At this time, he suddenly heard an explosion sound in his ear, and he looked subconsciously, but saw a sky-rocketing flame rushed out of the place where he was standing just now,

Those flames also seemed to be operated by aliens in the distance.

The flames turned into a fire dragon and charged towards Ye Changge.

But the latter was not afraid, and gathered the power of the ether particles into the whole body, and quickly supported the upper and lower teeth of the fire dragon with both hands.

The fire dragon opened its mouth wide, and spit out flames from it.

Seeing this, Ye Changge only frowned slightly and tried his best to pull the fire dragon away.

The breath of flames blew on Ye Changge's body, melting the armor on his body.

Ye Changge didn't get hurt because of this, just stared blankly at the aliens in the distance who were still trying to resist.

The Ye Changge they saw was not in any situation, and became more panicked, and they also mobilized the spaceship to launch more violent artillery fire.

The spaceship struck over Ye Changge's head, and bombs were dropped.

But Ye Changge dodged very swiftly, and the bomb exploded where he stood just now.

"Stop, we want to talk to you." The aliens in the distance also became flustered at this time.

They naturally understood and continued to fight, what would happen, and they all looked at Ye Changge with pitiful eyes.

After Ye Changge listened to their words, he just felt tired and yawned, the corner of his eyes stayed on them for a few seconds, and then quickly retracted.

He crossed his arms and said with a mocking smile on his face, "What else do you have to say."

Hearing Ye Changge's words, those aliens honestly explained that they came to earth, in fact, to find the core of earth,

It is also because they have heard people say that the core of the earth has very powerful energy. If the core is taken away, then their new ball will continue to live for hundreds of years.

Ye Changge heard what they said and understood what was going on. It turned out that the aliens in front of them had problems with their own planets, so he wanted to come to Earth to find a way to save their planets.

But Ye Changge just stared blankly at them, jumped into the sky, and swung the long sword transformed by energy,

In their terrified eyes, a bright white sword light flashed.

They only had time to make one last cry.

Then they all fell to the ground.

Ye Changge looked at the machines on the ground and said coldly, "There is nothing you are looking for here.

After speaking, he looked back at the other aliens on the spaceship.

Seeing this, the aliens could only run away.

Escape Ye Changge once again guarded the peace of the earth.

He was about to go back the same way, but on the way he saw Spider-Man and several robots dressed in very strange clothes preparing to go in the direction of the Avengers,

It also made him feel very strange.

He stopped Spider-Man and asked him where he was taking these people.

Spider-Man replied exactly as he had guessed.

He looked again with his eyes, and the strangely dressed guys in front of him,

Spider-Man was a little depressed in his heart, but he still patiently explained to Ye Changge that these were just aliens that Spider-Man knew, and he felt that places should be arranged for these people,

But Ye Changge just thinks that these guys are very likely to become hidden dangers, and it is not recommended to do this with Spider-Man.

"If these guys can become a hidden danger, then your lizard in Asgard will definitely become a hidden danger," Spider-Man tit for tat, his eyes staring fiercely at Ye Changge.

"Do you think so?" The virgin was not angry after hearing this, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Spider-Man was very unhappy with his smile, but just turned his head and didn't want to pay him any more.

Spider-Man still took these aliens back to the Avengers,

He felt that it was the Avengers' business and himself, not Ye Changge's business.

Ye Changge also has no right or reason to interfere.

But Ye Changge just followed Spider-Man, without saying a word, watching him with a lively expression.

The members of the Avengers saw this, but didn't know what to do,

After all they are. I have to listen to Ye Changge on some things.

Ye Changge's strength is very strong, and he can also play a decision-making role here,

They all looked at Ye Changge, as if wanting to ask his opinion.

But Spider-Man was a little dissatisfied, and said to the other members of the Avengers: "Why ask his opinion, who is in charge here.

As soon as his words came out, the other Avengers just bowed their heads.

Who else is in charge, of course, is someone else in charge.

The Avengers muttered so much in their hearts, but they didn't say it out, they just looked at Spider-Man with more expectant eyes, and told him not to continue to disagree with Ye Changge on this matter.

If Ye Changge really wants to turn against them because of this trivial matter, then the disaster they will face will be very big!

Spider-Man could only endure his unpleasantness for a while, smashed the next wall with his fist lightly, and left with his own people.

Seeing Spider-Man go, everyone else turned their attention to Ye Changge, and told him not to care about what happened before.

Ye Changge laughed instead and said to them, "I have always been a generous person.

It's weird to believe you.

Everyone else said the same thing in their hearts, but they only showed a wry smile that looked very reluctant,

Ye Changge was yawning and was about to leave, when suddenly 870 heard a rumbling sound.

He was also able to know that the sound affected other people.

Sure enough, the other Avengers members also quickly walked over to Ye Changge to inquire about the situation.

"What else could happen," Ye Changge smiled instead, and pointed to the sky.

Others followed the trend and found a group of fighter planes hovering in the sky in the clouds,

Those fighter planes emitted a dazzling flame from their tails, which dyed the sky red as they flew by.

"These guys have appeared before, and they have appeared endlessly recently. We have eliminated wave after wave. If we can't find the source, there is no way..." When he said this sentence, his eyes Out of the corner of his eye, he stared at Ye Changge, looking very flustered.

But Ye Changge just showed a relieved expression, patted his hand lightly, and said, "Don't worry, there will be no problem.

After saying these words, after he used the power of his body to fly into the sky, his body could turn into a stream of light and rush straight into the fighter jets in the distance.

The monsters operating the fighter aircraft noticed Ye Changge, and they all became energized, and pressed the buttons one after another to make the fighter aircraft into the highest fighting state.

The other Avengers wanted to help,

But in their eyes, in an instant, Ye Changge had blown the fighter plane in the distance to pieces.

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