Finally, Spider-Man followed Ye Changge and the others and continued to move forward.

They also came to a dilapidated house near.

It's not so much a house as it is the ruins that have been demolished.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Ye Changge frowned and said, "I didn't expect such a place to exist here.

"Is there really anyone living here?" Spider-Man said, looking around.

"I don't know, but according to the latest information, it's here." The Hulk said, walking at the front, pushing away the big rocks in front of him with his hands.

At this time, a room with only one person appeared.

Ye Changge was stunned when he saw such a scene, and his face was full of doubts.

"What the hell is going on..." he asked as he walked forward.

There are potions on the shelves around in front of me. Besides, there are several unknown instruments on the walls.

But the Hulk quickly determined through the instrument in his hand that the instrument on the wall was what the Hulk was looking for and destroyed this time.

He couldn't help but say that he was ready to stretch out his fist to fight.

But at this time, when his fist was about to touch the instruments hanging on the wall in the distance, a barrier appeared.

Ye Changge was also pushed back a few waves by the barrier that suddenly appeared.

The next moment, dense gun barrels emerged from the surrounding walls.

"Who are you? What are you doing at my house?" An old voice with a cough sounded from behind.

Ye Changge looked back subconsciously and found that it was an old man over a hundred years old with a cane in his hand.

Spider-Man next to him was also surprised, looking at the scene in front of him.

However, Ye Changge also quickly recognized that the man in front of him was very similar to the man who appeared in the phantom before.

He rushed forward a few steps in an instant, and the movement was so fast that the man did not react at all.

At this moment, he also used the power of the power gem to successfully restrain him, so that he could not continue to move.

The old man looked panicked and asked Ye Changge what are they going to do?

The Hulk next to him also looked embarrassed, looked at Ye Changge and said, "It's not for us to beat the old man..."

"Who told you that I was going to beat him." Ye Changge felt even more speechless, and then threw the cane in the old man's hand to another place, staring blankly at him in front of him.

Ye Changge's voice sounded very cold.

He said: "We want to ask you, is it you who appeared before?35

Ye Changge's remarks also reminded Spider-Man, this is the phantom old man he saw on the virtual screen before.

He also stepped forward quickly, but was worried that the old man might suddenly make a move, so he could only stand beside Ye Changge.

"I don't understand what you're saying at all!" The old man turned his head to the side with a stern face, as if he didn't want to answer this question, and looked at the Hulk in the distance with a bit of contempt, "This is you guys. The Avengers' way of doing things? To ask me an unarmed old man.

After he finished saying this, he quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and prepared to broadcast live.

Ye Changge's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he just flicked his fingers.

A particle fell into the mobile phone in the old man's hand, instantly destroying it.

Even the Hulk didn't know what happened at the scene, but just stood in the distance.

After a while, his voice sounded dry and he said to Ye Changge, "What the hell are you doing?"

"What?" Ye Changge's mouth curled into a sneer.

After that, he threw the old man he was holding out fiercely.

The old man's back slammed into the steel in the distance and fell to the ground again.

He wanted to struggle to get up, but Ye Changge appeared in front of him again and beat him as before.

The Hulk next to him saw Ye Changge tossing the old man, so he could only rush over to stop it.

But before he could get close, the old man seemed to be unable to suppress his inner anger, and even summoned a lot of energy phantoms from around his body.

Those phantoms formed people with long swords and some other weapons.

Spider-Man was dumbfounded and panicked when he saw this scene, but he still picked up a wooden stick on the ground to defend himself.

Ye Changge nodded with satisfaction after seeing this scene, with a playful smile on his face, and said to the Hulk: "In this case, does he think he is just an ordinary and innocent old man? 35

The Hulk was speechless, but when he thought that it was time to fight, he could only take a deep breath, suppressed all kinds of thoughts in his heart, and rushed out quickly.

Everything in front of him proves that the old man is not an ordinary person, and he is also very dangerous.

The old man quickly opened his palm, and several illusory lights emanated from the palm of his hand.

When the Hulk rushed towards the old man, he only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and when he reacted, he found that he had already been thrown into the distance.

Seeing this, Ye Changge also instantly understood that the old man was able to emit light that could make people's movements stagnate for a short time.

"But even so!" Ye Changge immediately unleashed the power of the Time Stone.

Before the old man could react, he had already stood in front of the latter, and then quickly waved his fist.

He looked at the old man in front of him blankly again, and his thoughts became more firm.

The old man who was punched by Ye Changge got up from the ground as if he was okay, but instead launched a more violent impact.

His whole body tensed up, like a huge rhino rushing towards him quickly.

The old man knocked over some surrounding buildings, and when he turned around again, he sent out a few flying knives from the palm of his hand.

Fortunately, Ye Changge also reacted quickly, rushing to Spider-Man's side, blocking it with the long sword transformed from the energy particles in his hand.


But there were also a few throwing knives that failed to resist.

A throwing knife rubbed Spider-Man's face and flew into the distance.

But in an instant, Spider-Man felt that his mind was much clearer, and some memories came to his mind.

Blood was flying in the air, but Spider-Man's eyes became firmer.

When he turned around, he stabilized his body in time.

Seeing Spider-Man like this, Ye Changge guessed that the latter had recovered some memories, with a relieved expression on his face.

The Hulk next to him saw that Spider-Man was able to use the spider silk launcher to spit out spider silk as usual, and instantly became mentally and entered a fighting state.

The old man in the distance floated into the air with the help of energy, and arcs spread out around his body.

He let out a roar, and the place that originally belonged to the eyes only turned into two groups of rays of light.

"All of you are going to die here today." After the old man finished speaking, his fists folded together.

With him as the center, the surrounding soil layers are constantly being turned up.

The dense current quickly converged in the air, forming an arc split on the ground.

After that, along with the old man's finger, the dense arc also split instantly.

Ye Changge hurriedly summoned a shield to block it, but before he could resist for a few minutes, he was hit by another sneak attacking arc.

He only felt that his body was numb, and when he stabilized his body, he realized that he was sent hundreds of meters flying by the air waves generated by the explosion just now.

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