Global Sky Online

Chapter 450: Battle

"Go on together, so crazy, then I will try your strength!" Said Master Modu, with a golden energy shield in one hand and a magic sword in one hand.

Dr. Strange also took out the magic sword, "I have also tried it, I haven't seen Brother No. 2 doing it!"

With his two-meter-long weird energy whip in his hand, Rick smiled. It was time for Master Modu and Dr. Strange to see that his ancient disciple was not really capable of closing.

Just so that some recent strange doctors, see what is the strong one.

Master Modu rushed over from the front.

Rake waved the energy whip in his hand casually, "snap", and hit the magic shield in the hands of Master Modu.

Rake is experimenting with how powerful the energy whip is.

The magic shield in Master Modu's hand shook. He was repelled, and his left hand was numb with shock.

"Dr. Strange, go together, your brother is not weak!" Master Modu said to Dr. Strange next to him.

The two left and one right, then rushed towards Lake.

Rick is also not polite. Just in that blow, everything can be a whip, and Rick has already tested the power of the energy whip.

Rake waved his long whip and began pumping Mage Modu and Dr. Strange.

The sound of "ping-ping-ping-pong-ping" continued, and Rick hit them directly against the energy shield.

With continuous blows, the strength was very concentrated. Within a minute, the small energy shields in the hands of Master Modu and Dr. Strange were not used and were defeated.

Seeing that the two were out of shields, Rick was also rude and began to pump their bodies.

"Ah! Brother No.2, don't slap me, I confess!"

"My clothes are rotten. I confess. Don't fight!"

"Stop it! Stop playing!"

"Stop it, portal, ah, Lord No. 2, what did you interrupt my portal, stop!"

"Ping-pong-pong!" The answer to them was still Wake of Energy.

"I think you can still fight, come on, the real soldiers, did not give in on the battlefield." Laike said with a smile, continued to hold the energy whip, chasing the two of them.

"Run away!" Master Modu suggested.

However, Rake waved the energy whip, quickly sealed the road between the two who were going to run separately, and gathered together again.

In all things, the power of the whip can be added to the realm of whip, and both Master Modu and Dr. Strange are engulfed.

Five minutes later, Master Modu and Dr. Strange, both of them chose not to lie on the ground.

The two men did not lose their shame, and there were other apprentice mages watching the distance from this training ground.

The energy whip of Lord No. 2 was really painful when hitting him. Dr. Strange and Master Modu were now drawing red whip marks on their bodies.

Rick used the force of his whip to grasp it quite well, without breaking the two men's skin and bleeding.

But if he was pumped by his energy whip, his clothes would be spoiled and he felt instantaneous pain.

Rick didn't kill. Like he said before, none of the hits were vital.

Both Master Modu and Dr. Strange are now desperately beaten, completely giving up resistance to lying on the ground.

At this moment in the distance of the training ground, many apprentices of the mage were secretly watching here.

Rick looked up, and the mage apprentices quickly turned their heads, pretending not to see the situation here.

Master Modu regretted his baptism at this time, and today he lost his face.

Starting tomorrow, his teacher will be embarrassed to teach those mage apprentices.

Master Modu thought to himself that he knew that No. 2 No. 2 ’s martial arts were so powerful, and his hands were still black, so he would not overplay with No. 2 ’s, as if he had taken the initiative to come to No. 2 ’s.

Master Modu originally wanted to erect his prestige, the old Kama Taj, to His Holiness No. 2, but now it is tears to think about it.

Dr. Strange was lying on the ground. Before that, he still felt that he was learning magic faster, several times better than Lord No. 2 and he was a little bit drifted. They are planning to discuss with Lord No. 2 in the past few days. Big brother.

Now, Dr. Strange, who was lying on the ground, did not dare to rise, did not dare to mention with Master No. 2 that he was going to be a master, and thanked that he had not been a master for the past few days, otherwise he might be drawn. Even harder.

Dr. Qi Wei had decided in his heart that he would not be a teacher.

"This time we are tied, regardless of the winner or loser, and you will come to me to practice when you have time." Rick looked at the two lying on the ground, the two of them couldn't get up, although he has not yet enjoyed it, but today it is estimated that it will continue Let him pump down.

Rick felt that this whip was better than a real person. It was much better than whipping the whip on the training ground alone. Each whip went down and there was a reaction to the real thing. He could see the opponent's pain and cry.

Reck pulled back the energy whip and turned.

Master Modu lying on the ground heard the words of Lord No. 2 and just got up from the ground.

It turned out that His Holiness No. 2 summoned the energy whip and turned again, facing him "Ping Pong!"

Master Modu was whipped three more times.

"Master Modu is here. You still have the energy. Stand up. You are a real warrior. You are about to defeat me. We will fight 300 rounds!" Laike said with a smile.

Dr. Strange, who was just about to stand up, quickly lowered his arm to the ground and chose to keep lying on the ground.

Master Modu is not moving, anyway, today his face has been completely lost, Master Modu decides to load the body, and waits for His Holiness No. 2 to completely leave, and then he rises again.

Rick stepped back three steps, watching the two still lying on their backs, and two steps back, the two remained motionless.

Dr. Strange and Master Modu are still lying on the ground, just looking at their own direction.

"I see the unyielding war will in your eyes, we--" Rake hadn't finished speaking, and Master Modu and Dr. Strange both closed their eyes immediately.

With a bitter smile, Rick turned away from the training ground and went to see Librarian Master Wang drinking.

After waiting for a few minutes, after confirming that Lord No. 2 really left, Master Modu and Dr. Strange, both got up from the ground and patted the soil on them.

"Your roommate Brother No. 2 is so strong and so cruel. Didn't you know before!" Mage Modu asked Dr. Strange.

"I really don't know. For the first time today, I saw Brother No. 2 doing something. I did not expect that I was beaten. But No. 2 wanted to hunt wolves among the wolves easily before. I should have thought of his strength. Better than me, hey! "Dr. Strange sighed.

"Let ’s go, before seeing Lord No. 2 always smiling. I did n’t expect to start so dark. I knew I should listen to Master Gu Yi. When Master Gu Yi accepted you as an apprentice, he drank tea one day, He just said something to me at random, [Don't provoke His Holiness No. 2]. I didn't know the reason at that time, and now I understand it! "Master Modu said by touching the whip marks on his body.

Rick went to Master Wang to drink alcohol and cook wolf meat.

"Where's your brother, why didn't Dr. Qi Qi come to dinner today?" Master Wang prepared two large plates of fried meat and brought Baijiu to Rick.

"Dr. Strange was injured during the battle at the training ground. It is estimated that he won't be able to come today. We don't have to wait for him, we will eat." Rake said.

"Isn't he seriously injured? Dr. Strange has practiced his spells very well recently, and his ability to improve should be fast. Ordinary mage is not his opponent and can't hurt him. Is it the mage Mo Du's boy who hurt your master, yes, I Go get revenge for your brother and sister, I will go to Gu Yi to sue. "Master Fat Wang said.

"No need to find Gu Yi, Master Modu has been beaten down by me!" Laike said with a smile. He listened to what Master Wang said before, and thought that Master Wang could go to Modu to fight. Master Wang is going to go to Gu Yi Na Da to report, to help revenge Dr. Strange, Lake is listening.

"It's really your master who was injured by Master Modu. Master Modu is too strong, this character is not good!" Muttered Fat Master Wang whispered.

"No, it was n’t my Master who was injured by Master Mo Du. It was me. Just as the two of them challenged me, I slapped two of them for a few minutes, and taught them to be human. Responsibility teaches his teacher and brother so that he cannot be complacent on the path of practice, "said Rake.

The Fat Master Wang on the side listened.

"Come and drink. Today, your fried meat is much better than before. If you continue to work hard, you will become a top foodie!" Rick picked up the wine glass.

"Your teacher Dr. Strange is too inattentive to observe, even dare to look for you. If you have just come to Kama Taj, you will be able to move freely among the wild wolves under the snowy mountains. Although Dr. Strange has improved recently, But his strength now, even if he can win against the snow mountain wolf pack, it will be good if he can't die in the end. "Master Fat Wang also took the wine glass and hit Rick.

I know it ’s His Holiness No. 2 who wounded his classmate, and Master Fat Wang no longer said anything ~ ~ The two closed disciples who started at the same time and started to learn from each other, outsiders are really uncontrollable and Fat Master Wang, apparently feels more talked to Lord No. 2.

In the evening, after returning to his bedroom, Lake watched Dr. Strange using a magic portal to give himself medicine.

"I'll help you!" Lake asked.

Dr. Strange was frightened when he heard it, and the magical portals under control all swayed. He almost left his arm in the portal and couldn't get out.

"It's okay, Brother No.2, I'll do it myself." Dr. Strange answered immediately.

"It's fast to take medicine, and I think it will be fine tomorrow. We will continue to practice. After we drew a tie today, I have some insights. Our practice can also improve your practical ability." Laike laughed Talking to Dr. Strange.

"Ah, no, recently I found that I had to practice some advanced magic and couldn't go to actual combat." Dr. Strange said quickly and refused, and stopped giving himself medicine.

Lying in his cot and sleeping, when he got up early in the morning, he saw that Dr. Strange was still out of his soul.

Dr. Strange's soul was sitting in his own crib, reading the magic book, and continuing to study hard.

Another week passed before Dr. Strange was no longer afraid of His Brother No. 2 and he emerged from the shadow of being beaten.

Rake speculated that Dr. Strange should have learned a new life-saving or magic that can run away quickly, and he has the bottom of his heart.

However, whenever Lake went to the training ground to practice his arbitrary weapon magic, Master Modu and Dr. Strange were far away, and never dared to come over.

Rake also suggested a few times, but Master Modu and Dr. Strange did not live and play with him.

"I leave you alone!"

"I haven't moved my legs in place, we are practicing, what are you shaking your head for!"

"Don't go!"

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