Ye Changge also naturally heard this sentence, but smiled, and naturally he was not interested in what the so-called prophet said.

Thor carefully took the thing handed over by the prophet, stared straight at it, a trace of memory appeared on his face, and said: "I remember this thing, this is a toy from my childhood. 35

"Toys, so what your father wants to give you is to give you toys when you grow up?" Ye Changge couldn't help but complain.

At the same time, he also began to regret that he came here with Thor, because he felt that it was meaningless.

But this is indeed a very meaningful thing for Thor, just carefully put the thing in the pocket.

He was about to go back, but the Prophet grabbed Thor's arm and stared at him, his voice very flustered, and said to him: "You have to be careful of Ye Changge, he is definitely an unsafe existence. "

Thor also just smiled, because it was not the first time he heard people talk about this, and anyone who has something to do with Ye Changge naturally knows that Ye Changge is a restless existence.

But even so, no one wants to really ignore Ye Changge.

Because they don't know what to do once Ye Changge starts to run wild.

Thor just reassured the prophets and did not argue with them.

Ye Changge didn't know what the two were talking about. At this time, he just turned his eyes to the mutated trees around him.

463 He looked back at Thor again, beckoned, and asked him to go with him.

Thor also quickly followed Ye Changge's footsteps.

After ten minutes, Thor had followed Ye Changge back to Asgard again.

But Ye Changge said that there was a very strange gas inside Asgard, so Thor should be careful.

"What breath?" Thor looked back at Ye Changge.

But Ye Changge just shook his head with a dignified look on his face, and then said, "I don't know what it smells like, I can't describe it, but I want to tell you to be careful, it's very likely that you will be surrounded by it if you think about it. This flavor produces something.35

Just as the two of them were talking, suddenly Ye Changge saw Dead Servant approaching from a distance.

At this time, Deadpool looked leisurely, and he didn't even wear a mask as usual.

Deadpool's very infiltrating face also appeared in front of everyone.

Ye Changge asked Deadpool what was going on here.

Deadpool's tone was more leisurely, and he said to Ye Changge: "I just wanted to come and have a look at your place, and by the way, I'll find out if you have some potions that can help me improve."

Of course the second half of what he said was about Dr. Lizard.

Ye (bcbh) Changge also asked Deadpool to go to the research room with him.

Two people went to the research room.

But Deadpool suddenly frowned and said to Ye Changge: "Are you cooking something here? Why is there a strange smell?

"You said the smell came from here?" Ye Changge asked while listening, and also smelled it carefully.

After that, he was more sure that it came from here, and he thought that it might be Dr. Lizard doing something strange again.

He directly pushed open the door of the Lizard PhD student.

But at this time, I also saw Dr. Lizard lying on the stage. In addition to Dr. Lizard, several surrounding researchers also looked like they were sleeping.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Ye Changge couldn't help but ask.

But those people were just drowsy and kept nodding their heads, but they were not awake.

Ye Changge also felt a little strange seeing this, and went to Dr. Lizard's side and wanted to push him down gently.

But his own push, even directly pushed Dr. Lizard down.

In front of Ye Changge was Doctor Lizard covered in blood.

In addition, Dr. Lizard has some iron wires that spread out.

At this time, Dr. Lizard is more like a broken toy with exposed parts.

Deadpool, who originally wanted to ask Dr. Lizard for a potion, was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, and hurriedly asked Ye Changge what happened?

"How could I know, I just came back." Ye Changge sighed, and at the same time planned to look for clues nearby.

Maybe Dr. Lizard left a note when this happened.

Deadpool just looked carefully on the table, but soon he also found a scratch paper.

There are a bunch of calculation formulas on it, Ye Changge looked at it in confusion.

He glanced at Deadpool next to him and asked him, "Do you know what is written on it?"

"It seems to be a plan to return to life." Deadpool pointed out directly, with a few words written on it.

"I know these words, but the question is what does it have to do with Dr. Lizard?" Ye Changge spoke again.

Deadpool looked at Dr. Lizard again, then looked at the manuscript paper in his hand, and after thinking for a while, he said, "It may be that he wanted to return his life, but it failed."

Although he didn't know what Dr. Lizard was going to do, Ye Changge couldn't help but complain: "Crazy, but I think we should try to save them first. Why don't we go to hell first and see the situation?"5

"Oh, aren't you worried about seeing Hela?" Deadpool looked at Ye Changge with a smirk again.

Ye Changge felt speechless, and continued: "I have nothing to do with her, and the current goddess of death is not her, isn't she?"

"To a certain extent, if it is another parallel universe, it might be Hela." Deadpool thought for a while, then continued.

But Ye Changge wanted to ask more about what to do with Dr. Lizard's body now.

Deadpool went on to remind: "I think it's better not to toss him, let's go to hell and see if that guy is there before discussing other things.

Ye Changge thought about it and felt that this was the only way to go.

through some special means.

Ye Changge and Deadpool still came to hell.

They looked forward and saw that the goddess of death was standing right there.

But she was clearly in danger.

Deadpool said that this is just a common situation in hell, but although he said that, he also picked up his weapon and was ready to go to help.

Ye Changge quickly followed.

But what surprised him was that Hela was actually involved in the battle, and she was still standing with the goddess of death.

"Fuck away from me, you bastards!" Hela roared, and the whip in her hand suddenly swung out, instantly beheading several approaching monsters.

After the other monsters saw Hela's attack, they rushed over even more frantically.

They were about to pounce directly on Hela, but they were punched over by Ye Changge who suddenly appeared.

Those monsters obviously knew Ye Changge too.

They just subconsciously backed away.

"This is interesting, you seem to know me from your expressions, so can you tell me who did it? Ye Changge walked slowly.

Hela swiftly swung out the whip, tied the few who were still trying to escape, locked their throats in an instant, and yanked it violently, leaving a streak on their necks with the whip.

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