Global Sky Online

Chapter 480: procession

Rake slept until noon the next day, only to be woken up by the sound of Alita slamming the door.

"What's wrong, Alita, who's got you offended?" Rick asked, looking confused at Alita's angry look.

I drank with Alita last night and talked well. Why did it take one night for Alita to get angry?

"The commander-in-chief of the city of the sky, Salem, has provoked me! It has provoked me not only, but also you, all the people in our city of steel. This morning I went to the old Banwick factory, Redeem my one million opportunity to go to the city of the sky to sell cold, you guess what the factory owner Victor said, and this morning, the steel city is too angry! "Alita was angry and directly Sitting on a chair and looking at Rick.

"What did you say?" Lake had probably guessed.

"The settlement to settle in the city of the sky has been cancelled, and it will not be possible in the future. Victor told me that Salem is about to send troops to clear our city of steel. Ready to let robots replace humans in the city of steel, Salem Chief Commander Watt, it is suspected that the human work efficiency of the Iron City is too low. Humans who are planning to kill the Iron City and send robots to the ground to supply energy and food to the City of Sky. Our boss Victor was ordered by Watt. To assist this massacre.

Fortunately, our boss Victor lived in the city of ground steel for many years and rejected Watt's order. In your opinion, the people in our city of steel have worked for the city of the sky for hundreds of years to provide the city with the energy to operate and deliver the best food to them. It's awful to kill us all now! Thanks to my previous desire to live there, the people above were so evil. "Alita said to Lake.

嗯 "Well. Sky City is awful!" Rick followed.

"This morning, just now, there were more than a dozen unmanned aircraft flying down from the city of the sky to bomb our city of steel. Fortunately, factory owner Victor mobilized many centurions and The soldiers in the factory shot down these drones first. Now in the city, the city of the sky is going to attack us and destroy our city of steel on the ground. It has been circulating. You did n’t hear the fire in the morning The sound of fighting? "Alita asked Rick.

"I was too tired last night, and kept sleeping in the morning," Rake said.

Lake thought, I don't know if these drones were sent by the city of sky to bomb or Victor self-directed.

However, Rick estimates that Victor is more likely to direct and perform.

The city of the sky, Salem himself, went out and observed his soul in the past few months, there was no drone at all.

There are only a few fighters, but the pilots of those fighters have been specially taken care of by themselves, and the immortality in the field of dying gods is also disabled.

The current city of sky, Salem, should not be able to dispatch a fighter group to bomb the city of steel.

"There are already several parades on the streets of the City of Steel. They are condemning the city of the sky. Let the factory owner Victor stop sending energy and food to the city of the sky and prepare to fight. Boss Victor can control hundreds of centurion robots and armed soldiers of the factory, otherwise the factory can be overthrown by these angry citizens. "Alita told Rick.

"What's the reaction of factory owner Victor? After Sky City sent a drone attack, is there anything else for Victor?" Rake asked Alita.

"The factory's owner, Victor, is appeasing the citizens of the parade outside the factory gate, under the guardian of the centurion robot. I just came to you before I heard Victor said that he would leave for the city of the sky. Leng, face to face with the commander-in-chief Watt and let Watt dispel the idea of ​​killing the humans in our steel city. The boss Victor is going to board the metal pipe tomorrow and persuade Watt in person.

Victor let everyone calm down, he will give Salen the chief commander Watt to explain the actual situation of the city of steel on the ground, the people here are contributing to the operation of the city of the sky. "Said Alita.

"Is the parade gone?" Lake asked Alita.

"I haven't let it go. Some of the parade people waited for our boss Victor to board the metal pipe tomorrow. After meeting with Chief Commander Watt, the latest results are expected to disperse. Some people are worried that Victor will take the opportunity. Run away, blocking the gate of the factory. Now it's messing around outside! "Alita said.

"Go, follow me from the back of the factory. Let's go to the bounty hunter bar. I feel that our boss Victor will not run. If he wants to run, he will not wait until today, let alone organize the centurion and the factory. The soldiers shot down those drones. Follow me to call a bounty hunter and vouch for our boss Victor. "Rake told Alita.

Lake estimated that Victor was preparing to pretend to be the city of the sky, and finally came back and said that he did not persuade the commander-in-chief Watt of Salem, the city of the sky, that the massacre would come soon.

In this way, the people of this steel city on the ground will actively request to fight against the city of the sky, which is much more effective than Victor's own organization of people in the city of steel to participate in the war.

Lake felt that Victor, the ruler of the steel city, had a really good idea. It was indeed the big man who had controlled the steel city for so many years, and he knew the ideas of the people in the city.

Rick couldn't help thinking, "This biochemical high-simulation robot Victor with a chip in his brain is very powerful. Fortunately, he used a tinder to change his chip first. He thinks he is the main one, otherwise it will cause himself a lot. big trouble!"

Lake decided to cooperate with the younger brother, so that he successfully left the factory and went to the city of sky to cold.

In the city of iron and steel, although the citizens are a bit afraid of the bounty hunter, the prestige of the bounty hunter is still good according to Lake.

After all, the bounty hunter organization is hunting down fugitives in the city of iron and steel and belongs to a just team to maintain order.

Rick was thinking about bringing the bounty hunter team to the parade to persuade the guarantee ~ ~ should be able to guarantee the factory owner Victor, so that Victor will successfully board the metal pipe tomorrow morning and go to the sky City.

好 "Okay, I'll go with you," Alita said.

The two slipped out of the back door of the factory and arrived at the hunter's bar for more than half an hour.

Bounty hunters, watching their insidious king coming, quickly got up to greet, Zappan dog also ran over to greet.

Zapangou has asked Lord No. 2 how many times, when can he be replaced? His answer is all to test him again. Zapangou now bears humiliation and behaves well.

Lake explained his intentions and took away more than thirty hunters who were present in this hunter's bar.

The hunter team, heading for the factory vigorously.

Along the way, Rick also saw some signs of damage to the building, as well as the wreckage of the falling drone.

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