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Chapter 435: Dr. Strange

After staying at Pamborn's house for a week, when Pamborn returned home at noon today, he told Laker good news.

"Someone asked me where I could heal my injuries. It was the famous Dr. Strinch in the hospital. He had an accident and his hands could no longer be taken to the operating table. He wanted to heal his hands." After drinking a large glass of water, he said to Lake.

"Did you tell Dr. Stranger to go to Kama Taj?" Lake asked Pembern.

"I told him to wait for me at the coffee shop next to the stadium in the afternoon. I have a friend who is going to be treated. Would you like to go with Dr. Stranger? If you are ready, go to the coffee shop on the street where I play. He, you do n’t want to go with this Ph.D., you wo n’t go. I recently changed course to play. This doctor named Strance should not be able to find me. There are many places to play, anyway. ”Pangborn said.

"I'll go with this doctor. The doctor has treated me with an arm before. The character is okay." Rake said.

In the afternoon, Lake went to the coffee shop Pamborn said.

After entering the coffee shop, Lake saw Dr. Strange, wearing a dark trench coat, sitting at a table near the door and the window, looking nervously at the door. He put a cup in front of him. Coffee, but it hasn't changed.

"Dr. Strand, it's been a long time!" Lake walked over, greeted him, and sat across from Strand.

"You are Lord No. 2, my former patient, and I remember you! You are the friend of Pangborn who said he was going to be treated?" Dr. Stranger asked Rick nervously.

Rick looked at Dr. Strance nervously and gave up the idea of ​​joking.

"Yes, it is me. My hand was also injured. I am going to go to Karma Taj to treat my right hand. I have been there once before, but I did not stay there for treatment. Now the hand is too badly injured and the medical facilities outside have been cured. I can't do it anymore, only Karma Taj can cure me. "Rake said, put his right hand on the table, and released the bandage on his right hand.

Dr. Strange looked at Rick's dark-skinned right hand. He wanted to squeeze it with his hands, only to find that he was not flexible.

"No need to look at my injury, modern medicine can't cure my right hand, even if the medical level is not cured in a few years!" Rake said.

"When I performed surgery on you before, I remember that you didn't have such a serious injury to your hand, and I remember that you could only be treated as a minor injury at that time!" Dr. Stranger told Rick.

"I did something to save the world, and at the cost, my right hand became like this. I told you the exact location of Kama Taj and took you there. But you ordered me to buy a plane ticket, my money Not enough, the plane ticket to Karma Taj is a bit expensive, "said Rick.

"My money is probably only enough to buy my own plane ticket. Recently, I have spent almost the same amount of money in order to treat my hand." Dr. Strange said a little distressedly.

"It's okay, you can sell your house! This time, when you come back, you will have a brand new life, believe me!" Rake said.

Dr. Strange hesitated after hearing, "Wait for a few days, you must take me to the doctor, you can't lie to me!" Dr. Strange said with a grin at last.

"Rest assured, I will leave a contact for you. After selling the house, remember to come to me." Rake said.

Then Rick got up and left.

Rick thought that Dr. Strange was now at the bottom of his life, and he pulled him by himself.

A week later, Rick and the future Doctor Strange boarded the plane.

Of course, the two were in economy class. Dr. Strange not only sold the house, but also sold his private collections. Only then did he get a visa and air ticket to the No. 2 lord to Karma Taj.

"Don't frown, Doctor, you are about to start a brand new life, a world that you do n’t want to leave after you touch it, and a world that you can't leave, you will become a superhero." Lak laughed, sitting next to Said Dr. Strange.

"I hope so, I have bet all my possessions. Can Karma Taj really cure my hands?" Dr. Strange asked Rick.

"You have asked me this question five or six times. Yes, I am also a patient. I feel sorry for you, I am one hand, you are two handicapped. But my right hand is more severe than your injury. You see I'm all very optimistic. "Lake said with a smile.

"Listen to Pangborn, you have been to Karma Taj before, have you been treated at Karma Taj that time? Can you tell me about Karma Taj first!" Dr. Strange asked Rick.

"Kama Taj's head is a bald female mage called Gu Yi. The people of the rivers and lakes sent the title Supreme Master Magi. You will know when you meet. Gu Yi has lived for many years and I do n’t know her. Real age, is there my real age! But for you, Gu Yi should get along well. Dr. Strange, you are a magic wizard who has never been seen for thousands of years. You are born to cultivate Gu Yi school. The magical material. I tell you, if you go, you stand for a while, the ancient master set up a rack, if you say that you are not accepted as an apprentice, you believe me, do not hesitate to turn away, don't talk nonsense to her. She He will definitely chase it out and ask you to be your apprentice to treat you. "Lake told Dr. Strange.

"Is Archmage of Karma Taj an old lady? After I went, I turned my head and left. In case this ancient master really did n’t accept me as an apprentice, I should have nowhere to treat my hands. I ca n’t bet Since then, my house and collection have been sold ~ ~ This Kama Taj is my last hope! Is ancient one a magic treatment? Is there a spell? Is there some magic drug? "Dr. Qiwei thought After thinking about it, I said.

"Don't worry, Gu Yi will eventually accept you as an apprentice. Gu Yi is either an old lady or a youth who can last forever. You just have inflexible hands and can be cured. When you go, you will know how to treat Gu Yi. I'll tell you a story. Anyway, it's a long way. I'll tell you a one-armed swordsman! "Rake said with a smile.

After listening to Dr. Strange, his heart was getting worse.

Lake and Dr. Strange slept on the plane before they landed.

Dr. Strange carried his backpack and stepped off the plane. Rick didn't take anything, and they left the airport.

That night, Lake successfully brought Dr. Strange to the door of Kama Taj. He did not encounter the robbery, nor did he encounter his brother Modo to meet them.

"Is this the humble door, the building across is more like Kama Taj!" Dr. Strange, standing next to the wooden door, asked Rick.

"Don't judge by the appearance of the building. There is an ancient master mage here. This is the strongest mage's sacred place." Rake said.

Before Rick and Dr. Strange knocked on the door, the door opened, and Modu came out to meet them.

"I agree with you, come in, here is Kama Taj." Modu said.

Dr. Strange went ahead.

Dr. Strange has seen Pamborn's case, and before seeing Pamborn can play basketball. In the mouth of Pamborn, Kama Taj who can cure the disease is still yearning.

Rick followed.

"What about that werewolf brother before?" Lake asked Modu.

"He had an issue and left a few months ago. It seems to be related to vampires. Master Gu Yi won't let us participate." Modu said.

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