Global Login: I Know the Story, I Can Do Anything

Chapter 1459 A new idea to deal with Thanos

In a few seconds, their spaceship was parked in a place like a warehouse.

But there are also some mechanical dogs guarding in front of the warehouse door.

Seeing this, Dr. Lizard was ready to rush over and get rid of those things.

But Erickson just pulled out an instrument all too familiar.

The instrument emitted a ray of light, illuminating the mechanical dog in the distance.

The mechanical dog fell to the ground instantly, paralyzed.

Ye Changge thought this method was good, so he hurriedly walked in before he had time to think about it.

The Dr. Lizard next to him had a look of disgust and felt that he might as well do it himself.

They broke open the door and found that there were some materials they needed inside.

Dr. Lizard also dismissed his previous complaints, and quickly packed all the materials into his backpack.

After that, they also carefully brought the materials to the spacecraft.

When they were carrying materials here, they suddenly heard a dense explosion nearby.

Ye Changge went out of the house and looked out, and found that some charged backpack soldiers were already surrounded by the sky.

Those rechargeable backpack soldiers have a hoop on their heads, as if they are under mental control.

Seeing this, Ye Changge immediately emitted ether particles, and a huge beam of light came out from in front of him, sweeping away the charged backpack soldiers in the distance, and all the charged backpack soldiers in the distance also exploded.

However, Ye Changge noticed that after the charged backpack soldiers here were killed, a new batch of charged backpack soldiers came around.

It was as if the movement on his side had been discovered.

There are more and more rechargeable backpackers.

Erickson next to him said anxiously to Dr. Lizard: "Have you got it? We have been found, and we have to get out of here quickly.

Dr. Lizard was speechless when he heard it. He wanted to complain about how many things he had taken, but now he knew that the situation could not continue any longer, so he could only follow Ye Changge and the others out of here.

Another time later.

Ye Changge and the others returned to where they were before, and they had successfully thrown off those pursuers before.

Erickson had a lingering fear, and felt that such a risky thing could no longer be done.

Moreover, the movements on their side are more likely to be known by Thanos.

The three people now are not opponents of Thanos at all. If there is a conflict, the end will be very miserable.

"Now that the second step of the potion is ready, the last step is to find a way to make Thanos strike the most powerful blow. Dr. Lizard is lying on the sofa.

The long-term exhaustion also made him feel sore all over.

He looked at Ye Changge again and looked at himself, and then said: "At that time, we can use these potions to mix and react with its power, and create something that is enough to kill Thanos in seconds."

Ye Changge thought this suggestion was good, but those were still a little skeptical.

Eriksson looked out through the window glass and saw a number of ships surrounding their ship.

This shocked him, and he noticed that those spaceships had begun to gather energy beams, and then he understood that the other party might have discovered their spaceships.

He was a little anxious and explained the current situation to the other two.

Ye Changge also showed an expression of sudden realization when he heard it, but then asked how they were discovered.

"How was this discovered? It must have been our previous movement that caused Thanos' suspicion, but now they have just followed our previous traces." Erickson panicked in his heart, and his brain also Instantly became pale, thinking about countermeasures.

There is some truth to what he said. Ye Changge looked farther through the window glass and found that there was a Thanos on one of the spaceships.

It means that this battle is led by Thanos himself.

The Dr. Lizard next to him was not in a hurry at all. To Ye Changge, they said, "I still have a few bottles of potion here that are enough for us to escape."

"Escape through the potion, are you serious?" Ye Changge twitched his lips slightly.

"Of course, but our time is only 3 seconds, so to be on the safe side, you should set the spaceship to eject the escape pod first." Dr. Lizard continued to drop some things into the previous potion while talking.

Seeing this, Ye Changge walked over and wanted to help, but Erickson told Ye Changge that he needed the latter to help him now, and Ye Changge could only follow behind Erickson and listen to his orders to do something.

Soon everything was ready, and Dr. Lizard also threw the potion out. Thanos and their spaceship sent out a laser in an instant, blowing up the potion bottle.

But the potion diffused some stars in the universe.

Ye Changge also felt that this was a very good opportunity. Taking advantage of the stars to confuse the surrounding spaceships, he also pressed the button of the escape pod next to him.

He only felt that his head slammed into the top of the Tibetan escape pod, and after that, he felt his eyes shake.

When he reacted, he found himself on an unknown planet.

However, he was not sure whether the current planet had oxygen, so he could only go out in a space suit.

Ye Changge looked at the flowers, birds, insects and fish in the distance, and believed that this place was a bit like the early days of the earth.

". "Don't look at the scenery, those guys are likely to chase after him again, so we have to prepare some gifts for him in advance. There was a frenzy in Erickson's eyes, and he quickly input ether particles into a stone.

The ether particles spread out quickly, making the stone shine a little bit!

Ye Changge and Dr. Lizard next to him don't know why.

They are just standing by the tree.

Erickson looked back at Dr. Lizard and said, "Do you have any other drugs that might explode?

"Even if there is, what do you want to use it for, is it possible that you want to use it to fight Thanos, which is impossible." Of course, Dr. Lizard knows how powerful his potion is.

"It's not mainly to do this, I have a better idea." After a wry smile, Erickson looked back at Ye Changge.

He stared directly at Ye Changge, but his voice was firmer than before, saying, "The next step is to ask (Zhao Dehao) to cooperate with the two of us, because only the two of us have the ability to pause time.

"Although I don't know what you're thinking, I'm going to tell you that this plan won't work." Ye Changge said with a sigh.

He talked to Erickson about the ability to use time to pause when he saw Thanos, but it didn't work.

That guy was so fast that Ye Changge couldn't even find his shadow.

"So we need the strength of the two of us!" Erickson insisted, "Trust me right. 35

Ye Changge was stunned for a moment, but thought that there was no other way at the moment, but he could only trust Erickson.

Erickson's method is actually quite simple, with two people using the ability to pause time at the same time.

When two people use their abilities together, the effect is twice that of a single person before.

However, if only one party uses the time pause, it is impossible to pause the action of Thanos.

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