Global Sky Online

Chapter 655: Desperate virus and customs conjecture

"Daddy, come here, dry this bottle!" Rick picked up the bottle and bumped into the drunkard's father.

"Drink slowly, there are so many skewers!" Said the drunkard dad.

After learning that Iron Man in this copy of the world was about to release [Desperate Virus], Rick was in a good mood. Within half an hour, he drank and drunk his father.

Rick drank another bottle by himself and finished eating the spicy crayfish tail and skewers before returning to his room.

After pushing open the door, Lake watched that Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiao Bai were already waiting for him in this room.

"Tonight, Iron Man, the head of Stark Industries in this replica world, released an explosive news about the [Desperate Virus] that can cure most injuries. This [Desperate Virus] is still distributed free of charge. This The Iron Man of the world also seems to be a very kind superhero. "Gu Yi said.

After Rick listened, they all listened.

Gu Yi is not aware of the story of other versions of Marvel's Parallel Universe.

Lake could have seen some Marvel parallel universe cartoons in the original world.

The Iron Man who distributed [Desperate Virus] couldn't get along with kindness.

Lake didn't know if there would be an infinite gem in this copy of Iron Man's mind.

If there are eight infinite gems in this copy of the world, with two infinite gloves, wearing eight infinite gems that have almost the same effect, Rake is thinking about whether he will gather the eight infinite gems.

But think about it, it is too complicated. The things involved in collecting infinite gems are too complicated. Even in this copy of the world, there are really eight infinite gems. It is too much trouble to collect them by yourself.

Still think of a way to become a superhero Daredevil, clear this copy really.

"[Desperate Virus] is a good thing in a sense, but the Iron Man in this copy of the world is not as good as the Iron Man in your world. But [Desperate Virus] will have hidden dangers in curing eyes. I am not prepared Injecting a desperate virus, otherwise a mechanical body will appear on my body, and I will become a robot-like existence.

Iron Man in this copy world, since he has [Desperate Virus], his black technology level is already very high. It is very likely that Iron Man in this copy world has other methods to heal my eyes! "Lake thought for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​injecting [Desperate Virus] himself.

[Desperate Virus] will be more powerful with [Desperate Mech].

Rake was thinking about his cultivation system, and now he has managed to get a hidden series of scrolls with the theme of [twelve me].

Coupled with the fact that you go to the copy world of the Famine, you may get the chance of sanctification.

Rick thought, never heard of any transforming person or semi-mechanical life form finally broke the heaven and sanctified.

What you see now is also the strength of sanctification and the potential of the future, which is superior to the strength of [Desperate Virus].

If you are injecting [Desperate Virus] in the early stage, it is okay, but when you reach the king level or above, the **** level is not enough.

At that time, if I want to change other cultivation systems, I don't know if I can change it.

"Are you going to find Iron Man now?" Xiaoqing asked in a loud voice.

"Wait next week, when Iron Man publicly releases [Desperate Virus] the night before, I will go to him again. At that time, I will take you to discuss the conditions with Iron Man and let him heal my eyes. Good my eyes, this desperate virus press conference should also be cancelled! "Lake said with a smile.

"You are going to play against this World Iron Man. This World Iron Man is very strong. I and you should be able to play Iron Man in Iron Man's suit, plus Xiaoqing Xiaobai and your avatar together. , At least can not be guaranteed to lose! "Gu Yi analyzed.

"I don't have to defeat Iron Man. I just want to talk to him about the conditions. Gu Yi, please take Xiaoqing Xiaobai to the nearby residence of Iron Man to investigate. Be careful, don't let Iron Man's technology exploration equipment be found. "Iron Man not only has surveillance equipment in the city, he should also have surveillance means such as satellites." Rake said.

"Well, we've watched Iron Man before. In this copy world, Iron Man's father, Howard Stark is alive. And Howard Stark looks a lot more mysterious than his son Iron Man.

Iron Man, his father, is a member of a secret agency. That institution has a special icon, and this icon carries some hidden masking magic, so that the content of their correspondence, outsiders seem to be confused passwords. I didn't venture to go deep into Iron Man's father. But I feel that the secret agency that Iron Man's father, Howard-Stank joined, is probably more valuable to you. I'll draw you the icon of their secret agency. Gu Yi said, and put the special icon on the table for Rick.

Seeing this icon, Lake feels familiar.

Rick thought about it, really remembered it. When he first entered the World of Team 1 copy with the little queen, he saw the Iron Man father in that copy of the world. Howard-Stank received a letter with this icon. Letters.

At the time, Rake was still thinking about making a copy, and went to the Zhutian Online Forum to check the reason for this icon.

However, after the copy was issued, the copy was rewarded very well at that time. Then Lake went to the copy of the three hundred warriors, and then went to other copies, and completely forgot about the mysterious icon on the forum.

Rake has forgotten it until now, and this time when he saw Gu Yi drawing this mysterious icon style again, Rake suddenly remembered it.

"Gu Yi, in fact, the world where you live, Iron Man's father, Edward Stanck, has also joined the organization with this mysterious icon. Since this copy of the world, Iron Man's father is also a person of this mysterious organization, this organization can The existence of multiple Marvel parallel worlds shouldn't be easy, "Rake analyzed.

"Will it be a secret agency of Hydra!" Xiaoqing asked.

Rake shook his head. "This institution should be older than the Hydra. I have seen the icon of the Hydra before, but this is not the case." Rake said.

"Bring Iron Man his father, Howard Stank, tortured?" Xiao Qing suggested.

"Don't touch Iron Man's father first, wait for me to talk to Iron Man to finish the conditions, if Iron Man finally agrees to give me treatment. He can cure my eyes, for me now, it is better than discovering other hidden information More important, "said Rick.

"Well, when I went to investigate Iron Man this time, I followed his father by the way." Gu Yi said.

Rick nodded, thinking about this copy of the world, and arranged for his father, this drunkard daddy boxer, not so powerful. The copy of the Iron Man not only gave his son a big business empire, but he was also a member of the mysterious institution.

And my own drunkard father, apart from drinking and occasional punches, seems to have nothing to do.

"Have you checked, did the copy world give me the identity of this drunkard dad?" Lake asked Gu Yi, after all, with a little green and white, Gu Yi had explored the intelligence in this copy world for more than ten years.

"The copy world, the drunkard dad arranged for you is very ordinary. But the copy world, your mother arranged for you, we didn't find her real information.

The record states that your mother died in a car accident. But I took Xiaoqing Xiaobai to look at your mother's grave. The bottom of the grave was empty. There are very few records about your mother, as if they were intentionally erased and hidden. "Said Gu Yi.

After listening to it, he thought about the mother of the Nocturne in the original book, which was not introduced in the movie. However, as a Daredevil, when he was a child, his eyes splashed into a special radiant liquid, and he could still survive and gain a hearing-enhancing super power. It is likely that in this replica world, the heavens have arranged the identity of their mother online. special.

Of course, this is just the speculation of Rick and Guy.

Regarding the information about the arranged mother in this copy of the world, Lake also tried to query, but found nothing useful at all.

However, because no useful information was found, Lake felt that his mother, the Daredevil, was probably not an ordinary person.

"It's useless to ask the alcoholic father, this super courageous copy of Marvel's parallel universe, there are too many unknowns. I feel that the more we investigate the deeper, our strength will eventually reach the end, it is likely that we can't find the truth Serious consequences. We are still too weak now. I will not investigate further this time. I will become stronger in the future. Then I will have the opportunity to enter a similar copy of Marvel's parallel universe and investigate such secrets. Not good, found hidden information, Zhutian Online is likely to give me a super difficult hidden task. "Lake was silent for a while, and finally decided.

Gu Yi and Xiao Bai agreed.

"You are just afraid of death, but you still claim to be the top player and handle in the main world of the earth!" Xiaoqing whispered underestimatingly.

"Xiao Qing, you must not be rude to Brother No. 2!" Xiao Bai said under the sleeve of Xiao Qing.

"Afraid of death, Xiaoqing, if you know the strength of the sentries and the strength of the Tenjin team in the Marvel universe, you will retreat!" Rake said softly, without going to explain too much to Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing didn't understand the meaning of the words behind His Holiness No. 2, but Xiaoqing felt that His Holiness admitted that he was afraid of death.

After Xiaoqing grimaced at Rick, she no longer complained.

Gu Yi raised his left hand, opened the circle, launched the magic portal, and left Xiaoqing Xiaobai to monitor the action of Iron Man.

Rake changed the Daredevil clothes he was wearing, took a cold shower, and rested on a cot in his room.

Just after drinking with the drunkard dad and getting drunk with drunkard dad, Rick was a little confused.

This is still the drunkard father. Before Rick and Erica went to kill Black Street Taibao, he started to drink a meal for himself.

Lying in his cot, Wake slept until noon the next day before waking up. Drinking too much is also good. You don't need to control your hearing ability deliberately. Anyway, there is no noise in your ears. You can sleep comfortably when you drink too much.

After Wake woke up, he picked up his mobile phone and turned it on. His assistant colleague at the law firm had made several calls and sent more than ten text messages.

This morning, he had a case in court, and Rick overslept. It is estimated that his colleague took the stage to defend his blind lawyer.

When Rick got up, he simply went to the law firm where he worked.

When Rick arrived, his partner's assistant lawyer saw the savior.

"Brother No.2, uncle, you are finally here. Fortunately, in the morning case, the judge gave us some face and extended it to the afternoon. Otherwise, my defense will smash the case. Where did you go in the morning? "

"The phone is out of power and the alarm clock is not ringing. You know that I can't see it. I thought it was dark at night!" Rick replied casually.

After listening to it, Lake's assistant lawyer was completely convinced, and stood for more than ten seconds before saying, "When the case is over, I will send you an alarm clock. Remember to charge your mobile phone every day, and buy a long standby in the future. of!"

Rick nodded with a smile.

Before the court session in the afternoon, the assistant drove Rick, the **** kitchen city, a famous blind lawyer, to the court.

After the trial, Lake began to defend as much as possible.

Fortunately, this trial defended Lake successfully, and the judge finally sentenced their client to acquittal.

Rick and his assistant went to celebrate, and went to eat together in the afternoon.

"Yes, Lord No.2, have you heard that, last night, our big brother, Heijie Taibao was killed. It is said that it was done by Daredevil, killing all the way from the first floor of Heijie Taibao to ten On the sixth floor, the black street Taibao was completely killed.

Because of this, the underground forces in our **** kitchen have become more chaotic. We will finish the dinner and you should hurry home and don't go out. "Colleagues said to Lake.

"Okay, I know, they won't take action against a blind man." Rick thought, it seemed that Erika was doing what she agreed to, and she had killed those who killed Taibao on the black street, and revealed to the outside world that it was the night devil Yes.

Without Erica to spread the news, my colleagues wouldn't have known such a thing so quickly.

"By the way, Iron Man, the head of Stank Industries next week, will have a free hairstyle [Desperate Virus] this black technology in his city. I heard that Iron Man will wear his latest silver-white Iron Man mech, Directly flying at a low altitude in his city to assist in this release.

Are you interested to see it together, we happen to have an annual vacation. I am ready to go. I heard that this black technology of [Desperate Virus] can also help lose weight, and it is free. Recently we are not answering the case. Let ’s go and see how next week. Maybe this [Desperate Virus] can cure your eyes! "The assistant said to Lake.

"You want to go by yourself, I won't go. If my eyes are restored, the judges and juries in Hell's Kitchen City should not sympathize with me as a defense lawyer for the disabled. At that time, our case win rate will be greatly reduced, and later There will be far fewer people entrusting us. "Rake said with an excuse.

"Ah, it really is, then you don't have to go. Wait for me to see the situation and see if this [Desperate Virus] works. If it works, it can treat other blind people, then you can inject it. But even if you fix your eyes, don't announce to the public that you can see it, say it's not cured! "The assistant whispered to Rick.

Regarding the recent absence of cases, Lake also agreed with the assistant's proposal.

Anyway, the identity of Laker is to cover the identity of Daredevil.

It is also a wicked experience for Laker to switch between the dual identity of being a lawyer during the day and a Daredevil who maintains the order of the Hell's Kitchen at night.

After Rick and his assistant had dinner, the two returned to their respective homes.

Rick returned home and changed into Daredevil's clothes.

"Son, you killed Black Street Taibao yesterday. The night in Hell's Kitchen City should have become more chaotic recently. Don't you find yourself a victim? I guess if you go out tonight, you can finish your work until dawn. Just fine. "Daddy drunken eating noodles, said to Rick.

"My pursuit, you don't understand!" Lake said to the drunkard's father.

"What are you pursuing, don't you just want to be a superhero Daredevil! When you drink with you, you have said dozens of times." The drunkard said to Rick.

"Yes, I want to be a superhero Daredevil, and this is my ultimate goal of pursuit and struggle. Dad, I have a doubt, I have maintained the order of Hell's Kitchen for many years, and yesterday killed the largest Hell's Kitchen The villain Black Street is too secure. But I feel that I have not become a superhero, and my fame is not enough! This is why ~ ~ How do you feel about me, can you become a superhero nocturnal demon, and be universal Say approval? "Lake asked the drunkard dad casually.

Lake thought that maybe the answer from the drunkard dad could lead him through the customs.

"It's easy to be 100% recognized by the world as a superhero Daredevil. It's easy. The other superheroes are dead. You live the longest. You are the superhero Daredevil. You can't run!" After taking a long sip of wine, he joked to Rick.

After listening, Rick felt touched by the words of the drunkard's father.

In this copy world, the Daredevil is not famous enough, but he is not as good as other superheroes. There may be a limit on the number of superheroes recognized in the copy world.

If most of the other superheroes hang up, there is a great chance that this Daredevil will be recognized by the copy world, and you can clear this copy by yourself.

"Daddy, your answer inspired me! I respect you for a bottle!" Rick picked up a bottle of beer and bumped it with the drunkard father.

"You have to go to work. Don't drink tonight. I was joking. What inspired you. Are you going to be healthy and live for one hundred and eighty years!" Said the old drunkard.

"Guogu!" Rick said goodbye to the drunkard after drinking a bottle of beer.

Rick jumped from the window and went to work the night shift.

Tonight, Rick punished evil and promoted goodness in the city of Hell's Kitchen. Those little **** and underground forces saw most of the Noble Man dressed in Daredevil, and most of them fled or surrender. The Daredevil boss fought back.

Busy until four o'clock, and order is almost maintained, Rick opened the magic portal and returned to the small room where he lived, sleeping in bed.


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