Global Sky Online

Chapter 446: protocol

The huge golden bell jar spun forward and rushed forward, striking towards the alien battleship group.

Alien warships also discovered the impact of the golden bell released by the strong earth.

The commander of the Alien Fleet immediately rearranged his fleet formation, drew the golden bell against the spaceship in position, and shifted back and forth to try to avoid the brutal collision attack of the golden bell.

But soon, the commander of the alien biological fleet sadly found that the golden clock was extremely flexible in turning speed, and could follow the internal flying sword array to complete the instant turning.

During the high-speed flight movement, the golden bell turned a sixty-degree angle and another thirty-degree angle, and continued to rush towards the densely packed fleet.

The collision is unavoidable. The battleship in the collision position can only open the energy defense cover of the battleship to the maximum and place it at the forefront of the battleship. Although they also know that this is futile, at this time the spacecraft hit by the Admiralty hit The alien creatures inside have no time to escape in a small flying saucer.

"Boom boom!" The sound of explosions after the impact kept ringing, and the huge golden bell rotating at high speed collided with hundreds of spacecraft.

Under a series of impacts, at least seven or eight hundred spacecraft exploded one after another. The energy generated by the continuous explosion also caused the Admiralty to shake and the color faded.

"Ready to fight, the whole army is attacking!" Rake shouted, retracting the bell jar.

Rick knew that if the bell jar continued, his physical strength would be exhausted, and the thousands of Buddhist practitioners would be unable to hold back and be damaged.

The huge energy Admiralty was withdrawn, and Rake began to control the flying sword array, quickly shuttled and killed in the battleship group.

The space battleship, constantly facing the sword flying Feijian array, was constantly being penetrated.

The earth's powerful men also began to use their many strike methods to attack the warships.

For a while, the explosion in the starry sky on the back of the moon kept ringing.

The speed of energy light, the light of the Dharma, and the magic are intertwined in the starry sky.

The battle lasted 30 minutes, and the main army of the 100,000 alien biological fleet was completely destroyed.

When there were thousands of warships left before, these alien invaders wanted to escape, but Rick was not ready to let these warships leave. For Rick, this is the energy of the upgrade of the undead ship.

Rick controlled the sword array and pierced the escaping ships.

"His No. 2 Lord Ximen Snow-sweeper, what shall we do next?" After the war, a Rakshasa who was trained as a mighty woman asked Lek.

Rick glanced at the direction of the earth. The third step of the earth, the awakening of the ancestors and souls, has arrived at the back of the moon, because the three-step fighters are relatively slow in space flight, did not catch up with the just confrontation Battle of alien creature fleet.

But this third-tiered earth has the largest number of strong awakening spirits. There are nearly ten million people, and the black ones stop in the starry sky outside the moon.

Thousands of people looked at His Holiness No. 2 and waited for the answer from the strongest awakening soul.

Rick felt that he couldn't disappoint the tens of millions of Earth's powerhouses, and ordered them to play a few games with alien invaders!

In this way, after everyone returned to the earth, even if the ancestors and souls were sealed in the future, the strong ones who fortunately retained their memories would be able to hug themselves when they were lonely, so that they would not regret their lives because they did not participate in the space war to defend the earth.

"Always guard the earth, too passive, we have to take the initiative to kill alien invaders! We must destroy all alien creatures that threaten us in the universe. It is not easy for us to awaken the spirits and to benefit future generations. "Lake used the energy of sword repair to let this word pass to the ears of every strong man present.

"The one who follows me is prosperous, and the one who opposes my earth perishes!" An exorcist of the demon spirit soul awakened.

The awakening souls of the earth, almost every one is a strong man in the world, this time let alien creatures hit the door, most of them feel very shameless.

Nearly ten million third-tier awakeners did not participate in the battle. They had just assembled outside the earth ’s atmosphere and flew to the moon. The battle was over. They did not want to return to earth so quickly.

At Lake's proposal, most of the earth's awakening spirits agreed with the idea of ​​conquering the universe.

"Sword repair assists me in breaking the starry sky. I can use a sword array to split the space similar to black hole teleportation and shorten the flying distance in the universe. I then start the Admiralty hood, everyone enters the interior of the Admiralty hood, and we will fight the universe together!" Rick shouted.

Many sword repairs gathered behind Lake again, this time there were millions of sword repairs, condensing hundreds of millions of flying swords.

Rake exerted his control over the formation of the flying sword formation, and hundreds of millions of flying swords began to line up, hovering around the space station, and finally merged into the flying sword formation.

Raike raised his hand, and a huge flying sword split directly into the cosmic starry sky, splitting a big crack.

"Admiralty mask!" Lake launched the skills of Admiralty Mask. This time, hundreds of thousands of Buddhist monks could add energy to the Admiralty Mask and make the Admiralty volume larger, like a large space fortress.

Rick first brought the sword into the Big Admiralty, and thousands of earthly powerful men also entered the Big Admiralty.

Admiralty began to spin quickly, rushing into a black hole-like space fissure split by a flying sword.

Admiralty took the earth to awaken the strong souls and carried them over long distances.

Under the positioning of the fire eye and golden eyes, according to the judgment of many large witches, Admiralty flew from a position in the crack of space, and in the distance was the space fleet of alien creatures.

The earth awakened the strong spirits, and you were welcome to go to war.

From the earth's powerful gods, immortals, demons, demons, witches and other powerful men, the number of millions is no longer an ordinary cosmic race that can fight.

Lake begins to awaken the powerful spirit with the earth, fight the universe, and kill "the invaders, defend the earth!"

Anyway, this slogan is what Rake shouted.

Every time a planet is reached, after killing the armed forces of resistance, Rick probes with golden eyes and releases the green and white snakes, asking if the green and white snakes have anything they love on this planet, and what they eat can enhance them. Powerful food did not.

In this universe, the food on the alien planet, even the most precious, is difficult to improve the current Rake attributes. After all, the current Rake attributes are too high, not enough to allow two pet snakes. There is promotion.

The high-grade ore, spar, sacred fruit, and holy relics searching for the alien planet were eaten by the green and white snakes.

The green and white snakes are constantly evolving as they eat.

The Ancestral Spirit Army from the Awakening of the Earth has become the greatest threat to the universe in just six months.

With the milk bottle and two snakes, the No. 2 lord Simon cleared the snow, and was recognized as the super devil by the life of the universe.

Many cosmic forces have begun to condemn the first alien race to attack the Milky Way, leading to so many earth awakening gods.

That race was quickly wiped out by the coalition forces of the universe.

Rick led a lot of big guys. Six months into the universe, the Green and White Snakes have been upgraded to the gold level, and will soon be promoted to the platinum level.

"Ding Diao: Lord No. 2's pet, the green and white twin snakes, if they continue to devour items with special energy, they will be promoted to platinum.

The green and white twin snakes are already at the level of the grandma!

According to the good and evil of what they and their Master No. 2 do, they will lead to different degrees of calamity! After the disaster, the green and white snakes will be promoted to platinum, which can turn into a dragon! Lord No. 2 of the master can assist the Green and White Snakes to fight against the calamity.

Warm reminder: The power of Sky Calamity will become stronger as the strength of creatures within the scope of Sky Calamity increases. Relying on external forces to fight against the Heist will make the Heist more difficult to resist. "

Looking at the contents of the online prompts in his head, Lake quickly stopped the green and white snakes to continue eating the **** fruit that had just been scavenged from a planet in front of them.

A grape-like fruit with a very pure energy.

"You ca n’t eat any more, and you ’re going to eat again. I ’ll take you back to your arm tattoos. You digest the latest practice, and you have evolved a bit faster recently. The **** fruit is all for me and I will help you eat it. Don't waste it! "Rake said, taking two bunches of grape-like fruit and eating it himself.

"Tianjie is coming so soon! Brother No.2, please do more good recently and do good works for us! Now, in this situation, Xiaoqing and I have not been able to trigger Tianjie, otherwise my and Xiaoqing's sister is likely to die! "Xiaobai passed the words to Rick.

Reaching the gold level, Xiaoqing Xiaobai has restored her original memory.

Two beautiful snakes, decided to follow the master No. 2 Lord Brother, and live in this magical heavenly online world.

"Holy Lord Two, you have to do more good, don't continue to do evil!" Xiao Qing also shook her green snake's head and said to Lake.

"Why am I doing evil? I've been doing good. I'm here to defend the earth's homeland, lead the earth to awaken the big brothers, and kill alien invaders. We have all fought hard to kill more than six months. Is it easy for me! Ke sighed.

Xiao Qing Da snake's head stuck out his tongue, seemingly laughing at Rick.

Xiaobai's head turned white after turning his eyes to Rick.

Lake first retrieves two large snake pets.

The two great salamanders disappeared in front of Rick, and then a tattoo of two great salamanders appeared in Rick's arm.

Rick was also a little worried that he might be in danger now.

What's not ready now? It's too dangerous to cause the disaster!

Although Rick now has a lot of awakening souls and millions of sword repairers, the heavens online can remind that the power of Tianjie will become stronger with the increase of the biological strength within the scope of Tianjie.

Lake guessed that relying on these big brothers and millions of sword repairs to resist the calamity, even if the original calamity was dead, it would directly return to the calamity at the end of the universe disaster.

The seven major races of the universe formed a coalition army seven days later, and came to see the No. 2 sage's Simon and seek peace and sign the cosmic peace treaty.

Lake thinks about the future of this parallel universe that Gu Yi told him at the time. The Earth Powers really signed a peace treaty with the universe race.

At first, however, Lake was not prepared to sign such a peace treaty so easily.

Now in control of his own sword repair, Buddha repair, and big witch, he can instantly split the fissures in space, and with the army of the big brothers of the earth, complete ultra-long distance space jumps in this universe.

It can be said that the entire universe can come and go freely. Even if there are too many alien fleets gathering, and the frontal is not out of date, you can temporarily evacuate, and then pick them one by one when you place an order.

It can be said that this universe has not encountered the existence of alien forces that can destroy the army of the big brothers of the earth.

But then, a blue creature who was in charge of negotiations between the seven major ethnic coalitions of the universe talked to Lake alone.

After receiving bribes and falling, Rick took a treasure from the blue creature and decided to sign this cosmopolitan peace treaty on behalf of the big brothers.

"We have been away from the earth for more than half a year, and it is time to go home and rest!" Rake said so.

"The Cosmic Earth Peace Treaty is signed:

1: The Milky Way galaxy in which the earth is located is determined to be a restricted area of ​​the universe. Any extraterrestrial species and spacecraft must not enter before the leader of the earth allows it.

2 :: The Army of the Earth Strong, return to Earth, and no longer innocently plunder other planetary materials with intelligent life, nor innocently attack alien space fleets.

3: The Universe Race Alliance has released ten tons of high-concentration energy spar and donated it to the earth to improve the earth's environment.

4: The West Gate of No. 2 Historian clears snow. If he wants to leave the galaxy in the future, he must first submit an application, and he can leave the galaxy after being approved by the Universe Race Alliance.

--- "

On behalf of the big brothers of the earth, Lake and the seven major races in the universe signed this peace treaty.

Subsequently, the Army Corps of the Earth, received 100,000 tons of high-concentration spar transported by the seven major races.

For the last time, Rick controlled the flying sword array, splitting the fissure in the space, releasing the golden bell, and returning to the earth with the army of the big brothers.

After returning to the earth, 100,000 tons of energy spar, of which 50,000 tons were buried in the ground under the orders of the great witches to improve the environment of the earth ’s aura ~ ~ The great witches predict that in a few decades, the earth You can enter the era of rejuvenation.

The remaining 50,000 tons of energy spar is used to activate the "sleeping array of former ancestors and souls", so that most of them are awakened to the spirits and slumbered again, so that this memory will be sealed.

The ancestors fell asleep for a long time. On the night when the big brothers returned to the earth, they were started and run by the top powerhouses on the first steps, such as gods, demon, immortal, buddha, and witch.

These big men are also worried that if they are dragged on for too long, the homeland of the earth will be destroyed by their own people.

The red light envelopes the entire earth.

Rake then felt that he had lost the immense energy of the sword fairy, and he had also lost the ability to launch the sword fairy, sword array, and the corresponding realm.

Fortunately, Lake remembers what happened this time.

This memory of myself was generally retained, and was not sealed as the soul fell asleep.

On earth, there are about a hundred strong people who are known to retain their memories.

Although these people's ancestors fell asleep, they still have the memories of this cosmic war. Those who retain the memory, they were not weak before, or the awakened past lives are extremely powerful, and they can resist a part of the former ancestors. The ability to seal the memory].

Hundreds of people got together again and signed a [Space War Confidentiality Agreement]. The confidentiality agreement stipulated that the earth people who lost their memories of this space war could not be informed about the progress of the war.

Unless it is necessary in the future, the cosmic war will break out again, so that others can be informed of the war that has already taken place.

After signing the [Space War Confidentiality Agreement], Rick was returned by helicopter to the Beishan Orphanage, and then the helicopter left.

Among the people who have kept their memories, there are also some of the richest people in the world. Helicopters provided them.

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