Global Sky Online

Chapter 448: Pointing

Rick suddenly thought that it seemed that he could not let Dr. Strange. If Dr. Strange in the future let himself play, it is estimated that Supreme Master Gu Daji, who had waited for a few years, would jump straight and fight desperately. Already.

This strength now seems to be unable to beat Gu Yi.

Rick thought about it, and found a safer place, or wait to go to Master Wang's yard outside the library at noon, and then take Dr. Strange to use the portal.

I used my magic portal to take the future Dr. Strange to the Snow Mountain to see the scenery and put Dr. Strange to the Snow Mountain.

Your magic value can go back and forth once, at most you release the magic portal to recover faster, and go again.

After throwing Dr. Strange on the snowy mountain, if Dr. Strange does not fight, after a long time the Dr. fails to launch a successful magic through the door himself, he will be frozen to death.

With Master Wang in his hand, he can save the battlefield and rescue the frozen Dr. Strange Doctor.

Even if he was unfortunate, Dr. Strange himself would not die, and Fat Master Wang could follow him.

"Brother No.2, what are you thinking? They are all happy!" Dr. Strance, aside, asked Rick.

"Oh, I think I'll go hunting for two wolves in a while. We have eaten the wolf meat in the past two days, and there is no wolf meat in Master Wang. You can go to Wang Wang ’s library at noon and wait for me I will guide you to practice this magic portal. "

Rake said, ready to go to Dr. Strange to find a cliff to watch the snow, suitable for Dr. Nowhere to run the kind, it is estimated that Dr. can not come back.

"Oh!" Dr. Stranger nodded.

Rake took out the golden hoop stick, then launched the magic portal skills, raised his left hand and began to draw circles.

A large closed circle appeared, and the magic portal was released again steadily by Lake. A snow scene appeared in the circle, and Lake quickly entered it.

For the first time through the magic portal he released, Rick felt pretty good.

The feeling of walking through the magic portal is not uncomfortable, just like opening the door and walking from one room to another, the temperature of this new room is a bit low.

The location where Rick appeared now was under the snow-capped mountains outside the town where Kama Taj was located. It was the place where he had come before when hunting wolves.

Rick then immediately closed the magic portal behind him. After all, if this magic portal is open, it will consume 100 magic points per second, but it cannot be left open all the time.

Now the physical attributes of Lake, in this snow, although it can feel a little cold, but it is not frozen.

Rake started the fire-eye golden eye skill, and began to find the wolves first, ready to hunt first.

The wolves were quickly found by Rick. Rick ran over quickly, patted the two little wolves with a golden hoop stick, and ran away again, carrying the bodies of the two wolves that had been shot dead.

Rick drank the magic recovery potion, activated the flying ability of the red magic levitating cloak behind him, and began to fly towards the snowy mountains ahead.

After looking for a while, Rick found a satisfied cliff. Here is a good view of the snow scene. Looking down, the snow mountain is not bottomed out. Rick himself did not have the courage to jump down. It is estimated that Dr. Stranger did not dare. Jump on this cliff.

Rick felt that it was perfect for Dr. Stranger to use his life for an adventure.

The temperature here, based on Dr. Strange's body, without wearing warm clothes, is estimated to be frozen for a few minutes at most for one minute and become ice sculptures.

At that time, he throws Dr. Stranger on the snowy mountain cliff first, which is very suitable for Dr. Stranger on the edge of death threat, to realize the release of his own magic portal.

Rick drank a bottle of magic recovery potion again, after filling up the magic value, Rick raised his left hand to draw circles, and launched the magic portal skills again, thinking about the small yard outside the Kama Taj Library, yesterday Location for eating barbecue.

After mastering this magic portal skill, Rake himself became lazy and did not like to walk back.

The magic portal was successfully released by Lake, a large golden circle, and the picture in the circle is the small yard outside the library.

As Lake can see, Fat Master Wang is lying on a large backrest chair in the yard to sleep.

Rick lifted the two little wolves under his feet and stepped into the portal.

The next second, Rick disappeared from the snowy mountain cliff, came to the yard, and closed the magic portal behind him.

"Ah! Lord No.2, you have learned the magic portal, congratulations!" After Lek came out, the cold air on his clothes woken up the fat Master Wang who had just fallen asleep.

Fat Master Wang saw a picture of Lake closing the magic portal behind him.

"The talent is too high, you can't learn fast. With this magic portal, it will be convenient for me to hunt later. I think the wolf meat you made these two days is still delicious. You go and get these two The little wolf's meat is packed up, and stewed meat at noon. "Rake said to Master Fat Fat Master.

"Well, I'm going to pack it. Stewed wolf meat is good. Put some onion, **** and wolfberry. Stew for a while! I'll pack up and eat at noon." Master Fat Wang said, took over Rake The two little wolves started to go to the kitchen behind this yard to pack up their wolf meat.

Rick lay on the Fat Master Wang, the big chair on which he had just lay, drank a bottle of magic healing potion, and closed his eyes to rest.

Lake is ready to wait for dinner at noon, and then take the future Dr. Strange, Strang to the Snow Mountain to see the snow.

Rake also hopes that Dr. Stranger can successfully depart from this experience and become a magical doctor who has the same speed of magic practice.

"I will let Dr. Stranger eat more wolf meat first, drink hot soup, and warm up. In this way, Dr. Stranger should be able to persist for a few more seconds in the cold snowy mountains, and then bring him after he is full He's on his way, "Rick thought.

Rake closed his eyes, and then thought about the introduction of the magic book of the energy whip that he had seen in the Magic Library before.

Now that I have come to this copy of the world, I have mastered the two magics of the soul and the magic portal, and it is time to learn an attack combat magic.

As for the defense of magic shields, the small circle shield on the outside of the back hand is released, and the magic called the ring of Lagargador can also be studied.

Of course, the best magic is Ikon Illusion, which can become the No. 2 Thousand Hands, hundreds, even thousands of themselves, each of which has attack power and can release magic.

It's a pity that this Ikon magic is good, but Rick has read the thick magic book and introduced this Ikon magic skill. The magic knowledge involved in it is too complicated. The book treats itself like a heavenly book.

Lake thought, if the difficulty of learning magic portals is the difficulty of learning to ride a bicycle, then the difficulty of learning this Ikun illusion and a thousand-handed Goddess of Mercy is to learn to open a complex spaceship.

I estimate that even if I have been studying in this copy of the world for decades, without the open learning ability of Dr. Strange, I can't learn the magic of Ikon.

Lying on the back of his chair, Rick slept first, preparing to read the magic book of the energy whip in the afternoon.

At noon, Rick smelled the scent of meat and opened his eyes to see Fat Master Wang, who was holding a large pot and stewing wolf meat in this small yard.

Master Fat Wang also prepared several large bowls and put them on the table next to them. There were green onions in the large bowls and seasoning bottles next to them.

"Stew for another 20 minutes, this little wolf meat is suitable for stewing. Would you like to drink first?" Fat Wang Master said when he saw Wake woke up.

"Don't drink until the meat is good. Look for the magic book that involves the energy whip in the afternoon. I want to learn. I am going to learn the energy wand magic!" Rake said to Master Librarian Wang.

"The energy whip is very unpopular, and few people use it. You have to know how to whip before. Most of our mages learn energy swords and the like," said the fat king mage.

"It's okay, I can whip, I used to whip well before!" Laike said with a smile, but he can whip all things, but all things can be whip, using this magic energy whip, there is absolutely no problem, as long as he can Just summon the energy whip.

"Yes, Lord No.2, you can now use magic portals. After you become proficient with portals, you can go to the temporary enchantment space. Practice spells in the temporary enchantment space. Others will not disturb the surroundings, "said Master Wang.

When he heard the words of Fat Master Wang, Rick remembered that another useful use of portals in Dr. Strange's movies was to open a realm similar to the real world.

In the enchanted space, the destruction will not affect the real world.

Rick looked at his skills, the primary magic portal, and there was no hint in the Heaven Online to open the enchanted space. It is estimated that this entry into the enchanted space is an upgraded version of the magic portal. You must upgrade to the intermediate or advanced magic portal. To use.

"What kind of temporary enchantment space exists, I read the introduction in the magic book is too complicated, I didn't understand." Rake asked the Fat King Master.

"Enchanted space. After the mage has used the portal skillfully, he can go. The enchanted space is equivalent to a shared and open mirrored world projecting the real world environment. Some powerful mage can bring people nearby with one idea. Pull into the enchanted space. At the beginning of your practice, remember to bring a hanging ring into this enchanted space, otherwise you will be trapped inside and can only wait for other mages to find out before taking you out. Wait for your strength to be special When you are strong, you can freely enter and exit the enchanted space without the need for a suspension ring. "Master Wang said.

Looking at his portal skills, Rick can now open the magic portal without the help of hanging rings. Unlike the aborigines of this copy of the world, what he needs is the magic value!

"Take me to the enchantment space to see me!" Rake said to Master Wang, and got up from the large back chair.

"Okay!" Said Fatty Master Wang, raised his left hand to draw a circle, and a portal appeared. The scene inside was still the scene in this yard.

Rick tried to enter, and Fat Master Wang also entered.

This enchantment space is very quiet. Except for himself and Fat King Wang, Rick did not find anyone nearby.

Lake tries to remember the environment and location of this enchanted space.

After staying in this enchanted space for a few minutes, after walking for a while, Master Fat Wang circled again, opened the portal, and brought Rick back to normal space.

Raike raised his hand this time, trying to use the magic portal to enter the enchanted space just now, the location he remembered.

However, the exit of the portal was still a metre away from the yard, enchanting space, and now Rick could not enter the magic portal.

"Practice the magic portal more, don't rush to the enchanted space. When the magic portal is used to a certain level, you will be able to sense the different energies in the space, and you will be able to open the portal and pass to the enchanted space. Next, after using the magic portal for a few years, you can sense the existence of the enchanted space and be able to go. "Master Fatty said to Rick.

After listening to it, Rick laughed bitterly. This elementary magic portal has been identified as a skill by Zhutian Online, and it cannot be upgraded by practicing. Players' skill upgrade methods are different from their natives. It is estimated that the portal skill can only be upgraded by the reward after the copy is completed.

The enchanted space of Lake's self-understanding, in this copy world, is a projection space similar to the real world.

But if you go to other replica worlds, is it not possible to use it? ~ Rake is thinking about waiting for his magic portal skills from the beginning to the intermediate or advanced level, when he has time to study.

"What a fragrant wolf!" Dr. Strange came to the yard, sighing.

"Wait for a while, and you're done!" Master Wang said.

After more than ten minutes, the three began to sit at the table in the yard, eating the stewed wolf meat with large mouthfuls.

"Holy Lord Two, come and do one!" Master Wang took the wine glass and touched Rick.

Dr. Strinch wanted to drink too, but was stopped by Lake.

"After the dinner, I will take you to a place to practice the magic portal. You are not suitable for drinking now, you must keep your mind clear. Eat more meat and soup, wait for that place and come back and drink again!" Lake spoke to Dr. Strinch.

"Where? Where are you going to tell me the secret of the magic portal?" Dr. Strange picked up the spoon, drank hot broth, and asked Rick.

"Well, you'll know when you're done with dinner!" Rake took a piece of wolf meat and dipped it in some dry seasonings.

"Are you going to take him up the mountain? It's too early!" The mage Wang on the side reacted and said to Lake.

"No sooner, Dr. Strange's talents are different from normal people. They are magic wizards that are hard to come by forever!" Lake said to Master Wang with confidence.

It seems Master Wang has already thought of taking Dr. Xueshan on the mountain.

"I'm a magic wizard? What are you two discussing?" Dr. Strinch asked.

"Forget it, don't eat anymore, now take you with you, you will know when you go. Come, I open the portal, you come with me immediately." Rake said, put down the chopsticks, got up and started raising his left hand Circled around, the kind of picture thinking of the cliff selected on the snow mountain.

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