Global Sky Online

Chapter 661: Alien attack and preparation for counterattack

Rick took chopsticks, sandwiched the cooked meat, put it in his small bowl and dipped in hemp sauce, thinking about how to make his sister drizzle, and dispelled the idea of ​​going with him for a spring tour.

After all, Xiaoyu went away for nothing, and she was not Qin Shihuang's reincarnation.

The real reincarnation of Qin Shihuang, or after the execution of the copy of the demon Daqin, the player who was determined by Qin Shihuang to be reincarnated by Zhutian Online, did not know if he could wake up the 100,000 terracotta warriors after seeing the terracotta warriors.

"Xiaoyu, there is a reason, it's called destiny, the time is not up, you can't force it. Even if you are the reincarnation of Qin Shihuang, you can't see the terracotta warriors with me next Monday night. Because according to your age, at this time next year, After you have fully awakened your talents, it ’s your turn to watch the terracotta warriors. If you go too early, the time for awakening the terracotta warriors will deviate, which may cause great trouble, or Qin Shihuang ’s reincarnation will be replaced. Change this time next year Go to see the junior high school students of Terracotta Warriors and replace you. "Lake tried to flicker to Xiao Yu.

"Oh, I think about it, the situation you said is really possible, then I will endure another year, let those terracotta warriors and soldiers wait for my king for another year, after I awakened the talent skills, I Qin Shihuang, Wake them up again. "Xiao Yu said, and began to eat after brushing the mutton.

Rick was relieved to hear that his sister finally dismissed the idea of ​​going on a spring tour with him.

Rick and Xiaoyu were eating hotpot and chatting.

Although his sister Xiaoyu is definitely not Qin Shihuang's reincarnation, Lake thinks about the talent skills that Xiaoyu will awaken after half a year, and needs to consume so much vitality of Xiaoyu itself.

If he hadn't secretly given Xiaoyu those medicines to extend his life, Xiaoyu might have been drained of life before he awakened the unknown talent.

Xiaoyu may really be a reincarnation of a strong man, just like Xiaoyu himself guessed, but not the reincarnation of Qin Shihuang.

Thinking of this, Rick couldn't help but secretly released his talents to Xiaoyu, and his eyes were golden (true solution state).

This upgraded fire eye gold eye skill, even the roommate fierce man who went to Honghuang a year ago and the copy of the fire eye gold eye skill can be explored, this time did not see through the identity of Xiaoyu.

[Light rain, unknown talent skills to be awakened. 】

Rake didn't know that Xiaoyu's reincarnation status was too special. Because his level of fire eyes and golden eyes were not enough, he couldn't see through Xiaoyu's true body.

Or Xiaoyu is not a reincarnation of a great **** superpower at all.

"Lake, you're staring at me for what you're doing. There's no meat in the hot pot on your side. Get down!" Xiao Yu said puzzledly.

"Oh!" Rick replied, continued to lay the meat and vegetables, and squeezed the shrimp from the pan to eat.

Rick and Xiaoyu ate hot pot for an hour together, and Rick drank two bottles of beer.

Both siblings are full.

Light rain began to clean up the table, and Lake returned to his room to lie down to sleep, eating too much and not moving.

After falling asleep at night, Rick was called by the drizzle again, and then ate hot pot.

"Well, can we change to something to eat at night?" Rake asked.

"No, if my parents come back at night and see that there are so many hot pot ingredients left, it's time to say me. Quickly, I will be in the pot for a while, wipe it out, and I will throw away the garbage after eating. When my dad comes back, Don't tell them we have hot pot, just say the burger I ordered! "Xiao Yu said.

After listening to it, Rick was helpless, and continued to eat meat and eat with his sister.

After all, I finished the last hot pot noodle.

Recently, Rick no longer wants to eat hot pot.

Light rain started packing, and Lake went to the sofa and watched TV.

"Lake, you throw garbage bags downstairs. It's dark this day. It's not safe for a girl to go down. What if there is a bad person?" Xiao Yu said to Lek leaning on the sofa.

"It's okay. If you carry your sickle sickle down and meet the bad guy, it's not safe for the bad guy!" Rick said with a smile.

The place to throw garbage bags is not far below the unit door.

At this point, there are uncles and aunts sitting outside in the community. There is nothing unsafe at all, and it is estimated that Xiao Yu is too much and does not like to move.

On weekdays, when Xiao Yu went out to play, she went home later than this evening, and did not see her to be afraid.

"Well, you just watch TV!" Xiao Yu said, carrying a garbage bag to throw away the trash, and didn't carry her death scythe.

But it was less than half a minute after Xiao Yu went downstairs that someone knocked on the door.

Rick got up and looked at it. There was light rain outside the door, and Rick opened the door.

"You threw the garbage at the door, aren't you afraid your parents will find it?" After Rick opened the door, he walked towards the sofa, leaned on the sofa, and asked casually.

"Rick, it's okay!" Xiao Yu said, and walked towards the sofa.

Rick felt the lightness and tone of Xiaoyu, a little different from his sister's previous conversation with him.

Rick turned and looked at it. It was a light rain, but this light rain seemed to be higher than the light rain that had just been thrown downstairs, and his appearance or expression was more mature.

Rake immediately activated the fire eye golden eye identification ability to look at this drizzle.

[Blue Star, Assassin, Master World Strength: Silver Junior].

"Who are you?" Rick got up immediately, took out the golden hoop and held it in his hands for alert.

Lake has only one-tenth of his total power in the main world.

Silver is junior, and it is already quite high in the main world.

Put it in Zhutian Online, it is estimated that it is platinum or higher players.

"I'm your sister, Xiao Yu!" Xiao Yu said, still close to the sofa.

"Stop, to be honest, or I'll do it!" Rake held the gold hoop horizontally, ready to release the avatars and Gu Yi, Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, to deal with this rainy appearance of the Blue Star Assassin.

"Our world is destined to be destroyed. I came back from the end of the world. Rick, or Brother No. 2, you secretly paid me too much. Unfortunately, I did n’t know until the end. I came back to prepare. With you forever.

I will kill the light rain in a while, I will make up younger, I will cherish your brother in this life. "Said the blue star player in the light rain.

After listening to it, Rick laughed bitterly. The story of the Blue Star player is quite similar, but it has been penetrated by her identification skills. She is not a light rain, otherwise she may be cheated.

"Touch!" Rick appeared behind the rain-like Blue Star Assassin in a flash.

Rick waved the gold hoop directly and hit the past, and instantly released Gu Yi, Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, and the avatar.

Holding the Trident Artifact in his avatar, he released ten Poseidon wire meshes in the light rain.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai held a sword and attacked from left to right. Gu Yi launched a magical enchantment and directly covered the room.

"Oops!" This light rain was under siege at once, took out a long, a short and two knives, resisted the attack of Leike's golden hoop, but his arms were scratched by Xiaoqing Xiaobai.

Then his body was caught by Poseidon's wire mesh.

Rick went on another stick, and the light rain was directly beaten back to its original shape and turned into a blue liquid man.

"Holy Lord Two, how did you find me?" The blue liquid man, making a harsh noise, shouted at Rick.

"Just know that you are a liar. My sister, I know, she won't say those things to me. Even if the end of the world is really here, she won't look back. That girl, if she hits the south wall, she won't detour. Yes, how do you know the identity of my Zhutian online player, who are you? "Rake asked. Rake did not say that he has the talent for fire-eye golden eyes, and the real world can also be identified.

Rick thought about his recent situation without revealing the identity of Lord No. 2. How did this blue liquid man know that he was Lord No. 2 and still come to the main world to attack him? .

Rather than killing the blue liquid person, Rick wanted to know how she knew her identity and came to the main world to attack herself.

"So you can let me go?" The blue liquid man said to Rick.

"Don't say, die now, and my soul will be taken away by me!" Rake held the gold hoop and pointed at the blue liquid man's head.

"I am a player on another planet, and I am making a special single copy of reality. This copy requires me to go to other planets and randomly kill a strong one. The copy will arrange a disguised identity for me. I randomly came to Earth to have artifact gold The No. 2 lord of the hoop is strong and kills. I did not expect that you could have so many summoned creatures in your master world. Are you majoring in calling or fighting in the major! "Said the blue liquid man. .

"Beep" knocked on the door.

Rake's fire-eye golden-eye fluoroscopy skills looked at, really sister Xiaoyu has returned and is knocking on the door.

Rick didn't have time to judge whether the blue liquid man was telling the truth.

Rick patted him straight with a gold hoop, and slammed him with a stick.

The blue liquid man died, his soul was sucked away by Lake, and he was refined into energy by sucking into the undead ship.

Blue liquid The human body becomes a blue liquid.

Fortunately, as soon as the mage Gu Yi raised his hand, he used magic to take away the liquid and reclaim the enchantment.

"You go back first, and then discuss this matter!" Rake said, immediately recovering Gu Yi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and the avatar, and glanced at the room. After leaving no other traces of fighting, Rake went to open the door.

"Why come here so slowly!" Xiao Yu said.

Rick looked at it with the fire-eye and golden-eye skills, and felt that this is really his sister Xiaoyu.

"I'm full and I don't love sitting on the sofa. Why don't you bring the keys yourself!" Rake said.

"Where are you at home? What can I do with the key? Olake, you can't be so lazy. You don't like to move when you open the door. You should get fat." Xiaoyu said, and went to the kitchen to wash his hands.

"I'll go back to the egg cabin and check it. You lock the door. When your parents come back, you'll open the door." Rake said, ready to go online to see the situation.

After all, this Blue Star Assassin just appeared, pretending to be a rain of his loved ones, and assassinating his real identity, this situation is too dangerous and weird.

"Know, how did you become more inked than your parents. Go, right, accompany me to the running tomorrow morning, don't get up too late." Xiao Yu said.

"Tomorrow morning, talk tomorrow. Don't call me in the morning, I wake up myself. I managed to sleep late on Sunday, so don't disturb me!" Rake said, walking to his hut , Regardless of sister Xiaoyu's answer.

Rick closed the door and pressed the start button of the egg compartment under his crib, stepping into it.

With the metal lid of the egg compartment closed and unknown liquid filling the interior of the egg compartment, Rake opened his eyes again and has come to the main interface of Zhutian Online.

Rake released avatars, Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi.

"Just the Blue Star, did you find anything?" Lake asked Gu Yi.

When Gu raised his hand, he released those blue liquids again.

"It's a liquid similar to living tissues. After death, these liquids also quickly lose their vitality." Gu Yi said.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai also shook his head. For the alien player of the Blue Star, they did not find anything special.

"Ding, the little queen of the poker team, apply for a group video call. Whether the common video player, and the big queen of the poker team, agree." Zhu Tian's online prompt sounded.

"Yes!" Rake closed his eyes and chose yes.

After all, Rick thought that he was still pretending to be blind with the little queen yesterday. He still closed his eyes and couldn't recover so quickly.

"Honor No. 2, have you been attacked? The Queen and I, just in the Lord's World, were attacked!" The little Queen asked quickly.

Through the fire-eye and golden-eye skills, Lake discovered that the little queen's left arm is now in an injured state and hangs unnaturally.

A virtual stereo image of the bald queen also appeared next to Lake.

"I just killed a blue liquid man and devouring that blue liquid will also give me some improvement in ghoul skills. Ah, Lord No. 2, I see those blue liquids on the ground next to you, and you too Kill the blue liquid person who assassinated you in the main world. Quickly trade this blue liquid to me. After I devour it, it will be very good for my ghoul skills. " Behind the ground, the piece of blue liquid.

The words behind the big queen were anxious to say to Lake.

Using water control skills, Rake turned the liquid toward Xiaoqing Xiaobai after controlling the liquid to gather.

Xiaoqing and Xiaobai shook their heads, signalling that they didn't need the blue liquid left by the Blue Star's death.

Rake then traded the blue liquid to the Great Queen.

"Holy Lord Two, you have also killed the assassin sent by the Blue Star, then no problem!" Said the little queen.

"Do you know how many Blue Star Assassin players come to our main world? How did these Blue Star Assassins find us?" Lake asked the Queen and the Queen, looking at the two of them who were also assassinated. Can I get some useful information?

"I don't know, but it would be better if I could get more. As soon as I was ready to eat, an assassin came to the door and gave me strength." The bald queen said with a smile.

"I previously caught the Blue Star Assassin who assassinated me, and probed her with the ability of soul exploration, and I got some information. This time these three Blue Star Assassins came to the Lord's world.

Their blue star is not far from the portal of our earth in the melee battlefield, a planet in silver. After learning that our planet has advanced to the silver band this time, Blue Star has already begun to plan to attack the planet.

This time they came to spend a very precious melee battlefield disposable props.

The function of that item is to be able to teleport three platinum players, assassinate the earth players who advance to the silver rank on behalf of the earth, and participate in the promotion. "Said the little queen.

"It seems that I chose to represent the earth to participate in the promotion match. Is there any other planet player who can wear it?" The bald queen asked with excitement.

"I don't know about other planets, but according to my investigation of the Blue Star soul, their props also have time and distance restrictions. They can only be used on the planets that have just advanced to the silver rank." Said the little queen.

Rick listened to what the little queen said, and felt a little bad.

"The Blue Stars, are we going to fight against the earth? Otherwise, they would not send three assassins to kill us and use this precious one-time melee battlefield prop." Rick asked the little queen.

"Yes, the Blue Stars are building their forces, and it is estimated that they will soon be killed from the melee battlefield. I have not detected too much information. Attacking my Blue Star, she found that I was exploring her soul. The Blue Star chose to explode himself. My arm was injured when the Blue Star Assassin blew himself up, "said the little queen.

"Enough is enough. I haven't attacked other planets yet. Their Blue Stars dared to attack the earth. This time let them never come back!" After listening to the bald queen ~ ~ directly Talking.

"The Blue Stars advance to the silver ranks earlier than Earth. Their overall strength is estimated to be stronger than Earth players, and this battle is probably not very good!" The little queen judged.

"Can't be assassinated for nothing, let's fight back first." Rick suggested that the Blue Stars would dare to assassinate him in the main world, and pretended to be the rain coming back in the future, tempting to kill his sister Xiaoyu together. Rick felt that the Blue Star was too abominable, and Rick would not be reconciled without calling back.

And just defending the castle is too passive.

"Yes, fight back, little queen, gather players from the poker team and prepare to take the land chariot! More devours of this blue star, my ghoul skills can be upgraded." The big queen let out the blue and white metal claws of her hands. Shaky.

"I will inform the Defense Forces of the North and South Hemispheres of the Earth first so that they can prepare for the war in advance. The other players in our poker team, as well as in the copy, and their main world affairs have not been dealt with. The method is to call the land chariot immediately. According to the original plan, the poker team will officially enter the melee battlefield in July. Tomorrow, the three of us will go to the melee battlefield first to check the strength of the Blue Stars and their castles. "Said the little queen.

"Okay!" The Great Queen agreed directly.

"Don't wait for tomorrow. Act tonight. Little queen, wait for you for half an hour, you will first inform the Earth Defense Forces. After half an hour, we will go to the castle of the Blue Star player to explore. I will go to the forum first Check the photos taken by our Earth players and see if there are any photos or videos of Blue Star near the melee battlefield castle. If there is a scene picture, after the Master Gu Yi can directly open the magic portal and take you there. "Lake said.


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