For the Avengers, however, the next few days will not be peaceful.

More than once they got word that some Spider-Man was in town to help people.

Originally they thought it was a good thing, but they also felt a little strange.

Spider-Man always leaves something very strange after helping people.

It's some sort of spider-like mechanic.

At first they thought something like this would explode, but were quickly told it didn't,

Other than that, it doesn't do anything else.

This made them feel even more puzzled, do those Spider-Man from other universes leave behind such a meaningless doll after helping people?

In order to study those mechanical dolls, the Avengers also spent a lot of money to buy those dolls from the market into the research room for research.

Dr. Banner was also involved, but soon discovered that what they were exposed to was nothing more than a product made of ordinary machines, just like those mechanical cats and dogs on the market.

"This is really nasty." After the Hulk threw a few machine products in his hand on the ground, he stepped on it a few times, and after finding that it was not broken, he picked it up and put it on the table next to it.

"Big man, don't play with these toys." It was Ant-Man who was talking. He was very dissatisfied with the Hulk always tossing these mechanical products. He didn't understand why the Hulk did this.

He also received news that there will be these things on the market,

In his opinion, it may be a meaningless prank left by those people, the purpose is to make them feel that these mechanical products may be dangerous.

To put it bluntly, it is the mentality of people.

He felt that focusing on these toys would have no effect, and it would be better to deal with intractable cases.

"Then, has Guan Yu investigated the whereabouts of those people more clearly recently?" Iron Man looked at the computer screen and also looked at the personnel who were also performing technical operations, but he also called the captain in the distance to let him come. Take a look at the computer.

The technician told Iron Man that the whereabouts of those people were not fixed, and they didn't even know what those people were doing.

Their whereabouts are erratic.

Before, some technicians used technical means to track them, but they were soon discovered, but they were destroyed by some machinery.

"Their anti-tracking ability is very strong.~." The technician also had a sad look on his face, and it seemed that he had been unable to overcome this matter.

The US team came over with the latest information, and after putting it on the computer, they found a very interesting phenomenon.

All the Spider-Mans of the parallel universe will always gather in one place,

The Avengers also felt that this place was the lair of those Spider-Man.

Thinking of this, they decided to arrest those Spider-Man. No matter what the reason is, the Avengers cannot allow this kind of weird-looking thing to be distributed on the market.

Ye Changge on the other side also investigated the place where Spider-Man gathered based on the investigation of the data.

But he felt a little strange that this place seemed to lead him there on purpose.

He glanced at Erickson, who was also looking at the material, and asked him what he thought of the matter,

Erickson noticed that Ye Changge's face was serious, so he told him that this matter would be very troublesome.

His idea was that the place where those Spider-Mans went was actually a trap.

"Your thoughts are the same as mine." Ye Changge laughed after hearing this, just shook his head slightly and continued to look at the screen in front of him.

Erickson next to him inquired about his progress.

Ye Changge looked at the trajectories on the screen, and suddenly thought of something, and felt that those guys were acting according to certain trajectories that were slightly different.

As long as you follow their trajectories, you can definitely find all the Spider-Man in the parallel universe.

Then catch them again and ask them clearly.

At this time, he received a call from the other Avengers members, probably meaning to let Ye Changge participate in the operation together,

Ye Changge felt a little ridiculous and couldn't help but share his thoughts with them,

But who knew that the members of the Avengers did not believe what Ye Changge said at all, and also insisted that what the members knew was accurate.

This made him feel very helpless, but thinking that people didn't believe it, there was no need to say it again, and let Erickson pack up and prepare to act with him.

Erickson, who had never been involved in the battle, became instantly excited when he heard that he could fight.

After ten minutes,

Ye Changge had already followed Erickson towards the other path.

They finally came to a factory that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

Erickson frowned and couldn't help but said to Ye Changge next to him: "Are you sure it's this place?"

"Do you still need to ask this kind of thing?" Ye Changge also pointed out,

Erickson followed the direction of Ye Changge's fingers and saw a few very strange shadows appearing in front of him.

Those shadows are like claws breaking out of the ground,

This made him instantly alert.

After that, more claws emerge from the soil.

In less than a short while the real characters appeared.

It's Doctor Octopus!

At this time, Doctor Octopus was wearing a very bright-looking battle armor.

In addition to this, he also has some steel thorns on each of his mechanical tentacles.

This made Ye Changge feel a little nervous, but fortunately he recovered quickly,

After Dr. Octopus saw Ye Changge, he just smiled grimly.

I saw that he easily activated the mechanical tentacles on his back.

The mechanical tentacles swept through the air, and when they hit the ground, they also sent sound waves to the ground.

Seeing this, Ye Changge quickly pushed Erickson away.

A giant mechanical tentacle, Kai, rushed out from where Erickson and Ye Changge were standing just now.

"By the way, aren't we here to find Spider-Man? Why does Doctor Octopus appear?" Eric (Nord Zhao) Sen wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand, and saw the mechanical claws pat his face again Come.

He was a little flustered, but fortunately, he also used the power of the gemstone copied by his body in time to successfully form a cutting force field in front of him.

After that, the cutting air wave smashed all the mechanical arms in front of him.

But what shocked him was that Dr. Octopus in the distance didn't seem to be affected by the disconnection of the mechanical tentacles, but instead swapped out many mechanical tentacles from his body.

The mechanical tentacles rushed towards Erickson and the others again.

In addition, Dr. Octopus kept slapping the ground with his robotic tentacles, generating sound waves again.

In the trance of dodging around, he suddenly saw several round green bombs falling in the sky.

Ye Changge instantly understood that this was the weapon of the Green Devil, and quickly avoided it.

At the place where he stood just now, a green figure stepping on an aircraft appeared.

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