Ye Changge held the old man's clothes in one hand, with a look of contempt in his eyes, he lifted him up, the other fist had clenched his strength, and it seemed that his life could be solved at any time.

But the old man coughed violently, and there was a release smile in his eyes.

"Because there is no way to stop these things that I have arranged for a long time, I really want to see this scene like fireworks!" The old man said, the expression on his face became even more crazy.

"So what does it do you for you?" Ye Changge was puzzled by this.

"In this case, it will prove that my theory is correct. My theory that can turn ordinary rocks into magma!" After some transformation, it can also become magma!

"I will prove the arrival of a great era! And those who have heard my thesis also understand what I mean at this time, and they will become my relays!" The old avatar has completed a very important mission, Generally open smile.

Oh, the relay.

Ye Changge despised the old man's practice from the bottom of his heart, but thinking that this guy didn't have much time to live, 777 threw him to the ground.

He then said to the old man: "I think you should have made something that can solidify the magma, after all, it is a potion prepared to prevent mistakes.

"How could there be such a thing, I am a genius, making anything will be an instant success!" Although the old man said.

But Ye Changge could feel that his words seemed to be very light, and his eyes kept dodging, as if he was hiding something.

"Really not?" Ye Changge said, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Of course Ye Changge also noticed that when he was questioning himself before, the old man glanced at it from time to time, and seemed to be very worried about this.

Hearing Ye Changge say this, the old man was very excited to deny it.

But Ye Changge already understood that there really is such a thing.

He put the old man near the tree next to him and tied it with rope.

Ye Changge also stepped on the ground and flew into the sky with the help of the particles on his body, carefully observing the constantly flowing magma on the ground.

Of course, he also hopes to find some other things in it, so that he can (bcbg) determine where the old man put the things used for solidification research.

But the magma also looked very turbulent, and after engulfing the surrounding trees and snow, it also rushed towards Ye Changge.

He knew that if the magma was not solidified in time, there would definitely be a big problem.

He carefully began to observe the flow of magma in the distance, and suddenly noticed that the magma in the center seemed to have not moved all the time, and there was still a phenomenon of gradual solidification.

Ye Changge guessed that there was something in the center of the magma, so the magma solidified.

Thinking of this, he also accelerated, and it didn't take long for him to come to the area where the magma solidified.

But at this time, he also felt a strong ominous premonition.

A gust of wind blew, and he looked back subconsciously, and found that there was a robot very close to him.

The robot glanced at Ye Changge, and also made a vague sound.

When Ye Changge reacted, the robot had already sent out some flaming missiles from the palm of his hand.

However, Ye Changge had already guessed that there would be such a situation, and subconsciously began to dodge.

He also noticed that those missiles did not seem to be flying in his direction, but just wanted to impress the magma.

The missile exploded near the magma, spreading the surrounding magma.

Ye Changge understood that the robot might be performing a task proposed by someone.

And that task is to reflow the magma.

What's going on, is there someone else besides the old man in the end?

He immediately thought of this.

Because he knew that he locked the old man to a tree, and the old man would definitely not do this in a short time.

Ye Changge took out the walkie-talkie to contact other teammates.

The teammates also seemed to be very curious about Ye Changge's contact, but after hearing Ye Changge's words, they were also very helpless.

"We are now cleaning up the magma around, you can only do it yourself." That was the unified answer of the teammates.

Although Ye Changge had long guessed that this might be the end, he was still a little depressed.

However, he still decided to deal with the robot in front of him first. Then go to the robot to find out who is operating it.

He took a few steps forward and immediately punched him.

The core of the robot was damaged, and the movement was a little slower, but Ye Changge felt that this was a very good opportunity and increased the speed of his punches.

In a few minutes, the robot fell to the ground and made a trembling electronic sound.

After that, Ye Changge also paused the time and used Samsara to escape back to Asgard.

After he went back, he threw the abandoned robot near Erickson and returned to the scene.

Thus began a rescue operation,

It took a lot of effort.

Fortunately, Ye Changge and the others have dealt with all the troubles around them, at least the magma has been controlled.

When Ye Changge thought of the old man who had been tied to the tree by himself, his intuition told him that the old man must have run away.

But he still came to the place where the old man was tied before, and when he looked again, he found that the old man had crooked his neck and died.

The teammates were also very suspicious of such a sudden change, but decided to let it pass.

This is the end of it.

But Ye Changge didn't think so.

After he returned to Asgard, Erickson found him and also got along and asked about the previous machine,

"That machine looks very complicated, don't you want us to fix it?" Erickson's voice was already panicked.

He felt that to repair such a machine, it would be better to directly defeat this same type of machine.

"That's right, otherwise what do I want you to do?" Ye Changge looked back at Erickson with a smile on his face.

But Erickson couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then said to Ye Changge: "Actually, I think we can consider other ways, and go to other universes to hire some very good repairers.

Ye Changge didn't understand why Erickson said that, and asked subconsciously.

"Actually, Dr. Lizard and I have studied similar things before, but we didn't succeed, so even for something like us, I have no way. Erickson explained honestly.

But what he said was not what Ye Changge wanted to hear, he just waved his hand to tell him not to say anything, and also said that there would be a way to deal with it.

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