Chapter 25

Chen Yi went through various stairs in a fancy way, unobstructed. .

After a few more minutes, I finally reached the edge of this residential area, and I could see the highway in the distance. .

However, there is a huge drop to get down to the highway, which can be seen from a distance. There is no ground and buildings behind the guardrail in front, and the highway is under a drop of more than ten meters. .

As Chen Yi slid forward, the camera was pulled forward, and the whole picture was gradually seen clearly, only to see a steep slope of sixty to seventy degrees in front, a small steep staircase, directly below. .

This staircase can no longer be described by how many steps, the vertical height is more than ten meters, and its steepness is as if it is falling directly. .

Looking down at it, even those walking will feel a little panic.

Ordinary stairs, most people will not go to hold the handrail, but this staircase, I am afraid that almost no one dare not hold the handrail down. If you have a fear of heights or have leg inconvenience, you may not dare to go down this staircase at all. .

Of course, this is obviously only a trail for pedestrians, and there is a concrete road next to it, which can be detoured to the road below, which is much gentler, but slightly farther. .

The audience in the live broadcast room started talking. .

“This time, this staircase can’t slide anymore, right?”

“Although there are handrails, but the handrails are so thin, the vertical height is more than ten meters, and they are so steep. Of course they can’t be slippery. How the stairs are built, it is too scary!!!”

“Older people, I’m afraid they dare not leave!!!”

“Don’t talk about old people, I don’t even dare to walk when I was 20, and I felt that I was not careful, or the quality of the stairs was not good enough, that would have to fall to death!!!”

“Just watching, I am about to commit a fear of heights!!!”

“If this goes down, it will be a stairway to hell!!!”

“But fortunately, there is a road to go around, which is much smoother… Chenshen has already led a lot, and a little detour is still far ahead.”

Once again, the audience planned the way for Chen Yi. .

Perhaps subconsciously, he is still worried about Chen Yi going down this staircase. .

However, Chen Yi glanced at the front stairs and the guardrails on both sides. He didn’t turn right to take the gentle concrete road, but continued to slide down the stairs. .

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly raised their throats in their hearts. .

No, wouldn’t he still want to go down this staircase? ?

How high and steep this staircase is, didn’t he see it? ?

The slider is difficult to maintain balance, the longer and steeper it is, the more difficult it is.

Sliding down from this stair handrail, at that speed, an accidental mistake was falling from a height of more than ten meters, that scene, thinking about it would be fatal. .

Director Xie Kui and the staff were also extremely nervous.

Impossible, even if this guy has nine lives, he can’t slide the stairs again, right? It’s so far ahead, don’t you need to risk doing this kind of thing anymore? ? Isn’t it possible to make a long detour safely and steadily? ?

Lin Hai swallowed: “Wouldn’t he still want to slide down this staircase, is it possible?”

Liu Jing said: “Everyone has seen that with a skateboard slide, the contact surface is only the size of a handrail. If it is slightly unbalanced, it will fall to the left or right. No matter where the stairs fall, it is very difficult. It’s dangerous. If you can grab the railing in time, it’s just a normal collision injury. If you continue to fall down, it is absolutely fatal.. The stairs are so long and steep. It is not easy to maintain balance throughout the process. This level of danger is not It’s inferior to a leap from the top of the fifth and sixth floors. The degree of difficulty is far more than!!!”

Su Ya said: “If you are so leading, can’t he make a little detour?”

Yan Xueqi said: “Looking at his movements and expression, it seems that he is really ready to jump. After this period of observation, I seriously suspect that for him, competition is secondary, and challenging the limit is the first goal!!!”

When the audience heard the words, they were all taken aback. .

Competition is of secondary importance, and challenging the limit is the primary goal? ?

This kind of argument sounds a bit absurd at first. Whoever is okay will challenge the limit and die. . But if you think about Chen Yi’s previous operations carefully, you can’t help but feel that it makes sense. .

In fact, on some road sections, even if Chen Yi is not so adventurous, he will not delay too much time by taking a few stairs. The risks and gains are not proportional. .

However, Chen Yi still chose to take the risk. He didn’t seem to think about it at all. In case of failure and injury, it will lead to abandonment of all previous efforts and even the ability to compete afterwards. .

“Think about it carefully, I think Xueqi makes sense!!!”

“Before, Xueqi observed all aspects very carefully. She discovered the secret of skateboarding. She deserves to be an international martial arts champion and has meticulous observation ability. So this time, I also trust her judgment!!!”

“Judging from Chenshen’s previous performance, it seems to be true!!!”

“In fact, there is no need to analyze, I already feel this way!!!”

“Look, Chen Shen is about to jump!!!”

I saw Chen Yi slipped to the top of the stairs. .

It only took less than a second to observe the situation below and make a judgment. .

He squatted down and jumped up. The skateboard crossed over and rested on the railing. With his feet balanced, he slid down along the steep handrail with a vertical height of more than ten meters. . .

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