Global Login: I Know the Story, I Can Do Anything

Chapter 1418 belongs to the history of the past

As described by those in leather jackets, everything in front of them seems to be full of technology.

Spaceships fly by constantly in the sky, and even commerce has evolved into a more advanced display of science and technology.

Ye Changge felt very fresh about everything, with longing in his eyes.

The leather-clad man took them to the residence of the top administrator in charge of the tech district.

The front is like a skyscraper.

"So this whole building is where that guy lives." Spider-Man could probably guess this, and couldn't help but ask.

After getting the exact answer, his mood became uncomfortable.

He went on to ask: "The rest of the people known as ordinary people...where would those people be?

The answer was that they were abandoned.

The atmosphere dropped to the bottom for a while, but the man in leather didn't notice the change in the atmosphere at all, just led Ye Changge and the others forward, and also came to the high-rise building.

In front of them are many doors.

12 Determined which house he was looking for, Ye Changge also stepped forward and opened the door of the house.

In front of him was an old man who looked a little tired and tired.

When he saw Ye Changge, he also had a new look on his face, and then quickly stepped forward. Look carefully on their faces and clothes like an antique.

"It's so rare, you guys look like you have traveled through the time line in the past." The old man looked very excited, and his voice kept shaking.

After that, he remembered that he should entertain Ye Changge and the others, let them stay here, and also prepared for people to prepare dinner.

Ye Changge rejected the old man's kindness.

"We are here to investigate some things." Deadpool spoke, "It is precisely because of that incident that we came here through time and space. I think you should keep the previous history."5

"This is natural, and we will naturally preserve history well, whether it was earlier or not long ago." The old avatar was talking like no one had spoken for a long time.

"It's about the part of the history that has time particles in the air." Deadpool also told the purpose of his coming, the old man's body froze, and his eyes became confused, as if he was recalling.

But after a while, the confusion on his face became more and more.

He smiled wryly and said to Ye Changge: "I'm sorry I need to memorize too many things, I have memorized a part of history, I don't know what you are going to say... If you want to find it, just go to the largest library here.

As he spoke, he led the way.

After Ye Changge heard it, he followed the old man honestly.

Before long, they also led the old man to a library that looked very gorgeous.

It is more appropriate to describe it as a palace rather than a library.

And guarding the outside of the palace are some people with high-tech guns in their hands, and they are also wearing leather jackets that they have seen before.

"But why do these people look like bionic robots?" Spider-Man made his own guess through their expressions, but the old man didn't have any answer to his words, just led them forward.

After arriving in the library, the old man briefly explained to them other matters that need attention, and then left.

Only Ye Changge and others were left at the scene.

"Okay, it seems that the so-called history we are looking for will take a little more effort." Spider-Man glanced left and right, and found that there was a person who managed books in the distance, and he quickly walked over.

Spider-Man explained to him the purpose of coming here.

Fortunately, the other party also knew which book they were looking for, so they took them to that part of the book area.

"But I want to tell you that this part of the book area is a forbidden area, you can't take the book away, and the content in the book can't be spread casually. The android speaks in a very stiff mechanical voice.

After he finished speaking, he left quickly.

Spider-Man and Ye Changge also began to divide their labor to find the books they were looking for.

Finally, they found in a book the thing that Deadpool had said before that there were time particles in the air.

"Let me see, this book probably means that the members of the alliance have created more time particles in the air, and that kind of time particles can also make some people go back to the future." Deadpool said while frowning Also wrinkled, think this is not a good thing.

"They have seen more things in the future, and they have also brought the future technology back to the previous society, enabling humans to develop at a high speed." Spider-Man then told the second half of the content, but it was also full of sadness.

Although Ye Changge didn't read the book, he could guess what happened next, saying: "Later, a contest between new technology and old technology was triggered. Finally, the new technology won the victory, but the leader of the new technology Those people, felt that the members of the alliance were a hindrance.

The other two heard what Ye Changge said, but did not speak, but the expressions on their faces told him that what he said was not wrong at all.

"The rulers decided to get rid of all the members of the alliance, and even used the existing technology to remove the time particles, so that their rule can continue." Ye Changge took a long breath and looked back at the other two. , found that their movements and demeanor were relatively stiff, and asked them what was going on.

"It's not much different from what you said, and in the future, the members of the Avengers will also be deprived of their power, and some will be killed." Spider-Man's mood is complicated, "According to the above statement, I am this It should have died at the hands of Venom and Carnage."9

"I didn't expect something like 637 to happen in the future, but if the time particle is restored in time, it should be able to prevent this from happening." Deadpool also put forward his own ideas.

Ye Changge felt that what Deadpool said was very reasonable, but it was difficult to clear the time particles, it was impossible.

After all, it is about power in terms of energy.

Therefore, in terms of human development on the earth where he was before, there was no such power.

"Let's look for it, maybe you can find some other ways to crack it in the book." Deadpool said, opened the book again, but heard footsteps.

He looked up and saw that it was the previous ruler.

He was walking slowly, shaking his body.

Standing near the ruler were men, also in leather jackets, with guns in their hands.

"By the way, why are you in the forbidden area? Don't you want to learn about history? A lot of history is placed in a normal area." He walked over. He also saw the book in Spider-Man's hands at a glance, and his face changed slightly.

However, he pretended that nothing had happened, and continued: "Are you interested in these? In fact, these are just things that can be read as fiction and are not real.

"There are always some people who will try to distort what happened before." The ruler sighed,

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