Those arrow rains flew to the distance as his fingers pointed, and exploded near the monster.

A small piece of those official bird media had already been removed, and Ye Changge also took this opportunity to look back in the distance and found some people in robes in the distance.

However, half of their faces were covered with a layer of cloth, so the expressions on their faces could not be seen clearly.

But Ye Changge sensed a hint of danger in their eyes.

Those people have taken action.

Ye Changge noticed that there was a knife hanging around their waists, and when they rushed over, the knife was pulled out of the scabbard in an instant.

Ye Changge also quickly set up his long sword.

But after a few moments, the long sword in his hand was cut off.

One of them stabbed Ye Changge with a long knife and swept away half of Ye Changge's clothes.

Seeing such a situation, Ye Changge also turned his head, the expression on his face became more distorted, and he couldn't help but quickly stabilize his body.

If it wasn't forcibly holding on to a force, I'm afraid this would have already been shaken back by the trick just now.

The Thor next to him didn't understand why Ye Changge was beaten like this by several minor characters, and also excitedly smashed the Thor hammer in his hand.

Thor's hammer smashed into the air.

When the hammer hit the ground again, several arcs spread around.

But those guys were completely unaffected by the arc.

They began to summon magic circles in their palms, and then moved at a very fast speed.

777 Although Thor's hammer was swung fast enough, the arcs from the hammer did not fall on the surrounding guys.

There were also some arcs flickering in the air, causing some sparks, but Ye Changge was just thinking about where those guys might appear.

He rushed to their vicinity and paused time.

After that, Ye Changge went very fast and tied them all with ropes while the guys were still keeping their movements suspended by time.

After doing all this, Ye Changge clapped his hands contentedly, then turned around to look at the remaining people again, without a sneer on his face, but still walked over to the other people who were tied up by him. push.

Several people struggled constantly, wanting to make some screams, but found that there was no chance at all.

They don't even know when they were tied up.

Someone immediately recognized Ye Changge and panicked.

But soon, Ye Changge just stunned him with a punch, looked back at Thor and said, "Ask them, maybe they'll find out where those things are. 99

After he finished speaking, Thor also nodded silently, and then asked them about the previous situation.

But those guys refused, and they all looked like they wanted to fight to the death.

Seeing this, Ye Changge scratched his hair irritably and walked over slowly.

The other people saw Ye Changge approaching and immediately entered a state of battle.

But who knew that Ye Changge just flashed forward, and then slipped the knife in his hand, and instantly fell to the ground alone.

They all panicked when they saw this situation, all their eyes fell on Ye Changge, and they could only let out a roar, but they didn't use Ye Changge.

He just looked at them a little irritably, and punched out again, which directly cost them their lives.

When those people saw Ye Changge's strength, they all began to hesitate, thinking that the machine would be of no benefit, and they simply told Ye Changge where the thing was.

"But we need you to come with us!" One of them seemed to think of something and said instantly, "Of course only one person can go with us."

The others also looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces became more complicated.

When Thor heard their words, he always felt that they would have a conspiracy, so he also subconsciously decided to go with him.

However, Ye Changge rejected Thor's suggestion and told him that if those guys really had a plot, Thor alone would not be able to fight unless it was Ye Changge.

After all, Ye Changge has the ability to control time.

When Thor heard it, he felt that it made sense, and he was going to stay here and watch those few people.

He felt that the other party might still play tricks, but he also thought that he still had the Thor's Hammer in his hand, so even if he fought, he would not suffer.

Ye Changge followed the person leading the way in front of (bcbg), carefully paying attention to the surroundings, and when he came to an open space, he suddenly noticed a loud noise.

He subconsciously turned his head to look around, and found nothing strange, and asked the others what the sound was just now.

But those people pretended not to hear, and also said that Ye Changge heard it wrong.

Despite what they said, Ye Changge still had some doubts in his heart.

Ye Changge also felt that even thinking about more things would be meaningless, so he followed them.

After walking for a while, I finally arrived at the next destination.

But Ye Changge also found that he was in a room that seemed to be closed at this time.

Where he could see was already blocked off.

The place where he came was already locked.

Ye Changge didn't understand what those people wanted to do, and his eyes became more curious.

His intuition told him that these guys were probably going to fight him, but he felt that they should have felt their power before.

Shouldn't do such a stupid thing.

Of course everything is just speculation by Ye Changge.

When those guys really started to prepare, Ye Changge realized that they were still disregarding his strength.

Ye Changge also paused the time when he saw this.

Those people kept their hands ready.

There was also some annoyance in his heart, so he stepped forward and took all the weapons in their hands and threw them farther away.

recover after a while.

Those people slumped to the ground, and some people looked at their hands and found that they had no weapons. They were all stunned, and looked back at Ye Changge with a surprised look again.

However, Ye Changge didn't kill them, instead he folded his arms and said speechlessly, "So you brought me here because you wanted to do something with me.

His words were very heavy, making the faces of the people around him darken.

Several people also began to flee.

But who knew that when they ran across the red line on the ground, some gun holes suddenly protruded from the surrounding walls.

Bullets flew out of those holes, killing everyone in the distance.

Some bullets came back towards Ye Changge, but he still stood very firmly in place, letting those bullets fall on him, nothing happened.

Some people felt that Ye Changge could dodge bullets, and they simply prepared to hide near him.

Ye Changge just gave a wry smile.

Finally, the guns around were slowly withdrawn.

The people who hid beside Ye Changge before looked at this situation with panic and guilty conscience, and slowly lowered their heads,

Ye Changge was rather helpless, sighed and said to him, "So what are you all doing here?

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