Global Sky Online

Chapter 634: Fat aunt, how can you run away

The dream that Lake had arranged for Morris this time only made him see the army of mechanical octopus monsters in advance, and with a huge drill, he broke into the last dungeon of mankind.

From the surface, the drill bit drilled all the way to the rock layer at the top of the dungeon, and then fell into the human dungeon building. Many mechanical octopus sentries began to pour into the dungeon from this drill passage, killing humans.

In a short time, humans suffered heavy casualties.

Morris saw many people with broken arms and short legs lying on the ground and shouting at him:

"Why don't you shoot!"

"You are the savior, why don't you save us!"

"Morse, what are you afraid of, what are you hesitating, because of your fear, the dungeon is destroyed today!"

"Savior, get ready!"

The shouts of everyone, and the environment of human destruction, made Morpheus scream.

Morris finally shot and started rushing towards the mechanical octopus monster. "

The next second, Morris woke up from the magic nightmare that Rick had arranged for him.

He was sweating cold and his clothes were wet.

However, Morris looks at the environment of the matrix world in front of him. It is not the same as before. In his eyes, he can already see the energy flow hidden in the matrix's false world.

And Morris felt that his strength had become a lot stronger, and there was a feeling that everything was under control.

"I'm a savior, I can see the flow of the program in the matrix space!" Morpheus glanced at the No. 2 lord and the little queen beside him, and said to himself.

"Yes, you are the savior. Come on, go to Trinity at the door!" Rake said.

After hearing Bald Captain Morris said that he had acquired the savior ability, Lake and the little queen were somewhat relieved.

Rick and the little queen have already had a strategy for completing this main line task 3.

Morse's ability to obtain the savior verified that the judgment of the two was correct.

The aboriginal humans in this [Matrix], as long as they have the four conditions they analyzed before, can also obtain the power of the Savior and become strong.

"I have a chance to play one more time! Just now you let me see that picture. Is it false or will it happen in the future?" Morris said.

The bald captain Morris also remembered that he had been beaten by the No. 2 lord before, and he did not mention that he was weak before the No. 2 lord. Now that Morris has gained the power of the Redeemer, he has become stronger, and is ready to seek revenge from His Holiness.

"You are not my opponent, I am also the savior, and I have acquired the power of the savior. You still ca n’t beat me, Morpheus, do n’t hit me if you do n’t want to be drawn. Of course, if you are itchy, you can practice with me Practice! The picture I showed you is just one of many possibilities in the future. But if you don't do it, the picture will become the final outcome of the human dungeons. "Rake said walking ahead.

When the three walked out of the kitchen and came to the living room, the super-powered children who had played games in the corner of the living room were gone.

"Aunt the Fat Prophet slipped away!" Seeing this empty living room, Rick said secretly.

Rake immediately turned on the fire-eye golden eyes and looked at this room.

There was no one else in the room except the three of them.

Rick looked at the room next door, and found no fat aunt prophet.

Only Trinity was standing outside the door.

And the white angel, who was supposed to be standing outside the door as a guard, disappeared, and seemed to be slipping away with the fat aunt prophet.

"The prophet is gone?" The little queen looked at the empty living room, confirming with Rick.

"Yes, she ran away. The prophet didn't want to have too many saviors. Let's go. Let's go back first." Rake said.

Rick had originally planned to wait for Trinity to gain the power of the Savior.

But now this fat prophet aunt is running too fast. It should be the ability to use the arbitrary portal, open the door, and be able to go to the matrix space back door elsewhere.

The three walked out of the house, and when Trinitti at the door saw the three coming out, he immediately asked the bald captain Morris: "How about, is Lord No. 2 and the little queen the savior?"

Bald Captain Morris nodded, "Not only are they the savior, but I am also the savior. There are really many saviors at the same time. The time for humans to counterattack the mother is coming. We will get the final victory!" Looked at the front of the channel and said.

Trinity listened, and Bald Captain Morris didn't lie.

A few seconds later, Trinity's expression became very happy.

"It's so good, it's so good! I'm going to tell the crew quickly about this news!" Trinity said excitedly.

"Go, let's go back to the spacecraft and leave here first!" Bald Captain Morris, with his hands crossed behind him, an uncle Fan, walked ahead.

Rick, the little queen, and Trinity followed Mortis ~ ~ The four came to the old-fashioned elevator and took the elevator down the stairs.

After getting out of the building, the four came to the small jeep when they came before.

Trinity opened the door and sat in the driving position again. Rick and others got in.

This little jeep was immediately started by Trinitti, and quickly moved towards the old building where they were driven to this matrix space.

"Holy Lord Two, we need to find a prophet. Only three saviors, although three times more than in the original, are not enough to face the army of mother robots." The little queen communicated through the spirit of the dragon knight, and Rick talked alone.

"Aunt Fat Prophet, she intends to evade us in this matrix space. If we find it myself, it is estimated that she will run away before she arrives. This Fat Prophet Aunt has the ability to open the program back door in this matrix space. You can open one, Just teleport away. We also need the ability to get the back door of this matrix space in order to catch the Fat Prophet Aunt! "After thinking about it, Lake returned to the little queen.

"[Locksmith]!" Said the little queen after thinking about it.

"Yes, only the old man [Locksmith] tried it. [Locksmith] This old man should also be a subroutine of this matrix space. He is not a real human. With [Locksmith], he should be able to gain weight. The Prophet's aunt just closed the program and the back door opened. "Rake said through the Dragon Knight's ability to communicate.

"Will you go now?" The little queen asked.

"Don't worry, this time we will return to the spacecraft first. We will gather all the people on the spacecraft and bring them together. We cannot always go to the Fat Prophet Aunt. There are 9 crew members besides us on the spacecraft. This time let Together they gained the savior's power, and our little ship became the savior's exclusive ship. "Rake replied.

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