The monster in the distance actually absorbed the power of the halo at this time, which also surprised Ye Changge.

But then Ye Changge's eyes became more serious, and he decided to get rid of the monster first, which would be of great benefit to himself.

He quickly took a few steps and rushed to the vicinity of the monster, the long sword in his hand slashed towards the monster's head, but was successfully avoided by the monster.

Ye Changge felt a little more unhappy in his heart, and saw the monsters emitting a lot of black energy from his body one after another, which made Ye Changge start to worry.

The monster gritted its teeth and let out a roar, then stared at Ye Changge with wide eyes, with a look of anger on his face, and opened his mouth to bite in Ye Changge's direction.

But it was also successfully avoided by Ye Changge.

At this time, the other Avengers also want to step forward to help.

But when they were about to approach the monster, the monster suddenly sent out a huge wave of air,

The air wave directly hit the hearts of several Avengers members.

The Avengers fell in the distance.

Ye Changge saw this with a speechless expression on his face, but didn't say much.

The other Avengers members also felt very embarrassed, and their eyes became more tired.

However, he did not give up, and was still rushing towards the monster quickly.

Iron Man instantly summoned 230 mechas that Ye Changge gave Iron Man before.

Iron Man stepped on the ground hard and quickly appeared near the monster. When approaching the monster, the palm of his hand suddenly began to gather light.

Iron Man sent out a beam of light, but the energy was absorbed by a huge protective shield summoned by the monster's sudden open palm.

Iron Man had a complicated expression on his face, but he still quickly rushed towards the monster, but then he was quickly punched by the monster in the center.

Iron Man's body flew out instantly, and after smashing some surrounding trees, he fell far away near the stone.

Ye Changge felt very speechless when he saw this, but then he turned his eyes to Iron Man and took a breath.

The captain grabbed the monster's arm with one hand and beat the monster's head and neck with the other hand.

The monster couldn't bear the power brought by the captain, and kept roaring, and then threw the captain out!

Several members of the Avengers fought alongside Ye Changge.

After fighting for a long time, the monster was finally eliminated by Ye Changge very easily.

Everyone else saw that Ye Changge just killed the monster with his fists, and their eyes were a little more surprised.

But then Ye Changge felt that this matter was not over, he recalled what the monster had said before, there is a box that can send everyone over.

But he also wanted to use this box to research "anti-ability", so that some people who didn't belong to this universe could be sent back.

Ye Changge turned around and told the rest of the Avengers about his situation.

Everyone nodded their heads one after another, saying that Ye Changge's idea was very good.

Then they also began to think about how to proceed.

The Iron Man next to him said that it would be fine to leave this matter to him.

Ye Changge searched around and finally found a box that looked like it was described.

Ye Changge quickly took the box and walked near the others.

After the others got the box, their faces showed surprise, but they also quickly took the box and handed it to Iron Man.

Iron Man naturally knew that this was the box that could help them travel through time and space, but he didn't think much about it and just took it back for research.

Ye Changge took another look at the surrounding Avengers members.

Hawkeye then said to Ye Changge at this time: "Although we have eliminated these things, there are still many enemies that have not been eliminated.

When Hawkeye said this, there was a little more discomfort in his eyes.

Others also felt that Hawkeye was right and suggested getting started quickly.

The Avengers and Ye Changge went their separate ways.

And Ye Changge also quickly walked towards the far direction.

It didn't take long for Ye Changge to appear at the location (bcbe) of a building.

Because he feels a very powerful energy here.

At this time, he suddenly saw the evil 6 appear on the ground.

But what made him incomprehensible was that those guys seemed to be in trouble too, and they even had to fight with the robots around them.

This made Ye Changge feel that things were getting messed up even more.

Ye Changge was stunned for a few seconds, but decided to get rid of those people quickly.

After Ye Changge's body instantly separated many phantoms, under the command of the long sword in Ye Changge's hand, those phantoms rushed towards the robots around the evil 6-member group.

Ye Changge quickly approached the scorpion, and the long sword in his hand slashed towards the scorpion's head.

However, the scorpion also reacted quickly. After successfully dodging, it also sent a venom attack in Ye Changge's direction, but Ye Changge successfully avoided it.

Ye Changge looked at the scorpion with a sneer on his face, and then quickly appeared on the other side of the scorpion, reaching out to grab the scorpion's tail.

The scorpion was supposed to spray its venom through its tail.

But at this time Ye Changge exerted a little force, and the scorpion's tail was instantly disconnected.

The scorpion became more frightened and kept waving his fists in the direction of departure, but it was easily eliminated by Ye Changge.

The rhino in the distance used brute force to ram in the direction of Ye Changge, but was dodged by Ye Changge.

The Rhino smashed the surrounding buildings, but failed to attack Ye Changge.

At this time, the electric man also sent electricity quickly, but Ye Changge successfully escaped.

Not only that, Ye Changge also quickly appeared beside Electroman and hit him in the stomach with a punch.

The electric man was very surprised that Ye Changge was not afraid of the electricity on his body, but then the electric man was also successfully thrown out by Ye Changge.

Those other robots also wanted to take this opportunity to attack Ye Changge. But it didn't work.

On the contrary, the shadow of the light blade in Ye Changge's hand blew up all those robots into pieces.

Ye Changge was also slightly relieved, and then decided to leave here again.

But at this moment, a deafening sound was suddenly heard in the distance.

When he looked up, he found that there was suddenly a huge equipment armor in the sky.

And in that armored armor is the devil.

The devil is standing in the equipment with a crazy smile on his face. In addition, his equipment is also equipped with the devil's logo jack-o-lantern.

After holding many demon bombs in the hands of the demon man, he also threw those bombs on the ground.

The moment it was thrown to the ground, there was a dense bombardment.

Ye Changge had no choice but to raise the protective cover to resist.

However, none of the people around were spared and fainted by the bomb.

The demon man quickly targeted Ye Changge with a crazy smile on his face.

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