dozens of minutes later.

Ye Changge had followed Captain Marvel to the agreed restaurant, but the former was a little at a loss, with an embarrassed wry smile on his face, he looked around and followed her in.

The two sat facing each other, not knowing what to say.

Captain Marvel's eyes were erratic, not falling on Ye Changge, and he seemed to be very concerned about the current atmosphere: "I, I'm glad you can come.

After saying this, she lowered her head, like a child who made a mistake, then raised her head suddenly, with dissatisfaction in her voice and said, "I'm sorry I don't know what to do..."

Captain Marvel didn't finish his words, bowed his head, and seemed to sigh for his poor performance.

"It's nothing and I have no experience." Ye Changge said something against his will, looking at the surrounding environment, "Is there something wrong with me?

"I just want to meet you, and I want to thank you for everything you have done for me before." Captain Marvel's voice became lower, his face had become a little red, and his hand was gently placed on the table, but he seemed to want to The table is crushed.

Seeing that Captain Marvel was so nervous, Ye Changge laughed heartlessly, which made Captain Marvel feel a little resentful.

The atmosphere between the two gradually became ambiguous, but they didn't say a word in the past.

The sudden explosion caused the two of them to change their complexion in an instant. The two of them looked at 417 together and found that there was a guy wearing a mecha in the distance who was launching a more intensive bombardment of the surrounding buildings.

In the distance, passersby fled.

Seeing this situation, Ye Changge rushed out without hesitation, his figure instantly approached the robot, and quickly smashed a few punches on the robot's body.

The robot fell to the ground, but made a sound similar to a smirk.

Ye Changge breathed a sigh of relief, but then what made him feel even more unexpected was that the robot suddenly started to glow red.

He subconsciously started to retreat, and while retreating, he considered whether to throw it elsewhere. If it really exploded in this position, it would destroy the surrounding buildings.

The red light of the robot flashed faster and faster, and finally the entire robot turned into a beam of light soaring into the sky, and the rapidly spreading air wave shattered all the surrounding buildings.

He still had no chance to take the robot away.

If Ye Changge hadn't dodged in time, he would have been affected by the beam at this time.

But Ye Changge and Captain Marvel managed to escape, and the ordinary people around who didn't have time to escape were also buried in the beam of light generated by the robot's explosion.

Others who survived, seeing their loved ones swept away by the beams of life, became even more annoyed.

But the robots also disappeared, and all they can see now is Ye Changge and Captain Marvel, just transferring their hatred to Ye Changge.

Ye Changge looked at them with an unhappy expression on his face, and sneered softly.

Captain Marvel also knew that Ye Changge was already angry, so he saw Ye Changge beside him and told him not to care about these ordinary people.

Ye Changge didn't intend to continue to pay attention to them, and turned to go back to Asgard, but the mineral water bottle thrown from somewhere just hit Ye Changge's head, which made him feel a little more angry in his heart.

He looked back and found that the person who threw the mineral water bottle was a middle-aged man.

Seeing Ye Changge glaring at him, the man picked up the stone next to him even more angrily and threw it at the latter.

Ye Changge dodged.

The people around also picked up the things at hand and threw them at Ye Changge.

Ye Changge finally couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly rushed to the man who threw the mineral water bottle at him before, knocking him to the ground with a few punches.

This scene was also filmed by those people, and some people planned to use this method to accuse Ye Changge, and even people had more hatred for Ye Changge.

Ye Changge just sneered, and immediately used his Samsara eyes to escape back to Asgard.

Dr. Lizard in Asgard was doing research at this time, and when Ye Changge arrived, he also announced to him the new invention he had recently developed.

Ye Changge just waved his hands listlessly. In his opinion, these inventions are optional, but it is good that Dr. Lizard can study seriously and with interest.

At least this will prevent Dr. Lizard from wandering around and getting himself into trouble.

(bcbe) He walked and accidentally bumped into a few research items, and Dr. Lizard was curious when he saw this and asked Ye Changge why he was so unmotivated.

Ye Changge was too lazy to answer.

Dr. Lizard also guessed that there might be a problem with the mission, and just wanted to speak to comfort Ye Changge, but Thor came over suddenly, and his voice was a little heavy, hoping that Ye Changge could go to the Avengers headquarters.

Ye Changge also knew that they wanted to hold themselves accountable, but they didn't bother to go, and they didn't even look at Thor turned and walked towards the house: "Whatever, you can help me make an announcement and say I'm not feeling well."

Hearing Ye Changge's words, Thor also instantly understood that Ye Changge didn't want to go, so he stood there awkwardly and was a little overwhelmed, thinking about whether to go to Ye Changge for a small meeting, and wanted to remind him gently not to put those things aside. into the heart.

But Thor took a few steps forward and just walked to the door, when the door suddenly closed, and the dust that was thrown up just fell into Thor's nose.

After seeing this scene, Dr. Lizard couldn't help laughing, and told Thor again: "I think a fool now should know that his mentality is very bad at this time, and you still want to go to him?"

Thor, who was trained by Dr. Lizard, was at a loss for a moment, but then decided to leave here.

It took a few days.

The thing that Ye Changge caused before has been fermenting, and even the more noisy everyone is, the more fierce they want the Avengers to hand over Ye Changge and let them deal with Ye Changge themselves.

The members of the Avengers also attached great importance to this matter, but since Ye Changge did not come to their headquarters, they had no way to deal with it.

Iron Man's face turned dark, he looked back at the captain again, and said worriedly: "We have no strength to deal with him, and he has protected the entire earth before! 35

His words are already very obvious, and he wants this matter to pass like this.

But the captain felt that this matter could not be so easy, and there was a little helplessness in his eyes: "It would be nice if it were that easy, but now everyone is more hoping that Ye Changge will die! I think there is another matter in this matter. It's strange, and we should investigate it carefully."

The captain's words also stunned the people around him, but then he thought about it and thought it was very possible.

After all, according to the pictures taken by passers-by and other surveillance cameras, the robot was always there. It was like waiting for Ye Changge at the door on purpose.

Everyone was talking and talking.

In an instant, everyone shut up, and they turned around to see Ye Changge standing at the door.

Ye Changge tilted his head and looked at them with a sneering expression on his face: "I haven't been here for a long time, and you guys have already started discussing and calculating against me, haven't you? So who starts first?"

"We're not trying to deal with you, we just want to find out who set up the game." The captain said in a low voice, making the ears of the people around him feel guilty.

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