Global Login: I Know the Story, I Can Do Anything

Chapter 1209 Crisis is approaching

Seeing Ye Changge's power, the surrounding robots all retreated, and even issued a warning sound.

Ye Changge just looked at the robots with a sneering expression on his face, and quickly rushed forward a few steps, the long sword in his hand fell, and the robots instantly fell to the ground.

More robots fled around, but Ye Changge naturally wouldn't let them leave just like that.

He violently swung the long sword in his hand, and instantly several bright white dazzling sword energy rushed straight away, instantly piercing the bodies of several robots?

Ye Changge thought that there would be no bigger problems just by eliminating these robots, but the sense of crisis told him that was not the case.

There was a sudden roar of thunder ahead.

Ye Changge shook his body, raised his head again, and saw clearly that there were many beasts made of machines in front of him.

The beast stared at Ye Changge with red eyes and grinned, "Finally we meet again! Ye Changge!""

Hearing this, Erickson turned to Ye Changge suspiciously. With a puzzled expression on his face, he said, "What? You messed with him?"

"I don't know who this guy is, there is no such thing in my memory, okay!" Ye Changge was a little mad and complained, "Although I may have done some crazy things, I don't As for getting into trouble everywhere, and I don't remember it myself after it's done.""

Erickson was speechless after hearing this and looked at Ye Changge, but he didn't want to comment too much.

"Do it!" The mechanical beast suddenly let out a scream.

New robots are constantly being drilled from the surrounding craters.

They seemed to be connected by the spirit of a mechanical beast, and they all rushed towards Ye Changge.

Although Ye Changge has completely destroyed their bodies, some of the mechanical parts can still attack Ye Changge.

Ye Changge also guessed that each mechanical part may also have parts such as mind control.

Thinking like this, the head of a robot fell onto Ye Changge's arm.

Ye Changge's instrument threw the robot's head like a ball, knocking down half of the base wall in the distance.

"Of course you don't remember me, because at that time I was accidentally killed by you! Do you remember when you were in Universe 65 on Earth.~!" He gritted his teeth, and there was even stronger hatred in his eyes, "You were It is to go to the 65 universe to grab the infinite gems.

"I still remember when you said that, but it was a long time ago. How could you cross the cosmic dimension to get here?" Ye Changge asked the last sentence suspiciously, but he was also worried in his heart. abacus.

He wants to snatch the thing that guy can travel through the universe.

"You can't get that thing! That thing is the entire base, but it's almost been destroyed by you now!" Seemingly seeing what Ye Changge was thinking, the mechanical beast in the distance laughed.

The mechanical beast stood up abruptly, the arms and other parts of the body protruded dense gun barrels, and some pipes connected the body of the mechanical beast to the ground.

From this, it can be seen that the mechanical beast can provide energy for its own body by absorbing the elements in the land.

"You hit his pipe, I'll teach this guy a lesson!" Ye Changge said, rushing towards him.

Eriksson next to him looked helpless and could only mobilize his armor. As Eriksson raised his arms, the dense missiles burned with flames and bombed away in the direction of the mechanical beasts in the distance.

The missile fell into the distance and exploded on the mechanical tube.

But then Ye Changge also discovered that there was only a dull metal crashing sound.

"Do you think that I will set these pipes very fragile like those fools who use ground energy as their own energy source? He said this, and his voice became even more arrogant.

While manipulating the mechanical missiles on his body, his hands had been replaced with sword blades and he quickly approached Ye Changge.

Ye Changge could only hold up his long sword to resist.

He sent out a diagonal slash, but was blocked by the long sword in Ye Changge's hand.

Ye Changge exerted a little force, took him a few steps back in shock, and approached again, the swordsman in his hand raised the knife and fell, instantly severing one of his pipes.

The mechanical beast showed a complicated expression on its face, and shouted: "This is impossible!"

But he felt that his back became very empty, the feeling of emptiness was as if his pipe had been pulled out!

The mechanical beast stiffened his neck and looked back. When he saw clearly the place where he should have connected the pipe, it was the slash of Qi Shushu, his eyes became even more confused.

He looked at Erickson who was standing there again, his voice became even more trembling, and shouted at him: "It's you!

But he didn't wait for him to say anything else.

Ye Changge stepped on the ground, his body slid in the air through an afterimage, and suddenly fell to him, the long sword in his hand penetrated the body of the mechanical beast.

Finally, the mechanical beast exploded into pieces.

Ye Changge breathed a sigh of relief, looked back at the Earth far away from where the meteorite was located, and said, "Although this guy is dead, those aircraft are still going on, we have to quickly destroy the surrounding buildings. !"

Erickson looked complicated, remembering the previous conversation between Ye Changge and the mechanical beast: "Of course it's okay to destroy these buildings, but is it really good? You don't need these buildings to gain time and space..."

He didn't finish his words, but just raised his more confused eyes to look at Ye Changge.

"Forget that kind of thing, I have to get it through my own method, a method that can successfully cross over to other universes without too much cost, let alone Earth 65, I can also do other universes. Go. Ye Changge's mouth curled into a confident smile.

Erickson was hesitant to speak, but seeing that Ye Changge's idea had been decided, he could only nod his head in disbelief, and followed Ye Changge to destroy all the surrounding bases.

But what they didn't notice was that in the process of their destruction, a mass of mud-like objects descended into the planet along the ground, evading their inspection.

When Ye Chang (Li Li Zhao) Ge and Eriksson really left in the spaceship, the black mass that had been trapped in the soil before slowly grew out of a towering ancient tree.

The ancient tree also grew a human-shaped fruit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Gradually, the fruit broke open.

The woman drilled out of the fruit and looked at the earth, which was full of infinite charm to her in the distance, with some infatuation in her eyes.

She walked towards the earth, but in any case, she was only on the current meteorite. The gravity of space made it impossible for her to escape from the current meteorite.

In the traces the woman walked, some vines exuding poisonous gas gradually emerged from it, and some poisonous fruits were drilled out of the soil. From a distance, it seems like creatures with blood vessels constantly spewing out one after another.

At the same time, Ye Changge was also attending Thor's banquet in Asgard.

At first Ye Changge refused, but seeing Thor's strong invitation, he had no choice but to agree to play.

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