Global Sky Online

Chapter 669: Vs. Bald Captain vs. Departure

The Murloc Green Lantern standing in the back was stunned. The honorable Green Lantern newcomer was too strong, and even stunned his novice instructor, and he looked lenient, or the Green Lantern Can be severely injured.

This is rarely seen in Green Lantern's history.

The Murloc Green Lantern rushed towards the stunned doghead Green Lantern, preparing to treat him.

At this time, on the other end of the bridge, a Green Lantern with a green suit was flying again.

It was the Green Lantern captain, the bald-headed strong Sina Schu, who was speaking in the Grand Square just now.

The bald strong green Lantern landed on this large metal bridge. He glanced down at the bridge and roughly analyzed the situation of the training and training just now.

"Honor No. 2, you are a very good earth person. You have just become a Green Lantern and you can defeat the novice-trained mentor. Let me give you a try. Now that you have inherited the Green Light Ring of Abingsul Son, I hope your strength will not undermine the prestige of the zero green light ring. As a teammate of Abinsur, I will train you successor from the earth when I have time. "Bald strong green lantern proud voice , Talking with his head up to Lake.

As a captain, the bald green Lantern has become used to speaking to all Green Lanterns as a command.

But Lake felt uncomfortable.

Now Rake, even the queen of the poker team, dare not speak to him in this proud tone.

"That's right, I'll try your ability of the existing Green Lantern strong and see if you have a reputation!" Rake said, and he was ready to fight.

Hearing Rick's words, the expression of the bald-headed Green Lantern changed, and he was not ready to continue to be polite.

The mermaid on the bridge just rescued the doghead who was stunned by Lake, and heard the gunpowder-like conversation between Lord No. 2 and their Green Lantern captain Sinaschu.

The fisherman and the dogman Green Lantern looked at each other and immediately ran towards the far end of this metal bridge, so as not to run slowly, and were injured by the honor of No. 2 and their captain.

The bald strong green Lantern Sinausiu raised his hands, and he embodied a large metal machine gun in his hand, preparing to fire at Rick.

Raike also raised his hands, and two Terminator T-1000 liquid robots appeared in his hands.

Rick thought, just before Gu Yi, they reminded themselves to experiment with the effects of concrete robots.

Taking advantage of this battle, Rake was going to try the power of the mechanical lifeforms such as the Terminator he embodied, so that when he later took Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi alone against parallax monsters, he also had a bottom of heart.

The bald strong green Lantern Sinausqiu, looking at the No. 2 lord in front, turned out to embody two people. He was also stunned at first.

Green Lantern's green light ring, few people can embody a living creature.

The bald strong green Lantern carefully looked in front of the No. 2 lord's hand. The facial expressions of the two people were embodied, and they were relieved when they found that they were very rigid.

"You turned out to be a robot. Have you ever seen such a robot fight with it before? As a predecessor, I'll tell you the potential rules for the green light ring to materialize. Objects you haven't really seen and understood, even if you specifically It turned out, but it's just a fake! "Said the bald strong green lantern, and then pressed the shooting button of the machine gun in his hand.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The machine gun bullets continued to hit Rick.

However, these bullets were stopped by the two Terminator T-1000 liquid robots in front of him.

These bullets hit the Terminator T-1000 liquid robot, and the liquid robot's skin was directly liquefied. The bullets were trapped in the skin of the two Terminator T-1000. They could not penetrate the two liquid robots at all, and it was impossible to kill them. they.

After the round of bald strong green Lantern shooting, the two Terminator T-1000 robots' liquefied skin began to "Ding Ding Ding" pop up a bunch of machine gun bullets, and these bullets fell to the metal under their feet. On the bridge.

Rick looked at the effect and was relieved.

Began to control two Terminator T-1000s to fight back.

The Terminator T-1000 raised his right hand, and his right hand was liquidized and changed into a small laser cannon. The red light gathered quickly at the front of their right-hand laser cannon.

"Boom!" The two Terminator T-1000s fired their small laser cannons at the same time.

The red laser hit the bald strong green lantern.

One laser cannon directly exploded the machine gun in the hand of the bald green lantern, and the other laser cannon hit the head of the bald green lantern.

The bald Green Lantern also responded very quickly, immediately raised his right hand, and in front of his head made a large metal mirror with a smooth front and a metal plate behind the back.

This big metal mirror dissipated some of the power of the red laser cannon, but even then, the big metal mirror was broken by the laser cannon.

The bald Green Lantern stepped back a few steps, lamenting the power of the powerful laser cannon. The two lords must have seen this kind of liquid robot between them, and had battled with it to understand the battle mode of this liquid robot.

And the fearless willpower of these two lords is so strong that they can let the power of the laser cannon attack and blast his defensive metal mirror only.

However, the bald-headed Green Lantern had said ruthlessly before, and now he can't flinch.

The bald strong green Lantern, in his hand, again embodied a launcher with two missile launchers, resisted on his shoulder, and pressed the launch button against the two liquid robots in front of His Holiness No. 2 in the distance.

Rake also did not control the Terminator T-1000 to evade, just to test the defense ability of the Terminator T-1000 liquid robot he embodied.

"Boom!" Two explosions, the Terminator T-1000 liquid robot body was hit by a small missile, and the two Terminator robots were broken into two piles of liquid.

The bald strong green lantern in the distance once again filled the shell of the missile launcher with the green light ring in his hand.

He was just about to say a few hard words, but was surprised to find that the liquid robot that had just been broken up by the missile, and the two liquids on the ground, quickly reorganized and recovered, and returned to the shape before the missile attack. No trace of being hit by a missile could be seen on the liquid robot.

And both liquid robots raised their right-hand laser cannons again and pointed at him.

Moreover, the bald strong green lantern found that during the recovery process of the two liquid robots, the second lord standing behind him did not replenish the green light energy to the two liquid robots at all.

This shows that, for the first time, the honorable Green Lantern No. 2 made two liquid robots, which have the ability to recover. His previous attacks did not destroy the two liquid robots at all.

"The Honorable Lord No. 2 had previously fought with such an intractable robot!" The bald strong green Lantern thought to himself, and quickly evaded.

At this point, the two Terminators T-1000 had fired the laser cannon in their hands and continued firing at the bald green lantern.

The bald-headed Green Lantern could only take off and released several defensive metal plates or attack firearms in the air, but found that the liquid robot could not be killed at all.

The two liquid robots are too resilient.

The bald-headed Green Lantern evaded, and was aimed and fired for more than ten minutes, embodying high-concentration corrosive weapons and destroying the two liquid robots.

The bald strong green lantern landed back to the metal bridge and stood panting.

The Green Lantern, the Goblin, standing in the distance of the metal bridge. After watching the battle for more than ten minutes, the Green Lantern No. 2 was standing there with priority, and he drank a drink.

Two liquid robots were identified, and they fought with their captain for more than ten minutes.

The Goblin Green Lantern sighed in his heart. Fortunately, it was too early to be in a coma, so wise.

Otherwise, if the coma is late, if the No. 2 lord fights him, release this liquid robot, it is estimated that he will not be killed or seriously injured.

This earth man turned out to be so powerful after he got the green light ring.

The Goblin Green Lantern has been decided. Later, when he encounters the Green Lantern who inherits the Green Lantern Ring from the earth, he says that he is not going to be a mentor. It is too dangerous.

The bald strong green lantern captain, just wanted to talk to the opposite No. 2 truce, but found that the opposite No. 2 raised his right hand again this time, and the ring in his hand gave a green light.

Raike raised his right hand and flashed the green light ring. This time, there are two Terminator T-1000 liquid robots and two Terminator T-800s with machine guns.

In the air, two octopus mechanical sentries with flying capabilities encountered in the real world of the Matrix were also embodied.

On the bridge, there were also four mother subroutines with guns, men in black.

"Bang, bang, bang" The ten mechanical creatures that Rick started to make him concrete, killed the bald-headed Green Lantern.

"Black hole!" The bald Captain Green Lantern quickly used the energy of his green light ring to create a small black hole, and a huge gravitational force appeared in the black hole.

But this black hole sucked away only two Terminator T-800s.

The other robots moved so fast that they avoided his black hole attack and shot at him as they rushed towards him.

The bald-headed Green Lantern captain immediately took off and found that the two mechanical octopuses were the hardest to deal with, and the defense was extremely strong. It was difficult for ordinary firearms to damage them, mainly flying, and the attack power of those mechanical octopus arms in flight also great.

The ground also robots interfered with his attack, and the bald strong green Lantern did not have the energy to specify a powerful weapon to fight back.

The bald Captain Green Lantern can only fly away from the bridge quickly. He is followed by two octopus mechanical sentries.

A few minutes later, the far-off Bald Captain Green Lantern, after resolving two octopus mechanical sentries, returned to the bridge again, embodied weapons in the air, and solved the eight robots one by one on the large metal bridge.

Then the bald strong Green Lantern captain hurried to shout to the No. 2 lord standing on the bridge in the distance.

"Stop, stop playing, stop!"

"But Captain Sinnaschu, I feel that I have not seen your true strength. And my true strength has not been fully displayed. If I don't play for an hour, I am going to call the goddess of revenge This biochemical robot, look at the effect! "Rake shouted with a smile.

"Do n’t fight, you are strong, I admit that you are strong and not weaker than the late legendary Green Lantern Abingsoul. If you do n’t fight, Honorable King No.2, stop it! Fight again, I can only start A strong attack embodies a specific move, and I ca n’t control that one too. That attack is not for the Green Lantern teammates. It exists to destroy the enemy. I ’m an adult now, your strength is enough Inherit the green light ring number zero. "The bald strong green lantern captain shouted quickly.

After listening to it, Rake had no choice but to stop his hand and put down his right hand.

Seeing that the Green Lantern No. 2 finally dropped his right hand, the bald strong Green Lantern landed and walked into this powerful No. 2 Green Lantern.

The gauntlet and the saurian green lantern who watched the distance before also came over.

"Are you awake, and we're going to teach Green Lantern novices?" Lake asked Greenhead, the doghead.

After all, there are other mysteries to this green light ring, and it is not clear to Rake. How to use the green light ring has only been seen in movies before.

Rake thought about playing with this Goblin Green Lantern for a while, maybe he could master some special use of Green Lantern Rings. After all, this Goblin Green Lantern is a professional novice.

After listening, the Lantern Lantern quickly backed away, and immediately shook his dog's head, "No, no teaching. You have no need to teach novices at all. You are still teaching me. Right, I think of me There is something else. At this time, I have to give another green lantern ring to the novice guide, and I leave first. "The dog head green lantern immediately lifted off and quickly flew off the metal bridge.

The Goblin Green Lantern has just watched His Holiness No. 2 and fighting with their captain Sinuschu. He knew that it would not be possible to win against His Holiness.

"Honor Two, I will lead the strongest nine Green Lantern warriors tomorrow to form a ten-man squad, leave the OA planet, and go to the universe to fight parallax. How about you joining this squad, with your joining, I I have more confidence to eliminate the parallax. I have applied to the immortal, and the immortal has agreed to this active attack on the parallax. "The bald strong captain said to Lake.

After listening, Rick felt he couldn't follow him! In order to reach the platinum level strength, to clear this Green Lantern copy, you must kill the parallax lonely without taking advantage of the aboriginal strength of this copy, taking them with Xiaoqing Xiaobaigu.

"Your current strength, if you go, you will die. Even if your ten Green Lantern squads have the same strength as you, they are not paralyzed opponents. If you really want to defeat parallax monsters, there is only one possibility. Rallying all the Green Lanterns and leading the Green Lantern Army's 3,600 Green Lanterns will make it possible for them to fight against parallax. "Rake said.

Rake also knows that his proposal will not be passed, even if the bald strong captain has this idea, those immortals on the OA planet will not agree with this risky action.

Parallax monsters will devour fear energy and become more and more powerful. Once the Green Lantern Corps is dispatched, 3600 sectors will be unguarded, and there may be a short period of confusion.

If the Parallax finally defeats the Green Lantern Corps and consumes 3600 Green Lanterns who are already very powerful, then the Parallax will become the most powerful creature in the universe and it will no longer be possible to defeat it.

When Rick had just entered this Green Lantern replica world, he planned to stun the immortals on the OA planet, then launch a speech and take the Green Lantern Corps to the expedition.

But now this method of clearance is not available, and Lake also knows that with the character of a bald strong captain, he will not stun those immortals.

"The Immortal allowed the attack on the Parallax Green Lantern quota, including me, up to ten people. The Immortal has been guiding us to fight in the years of the Green Lantern, the decision of the Immortal will not go wrong. "The bald green Lantern said to Lake.

"The immortal ca n’t judge, this time you can go to ten people to defeat parallax, but just let you test the strength of parallax. It may also be that the immortal has already judged it, and you take nine people to death. But they didn't speak directly. Because once the immortal said, you will have fear in your heart, your strength will be low, and you may not be able to return. The immortal needs you to come back after this defeat! "Rick thought After thinking about it, he said to the bald strong captain.

The Bald-headed Green Lantern Captain was a little bit angry when he heard it. If the Green Lantern had not shown absolute strength before, the Bald-headed Captain would like to teach the Green Lantern that he does not respect the immortal.

"These are just your guesses! I firmly believe that I can take the nine Green Lantern warriors and defeat parallax!" Said the bald captain in a firm tone.

"Your action tomorrow is to send death. Knowing the death action, I will not follow you to participate. I will leave here first and make some preparations. After a few days, when I am ready, I will kill the parallax alone Go. Sinuschu, if you fail to fight parallax tomorrow, and you have a life to escape back to OA Star, I hope you wait for me for a few days, don't bring more Green Lantern to the parallax battle ~ www ~ That will only make the parallax monster swallow the Green Lantern, and become more and more powerful. "Rake said in a serious tone.

"You slander the immortal again, and say that the parallax of battle will fail. Even if you are very strong, I will really start a war with you!" The bald captain said a little angry.

"Time will prove my judgment, Sinuschu, I hope you will not regret your reckless behavior at that time. Since we cannot talk well, I will go back to the earth first. Soon, I will independently destroy the parallax!" Lei Ke said, and went straight off.

The Murloc Green Lantern wanted to block, but was blocked by the bald captain.

"Let him go. Such a person who shakes the fearless belief of Green Lantern is not suitable to stay on our OA planet. Even if he is strong, he cannot stay." The bald captain said to Murloc Green Lantern.

After Rick lifted off, he flew to the green lighthouse that strengthened his body and took the green light back.

Raike raised his right hand, turned the green light in his hand to the green light, and was refilled with energy. After holding his green light in his left hand, Raike took off again and flew away from the OA planet.

The physical properties of the Green Lantern newcomer of the OA planet have been strengthened, and Rick has already obtained it, and then stays there, but it is not convenient for him to kill the parallax alone later.

Rick is going to go back to Earth and prepare for the battle mode with the help of a green light ring. Then he will kill the parallax.

Today, after fighting with the Green Lantern captain Xinnasqiu, feel that the strength of the Green Lantern captain is not the kind of powerful against the sky, Rick also feel relieved.

The Captain of the Green Lantern is not too strong, which shows that the overall strength of this copy of the world has not yet reached that level of hell. With the ancient one, he still has the strength to fight parallax.


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