Global Sky Online

Chapter 607: Ready to dream

After setting the meeting point at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at the office, the girl Adrian went back to class first.

Rick and the little queen went back to the hotel to get the small suitcase for entering the dream, and they also went back to the hotel to study the dream stealing notes left by the old professor.

Otherwise, after Adrian's class in the afternoon, the captain and the only main member of the world's top dream stealing team, Rick and the Little Queen, would bring Adrian into the dream and be embarrassed.

Rake and the little queen quickly looked at the dream stealing notes left by the professor. Zhu Tian Online did not share the dream stealing as a skill between the two people, and the ability to enter the dream stealing was also limited to this copy of [the dream stealing] .

Fortunately, the details in this dream stealing note are not only detailed, but not only explain and analyze the form and operation of the dream space, but also write a way to enter the dream, so that the two young dream stealers and Rake also have Can understand.

"The notes written by the teaching professor are good, but he hung up." The little queen sighed as she looked at the notes.

"The old professor wrote this note because he wanted us to see the knowledge of the dream space. As for the way and basis of dreaming, show his student Adrian so as not to bother us to teach." Rake thought with a smile.

In the afternoon, Rick and the little queen finished reading the notes and explored the contents of it after all. The stolen dreams and dream knowledge recorded in the notes were generally grasped by the two, but there were still more than a dozen minor problems. The newcomers, Rick and the Little Queen, did not understand.

For these simple problems, Lake's judgment has little effect on entering the dream world and exiting the dream world, that is, the understanding of the dream world.

"I feel that we can successfully enter the dream, and now we have a heavy dream, we should be able to set it up. There are still sleeping pills in the box that Arthur left before, which can help us dream." Said the little queen.

"Would you like to try it first, I'll give you a hold outside. After ten minutes, if you can't wake up by yourself, I'll throw you in the bathtub to wake up?" Rick asked the little queen with a smile.

"It seems that it's too late, Adrian will leave school immediately. We don't rush to school by bus. It is not good to be late for the first appointment with Adrian. His Holiness, or you drive now Magic portal, let's go directly to the office where the school director lent us before. "The little queen thought about it and said.

"Okay, for the first time, we will enter the dream for ourselves and take Adrian together. We will let her read the dream stealing notes and then enter the dream. This way Adrian has the talent for dream-building, the dream she builds, It should be better than the two of us. "Lake said after thinking about it.

The little queen nodded and agreed.

The Little Queen and His Holiness No. 2 did not have the confidence to build a perfect dream world. For the first time, he took Adrian. If the dream world of the building is too primitive, it will be a shame.

Let Adrian set up a dream. The little queen and Lord No. 2 decided to pretend to be experienced dream stealers and "guide" in the dream built by Adrian.

Raike raised his left hand and began to circle, using the magic portal skills, and set the teleportation location as the office of the old lady director of the school of architecture.

The next second, the magic portal stabilized, and Rick and the little queen holding the suitcase of the dream stealing device quickly entered, and the two appeared in the director's office.

Rick closed the magic portal.

This office was empty. After being lent to the little queen by the old lady's director, the old lady's director then left, saving the little queen to continue her mental control skills.

Rick and the little queen were sitting on the sofa in the office, waiting for Adrian to come after class, and it was now more than four in the afternoon.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the sound of unlocking sounded, and the girl Adrian pushed in the door.

"Wait a long time!" Adrian said to the little Queen Rick sitting on the sofa.

The little queen got up from the sofa. "You look at this note first. This is a dream stealing note. The professor stayed. After you read it, we will take you into the dream world and feel it!" Said the little queen and passed the note To Adrian.

The little queen herself didn't know how to teach Adrian, and let her future dream-builder genius learn by herself so as not to teach wrong.

Adrian sat on the sofa, holding his notes and started looking.

"This is the typeface written by the professor!" Adrian opened the notes and looked at the typeface, thinking that her vigilance was lowered.

The first time Adrian was exposed to this magical knowledge, the faster he looked, the more his expression began to change.

Rick and the little queen were sitting quietly without interruption.

For more than an hour, Adrian finished reading this dream stealing note, and closed the book and returned it to the little queen.

"Don't forget to forget it, look again?" The little queen asked.

"I have all the content and illustrations on my notes in my head, I can't forget it!" Said the young girl Adrian.

"That's good!" The little queen put away the dream note.

"Is everything written in this note true? We can really enter the dream world ~ ~ We can also construct the dream world ourselves. I read this note, but there are two or three places that I do n’t understand too well Can you tell me? "Adrian asked Rick and the little queen.

Rick smiled, "I can really enter the dream world, the auxiliary hypnotic drugs and instruments that enter the dream world, we have brought it, this silver-white metal suitcase. As for the places you don't understand, wait for a while to enter the dream The world, just feel for yourself. We will explain to you without your thorough understanding. "

Rick and the little queen, the two of them studied this dream stealing note all afternoon, but there were more than ten small places that they didn't understand.

After reading this note, Adrian didn't understand it in two or three places, and Rick felt that he and the little queen could not explain it to Adrian.

It is estimated that even if you want to explain, you have to reverse it. Adrian will explain to him and the little queen.

Of course, this cannot be directly told to Adrian, otherwise Adrian knows the captain and main force of the dream stealing team she has joined, but she is not powerful, and the three are new. Then I do n’t dare to follow the dangerous triple dream Dream planting task.

"Okay, I want to enter the dream world now, haven't I started yet!" Adrian asked.

"Sit back and relax!" Rake said.

All three were sitting on the sofa. The little queen put the silver-white metal box on the coffee table in front of the sofa and opened the lid of the metal box.

The little queen and Rick started to draw thin wires from the metal box and connected them to their arms.

The position of connecting the arms, the little queen and Rick had followed the dream stealing team from Saito's dream before to see how their arms were connected, and there was no error.

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