Doctor Strange clenched his fists tightly, feeling the power surging in his arms. He could also understand that the taboo that he had absorbed energy had actually been lifted, and he couldn't bear the happy look on his face.

When he rushed towards the distance quickly, he also launched a punching and kicking mode on those monsters who kept rushing towards him.

Several monsters rushed towards Doctor Strange with their teeth and claws, but Doctor Strange grabbed their arms and kicked them in the legs.

Ye Changge thought for a while when he saw Doctor Strange like this, and decided to go over and help.

It didn't take long for Ye Changge to appear beside Doctor Strange.

As Ye Changge accompanied Doctor Strange to attack the surrounding monsters even more.

The monsters around didn't expect that Ye Changge and Doctor Strange would be able to launch a new wave of attacks, and instantly became a little scared, but there was no way to do it.

Ye Changge and Dr. Strange returned to the place where Doctor Strange had the power before, and the moment when Doctor Strange extended his palm, the power returned to Doctor Strange's body.

From Doctor Strange's eyes, there was a golden light, and suddenly a huge thunderbolt shot from a distance, but Doctor Strange sent out two huge light barriers on the palm of his hand to help resist it.

But the Doctor Strange light barrier disappeared instantly.

Ye Changge also looked at the place where the sneak attack was launched in the distance, and found that it was a monster full of electricity.

Ye Changge also felt very strange, and after a closer look, he found that it was not Thor or Loki.

Ye Changge glanced at the Doctor Strange next to him again and seemed to be wondering what the identity of this fellow Doctor Strange was.

Doctor Strange didn't answer.

The guy in the distance then mobilized the force of gravity, and the bodies of the surrounding stones and some monsters were all floated into the air and flew in the direction of Doctor Strange.

But Doctor Strange in the distance spread out first, and also issued a larger protective shield from his body.

The position of the electric man's finger emits a strong photocurrent that emits a blue-white light.

Fortunately, Ye Changge immediately reacted more promptly, waving the long stick in his hand quickly.

When the long stick is swung, a huge barrier often appears.

The electric current from the electric man hit the shield.

However, the protective cover suddenly produced a rebound action, and instead hit the electric man in the distance.

The electric man had a grim look on his face, but when he saw the opponents who were in a small and cold voice in the surrounding environment, he said to them: "Then this place is too small, if you don't fight, it's a little uncomfortable, why don't we go there When going outside to talk about it.

Electric Man also looked at Doctor Strange with even more contempt, and also looked at him with a mocking look on his face.

The corners of Doctor Strange's mouth twitched slightly, and the next body instantly penetrated Electroman's body, which also surprised Electroman.

Others thought they could have a good fight with Doctor Strange, but who knew that Doctor Strange just wanted a quick solution.

Electric Man's body finally fell to the ground, but for a while he looked at Ye Changge with more deadpan eyes,

Ye Changge calmly walked past the Cyborg corpse and came to Doctor Strange.

The rabble around in robes did not dare to approach.

Before, because Doctor Strange did not have any strength, those rabble people did not take Doctor Strange in their eyes.

But now things are different,

The surrounding people in robes glanced at each other, their eyes became more solemn, and then they seemed to think of something and closed their mouths.

Sanbut just slowly closed his eyes and opened them again, the buildings around Doctor Strange followed suit.

Ye Changge could notice that the surrounding buildings seemed to be hit by an invisible air wave, which instantly exploded.

Egg Ye Changge also felt that there was no need to think too much about this matter, but started to leave this space with Doctor Strange.

Before leaving, Doctor Strange looked back at the group of people in the distance, and there was still some sarcasm in his voice, and he continued: "So don't do this next time.

After saying this, Doctor Strange gathered all his strength on his fist, and the moment he smashed it on the ground, a huge wave spread out from around Doctor Strange's body.

In addition, the surrounding buildings were also damaged.

With a mocking look on Doctor Strange's face, he looked at the group of people in the distance.

Ye Changge felt a little inexplicable, but he subconsciously followed the third brother Zhao to see this place, and instantly returned to where Ye Changge was before.

But Ye Changge also felt very strange. He felt that he should return to Doctor Strange's location at this time, but he did not expect to teleport himself directly back to Asgard.

Dr. Lizard saw Ye Changge come back with a happy look on his face, and now he sees Ye Changge coming to ask him what his plan for today is like.

Ye Changge told Dr. Lizard what happened before, and Dr. Lizard laughed awkwardly after hearing it.

After that, Ye Changge seemed to have thought of something, then looked at Dr. Lizard and said, "So what have you been studying all day?"

Seeing Ye Changge asking such a question, Dr. Lizard's expression became more solemn and even a little more confident, and then he said, "Of course I am staying here to continue researching symbiotes.

Ye Changge looked at Dr. Lizard speechlessly and said, "I've been researching it for so long and still haven't figured it out yet?

Dr. Lizard smiled helplessly, but didn't say anything else in the end, just patted Ye Changge's shoulder lightly: "In fact, the 870 symbiote is still very complicated, of course, their body structure is very complex and their The abilities are very complex, and I'm a little more interested in them.99

When Dr. Lizard said this, there was more excitement in his eyes.

Hearing what Dr. Lizard said, Ye Changge scratched his hair with his hands in embarrassment, but then he sighed and did not continue.

Ye Changge looked at Dr. Lizard more curiously, but then quickly left here,

Not long after he left here, he saw Thor walking towards him, and there was more worry in Thor's eyes. He seemed to have something to say to Ye Changge, but he didn't say anything.

Ye Changge felt even more strange when he saw Thor look like this, walked over and asked what was wrong with Thor, Thor moved his lips but sighed and said that he would handle the matter.

Ye Changge felt even more inexplicable, but as soon as his body turned, he instantly appeared in Iron Man's position.

At this time, Iron Man's expression was a little more solemn, but another car appeared in front of Iron Man.

Ye Changge was a little surprised, then Ye Changge wanted to take a few steps forward, but Iron Man told him to stand still.

"This car is actually the remnants of the armor that was made for you last time. Iron Man's voice grew even more excited when he said this.

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