Chapter 70

Lin Hai, Liu Jing, Su Ya, Yan Xueqi, Xie Kui, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, watched Chen Yi continue climbing up the vertical cliff without hesitation, palms began to sweat.

On the surface, free-hand rock climbing and rope climbing seem to be the same sport. It seems that the difficulty is the same, but the safety is different, but those who have played will tell you that it is not the same thing at all.

In terms of skills, it may be the same, but in terms of psychological pressure, it is not on the same level. For example, if you are climbing an iron tower and tied with a safety rope, many bold people can climb up without making mistakes and using safety ropes, but they don’t. If tied, the number of people who can climb will drop to less than one percent.

Moreover, you must not make mistakes in unarmed rock climbing. A rock climbing expert once said: Unarmed rock climbing is like going to an Olympic competition, but you will die if you don’t win the championship.

“It’s over, Chen Shen is determined to climb up.”

“Can the program crew dispatch a helicopter and be ready for rescue at any time.”

“This one falls down as soon as it misses. How can the helicopter be saved? And this is a vertical rock wall. The helicopter is close. Do you need any more propellers?”

“Chen Shen doesn’t stop, the higher the climb, the more dangerous it is.”

“Even if Chenshen is awesome, you still have to think about this vertical rock wall, it’s impossible to climb up. You are really too far ahead, can’t you choose a normal road?”

Not only did Chen Yi not stop, he was also accelerating. Just a few meters below his feet, he was just testing his skills. He felt that the climbing LV2 was really awesome, and there were many support points in this section of the rock wall, which could be faster.

I saw him grabbing a protruding rock formation directly above, stepping on a small depression on the waist-high rock wall with his toes, using it as a fulcrum, and then pushing hard, his body instantly rose more than one meter.

This action, called HighStep, is used for rapid ascent when the fulcrum is stable. It can give full play to the strength of the legs, use it well, and save time and effort.

Human leg strength is much greater than hand strength. The correct climbing method is to use the leg strength to save the hand strength as much as possible. Otherwise, the hand will be sore and weak to continue climbing for a while.

Of course, this action has a certain degree of technical content and danger. If it is not done well, the effect is mediocre. You may even push yourself off the cliff, which is a dead end.

In addition, some changes can be made on the basis of this action. After he ascended, he didn’t stop at the slightest. Using the support points on the left and right, several HighSteps that moved to the left or right in a row, he went up five or six meters in about five seconds.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked again.

“Fuck, Chenshen, even if you have to climb, slow down.”

“This awesome climbing technique is like a gecko.”

“I’ll take it. From the few moves I just have, I can guarantee with years of rock climbing experience. Chenshen is definitely a great rock climbing god. The choice of supporting points, the standard of movement, the technique of exerting force, the connection of different movements, etc. It’s all perfect. It’s the first time I have seen someone climb this kind of vertical cliff.

“It’s so special, it’s not easy to look at it.”

“Don’t praise him, the more you praise him, the more vigorous he will be. You see his speed is faster. Even if the skills are awesome, don’t forget that there are no safety measures.”

Everyone was shocked by Chen Yi’s technology, but at the same time they were still terribly scared.

Chen Yi did not satisfy their ideas, and was still accelerating. After a short time, he climbed to a height of more than 20 meters. In fact, he did not accelerate blindly, all under the premise of certainty.

A closer look reveals that even at such a fast speed, he has followed the climbing principle of “three fixed points, one moving point”, and every step of the movement is to ensure that the support is stable. It’s just that his reaction is too fast and the technique is too good, so he looks so smooth and doesn’t stop.

Moreover, the speed is fast, and it is of great benefit to maintain the continuity of the climb, because you stop there, you are also consuming your energy, the longer you stay, the greater the consumption.

As Chen Yi rises, the drone also rises, twenty-five meters, thirty meters, thirty-five meters… when you look up, it goes straight to the sky, when you look down, it is more than a dozen buildings tall, Chen Yi His body hung in the midair of this vertical cliff, and some of the audience began to tremble with their hands and feet.

And it can be seen that the more the upper rock wall becomes smoother, the fewer and fewer rock points that can be climbed and supported, the shallower and the farther apart.

Climbing up for a while, when Chen Yi reached out to reach the lowest attachment point above, his hand was not long enough to reach it. However, there are no other rock spots that can be climbed around.

The audience couldn’t help thinking, should I give up now? You can’t reach it if you see enough, even if you barely get it, you can’t climb at all.

However, Chen Yi, who was originally facing the wall, suddenly twisted his knees and began to turn his whole body sideways.

Facing the wall, flexibility will be compromised. Only when it is sideways can the arm sticking to the wall reach as far as possible. The original rock spot is just enough to be able to reach it.

This action, called DropKnee, does not seem difficult, but it actually tests the strength and balance of the waist and abdomen. Especially on the vertical cliff, it is not easy to grasp the wall from the front. If you turn to the side, if you accidentally fail to grasp it, it will be lost.

After climbing two steps, I encountered a problem again. Except for the position of the foot and the position of the hand, there was no rock point in the middle that could be used for support, so I couldn’t use force to go up.

However, on the right side, there is a rock point at about the height of the shoulder. Chen Yi stretched his right foot sideways and locked the right rock point with his heel. Both hands and right foot exerted force at the same time to draw the body up.

This action, called HeelHooking, is more difficult and dangerous. It not only requires strength and balance, but also flexibility.

Chen Yi still keeps climbing up, facing different situations, using different techniques flexibly, squeezing various difficult movements at his fingertips, just like dancing on a cliff. On such a smooth vertical cliff where ordinary people can’t grasp it, he actually ascends methodically and fairly quickly (promisingly).

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned back.

“. Fuck, awesome.”

“Such a smooth cliff, Chen Shen can actually climb up quickly.”

“What kind of actions are those, too difficult and too dangerous? Did he forget that he didn’t have a safety rope? A mistake that didn’t hold it firmly would be to fall and become a lump of meat.”

“The point is so dangerous, and he does it so gracefully. I feel that his movements are almost like rhythmic gymnastics. I will do rhythmic gymnastics on a vertical cliff.”

“Apart from being awesome, I don’t know what to say anymore.”

“Ahhhhh, I know Chenshen is awesome, but you really don’t praise him, the more you praise him, the more vigorous he is. Now my hands and feet are shaking uncontrollably, so I don’t even dare to look.”

It’s not just him. Most viewers don’t dare to watch it, but they can’t help but watch it. After all, Chen Yi’s operation is really amazing. .

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