He took a few steps forward, and suddenly found a sound of thunder falling in front of him.

He could clearly see that several spaceships were flying high in the sky, and there were also many scouts on them.

A look of confusion appeared on Ye Changge's face, ready to rush over in an instant, but thinking that he still had the Time Stone, he immediately used the Time Stone's power.

Time ripples spread out from Ye Changge as the center.

In an instant, everything around him was frozen, he also stepped on the ground, and with the help of the etheric particle power, he flew into the sky, and soon reached the distant spaceship.

After that, he tied the fists of those people and threw them heavily to the ground, as for the spaceship, he also stably grabbed the ground.

After doing all this, he returned time to normal.

The aliens were a little stunned when they saw their spaceship land on the ground, but they soon saw Ye Changge and instantly understood that everything in front of them was done by Ye Changge.

They became more hysterical and rushed towards Ye Changge.

Ye Changge was also not afraid, and beat all those people down with three punches and two feet.

They kept begging Ye Changge to spare them, the latter just sneered.

It wasn't until Ye Changge beat him with no strength that he retracted his fist. Those aliens who were beaten by Ye Changge before had already turned into minced flesh.


He turned his head again and looked at the aliens in the distance with sharp eyes.

The other aliens felt timid in their hearts, and the expressions on their faces became more complicated.

"What are you doing here on Earth?" Ye Changge asked his soul.

The alien twitched and couldn't tell why, and when he saw Ye Changge clenching his fist again, he all became more frightened.

Among them, the aliens only spoke up and said: "We are just an advance team to come here, just to explore the environment on Earth, but it doesn't seem to be suitable for us now.

When he said this, he also observed Ye Changge's face from time to time. Seeing the latter just sneered, his heart trembled.

Certainly not for them, after all they don't want to meet Ye Changge on this planet!

The worst thing for them is that they can't beat Ye Changge!

Those aliens could only resign, hoping that Ye Changge could let him go.

It is a great luxury for them to be able to walk now!

Of course Ye Changge could see the expressions on their faces clearly, and saw the sincerity in their eyes, so he decided to let them go.

He just got out of the way.

After the other aliens got Ye Changge's consent, they all left.

Ye Changge also believed that they would not fight the earth again.

After thinking for a few minutes, he also decided to leave temporarily.

After all, the purpose of his coming was not to destroy these aliens, but to do so casually.

He thought that he still had to get the stones in the mine, and he took a few steps to the entrance of the mine.

But after searching in the cave for a long time, he couldn't find the ore that Dr. Lizard said, and he began to suspect that the latter lied to him.

Looking at the surrounding stones falling from the wall, Ye Changge only felt a headache.

But helpless, I can only try to pick up all those stones.

The expression on his face became more complicated when he found out that the stone was not the one he wanted.

After searching for a while, he finally found Dr. Lizard and let him find the ore.

Carefully holding the ore in the palm of his hand, he could also feel the heat radiated from the ore.

With the teleportation of the Samsara Eye, he only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and when he reacted again, he found that Dr. Lizard was already standing in front of him.

Dr. Lizard instantly noticed the ore that Ye Changge was holding, and couldn't help taking the ore from Ye Changge's hand.

After that, Doctor Strange took the ore to conduct research.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Changge could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and was about to leave, but Dr. Lizard told Ye Changge that Ye Changge needed to bring all the Avengers members who were in a situation to Asgard.

Should you bring it over?

Ye Changge trembled slightly, the corners of his mouth were a little unsteady, and said, "Wouldn't it be good if you directly researched and developed the solution (bcbe) medicine to help them treat them? Why did you bring them?"

"Bring here to see their condition better. Dr. Lizard's face is serious.

Ye Changge smiled awkwardly after hearing this, and sighed to understand.

He was transferred to the laboratory of Doctor Strange.

When Doctor Strange saw Ye Changge coming, he immediately thought of the latter, most likely he came to pick up the person who had been put here before, and stretched out his finger.

Ye Changge looked in the direction of Doctor Strange's fingers and found that in the corner were the Avengers who were bound before, but their condition was not good.

Those members of the Avengers also all had hostile expressions, grinning and staring with red eyes.

Ye Changge looked at them with disgust, but he couldn't help but step forward.

"Have you figured out a way to treat these guys?" Doctor Strange couldn't help but ask when Ye Changge brought them all together.

"Didn't you find a way?" Ye Changge didn't forget to turn around and ask.

Doctor Strange showed a guilty expression on his face, sighed, and the whole person was very weak, and said: "No way, the only thing that can be sure is that the metal that binds these people is from another cosmic dimension, and the technology of this cosmic dimension has no way to cure. of!

Doctor Strange's voice sounded very firm.

Ye Changge was taken aback by this sentence, and then he asked him, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, these are things of other cosmic latitudes, but I don't know why they appear here. Is it because there is a very powerful person in other universes who can break through the universe and want to challenge you?" "Doctor Strange naturally thought that this was The calamity of Ye Changge.

"Did you think it was me so quickly?" Ye Changge twitched the corners of his mouth, a wry smile on his face.

In his heart, Doctor Strange naturally didn't want to think so, but based on his past experience and what happened this time, he also guessed that it was very likely to be the case!

After all, with Ye Changge's strength, he can teleport across the universe.

Who knows if Ye Changge did some annoying things after teleporting across the universe, and those people would get Ye Changge's dimension to get revenge?

Of course, no matter how much Doctor Strange thinks about it, it is nothing but speculation in his heart. As for the real situation, he still does not know, and does not want to make false statements.

After he looked at Ye Changge, he just told him not to cause trouble, and went back to the room to start researching.

"Planar attack?" These words woke Ye Changge, and he fell into deep thought while touching his chin with his hand.

Maybe there is such a possibility, after all, I have been to 52 universes a lot before...

It is also reasonable to be chased by those guys, and there have been similar situations before.

Could it be that this time there is someone who holds grudges the same as before?

Ye Changge fell into deeper thinking, but always felt that things were not that simple.

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