Global Sky Online

Chapter 641: I come to save you

Rick woke up the old locksmith.

"My name is Lord No. 2 and I'm here to unlock your locks and I've gained the power of the savior!" Rick said directly to the old man.

"The last moment has arrived so early. Are you trying to open the door of the Matrix Space Program Center Building!" The old man woke up, still a little confused, and asked Rick, who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Not for the time being, which matrix center building might open in the future. I am now part of the Human Resistance Army underground city. We are looking for a prophet, but this fat prophet aunt is naughty and is playing hide-and-seek with us. What is even more exasperating She not only hides and hides from us, she also cheats on Fat Prophet Aunt, and she can teleport away through the back door of the matrix to avoid us. This time, if you need to unlock the back door of the matrix, we will grab Aunt Fat Prophet. Speaking to the old locksmith.

The old locksmith had a little cyanosis when he heard it, and was digesting the information that Rick had told him.

"The one that uses the matrix back door to leave, the kind of back door that I unlocked in one minute, can go to the same place. After one minute, the information program of that back door was closed, and I just opened the ordinary door by unlocking it. One minute The time is short, you should not have enough time to catch the Prophet, I will not go with you, you can find another way yourself. "The old locksmith said.

"One minute is enough for me. I have other hunting methods, as long as you can open the back door of the matrix world. Go, I will take you away first." Laike said with a smile, for one minute, for others It may not be enough.

But he has the teleport ability of the cursed jumping knife and the magic portal, which is not a big problem. If you are lucky, you can catch the fat prophet aunt directly.

Bring the old locksmith to avoid the fat prophet aunt getting ahead of time and escaping through the back door of the Matrix World program.

Rick didn't wait for the locksmith to answer, and raised his left hand to draw a circle again.

A golden magic portal appeared, and the environment inside was the location of a few people who had just entered the matrix world on the street outside this castle.

"What kind of capability is this, is it also a backdoor procedure?" The old locksmith looked at the magic portal and asked in surprise.

"It's almost a door, it's a skill that I can get after I have the savior ability." Rake said casually, directly pulling the old locksmith and walking into it.

When the two appeared on the street outside the castle, Rake then closed the magic portal and activated the savior's ability to start acting like Superman, with his right hand held high.

Rick left to pull the old locksmith and flew directly into the air.

"You can hold me, don't fall down, my body can't stand being dropped so high. Otherwise, let's go down the ground, don't go so high!" The old locksmith's old man pulled his hand against Rick Shouted.

"It's okay, the locksmith. Even if you fall, I can speed up. I should be able to drop you on the ground and catch you. Would you like to try it once more than the bungee?" Rick asked the locksmith. Old man

"No, don't try, my old body can't play bungee jumping." The old locksmith quickly refused.

"Little queen, the old locksmith I have managed to rescue it. After you have solved those thugs, we will meet at the original planned position." Lake sent a message to the young queen through the Dragon Knight's ability to communicate.

"On my side, the twin brothers were not killed. Merrow, the owner of the castle, I did not kill him, let him run away. After all, Merrow, who controls most of the matrix world's secret trades, died. Then, the matrix world will become more chaotic. "The little queen told Rake through the ability of the dragon knight to communicate.

After the little queen finished talking with Lord No. 2, she began to control 13 flying knives, forming a flying knife vortex knife array.

The grounds of this old castle hall are now bodies, except for the two twin thugs.

Bald Captain Morpheus also ended his combat effectiveness.

The little queen began to control the flying knife, and quickly spun it up. The knife array formed by the flying knife became a small tornado.

Hovering quickly in front of the twin batterers.

The twin brothers who can turn into a special gaseous soul form, seeing the tornado sword array of the little queen, the two did not rush forward as before.

The little queen took back the **** Teddy who was still fighting with the twins.

This **** Teddy is not good enough to kill the twin brothers, the little queen is ready to realize the ability to control the flying knife soon.

After **** Teddy fights with the twin killer brothers, the little queen finds that each time the twin brothers are seriously injured, although they can recover after being atomized, the atomization does not last for a long time, and it ends in a few seconds.

The little queen is preparing to let her flying knife dragon form a tornado array this time, and directly attack the atomized twin brothers.

Flying knife sword circle, quickly hovering, rushed towards the twin brothers.

The twin brothers had realized it was bad and wanted to avoid it, but the flying knife was too fast.

Both bodies were soon shrouded in flying swords, quickly stabbed and cut.

The twin brothers' bodies turned into aerosolized soul forms.

However, they found that the body could not fly out of this knife array. The little queen was in the center of the knife array and actually used two flying knives to make two fan-like rotating fan blades. The electric fan composed of two flying knives began to blow. With.

The aerosolized souls of the twin brothers are set here directly.

The twin brothers had panic expressions on their faces.

The twin brothers' special aerosol soul state persisted for about ten seconds and resumed human form, but was strangled again by a flying knife. After the twin brothers became aerosol souls again this time, their souls were not as strong as before, and they were scattered by the flying wind controlled by the little queen.

The aerosol souls of the twins began desperately recombining, but under the interference of the little queen flying sword, the souls of the twin brothers finally gathered together.

Ten seconds later, the twin brothers began to recover from the aerosol state, but this time, they did not become normal humans.

After the twin brothers reorganized, they have become a monster with two heads, four arms and four feet.

It seems like two humans, one conjoined into the other.

"Oh!" After becoming a conjoined human, the twin brothers began to vomit blood, and their internal organs did not look good.

A few seconds later, the twin brothers fell directly to the ground this time, became gaseous again, and then died completely.

"Morphys, let's go, I'll fix it!" The little queen raised her flying knife and drew back her hand, and said to her with a bald head.

"Go!" Morpheus said, raised his right hand and took off, flying out of the window in the castle hall.

The little queen also took off and flew out of the castle.

In the lower parking lot of a closed mall, Rick brought the locksmith and met the little queen.

After the bald captain Morpheus left the castle before, he found a suitable matrix node and dialed the phone to send it back to the spacecraft.

Captain Morpheus, the bald head, went to be the space operator.

Rick and the little queen waited for a few minutes, and Trinity drove to the basement with eight other crew members.

"The location of the Prophet is on the second floor of a hotel next to this mall. Let's hurry up. It is estimated that with the power of the Prophet, we can sense that we are going to find her." Trinitti said.

"Let's go, I'll take the locksmith alone, and you're going up the hotel front door at normal speed," Rake said.

Rick then went in front of everyone, opened the magic portal directly, and took the unlocker to the street on the back of the hotel.

Seeing the savior, No.2, has the ability to take people away, Trinity and the eight team members are more at ease in finding the Prophet this time.

The little queen got in the car and followed Trinitti towards the hotel.

Rick was standing in the street behind the hotel, looking at the hotel on the second floor with fire eyes and golden eyes.

In a room on the second floor, I really saw the fat aunt Prophet with a few children, and a human angel in white clothes was standing in front of the door to guard him.

When Rick looked with the fire-eye and golden-eye fluoroscopy skills, the fat aunt prophet eating red sugar in the room suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of Rick.

Rick saw that the fat aunt prophet waved at him, a good-bye gesture.

Then the fat aunt prophet began to convene the three children in the room and the angels in white.

The fat aunt prophet opened the kitchen door and ran away.

"No good, little queen, you speed up and the Prophet Fat finds me. I point in advance." Rick said, immediately raising his left hand to draw circles, and a magic portal appeared.

Rick immediately pulled the old locksmith into the magic portal.

However, after entering, Rick saw that the kitchen door in the room had just been closed, and he was still one step slower. The Fat Prophet Aunt turned the kitchen door into a portal door using the ability of the Matrix World Program back door and slipped away.

"It's time to show your talent, unlocker, open the door, let's go after the fat aunt Prophet!" Rick said to the old unlocker beside him.

"Actually, the prophet is not a bad person. She doesn't want to see us, so don't force her." The locksmith went to the kitchen door and began to slowly find the key on his body and said to Rick.

Looking at the slow motion of the old locksmith's old man, Lake was obviously dragging his time.

The old man of the locksmith obviously did not have the motivation to find the fat prophet aunt. It seems that he forced him, and the locksmith executed his own unlocking order because he was afraid of death.

At the speed of the old locksmith, Lake estimates that the one-minute limit on the back door of the Matrix World will limit the last second to open the door successfully, which is too time-consuming.

"Unlocker. You have known your mission since the day the Matrix World was created. You have to assist the Redeemer to open the final door to the Matrix World Central Building! But do you know that after opening the final door, you will also Die. You have n’t enjoyed your whole life, you do n’t want to die yet. Help me to catch the Prophet, I can reverse your tragedy and let you live! ”Rake said quickly to the locksmith.

"I'm so old, almost alive, death is nothing to me, I have already set aside life and death." The old locksmith said casually.

But even though the old locksmith said so on his mouth, the speed in his hands was several times faster. In less than a second, the old locksmith took out a key and went to the kitchen door lock.

"Slightly!" The door lock was opened, and the old locksmith pushed the door open. There was a large grass field inside.

At this time, the door of the hotel room was also smashed from the outside, and the little queen, Trinitti and eight members ran in.

"It's just the time to go, go and chase the fat Prophet Aunt, she just ran away from here!" Rake said, taking the lead through the kitchen door of the hotel room and entering the large grassy environment.

After the crowd entered the grass, the locksmith closed the door. There was a chalet villa in front of the door more than a hundred meters away.

Rake looked at the fire with golden eyes, and the fat prophet aunt was sitting on the sofa of the villa, panting, it seemed that he ran over and thunder arrived.

Rick took the locksmith and flew directly to the villa.

The other players quickly ran towards the villa.

The fat prophet aunt suddenly sat up from the sofa, took the three children and the angel in white to the kitchen again, opened the kitchen room door, and took them away.

Rick broke into the window directly and rushed with the locksmith to a slower pace.

Rick pointed to the kitchen door.

The locksmith trot over by himself this time ~ ~ This old man don't look at the elders, and he runs very fast. He ran to the kitchen door of the chalet villa and quickly hung the key from his waist. In, took out a hand.

With a click, the kitchen door opened, dozens of times faster than before.

Rick entered directly with the locksmith, this time coming to the courtyard of an orphanage.

The fat prophet aunt and three children, as well as a white angel in the earth, were running out of the courtyard of the orphanage toward the door of the door guard.

"You're at the door, waiting for the little queens." Rake said to the locksmith, and then took out the golden hoop stick, a teleportation, appeared in front of the fat prophet aunt.

"Sovereign No.2, you have mastered the program transmission capabilities of the matrix world, and you have found a locksmith. You are not easy." Fat Prophet Aunt stopped running, and she also knew that she could not reach No.2.

The angel in earth, in white, stood in front of the prophet.

The three children hid behind the prophet.

"Prophet, if I take a shot now, I should say that I bully the old, the weak, and the sick. Angel of the world, you are not my opponent, you can't stop me." Rake said, and slammed the ground with a gold hoop. , The ground was hit directly into a deep pit.

The angel in white, looking at the power of the No. 2 lord, summed up, he really couldn't stop it.

"Let's go down to the big tree next to it and sit down in a cool place to talk about it," said the aunt Fatty, pointing at a big tree not far away.

"Okay, I'm trying to talk to you." Rake said, withdrawing the gold hoop.

The little queen and Trinity also took the players out of the back door.

They were relieved when they watched Lord No. 2 blocking the fat prophet aunt.


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