Chapter 40

The lively live broadcast room was boiling again:

“Now they are all lying on the bamboo, gathered together, and protected by Chen Shen, the crisis has been resolved, as long as the rescue ship arrives, it will be fine.”

“The rescue plan was a perfect success.”

“Qinggong floats on the water to save people. I can brag about it for a year.”

“You didn’t do it, what are you bragging about?”

“If I did it, I would brag about it? Just by seeing it, I can go out and brag about it.”

“Impossible things were done by Chen Shen again.”

“Mom asked me why I was kneeling and watching the live broadcast again.”

“I just ask, who else??”

Lin Hai was shocked: “At this moment, there is no words to express the shock of my heart. I only represent myself. Thank you Chen Yi for saving those tourists, so that what might have become a tragedy instantly turned into something that brought us righteousness. Energetic talks that you can talk about.”

Su Ya said: “I believe that for those tourists, describing Chen Yi as a prince charming is not enough, it is like a magic soldier.”

Liu Jing said: “It’s really amazing. Standing firm on the bamboo in such a strong wind and waves, I thought it was the limit. I didn’t expect that he could run on scattered bamboo. Every time he fell, it happened on the bamboo. Even when the wind and waves beat the bamboo during the process, he can accurately and accurately step on it. The position, center of gravity, balance, and prediction of the wind and waves are all to the extreme in order to float on the water so lightly. In this world, How could there be such a person against the sky?”

Yan Xueqi said, “That said, he really is a wizard.”

At this time, the three tourists who were pulled by Chen Yi and gathered together, as well as the tourist and the boatman not far away, looked at Chen Yi’s eyes as if they were looking at a god. .

Two female tourists, with nympho in their eyes, lightly floating on the water, saving their lives, and looking so handsome, even in dreams, they have never been so dreamy. .

Although they were still soaking in the water and feeling cold all over, and even though they were extremely uncomfortable after drinking some sips of Yellow River water, they felt extremely happy in this situation. .

After a few minutes, other sightseeing boats and photography teams finally arrived. The tourists and photographers looked at Chen Yi as if they were looking at the gods. .

Of course, I did not forget to rescue the four tourists and the boatman on the boat. The photographer said to Chen Yi: “Chen Yi, do you want to rest on the boat for a while? The director said, you took a lot of effort to save people and get on the boat. Resting for a while is not a foul… I believe other players can understand it.”

Chen Yi shook his head: “No, I will continue on the road.”

Chen Yi stood on his bamboo pole, supported it with a small bamboo pole, broke the waves, and continued on the road. It seemed to him that it was just a small matter just now. .

The team of photographers saw the wound on Chen Yi’s toenail and was full of admiration. This young man has unimaginable toughness, bravery and endurance. .

He is indeed powerful, very comparable to humans, but he is also human, he will be injured, and his mistakes will be lifeless, but these are all overcome by him. .

“Quickly keep up with him.” The photographer team was infected. In such bad weather, there was no complaint at all. I felt that if Chen Yi’s wonderful shots were missed, it would be disrespectful to the teenager, and right. The audience in the live broadcast room and their disrespect for the profession of photographers. .

The strong wind is still blowing and the rain is still falling, but Chen Yi’s advancement is unstoppable. He continues to ride the wind and waves, swaying in the wind and rain. The photographer and the audience find it difficult to persevere, but he does not flinch. .

The audience in the live broadcast room admired it. .

“Chen Shen is not only strong, but this perseverance is also rare.”

“Looking at other athletes with good looks, running is painful and exhausting. Seeing such heavy rain, I feel that it is impossible to go on the road. I don’t even look at Chenshen. I can cross the Yellow River rain or shine.”

“With this perseverance, I’m afraid I can do everything well.”

After another half an hour, I could finally see the other shore. At this time, the rain became smaller and the dark clouds dispersed. A ray of sunlight shone through the clouds and shone on Chen Yi. .

Many fans gathered in the room on the other side. Seeing Chen Yi arrived through the live broadcast room, they all ran to the riverside and greeted Chen Yi with deafening cheers. .

Chen Yi floated to the shore, stepped on the bamboo and ran forward a few steps. When he was about to lose his balance, he jumped to the shore. Although the soles of his feet were blistered and hurt by the sand, it felt good to be down to earth. .

At this time, the top two ranked players, Sun Bin and Luo Yuan, reached the second check-in point, the Yellow Crane Tower, at almost the same time. . After reading the information card, they saw that no one was building a ship, and there were no contestants on the Yellow River. They couldn’t help being surprised. . .

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