacific Rim] In the original book, the main thing is to drive a mech to kill monsters and pass through the wormhole to enter the monster planet to blow up the wormhole channel.

Rick thought that only if he could do better than the original plot in the original book, would he have a chance to win the mech.

The commander of the base then asked the pilots of the Storm Red, the Cerro Alpha and the Tango Wolf to quickly log in to the mech.

And let the helicopter group, and quickly tie the ropes with these four mechs.

Engineers began to load the Danger Rovers with a nuclear bomb.

He then prepared for the helicopter to take the four mechas to the Pacific Ocean above the wormhole, and then dropped four mechas into the sea. This allows the helicopter group to move faster with the mecha in the early stage, and also allows the mecha to save some energy and the pilot's tiredness of controlling the mecha for a long time.

As for the wormhole, which does not carry a living monster or the body of a monster that has just died, it cannot be entered. The commander General Jijidi, Dr. Weird and others do not know yet.

During this period of the copy world, Dr. Guai's research on wormholes has not progressed.

Rick is not ready to remind them anyway. In this mech-roy land battle plan, the [Danger Rover] Mech that he drove with a nuclear bomb was driven by himself.

There are just a bunch of five generations of monsters gathering near the wormhole. By then, you can bring a monster body and enter the wormhole.

If it doesn't work, you can also open a magic portal, just like cheating, teleport directly to the entrance of the monster planet wormhole to detonate the nuclear bomb.

That being the case, instead of killing the past vigorously, the clearance assessment may be lower.

In the face of giant monsters continually gathering through the wormhole to the Pacific Ocean, in this copy of the world, not only the Mecha sent four mechs.

There were also hundreds of submarines, which were also ordered to quickly drive towards the wormhole entrance under the Pacific Ocean.

A human battle against alien invading monsters is about to erupt under the Pacific Ocean.

Rake and the avatar were sitting in the "dangerous wanderer" mech at this time, waiting for the nuclear bomb to fill the rope connecting the mech with the helicopter.

Just a little bit of time, Rick connected Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi through the ability of spiritual communication.

And described to them the next five generations of monsters began to pass through the wormhole and collectively line up from the monster planet to invade the earth.

"So many fifth-generation monsters are not easy to deal with, or should you find a chance to teleport directly to the wormhole entrance of the monster planet and detonate the nuclear bomb?" Gu Yi returned a message.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to kill and enter the wormhole, so the customs clearance evaluation may be higher. You sit on the undead ship, wait for my news at the entrance to the lower wormhole in the Pacific Ocean, and don't approach in advance. Wait for me after the war You can join again. Otherwise, you ca n’t deal with so many five generations of monsters. The good news is that after driving the Mech “Dangerous Rangers” with me, the strength has improved a lot. I have a battle strength against the five generations of monsters. You will assist me in the fight at a distance. "Rake passed the message.

Rick looked at his attributes and found that an attribute value improvement had been revealed before, that is, he added a layer to his attributes after using the pet platinum platinum green and white twin snake pet.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Jackie Chan's person, Platinum Intermediate, raises 32% of all attributes of Master No. 2.

In this way, your highest attribute points have reached the level of horror. Rake Peer will kill the five generations of monsters with more confidence.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi, heard that Lord No. 2 is now driving the mech and has the ability to fight against the fifth-generation monster, so feel relieved.

"It ’s good to get into the wormhole. With so many five generations of monsters, my sister and I can eat a lot of five generations of monsters. I recently felt that our strength should be improved again. And my sister has now reached the peak of platinum intermediate, and will soon be promoted to platinum advanced. After eating the heads of these five generations of monsters, my sister and I should be able to be promoted successfully. "Xiaoqing sent a message.

"Yes, Lord No. 2 Brother, me and Xiaoqing's strength will be improved again!" Xiaobai was also happy to send the message.

After listening to it, Rick feels good. Although his strength has not been directly improved, if his pet Xiaoqing Xiaobai's strength is improved, Xiaoqing Xiaobai will increase the percentage of the owner's attributes and the water control ability. Raise a bit more.

As a result, their own strength has also increased.

Rick now has some envy, like Xiaoqing Xiaobai, who can directly rely on eating monster corpses, so he can improve his strength to practice exercises.

Unfortunately, Xiaoqing Xiaobai also has some picky eaters, and generally does not eat human-like creatures.

Rake estimates that this also has something to do with Xiaoqing Xiaobai's predecessor being a human, and then practicing exercises before turning into a demon snake.

Rake thought, when will he be able to obtain a queen-like ghoul's devouring ability, as his ability to kill enemies in the copy world is getting stronger and stronger, then the level of corpse swallowed will follow Its improvement. You can level up like killing monsters in the game.

Thinking of killing monster upgrades, Rake is prepared to wait for these recent events to see if any games or animations have been played online in the heavens. Go inside and see if you can get the skills or equipment with the ability to devour.

After this copy is over, tomorrow, Monday, World Standard Time, I will go to the spring tour with the class to see the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang.

And then on the first of June, I was about to enter the famine in the early morning, to see if Zhong Ling who can get the Eastern Emperor Bell and [The Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons] did not.

In the mech communicator, a voice from the mechatronics command room came, interrupting Lake's thinking.

"Honor No. 2 and No. 3, Mech [Dangerous Wanderer] has been loaded with nuclear bombs. The detonation time of the nuclear bomb countdown is 30 seconds. According to the results of my previous analysis of the wormhole, you need to carry the nuclear bomb through the wormhole , Go to the entrance of the wormhole on the planet where the giant monster is located, and detonate the nuclear bomb at the entrance to have the chance to destroy the wormhole ~ ~ This wormhole connects the gravitational field of two different spaces. At the entrance of the planet where the monster is located. There is a large amount of energy explosion at the entrance of the monster planet's wormhole. There is a great chance that the wormhole can collapse. But under our own planet's Pacific Ocean, there is no way to destroy this nuclear bomb. Wormhole. "Dr. Wei's voice came from the communicator.

"If you enter the wormhole, if you can successfully reach the planet where the monster is located, immediately drop a nuclear bomb, and then start all the power thrusters of the" Danger Rover "Mech and immediately return to our earth through the wormhole. Otherwise, the nuclear bomb wormhole collapses If you do, you have no chance to return. Once this battle plan is successful, the passage of the giant monsters invading the earth will be blocked, and you will become the heroes of the earth. "The commander of the base also passed the communicator to the brother No. 2 Talking.

"Rest assured, I will successfully start a nuclear bomb to destroy this wormhole tunnel. For the future of the earth, even if I can't come back, I promise to give priority to start a nuclear bomb to destroy the wormhole!" Rake said with a firm expression.

"Departure, this battle plan, codename [Euro Pigeon's Wrath]!" The commander announced loudly.

After the commander-in-chief ordered, Lake discovered that the machine had a metal ground, and the metal plate above it could have been turned on.

Hundreds of helicopters started to take off, and some helicopters connected four mechs to the ground with ropes.

After rising to a certain height, the helicopter group formed a formation and took four mechs to fly over the coordinates of the Pacific Wormhole.

At this time, Lake was sitting in the [dangerous wanderer] mech control cabin and pulled by several helicopters above to fly at sea level.

Rick hummed the song unconsciously, "Shook Shuk, you're Shuk flying a plane, Beta Beta ---"


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