Global Sky Online

Chapter 631: Meet fat prophet

"Morse, are you a savior or a warrior?" Rick asked to the bald captain who had fallen to the ground.

"I am a soldier!"

"Ping-pong!" In response, Rick's two whip.

"I want to retreat--" It was Rick's whip in response to him.

In the small spacecraft, the team members were stunned. They thought that the most powerful human being, Captain Morris, was unable to catch even the second lord, and now he is being beaten by the second lord.

"Or I'll teleport them all back!" Trinity said to herself.

"Don't, the captain is fighting fiercely with Lord No. 2!"

"Don't rush to teleport. The captain said before, he said teleport, we can teleport, now the captain hasn't spoken!"

"Wait a second. Anyway, in the virtual small matrix space we simulated, I will be injured a little at most!"

The team members said loudly and stopped Trinity, who was about to end the duel.

"Are you a warrior or a savior!" Rick asked, holding his whip.

"I'm the savior!" The bald captain Morris finally acknowledged that this Venerable No. 2 was too hard to deal with. Morus already felt it. If he did not agree that he was the savior, it is estimated that Venerable No. 2 could live. He struck to death.

"Ping pong!"

"Ah, I said I'm the savior, and you're pumping me!" Morpheus bellowed at Rick, and he was about to collapse.

"Sorry, get used to it! Alright, you just remember that you are the savior. Our matchup was a draw. Morris, do you take us to experience other fighting methods in matrix space, such as from One roof jumped to the other! "Lake asked with a smile.

"I'm going out of matrix space!" Morpheus shouted.

This time Rick did not whip him, and did not interrupt Morse's words.

The next second, Rick noticed that the environment of the Dojo in front of him disappeared. When he opened his eyes again, he was already lying on a metal chair.

Rick glanced next to him, lying on the corner of his mouth with blood, in a coma.

"It's okay, he can't die. He can recover after a day of rest!" A team member said.

Trinity controlled the instrument and withdrew the metal catheter needles that had penetrated the three men's brains.

The team members have been surrounded by His Holiness No. 2 and the Little Queen.

"Are you really a savior, so powerful?" The boy code-named [Mouse] asked.

"We are the saviors, and Morpheus is also the savior. Many saviors have appeared this time, and humans will successfully counterattack the army of mother robots!" Said the little queen on the side.

Morris was carried back to the house by the team members, and Lake and the little queen chatted with the team members.

Now in this small spacecraft, the team members have become much more pleasing to see His Holiness No. 2 and the Little Queen.

After more than two hours, Lake and the little queen returned to their rooms.

"Historian No.2, you use the fire-eye golden eye skills to see if the bald captain's room is the only one. Yes, if you help me open a portal, I am going to hypnotize him. Although Morse is forced by you to say himself It is the savior, but I have not yet acknowledged it. I am going to hypnotize him to give it a try, to add some impressions in his mind, let him think that he is really the savior! "Said the little queen.

"Oh, you have hypnosis skills, how about it, can you directly change people's thinking?" Lake asked the little queen.

"My ability to hypnotize is not very strong. Some are like the ability to plant dreams. The effect is not as good as dream planting. The success of hypnosis depends on the resistance of the hypnotized person," said the little queen.

Rake opened the fire eye golden eye skills, watching the bald captain lying alone in a metal room at this time, still unconscious.

"Go, go to hypnotize!" Rake said, opened his left-hand drawing circle, launched the magic portal skills, and took the little queen to the bald Captain Morris's room.

The little queen happened to hypnotize Morse, who was in a coma, and beside his head, repeated the words that he was a savior.

More than ten minutes later, the little queen finished hypnosis, and Rick took the little queen back to the two men's metal room.

"When Morris wakes up, go to the matrix space and see the effect!" Said the little queen.

Rick nodded.

The two were resting in their cots.

The next day, Rick and the little queen followed the crew to drink porridge for dinner. The bald captain Morris was also there. The injuries were already healed, but he looked at Rick fiercely.

"Do you still teach us to jump tall buildings in matrix space?" Rake asked Morris with a smile.

"I want to practice myself!" Said Bald Captain Morris, who would not dare to enter the virtual matrix space alone with His Holiness No. 2 and the Little Queen.

"After three hours, we will access the matrix area controlled by the prophet's mother," Trinitti said.

"What to do with a prophet?" Lake asked in wonder.

"After yesterday's test, we need to find a prophet to confirm whether you and the little queen are the reincarnation of the savior!" Trinity said.

"Actually Morpheus is the reincarnation of the savior!" Said the little queen.

After looking at Morris, the bald captain Morris did not deny the little queen's statement, nor did he agree.

"Okay, I just want to see the Prophet. Her scones are delicious ~ ~ You all go and taste them!" Said Rake.

"Let's not go to too many people this time, just leave half of them in the spaceship." The little queen suggested. This is to prevent the moustache player from mutinizing like in the original work.

"You don't have to go to too many people, and it's not a fight anyway. This time I, Trinitti, No. 2 Honor, and the little queen, four of us will go." Captain Morris said.

The crew heard the captain's announcement and lamented that it was a pity that this time the opportunity to go to matrix space was gone.

Three hours later, the four of them were lying on a metal chair and punctured with a metal conductor needle at the back of the cervical spine.

Rake closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he was already in a single room.

The little queen, Morris and Trinity with sunglasses, were all beside her.

"Morse, do you feel you are getting stronger and you can see the essence of this matrix space!" The little queen asked Morse by her side.

"It's the same as before, let's go downstairs and we'll drive to the Prophet!" Morpheus said.

Trinity pushed the door open, and Morpheus walked with her hands behind her back.

Rick and the little queen glanced at each other. This Morse was as strong as before.

"Isn't the effect of my hypnosis still not good, Morpheus hasn't considered him a savior! Or our judgment is wrong!" The little queen asked Rick through the dragon knight's ability to communicate.

"I found that I can see the flow of this matrix space program. I seem to have the savior ability. I can fly in the sky like Superman now. Little queen, do you have the savior ability?" Lake was a little surprised He raised his hand and tried it, so that the table in the room could move by himself. Rake asked Xiao Wang through the spirit communication ability of Dragon Knight.

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