Global Sky Online

Chapter 653: Future momentary image perception skills

Next to the ring, Rake explored his skills with golden eyes, watching the drunkard dad and his boxing opponent.

This opponent's strength is not weak, even if the alcoholic father does not play fake punches, the victory is only five or five.

At the end of the first round, the drunkard leaned on the edge of the platform, panting heavily.

Rick took a bottle of mineral water and passed it to the drunkard's father, so that he quickly drank and rinse his mouth.

"Son, I will triumph!" The drunk dad patted Rick's shoulder gently.

"Well, in the next round, you will be able to hit your opponent and you will win!" Rick also said with confidence, because Rick was ready to start.

This opponent is relatively strong, ordinary water slipping moves, it is estimated that once the alcoholic dad can't beat the opponent once slipped, if used again, it is easy to cause suspicion.

Lake recently conducted tactile and auditory perceptions, although hearing perception cannot be increased and weakened at will.

However, after recent practice, Lake's control of his skills has also improved a bit. It can be said that after being blind, the control of his skills has become more perfect.

Lake's current ability to control water can release very fine water needles. Although the existence time is short and the attack power is not very strong, the attack power on ordinary people's water needles is quite good.

Coupled with the knowledge of ancient medicine acquired in the previous copy, Lake's understanding of human acupoints is very thorough.

Lake is ready to cast a small water needle.

A ringtone for "Ling" rang and the second round began.

The drunkard dad went to the middle of the ring again and fought with his opponent.

With the help of fire eye and golden eye skill exploration and hearing assistance, Rake found the right opportunity. When the opponent had a left uppercut to attack the drunkard's father, Rake launched his ability and released the water needle.

Two thin water needles pierced the pain point of the boxer's left leg and knee, and the numbness of the right leg and knee.

The boxer's expression instantly became fangs and grinned, and he stood unstable.

Of course, from an outsider's perspective, it was his left uppercut strength that was not well grasped, and his body was shaken.

Dad of drunkard seized the weakness of the opponent, and swung the fist of his right hand, hitting the opponent's head.

The opponent boxer was hit on the protective rope next to the ring, and then bounced back and fell to the ground.

The referee started for a few seconds, and this opponent was quite tenacious.

Seeing this was no good, Rick couldn't make him get up again, and gave him acupuncture points in the thigh, and two shots were given.

The boxer then had cramps in his legs and could not get up in a short time.

The referee finished for a few seconds, and Lake ran to the ring to celebrate this victory with the drunken father.

The alcoholic father's hand was raised, and the audience stood up and cheered.

This boxing match against KO opponents was very exciting to the audience.

After the referee announced the winner, Lake and Daddy drunk left for a few minutes.

"Son, you slip out first, and we'll see you at the back door!" In the lounge, the drunkard calmed down and changed his usual clothes to Rick.

After all, they were threatened before the game. The old drunkard knew that he hadn't played fake punches. On the way out of the game tonight, they would be attacked with revenge.

"I'll go with you. No one hurt us!" Rake said confidently.

The mysterious target eye's strength, Lake had previously asked Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiaobai to check it out.

Although the target killer is better than ordinary people, he is not his opponent.

Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiao Bai both said that they could easily kill this mysterious target-eye killer, and there is no need to worry.

"Okay, let's go as soon as possible!" Said the old drunkard, and immediately he got up and took his son No. 2 to the back door.

After the father and son went out through the back door, they went down the metal stairs.

Rick really found a black car parked beside the street.

On one of his foreheads, a target is marked with a tattooed person, holding a small flying knife in his hand, standing not far below the metal stairs.

"Admiralty bell!"


For the first time, Rick didn't entrust him, and found that the mysterious target-eye killer raised his hand and threw a flying knife, and immediately released the golden bell cap skills, covering himself and the drunkard dad.

The bell jar just flashed, blocking the flying knife and disappeared.

The flying knife dropped on the ground.

Not only the killer, the mysterious target eye standing below, but even the drunkard dad was stunned, and he couldn't believe looking at his son No. 2.

"After becoming blind, although I lost my vision, I awakened the power. With me, no one can hurt you, Dad." Rake whispered to the drunk dad beside him.

"Ding Ding Ding!" The mysterious target eye flew out three flying knives this time.

However, Rick once again launched the Admiralty hood skills, which were blocked.

The omnibearing golden bell hood, coupled with Raike's blindness, improved hearing ability and fire-eye golden eye skills, this mysterious target eye can't beat Raike and his drunkard father even if the flying knife speed is fast.

"What abilities do you use?" The mysterious target eye, the disgusted look looked at Rake standing not far away.

The golden bell was so annoying that he didn't have any technical content and blocked his flying knife from all angles.

"The holy bell is coming, you are guilty! Whether you want to repent, I will consider forgiving you!" Rake said, launching the bell jar again.

The golden bell shrouded in front of Lake and his drunkard father this time, and continued to rotate.

"Ding Ding Ding!" The mysterious target-eye killer flew out of the many hidden devices on his body again, not many of them blocked by the bell jar.

Seeing this result, the mysterious target eye this crazy man went crazy and directly lifted the lid of a trash can on the street, just like Rick rushed away.

"Hello!" Two times, the metal lid of the trash can hit the bell jar, which was directly deformed. The mysterious target eye killer and the back of the hand were numb.

"Your mentality is bad! Remorse?" Rake took out the golden hoop and retracted the bell jar.

The gold hoop stick was directly on the ground, and the ground was smashed into a deep pit.

"I don't!" Said the mysterious target eye, spit out a pin from his mouth, and hit Rick's brows.

When Rick sensed it, the gold hoop rod patted down directly, hit the pin, and then a stick shot the mysterious target eye.

The black car parked in the distance saw the result, and the driver drove away.

Rick rushed forward, a stick fell, the black car collapsed, and the driver died directly.

Rick nodded the car's fuel tank again, and the gold hoop slammed back.

Rick then pulled the drunken dad who was still in a daze and quickly left the scene and walked towards the home.

"Son, you are too powerful!" Said the drunkard dad, thinking that after his son became blind, fortunately, he did not scold him.

"Generally, I'm the one who wants to be a superhero. You are destined to be the superhero's father!" Rake said to the alcoholic dad with a smile.

When he got home, Rick found several bottles of alcohol for Dad's Daddy and let him drink it.

Father drunk and went to sleep.

Lake then uses the teleport ability to leave the room.

At night, Lake went to the old man who had threatened the alcoholic dad to make fake punches in the locker room, and gave the old man a stick.

It was then transmitted back to his residence.

In the days that followed, peace was restored again, and the drunkard father knew that he had such a powerful son, and he was more at ease.

Even when he was punching, he took the initiative to bring Rick.

In this copy of the world, he has lived for another ten years. Today, Lake finally graduated, obtained a lawyer's license, and became a formal lawyer in Hell's Kitchen City.

Rick looked at his body and finally grew up.

Rick then began his life as a lawyer during the day and a night demon.

Laker specifically asked the drunkard dad to make him a set of Daredevil suit with two small horns on his head.

Dressed in the evening, Rick left the house with a gold hoop, wandering in this **** kitchen city, and went to preside over justice.

Every time after presiding over justice, Rake will leave his mark of Daredevil.

Unfortunately, after being a Daredevil for a year like this, Lake didn't hear Zhu Tian reminding himself that the main task was still not completed.

Lake knew that he was not yet recognized as a superhero by the copy world.

Fortunately, for more than a decade, Lake has been able to effectively control his hearing senses, and it has been somewhat rewarding.

Rake can attenuate his hearing ability at will, and, like normal people, he doesn't need to wear a large soundproof ear bag when he sleeps.

Today, Rick and his colleagues had a meal at fast food at noon, and they really met Elika, the heroine of the original book.

Rick talked to Erica by virtue of her blindness.

Looking at the golden eye skills of Rick's Fire Eye, this Elica's strength turned out to be very strong. It is a high-level silver attribute evaluation, which has far exceeded the ordinary humans in this copy of the world.

When Elika was out of the fast-food restaurant and found that His Holiness was still following her, he shot at His Holiness.

However, Erica was not Rick's opponent at all. Even if Rick did not take the gold hoop, Erika was beaten down a few times.

And Rick found that he seemed a bit heavy, and stunned Erica directly.

Before, many children watched Rick and Erica fight, now they see Erika being stunned and foaming.

A child who had watched the two fight before, whispered to Lake, "Brother, don't you call an ambulance?"

Then the children ran away.

Rick smiled bitterly, and this and the scenes in the original book seem to have some way out.

Rick took out the silver needle and needle bag he was carrying, and was going to treat Erica, at least to wake her up.

A black limousine drove over and stopped not far from Lake in the street.

Four bodyguards in black came down from the car.

The four bodyguards ran towards the unconscious Erica and took the pistol out of her arms.

The muzzle was pointing at Rick, and he shouted, stop and say something like that.

These four bodyguards should be sent by Erica's father.

Rex simply didn't treat Erica, who was stunned, and ran away.

Some of the heroines of the original Super Heroes failed this time, and Lake continued to go to court in the afternoon to defend his prisoners.

A week later, Rake stepped out of the law firm and wondered how he could become a superhero.

In the night in this **** kitchen city, he presided over justice, as if he could not reach the superhero level judged by this copy of the world.

Or be a detective or a lawyer, and solve the case during the day, like Conan, presiding over justice at night.

Rick thought.

"Sovereign Lawyer No. 2!" Rick suddenly heard someone in front of the street calling himself.

Rick looked around and found that it was Erika who had been stunned a week ago.

"How did you find me?" Rick said with a smile, but he didn't expect that Erika was very brave. After being stunned last time, she dared to see herself this time, and came alone.

"My father was killed. I want to ask you to help me to get revenge, Daredevil." Erica came over and said to Rick softly.

After listening to it, Rick stunned, not expecting that Erica's father had been killed so early.

Rick recalled that he had killed the mysterious target eye more than ten years ago, but he wanted to kill Erica's father, the big fat man in Heijietaibao.

Although the mysterious target eye is dead, Black Street Taibao can also hire others to kill Erica's father.

It's that Rick doesn't know, how Elika knows, he's the identity of Daredevil.

Rick's identity as a night demon is pretty secret. In the city of Hell's Kitchen, even the drunkard dad knows it.

"How did you find out?" Lake asked.

"What I want to see, naturally I can see it! I am not the opponent of Heijie Taibao, I ask you to help me kill Heijie Taibao together ~ ~ said Erica.

"Fire Eye Gold Eyes explores the appraisal ability." Rake launched Fire Eye Gold Eyes' appraisal ability in front of Erica in front of him.

"Erica, Gold Senior, Resurrection, Skill: Instant image perception in the future."

Rick looked at Erica's ability appraisal result in surprise. It was only a week before Erika actually upgraded from Platinum Advanced to Gold Advanced.

Moreover, the appraisal and evaluation are still resurrected, indicating that they have died once, and have been resurrected, as well as the skills of image perception in the future.

This is a way to detect the future. It's a bit like Dr. Strange's ability to explore the future with time gems.

Lake had always wanted to have the ability to explore the future, but had no chance to obtain it.

"It's only been a few days, what have you experienced! Go, hit the coffee shop over there, and we sit down and talk." Rick said to Erica.

"You agree to help me kill Heijie Taibao, I will tell you all my experiences!" Erica said.

"I want to know, how did you get the skills to explore the future, and how did you come back to life?" Rick took Erica to the coffee shop on the street, found two empty seats, and the two sat down.

"My father was killed by a killer sent by Heijie Taibao. I was dead, but I was saved by a master who also taught me!" Erica said.

After listening to it, Rick thought, as if he had seen a movie called Erica a long time ago, the content in it is somewhat similar to what Erika said now.

"Can you take me to see that master, why don't you ask him to help you deal with Black Street Taibao." Rake asked.

"The master only taught me a few days and went on a tour. I don't know how long it will take to come back!" Erica said in a depressed mood.

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